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11330663 No.11330663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are traps a sign we're in a huge mouse utopia experiment?

>> No.11330680

If the mice were smarter do you think one of them would have eventually set the whole environment on fire and just ended the experiment?

>> No.11330689

Excuse me, Hiro-san?
I'm looking at the report options and I can't find "OP is an absolutely unbelievable faggot with a faggot off-topic thread and a faggot image."
Can you give me a hand?

>> No.11330695

nope, "traps" were always there, they couldn't do hormonal therapy and fake tits tho.

>> No.11330702

They would shoot up hamster wheels.

>> No.11330703
File: 241 KB, 480x270, tumblr_inline_p99dh7cFqb1rkxkhv_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if some of the mice decided to break free and go do thier own thing?

>> No.11330717

The mouse government would never allow them to be free.

>> No.11330728


>> No.11330736

It would clamp, vaccinate, and circumcise.

>> No.11330752

you can't leave
that was the point of the mouse utopia experiment

>> No.11330754

No it's an entirely cultural phenomenon. You have to understand that genetically distinct sexes are obviously real, but cultural genders are also obviously real. You have to look at the actual prevailing cultural standards of genders to understand what's going on.
Women are understood to be compassionate, loving, strong, capable, etc all the feminist bullshit. These are the prevailing cultural standards and expectations of women regardless of your personal views.
Men are understood to be stupid, violent, aggressive, hypersexual, muscular, hairy, etc, take your pick of the tv comedy dad or the rapper or pick up artists or whatever, it all congeals into a sort of confused but generally negative gender standard, which despite your personal views is the prevailing definition of the male gender.
Obviously, many men don't feel they're accurately represented by or identify with the current idea of the male gender. While they're obviously biologically male, culturally they are not men. In other times and other places, there's a well defined positive idea of the male gender with an obvious initiation into manhood, but we don't have any of that these days.
With the rising acceptance of transsexuality, a man who does not fit the cultural definition of a man (as confused and shitty as it is) is, if adhering to societal standards, not a man at all, and therefore must be a woman (or non binary or whatever other stupid buzzword).
This is why there are substantially more MtF transsexuals than FtM. This isn't an issue that effects women as much because their gender is well defined and generally positive.

>> No.11330756

We are being poisoned by microplastics thats why everyones turning into broken brained faggots

>> No.11330779
File: 23 KB, 675x687, BehaviorTree2.png.f7c78c453335685b79cdf65ae03fb24e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically npc programming 101

>> No.11330787

I don't think it's an actual experiment. I could be wrong. I'll bet there is a correllation with population in regards to transgenderism though. I sincerely hope no one becomes blackpilled enough to go out and hurt people for no reason.

>> No.11330788

Well humans are inherently social animals, we basically can't help but be influenced by other humans. Most humans obviously default to perceived norms but antisocial behavior is also typically a response to environmental social pressures.

>> No.11330822

>I sincerely hope no one becomes blackpilled enough to go out and hurt people for no reason.
define "no reason"
gang violence?
sectarian violence?
ethnic violence?
anarchist riots?
spree shooters?
serial killers?
people aren't mice, we don't bite each other's tails to assert dominance

>> No.11330838

Asserting dominance is kicking some ones ass. Or it used to be. But that is becomming less and less common in our "safer" societies.

>> No.11330880

This shit gets framed a lot as an argument for social darwinism or culling or something. What we should take from this is these mice were chronically overstimulated, and there's more than one way to be overstimulated.

>> No.11330894

You know this doesn't tell the whole story, there was was sometimes a false recovery as a double slightly lower peak in population numbers after a brief decline followed by the crash.
it still isn't explained.

>> No.11330915

The perception of a man is to be strong, dependable, and hard working. Where did you get your shitty perception of manhood? The reason there are so many MTF is because a lot of males are fucking losers and failed males due to bad education, bad parenting, porn and video game addictions, etc., and they become females because they are failed males and see no other viable option. I consider manhood just as the Greeks did and my wife loves my characteristics

>> No.11330923

he explained that he's talking about cultural perceptions, not his own or his readers', several times, learn to read

>> No.11330929

Right well that's your perception, not the dominant cultural perception. I agree with you that that's what a man should be but you have to understand we're not aligned with the dominant cultural paradigm.

>> No.11330942

I'm a tranny because I don't act like a man at all. I'm not a failed male because I never tried to be a man.

>> No.11330967

resisting group-think is not antisocial behavior, more... social norms itself may be antisocial (harmful and destructive to others, in or outside of the group) in their nature.

>> No.11330977

You did as a teenager or at least a kid. And then you met with failure and never achieved actual manhood, either because you were weak, short, unattractive to women, or had any other feminine characteristics. That's why you chose to pursue femininity.

>> No.11330980

You don't have to defend yourself to me anon but you, the individual, don't get to decide what's harmful and destructive to others. Society does that and society dictates that if you don't tolerate or even celebrate transexuality you're harming people.
Of course in these days it's hard to claim 'society' is an actual integrated thing, there's so many countercultures and subcultures and whatever, but you implicitly know which social group you're a member of and you know the norms.

>> No.11330984

Nobody perceives men like that. It's his own headcanon.

>> No.11330992

Well I never really tried to act like a man. I never acted like an alpha male. I've never really lifted because I disliked masculinity.
Maybe I'm unattractive but I've never asked a girl out on a date. I only thought that I should because I was supposed to be a dude. It's always been easier to make friends with girls rather than boys.

>> No.11330995

nah it's pretty real in the more left leaning parts of the population, it's been for a while but over the past decade or two they have gotten a lot more legitimacy and mainstream exposure than before, to the point where the memes about all men are rapists and everything is the fault of the patriarchy and so on are now permeating regular culture

for example go look at a western comedy that came out in the past ten years and tell me how often men get made fun of as the butt of jokes and how often women do

i can't stand a lot of japanese tropes and have never been that much of an anime fan, but at least they aren't severely sexist in that way, it feels like a breath of fresh air when characters of both sexes are actually treated equally in the narrative

meanwhile the west is going ever deeper towards radfem ideology, to the point where female characters in movies like ms marvel or rey skywalker can't even have any sort of personality or character flaw at all because they apparently have to represent an absolute ideal of perfection

>> No.11330999

It's not even controversial. It happens at the microbial level.
Organisms multiply, after a while waste accumulates and prevents further growth.
It's just a more complicated version of that. And no matter what you try the result is that as soon as you reach the threshold population controls itself because the living conditions become restrictive. The colony dies and over time a new one takes its place.
If humanity was going to expand to the stars and prevent that, it would already have done so. Maybe in the next cycle.

>> No.11331002


i disagree somewhat. contemporary culture enables transgenderism but it's not in any way rational to change your gender. the social consequences are almost all negative. and even if there were no social stigma, it can still render you infertile. in the worst case, people subject themselves to severely mutilating elective surgeries.

it is a mental health problem, compounded by an unhealthy culture.

>> No.11331010

Pick one and only one. For them, there is a good rationale because to them the social consequences are all positive and the surgery is a potentially life saving one.
I am not saying any of this is objectively true or accurate, but to them subjectively it is.

>> No.11331011

It doesn't need to be rational decision making that drives it. Boys are growing up taught that women are saints and men are pigs.

I remember my ~12 years younger cousin when he was like 5 years old. His father beat him and his mother, was unemployed, alcoholic, etc., while his mother and grandmother were actually decent people. So of course what the kid said when asked what he wants to be when he grows up was "a mommy". I tried telling him he could be a decent daddy but it couldn't connect in his head, because that's not what his experience was.

Now that might be a severe example, but it's basically the same thing. If it's emotionally ingrained, then the decision doesn't need to be rational at all.

>> No.11331016

Did your cousin become a tranny?

>> No.11331017

Sure, okay. But there's a more immediate, practical implication. What's the proximate problem for one of these mice? Not being able to self-regulate their level of stimulation.

>> No.11331023

I don't think so. He lives on the other side of the world now so I don't have much contact though.

>> No.11331025


and i presume that all definitions of "mental illness" are relative to some standard of "normal". is there a culturally independent definition of "normal", a culturally independent imperative? it's the ability to function and reproduce biologically. reassignment surgery destroys healthy tissue and can render you infertile. so i can think of nothing more objectively pathological than a mental disorder that results in gender reassignment.

>> No.11331026

You should send him a message and ask him how's he's doing

>> No.11331048


and this is why it's so taboo in the first place. people instinctively understand that it's not well-adjusted behavior.

>> No.11331061

The problem for the mice is that they live in an ecosystem that has extended itself to stagnation.
Ideally it would leave the colony and settle elsewhere (this is what has happened for thousands of years in humanity's history), which is impossible. So in humans it gets more complicated, since we have advanced learning it's possible to develop coping mechanisms or alternate methods to thrive in a system that is scarce, but the overall result is less members of the population thriving.
And I know there's unsettled land but just like oil drilling it becomes harder to get resources and aside from that there's political factors.

>> No.11331078

>but to them subjectively it is.

and so can't we conclude that their internal model of the world does not jibe with reality and leads them to make very irrational decisions?

it's not even a case of stubbornness or pride. they're actually castrating themselves, and to make matters worse, their neuroticism is often celebrated and defended by what appears to be a very vocal minority of self-styled progressives.

it cannot be their role in society. there must be something else they can do.

>> No.11331081


and i'm not one to talk. i make irrational decisions based on the way i think my life "should" be. i have ideals and visions. but none of them involve wearing tube socks. i don't know, people are just too fucking weird sometimes.

>> No.11331093

There are nations that have taken to importing people due to thier low birthrates. I don't know if it's a biological determinator or thier economic and cultural ways that determine the birthrate.

>> No.11331124

It's an economic fallacy, in the short term it increases the working population, in the long term it creates another wave of retirements without ever increasing resources produced.
Decreasing birth rates are probably just a self-regulating mechanism. If policy goes against nature then it will fail, it's not rocket science.

>> No.11331129

There is not actually a culturally independent definition of normal. Cultural relativity and postmodern philosophy is actually objectively correct, even if all the trannies and commies and such don't really understand it and use it to bludgeon other people with their poorly founded ideas.
This is why sociology and psychology and shit are considered soft sciences and not on the same level as hard sciences. You absolutely can not draw hard and fast conclusions because humans are inherently irrational and chaotic creatures (and this isn't even taking into account how bias obviously increases when the subject of a study is humans).
It's impossible to say exactly how any individual human will react to the environment they find themselves in. You can't really come up with a blanket solution to trannyism beyond just completely changing the environment and the culture.

>> No.11331133

Is it really "nature" that we created a consoomer system where people who have the youth to breed don't have the money to breed?

>> No.11331136

Money is just a system for resource distribution I'm not sure what you're implying.

>> No.11331144

I'm saying that, as a general tendency, the people who are in the best age range for having children don't have the money necessary for it yet, and the people who have had time to accumulate enough money to afford children are past the age where they could easily breed, or often at all.

>> No.11331145

It's in the soup at least. If everyone over 30 was dead people would be bangin away like no tommorrow.

>> No.11331195

It's not about money. That's what I'm saying. Resources if plenty would be plentifully distributed even among the needy because it buys favor for those that compete for it. I don't need to prove that aspect because it's a fact of history.
I'm not going to go into a political argument. You're not even talking about anything scientific.

>> No.11331197

Yeah, history over the past 50 years sure is proving you right. Oh wait, things are exactly the opposite.

>> No.11331204

Unemployment benefits, retirement funds, social health care.
You just proved you're an idiot in two sentences. It's only recently that countries are struggling to pay out those bread and games they used to give out like candy in the past 50 years.

>> No.11331211

Your entire argument is "resources would be plentifully distributed if bla bla bla something I am not going to explain", while the world is moving towards them being ever more scarce. Severely so in fact.

There's no reason to take what you're saying seriously, and random insults don't help.

>> No.11331216

Actual fucking retard so badly you can't even read.
Go fuck off to reddit where it's not a requirement.

>> No.11331219

Write something with substance and maybe people will read it.

>> No.11331246

Yes, and the left destroys societies.
Look at the homeless crisis in California.
Look at Sweden's bombing rate.
Look at France's poverty rate.
Look at Germany's economic crash.

>> No.11331288
File: 255 KB, 1807x1194, 1472816_cms2image-frame-2048x2048_1pbCS2_kAI42H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, in beautiful appalachia

>> No.11331303

Am I supposed to acknowledge them? This is just sad, man. Give a better example. I could lob off a thousand US cities with "faces of meth" that are far right leaning too.

>> No.11331346

because the idiots pushing for it ignore all the studies telling them that it doesn't work and costs way more long term because you still need to boost birthrates but now you've introduced hostile elements that resent the wider native population and the elites...

>> No.11331347

What if we ended he federal reserve and stopped them distorting the economy?

>> No.11331351
File: 22 KB, 499x287, 485464_2201x1266_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is more relevant to the birth rates debate

>> No.11331359

I really need a better version of this image
It's a literal downscale...

>> No.11331372

>There is not actually a culturally independent definition of normal.
Depends on what you mean by definition. Certainly there are some aspects of being human that are normal across all cultures, such as having 10 fingers, or two biological parents

>> No.11331373

>right-wing is the pro-drug side

>> No.11331386

It’s a sign we don’t beat our children enough.

>> No.11331457

Or perhaps we beat them too hard? I can never tell.

>> No.11331461

>Well humans are inherently social animals
Bullshit. You're an extrovert marginalizing introverts.