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11317163 No.11317163 [Reply] [Original]

Does everything come easier to you? I've always wondered what it's like.

>> No.11317165

Bad. It feels like you are surrounded by subhuman mongoloids 24/7, you can't connect to anyone and it cripples your reproductive success

>> No.11317196

Living among agressive retards.

>> No.11317214

imagine being poor, living among retards and having been abandoned and betrayed by an education system that is obsessed with conformity and ignores or punishes any genuine intelligence it encounters (which, while it doesn't stop you from understanding everything, it stops you from connecting with society in a meaningful way due to every potentially worthwhile employer requiring "degrees" instead of a proof of understanding)

>> No.11317215

>What does having a high IQ (140+) feel like?
bad, depressing, frustrating
>Does everything come easier to you?
yes, but its not just that, imagine you could hold more complex thoughts in your mind, things that seem obvious to you are not obvious to others and when you try to explain things people just don't get it.

Also >>11317165 is right.
The world is controlled by a vast majority of idiots and there is no solution to that problem. You have no choice but to go along with what the majority is doing/voting for. When the idiots vote away their rights, they vote away yours too. If the majority is willing to take out $50,000 in debt to go to college, if you want to go then you have to pay the inflated price as well. I feel like I live in a chimpanzee habitat at a zoo or something, surrounded by mindless monkeys.

>> No.11317217


It's more like

>someone ask ambiguous question

>did you mean it this way, this way, this way or that way
>they get confused

every time

>> No.11317245

How does it feel to be extraordinarily strong? Out of 400 men (not women), to be stronger than all of them?

It feels good, however without hard work it is of little consequence, as society is adapted for the common man - not a freak such as yourself.

>> No.11317246

Thankfully here everyone can feel like a genius, you could get your point across concisely and accurately and there will still be retards who reply without reading a single word.

>> No.11317285

Since 140 IQ is, by definition, >2std.deviations away from the mean, I imagine it's pretty alienating. Hell, being 2std. dev's above or below in any metric has to be alienating for anyone.

Thank god hobby forums (and ghettoes) exist.

>> No.11317319

Maxed out my gifted iq exam and skipped kindergarten (lol). I would walk from my middle school to a nearby highschool to take chemistry and algebra 2. But first year of high school was pretty hard, tried taking freshman chem in the form of AP chem and I burned out so hard, the teacher was insane and I barely slept, had to switch out in the third quarter cause my eye was non-stop twitching and I needed sleep. Rest of high school was easy, figured out the system and coasted to a 3.9 gpa. Also got /fit/ which was a huge help.

Most really smart people have a really easy childhood but then have walls that hit them. I had 2, in 7th grade I realized that I did not have any deep friendships, so I would watch TV and charisma vids on YT and slowly with practice I made more friends and started talking to girls more. The second wall was freshman year, I was getting an F in AP chem and a B in precalc, and I thought I was a loser. Anyway, being smart is cool, you can be witty and get away with not doing shit. You have to deal with being exceptional but that's a good problem to have. All the people itt need to socialize more, dealing with sub100iq people is kind of annoying but amusing, any educated person is easy to talk to, but to have real friends you need need to have smart people. Don't make the Me vs. Normie distinction, it's retarded and only gonna hurt you.

>> No.11317352

I have a very high IQ. It alone means very little. It's the necessary coincidence of factors that will change the course of your life. IQ is actually a fairly useless "skill" in of itself, it's just that it generally correlates with more useful ones.

So to answer your question, high IQ in isolation doesn't change much.

If you're to broaden your question to "What does it feel like to be a classical genius?". Then I can answer that a bit better. Disclaimer: There are many neurological mechanisms that can lead to genius; they will be experienced differently.

1. Your neurological networks are more efficient. Learning a new topic does not require you generate new structures within your brain- your brain is ordered generally, meaning that you can store new concepts as weights rather than new networks. This allows you to learn for much longer throughout the day, and to recall new concepts much quicker.

2. Your neurons are more sensitive to synaptic signals. This improves your memory significantly, also coordination and sensory input. With the correct optics, you will be able to resolve very fine details over long distances. You will be able to hear very small changes in waveform. You will be able to react in a more complex manner to sporadic stimuli. The "incredibly intelligent people are clumsy" thing is a meme.

3. Your associative working memory is ginormous. You are able to associate many concepts and datapoints held in your working memory. Not so much remembering long numbers, but the ability to index and connect many different concepts and ideas is probably your greatest asset intellectually.

4. You are highly motivated beyond convention. You are directly orientated to goals of your subject matter, taking cues from your results directly- not other people within your subject. You have an excellent internal reward feedback network.


>> No.11317364

(2/2 continued)

5. You are highly creative, and your academic desires have permeated your subconscious routines to the point of prolific output without conscious authorisation. For example, my brain produces advanced musical compositions without cues. Interesting mathematical relations are forwarded to my conscious region without requesting it. Etc.

6. You are talented in any subject matter that requires consideration. From art to maths, you are excellent at everything.

7. Your intuition is lightning fast with high accuracy.

8. You have complete mastery over your mind and you can control what would be ordinarily involuntary. On a basic level, this can be complete independent execution over your hands, fingers, facial muscles. More advanced, would be operation of your limbic system.

These points are what it feels like to be a top tier genius.

>> No.11317368

5. was supposedly ramanjuan

>> No.11317369

The gifted have more in common with the special. Both these groups can not function at their fullest in society which by necessity is made for normals, (there are more of them).

I agree with the people that said normals seem violent.

It is impossible to fit in. The only way to not become mad is to engage with normals, there is no alternative. Having to stoop this low all the time makes you feel pointless. Imagine never being able to run. You know you can run, but there is no place to run, you are surrounded by people who only can walk, who you would run into and crash. This makes it feel pointless to be able to run.

>> No.11317373

This, except that they not only get confused but also angry and calls you an idiot for asking for clarifications

>> No.11317375

I found out pretty young that everybody is fallible and other people, adults included, were not fit to serve as role models or provide correct evaluations in regards to information of any kind. I've always had a deep sense of horror and moral terror, astonished at the limitations of others, and furious about my own. I've also always held firmly in my belief that the world is a cruel and dangerous place filled completely with mean, nasty people, governed by conspirators, engineered like a machine designed to extract from me everything that I am able to give.

>> No.11317380

good posts

>> No.11317387

LOL that happens to me constantly and I'm not that smart. I'm pretty sure what you're describing is autism, not that the two things aren't correlated.

>> No.11317396

Imagine that genetic engineering gets so commonplace that every human being becomes like this.

>> No.11317400
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>7. Your intuition is lightning fast with high accuracy.
>4. You are highly motivated beyond convention.
I only have these two :(

>> No.11317401

Biggest larp the world has ever seen. Extreme low IQ detected. Abort, abort, abort!

>> No.11317424

>You are highly motivated beyond convention
Neurotic midwit who thinks he has a high IQ detected.

>> No.11317432


Retarded post, retarded poster.
Mildling IQ retard with delusions of grandeur.
Literal brain-damaged retard poster.
Idiot poster. Could be worse as above.
Like this one.
You don't need to be s mart, see below. I t's about being smartER than your peers. But if you're particularly smart, you are statistically always smarter than your peers.
True, see above.

>> No.11317436

>Does everything come easier to you? I've always wondered what it's like.
Here's an interesting video for you:

>> No.11317437

back to /r/eddit with you

>> No.11317438

Butthurt spastic retard is butthurt

>> No.11317442

I have an IQ of 190, all of you are idiots

>> No.11317444
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>Butthurt spastic retard is butthurt

>> No.11317451

its useless
125 is perfect

>> No.11317464

makes you feel totally isolated, depressed, sometimes even suicidal

>> No.11317468

It is difficult to say. The genetic markers for certain traits are relatively simple, but others like synaptic sensitivity are dependent on many other markers, with disastrous results if all are not accounted for. People with high neuronal performance are often treading a fine line between relative stability and epilepsy/mental illness. The action potential ideally needs to be relatively volatile without full on avalanche phenomena (epilepsy/psychosis).

It will certainly be possible to clone people, but I'm just not sure whether society has the stomach for the inevitable failures that will come from genetic modification whilst we hone the parameters and map the associations.

Pseudo intellects that get roasted in the presence of real talent. Being the best in your third world shithole doesn't mean you're smart. How many times do we have to kick you out after giving you an access program?

This has nothing to do with IQ.

>> No.11317479

Please go away. This is the over 140 IQ thread, not the under 40 IQ one. I know the difference is hard to grasp for one such as you but how about you stop posting now that you've been made aware?

>> No.11317481

Almost the same, just that solutions to problems and noticing patterns comes easier to you
Things that are intuitive to you might not be to other people

>> No.11317519

Imagine struggling in HS and thinking you are gifted. The lack of self awareness it takes to post this and think it makes you seem smart shows how low your IQ is

>> No.11317539

really high iq people are usually really neurotic and annoying

>> No.11317540

You would make a fine FOX news reporter.

>> No.11317560

Tested 148 as a kid and finished a math BS by 19 despite growing up in poverty. It's pretty normal, though it is of course impossible for me to know what being more average is like. All these LARPers saying their IQ alienated them or made them depressed just have shitty social skills. You just have to accept people won't pick things up as fast as you and avoid coming off as a condescending twat. IQ doesn't have much bearing on social alienation.

>> No.11317561

>reproductive success
You need to stop being entitled just because you are a high IQ individual if you want to find a partner. Be humble and discuss stuff instead of confronting people who don't have the same intellectual capacity as you do. Empty your cup before filling it.

>> No.11317564

give some proof anon

>> No.11317568

The problem isn't the smart person, it's the dumb person. Dumb people loathe smart people for a variety of reasons irrespective of the actions or words of the smart person. Many feel threatened by the smarter person, which can be expressed either as "fear of not being up to standards" or outright anger/jealousy, even when the smart person tries his best to correct this poor interpretation. You would know that if you were someone for whom this is relevant.

>> No.11317572

>Don't make the Me vs. Normie distinction, it's retarded and only gonna hurt you.
Smart advice

>> No.11317582

Most people feel anthagonized if an autist corrects them at every turn. And the same thing would happen to a "gifted" individual being corrected by an "even more gifted individual" if that were the case. The answer lies in being wise instead of resorting to self-pitying victim mentality "poor me I'm so smart nobody likes me".

>> No.11317589

>You just have to accept people won't pick things up as fast as you and avoid coming off as a condescending twat
Pretty much this.

>> No.11317597

Talking to the masses feels immensely draining. They're mostly interested in discussing the latest propaganda piece that grazes their Netflix queues.

>> No.11317602

I got tested with a 141 IQ and some of the posts are true, in particular that understanding abstract concepts just goes quicker. Also the lack of self awareness in most people is funny.
However most of the posts above sound like whiny bitches, boohoo I cant fit in. Seriously, get a few smart friends, and for the other people hide your power level a bit, just like you wouldn't tell everyone you're on 4chan.
Getting a good girl is harder, I met my girlfriend in a statistics class and she is not bothered by the fact that I'm a bit faster than her mentally. Most girls cannot deal with this, though.
Also sports are important, that brings you back to earth a bit and helps not being a total jackass.

>> No.11317610

>Talking to the masses feels immensely draining
I would argue its challenging
>They're mostly interested in discussing the latest propaganda piece that grazes their Netflix queues
Seems like a good excuse to challenge their preconvieced prejucides and drop info. My gf can't even list the solar system's planets in order but we had fun watching lost in space and discussing sci-fi stuff.

>> No.11317614

how do I court a girl that's much smarter than me?

I have an IQ of 147 (WAIS IV) and this girl is probably over 150, she's a med student and very cute, I feel like I have no chance, but she's a little off and awkward/weird so I don't think she gets much male attention

>> No.11317620

be sincere and comfortable with yourself, and enjoy her company naturally. Someone like that sees things long term and will value someone she knows likes her for her and isn't pretending in order to get her in bed

>> No.11317622

Is this bait?

>> No.11317636

>irrespective of the actions or words of the smart person
>>11317246 proven to be right again.

>> No.11317637

>med student
>IQ higher than 20

>> No.11317642

You are very low in intelligence though, that's not applicable to you.

>> No.11317647

>what do you mean it's hard to find a 1-in-a-million person who is on your level when you are in a city of 1 million people lol stop whining haha
Low IQ post.

>> No.11317651

>t. didn't get into med school

>> No.11317655

If you were really smart you would get what they mean from context/likelihood of what they're saying

obviously you're dumb as fuck

>> No.11317657

I was tested at ~145 in highschool and still feel like a retard fairly often when it takes me a while to figure out things that I feel should be simple. Other than having a hard time connecting to most people and constantly being bored by the kinds of things people spend an entire lifetime enjoying, it's really not that different than any other alienating personality quirk.

>> No.11317665

You have to be extremely low IQ to want to get into med school in the first place. Just the fact that being a medical doctor means you're not allowed to think should be a deterant enough, but on top of that the debt is large and the wages are nowhere near as good as people like to pretend, especially outside the US. There are plenty of jobs that both pay more than being an MD and lets you actually use your brain, yet doesn't require doing the menial memorizing-the-exam trash that's a prerequisite to be admitted in med school (and to stay in), so clearly only a brainlet would fall for this.

>> No.11317669

I think there is some competition between the general intelligence factor (something like 'book smarts') and 'socially acquired intelligence factor', the ease with which one picks up assumptions from those around them. People with more of the latter are less capable without a supporting structure like school, but on average can follow the herd with more ease

>> No.11317673

If you were any smart you'd recognize that people never mean the most obvious thing they seem to mean, and typically mean something of average likelihood, moreover that there are always at least 2 equally likely meanings to what they say (equally in the real sense, namely that they could speak the same words in the same context twice and mean the two different things). Not to mention you would also know that they base the way they speak on context you do not have access to.

>> No.11317686

says the autistic retard who actually has low IQ.

>> No.11317688

Sure, that's entirely possible. I wouldn't exactly say I'm socially incapable, I would just say that I kind of just need to wear a mask when I hang around with most people because if I talk about the kind of things that actually interest me I get stared at like I have 9 heads for even knowing my interests exist. That's also not uncommon for people with asperger's, but I've been told it's pretty common for people with high enough intelligence that it actually acts as a socially maladaptive factor as well.

>> No.11317691


>> No.11317697

Am dumb but I don't loathe anyone.

>> No.11317704

You people all think that, then as soon as you meet someone that has the right set of properties, this changes. I know you believe what you're saying is true, but it's just how it is.

>> No.11317709

My friend is smart. I don't loathe him in any way. I've also been in class with fairly intellectual guys. Not even once have I thought ill about them.

>> No.11317715

Cure cancer

>> No.11317728

>irrespective of the actions or words of the smart person
Nothing is irrespective of action or words, its all submitted to interpretation though. You seem to have a superiority complex anon. No wonder you feel any person who looks dumber in your eyes sees you with jelousy or anger.

>> No.11317731

Lowest IQ post ITT.

>> No.11317733

Tested 145 as a kid. Not very special tb.h. People I meet always seem to like me, but it might have more to do with the fact that I am fairly good looking (as many different people have told me independently on separate occasions) and am very empathetic.
Aside from that, my daily life is pretty normal. I do notice some things faster than most but ever since I started grad school, most of my friends are very clever people, so I do not feel that special in that respect either.
I also want to add that, as long as you can exercise patience and empathy, I don’t think you will ever have trouble dealing with people. This misunderstood genius trope needs to end.
The smartest people I know are very social. They do have some pretty obscure hobbies (exploring the Bible, ancient history, ancient languages etc.) but it does not come at the expense of being able to have normal conversations with people. Much to the contrary. They are all fairly popular

>> No.11317734

>no u
Literally the lowest possible level of discussion.

>> No.11317736

That's unironically what I'm working on.

>> No.11317737

Some things yes, other things no. I think what a high-IQ mind is comparatively better at is heuristic pattern recognition - seeing how this thing is similar to these other things without having to consciously analyze it - and that might be one explanation why we learn things more readily. That said, if I put the blocks in the wrong holes figuratively speaking, it can be harder for me to pick up on even comparatively simple stuff versus people who think in a straightforward manner.

(Should also say that I was tested over 140 as an elementary school kid, and I was told that results can vary significantly over time. So maybe I'm only a 120 IQ brainlet.)

>> No.11317739

>exploring the Bible, ancient history, ancient languages
>the smartest people I know
>grad school
astrology is not grad school and 45 IQ is not the same as 145.

>> No.11317741
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>Lowest IQ post ITT.

>> No.11317746


>> No.11317747

I said hobby, all of them are mathematicians

>> No.11317753

(>>11317704) ---> This is not me. You certainly seem low IQ because you can't understand some basic elements of a real conversation and are just spamming the thread

>> No.11317759

funny how this thread is basically retards calling each other low iq

>> No.11317760
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Am I lonely virgin hated by everyone because I'm a self-entitled arrogant dickhead who thinks the world revolves around me?

Nope, must be cause of my high Eye Queue

>> No.11317767

>another my social life is bad because of my high IQ cope thread

>> No.11317768

Whatever you say, 45 IQ astrologist.

>> No.11317779

>1in a million
>standard normal distribution quantile (1-10^-6)=4.75
>iq~N(100,15)-> IQ of 166.5
>lying on an Indian street shitting forum

>> No.11317782

sure thing, buddy

>> No.11317787

I'm not your buddy, pal

>> No.11317788

You really don't understand. It isn't really about being confrontational or otherwise obnoxious, all it takes is doing something that is obviously impossible for them.

>> No.11317790

Good luck

>> No.11317815

No. Such "highly intuitive" people have substandard intelligence, but they often think highly of themselves, because they can nearly always find an answer, but lackthe ability to tell if it's a good answer. In fact, even if they score somehow on IQ tests, they are typically still dumb as hell.

>> No.11317870
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Talking about "IQ" on 4chan is unproductive. It just turns into idiots LARPing as geniuses.
This is what all prideful idiots believe. (Pic related.) If you were actually intelligent, you would find a career or hobby and be able to compete at the professional level and find like-minded people. Instead you stay inside, develop a superiority complex, and then you develop a victim complex to protect the superiority complex from being shattered.
I don't disagree that the education system and society neglect people with certain strengths and potentials, but if you allow yourself to be subjected to that it just makes you a weakling. You people have no justification for your superiority complexes.

Not even going to read the rest of the thread. If you can't see the extreme superiority and victim complexes in this thread, and you desire a better life, then you need help. See a therapist if you can.

>> No.11317878

Take an English class. You seem to be the only one here displaying obvious signs of sub-standard intelligence.

>> No.11317882

I'm getting good results right now but the whole field is fucked and most research out there is made up bullshit and completely unreproducible (or outright debunkable with little to no effort).
I am elaborating a new computational model that should reveal significantly more accurate results for immunopeptide identification, but I found out that potential competitors, while they fail completely at the task they purport to support (and use manipulated metrics to lie about it), actually perform almost as well as me in the context I designed. I'm still doing much better but it's a tough sell with just this.
After I'm through with this part we have novel data which we plan to use to reveal new information about the origin of MAPs which we hope will lead to identification of potentially targetable cancer-specific MAPs.

>> No.11317883

>but you are not allowed to be supereeeeeeor
This thread is about people who are highly superior you fucking imbecile.

>> No.11317886 [DELETED] 

Not my native language and it's good enough to bother.

>> No.11317890

I never said nobody is allowed to be superior. The fact that you are unable to understand my post, and instead respond to an argument fabricated by yourself should say a lot about your intelligence.
Turn off 4chan and think to yourself how somebody who sits inside all day doing nothing but masturbating, playing videogames and shit-talking on 4chan might be inferior to somebody with some real passion or hobby.

>> No.11317894

>score somehow high on IQ tests.

>> No.11317902

Ok code monkey

>> No.11317910

Did you start learning English last week? If you have 1 week of experience, this is impressive. I know plenty of borderline-retard ESLs who are far more fluent than you are.

>> No.11317915

I think anyone with half a fucking brain comes to these conclusions eventually.

>> No.11317918

That's called depression. Go outside. Visit a pub. Alcohol is the great equalizer.

>> No.11317936

Yes, the problem is that "half a fucking brain" means 1.5 SD above average.

>> No.11317945

Do you have mommy issues? I think anybody with an early-life separation from their family or from society feels these things.

>> No.11317959

People around 120 IQ are very interesting as a result because they tend to think in a way sort of similar to me but miss out on small details, sometimes critical.
All normal people are either just people or aggressive violent retards. Thankfully most of the violent retards are the ones that end up working full-time as a cashier so I don't have to deal with them that much.

>> No.11317961

I have an IQ of 173 but I also drink a lot every day

>> No.11317972

My IQ is high 130's, I'm getting my third degree (first two were liberal arts then CS, now comprehensive physics) I've had sex with probably 65-70 women. Many of them I've had relationships with or wanted to get married. Women only care about how you make them feel and how you look. If you want to relate to a person you have to genuinely understand their point of view. I don't have any idea how a bunch of people that base their entire self worth on something like IQ or intellectual ability expect any normal person to relate to that. Recognizing patterns and holding an above average amount of information in your short term memory doesn't make you superior to anyone. Litterally nobody gives a shit. These days with PC culture the way it is most good women don't even fucking care what you look like anymore. If you want friends or a breeding partner you have to realize that other people can see and hear you at all times. It's fucking off-putting when you're spazzing out in public, talking to yourself when you're doing homework, not fucking bathing, wearing the same clothes everyday for months, making weird ass references to obscure useless shit and expecting people to care. You might think that fucking off all human norms is somehow noble, but in reality you just send the message that you're a fucking prick that doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks or feels. Then you complain about being lonely. It's asinine and delusional. Cut your hair, go to the gym, force yourself into social situations, hit the pub (alcohol is the great equalizer). Yes, you are sacrificing time that could be spent doing something else, researching something else, obsessing over gpa's and mathematics and anime lore and all that shit. All you IQ jockeys are missing out on what it means to really be human. Women are fucking amazing. Sex is amazing. Getting drunk with your best friend at a pub and fistfighting some fucker in the alley is visceral as fuck, even if you lose.

>> No.11317973
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Good thing is you can set in front of yourself the most of ambitious goals, and it takes you only a decade to achieve them.
Bad thing is the people around you may think you're insane, because your ideas are incomprehensible to them.
But then again to find support in this sad world is just another ambitious task, so I guess it will take me another ten years to develop the immortality system, since I've invented it.

>> No.11317979

Nobody fucking cares go to the pub, ya shit in.

>> No.11317991

>My IQ is 13 and I'm high as fuck

>> No.11318002

Lol this guy gets it.

>> No.11318012

It feels like reading a book and not having a TV in your house. You want to have a 240 iq? Stop watching TV and read a book.

>> No.11318024
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What books do you read? Some fiction, I presume

>> No.11318037

TV in 2020 is for people with outrageously low IQ. Normal-IQ'd people have computers.
Books have always, always been for low-IQ'd people who want to appear that they're high IQ.

>> No.11318038
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>you will never be high IQ

>> No.11318076

No, you don't understand. when you have such extreme IQ, everybody around you is retarded and you basically have two options:
1. Try treating everyone as equal, and be Mr Autismo who talks about and does things nobody else understands or cares about.
2. Accept that everyone else is retarded and treat them as such.

>> No.11318099

You definitely have an unjustified superiority complex. You are only able to respond to self-created strawmans and you're only able to think of two options for any scenario. Go into the real world and you will realize how much you lack on every level. Intellectually, socially, and physically. You are lacking. You are a sad excuse for a human being, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can improve.

>> No.11318109

And what this guy is saying is that being smarter is not a licence to be an asshole.
This is the edgy teen in you talking. Well-balanced adults treat people with respect and compassion.
There is really nothing to be gained in being a dick. However, by acknowledging that anyone could have something to teach you, you open yourself to new experiences and personal growth.

>> No.11318132


>> No.11318145


Imagine unifying physics so thoroughly and clearly that you can run the equation on a computer and see the 4 forces for yourself, then spending months trying to teach it to anyone who would listen for the benefit of humanity, and still not a single person is smart enough to understand what you have done even though they can see it with their own eyes.

It feels like that.

Lesson? Don't try and impress the world with your intelligence, Anon. No one will listen or care. People respond to two things. Money and force, so if you want to impress the world then funnel it in that way. Trump managed both, and Dan Blizerian looks to be on that path too. The smartest people aren't nerds studying quantum physics, they are guys like Dan Blizerian. I guarentee his IQ is astronomic.

>> No.11318152

I'm not even saying that people inherently deserve respect. I'm just saying that people are more complex than to be classified by "YOURE EITHER A SUB 90 IQ RETARD, A 110 IQ MIDWIT, OR A 140 IQ GENIUS". /sci/ treats IQ like a personality test at this point.
When "IQ" is your only defining characteristic, then it's clear enough that you have no clear skills or accomplishments and you're desperate for gratification. These people are lying to themselves. Even if you did score 140 IQ on a test, that's no justification to spend your life masturbating and playing videogames all day. A 140 IQ compulsive masturbater with no self-discipline deserves less respect than a 100 IQ person who is dedicated and becomes skilled in something.
I know people who aren't naturally impressive, yet they spend their time doing meaningful things. They have actual hobbies and passions. They don't spend their time watching Netflix and using Instagram like most normies do. They don't spend their time masturbating and playing videogames like most of the people here do. These 100 IQ people who develop themselves are better than the undeveloped "140 IQ" 4channers who are basically useless.

>> No.11318161

Bad post about being borderline retarded due to social anxiety and lack thereof of any social skills, while being a schizo incoming, I've taken 5 melatonin pills because I can't sleep otherwise so forgive the layout of the text.

Worst is scoring very high on performance IQ and low on EQ and verbal IQ, in conversations(did IQ test for my schizophrenia diagnosis), I feel I come off as a bumbling retard and all my sagacity is only visible when people bury through my grey matter and reveal my knowledge, and being a quick thinker/learner. It's also hell to be lazy because I have an incredibly easy time to learn concepts but I never make effort to master them, when I do tests, I soar through them, finishing within minutes, but because I just go through them quick without checking my answers or reading the questions fully, I make small errors or answer something completely different. I score a lot lower as a result. I didn't go through 7 and 8th grade due to becoming depressed when my grandma passed(school system let me do some tests at home and they felt I just had to finish 9th grade in a retard school to let me enter gymnasium)- (1/2)

>> No.11318163

(2/2) The idea of death is not what frightens me, it's just never being able to see these people again completely crushes me. I also have an incredible difficulty differentiating between someone showing admiration or if someone's mocking me surreptitiously, I'm not sure if I should blame my paranoid schizophrenia or if it's my lack of social skills. I also feel bad when I can't explain a concept to someone in class for example, I know exactly what you're supposed to do but when I try to talk, "a wall of words form for every word I want to say in a sentence", it's hard to describe, but it makes it difficult to choose what words to use and not to use. I'm hoping to become a mathematician or astronomic physicist or something alike, I really like maths but I never fucking study for it so I only know the fundamentals. I also skip school a lot, last Friday I had to do two tests in one sessions so I could pass the course. I'm not doing trigonometry and I have no idea how it works because I either didn't learn it back in grade school or I didn't pay enough attention last year.

tl;dr: people tell me I'm intelligent, but I feel very unintelligent. I'm going to bed, but please, give me advice on how to become truly educated and master in what I want to master, I am in 2nd year of gymnasium at the age of 21 and I'm passing with good grades but I want to know this stuff for life...

>> No.11318166

based, are you me?

>> No.11318179

I don't think you understand. Many, many gifted people waste major parts of their lives thinking others don't WANT to talk with them becuase they are not willing to accept that fact. You can't talk with others as with your equals, the problem is on their side. The best thing you can do is to simplify your interactions to the level they will be able to understand and seek the few who are like you. It is the only way.

>> No.11318197

Lol'd hard. Keep on trucking, mental midget.

>> No.11318236

All right, let me read your "third option" if your inferiority complex allows you.

>> No.11318255

Meh, exactly the same as always. You feel slightly superior to everyone that acts like a NPC or normie but if you live with academics or students at a top Uni you end up feeling normal or even retarded at times due to being arrogant and then refuted.

>> No.11318264

>getting an F in AP Chem and B in PreCalc
So you're retarded then. Anyone could do those at freshman year.

>> No.11318270

t. 110 IQ retard.

>> No.11318287

>4. You are highly motivated beyond convention.
I am, but only for things I'm interest me.

>> No.11318289

You are unable to simplify things because you are lazy, narcissistic, or socially retarded (or a combination of the three). What's the difference between understanding a concept dressed in plain speech, and understanding a concept dressed in jargon? Similar thing with hygiene. The same way you are unable to make your words pleasant and presentable, you are likely unable to make yourself physically pleasant and presentable.
The two options you listed were:
>Treat everyone as equal
>Treat everyone as retarded
If you're unable to think of any options aside from these two, you must have something wrong with you. You try to put everyone in the world into one box. You must be socially retarded if you're unable to understand what is appropriate to say and when. You can treat some people as superiors, some people as equals, some people as eager students who want to learn from you, and some people who are either uninterested or too stupid to understand. Putting the entire world in one box is stupid. Do you really wonder why you fail at social interactions, or do you know the answer and hide it from yourself to maintain your superiority complex?

>> No.11318302
File: 147 KB, 421x434, i am a genius everyone else is stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr im smort im relly relly smort
No you fucking retard you are not smart at all. It's just that you were born in a shit country where parents were made to believe the stupid measure that IQ is. You now have an entire generation of midwits who think they are smart but can't even get to USAMO or maintain a fucking 4.0 GPA for the sake of their lives. They talk and bark and bark and bark about a test they did when they were 3 years old and everytime they fail at something EVERYONE SLIGHTLY CAPABLE IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO DO they go "nooo bruh it's just that I'm lazy". No faggot it's just that you're a dumb fucktard that believes himself to be smart. It's not like I'm saying "if you're so smart why don't you cure cancer", it's even simpler.

"If you are so smart, why do you fail at education? Why do you blame others for not having any kind of will to do shit?"
"If you are so smart, why the hell do you cannot compare to everyone else who seems to have accomplished more than you without being a 'genius'?"
"If you are so smart, how the fuck haven't you found a place where you get around other smart people?"
"If you have, why the hell do you still feel superior even though everyone else has the same or even higher IQ than you? Aren't you just an arrogant nigger?"
"If you are so smart, why everything you say in the internet is so, fucking, dumb? Why can't you bring yourself to show an 'opinion' that is, slightly, just slightly, smart?"

No man, you're not smart, you are dumb, dumb as fuck in fact.

I'm the only one that matters; I'm a genius, everyone else is fucking stupid.

>> No.11318306

Stop projecting anytime, mental midget
>gpa as an indication of literally anything at all

>> No.11318309

Dog that's the point. When smart, getting a 4.0 is such an easy feat. I didn't even study and coasted through most of my APs and College Courses (the workload was a problem though).

But then I have these faggots that claim to be "smart but lazy", yeah sure fag, you celebrate when you don't study and barely get a B, it's not like every other smart guy gets an A with no effort tranny.

>> No.11318317

My fucking sides! AAAAH Do you know how expensive they are? You better pay up for saying such delicious jokes!

>> No.11318319

What you describe is a condition called keepingyourvirginityintolateadulthoodterism. Have sex

>> No.11318324

If you think it's that's so unbelievable then you certainly are not smart. Just sayin'

>> No.11318325

Hello based kek

>> No.11318346
File: 124 KB, 1178x1042, global boker faise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subhuman mongoloids 24/7
mongoloids have the highest IQs though my rapebaby

>> No.11318350

My sides are currently leaving andromeda and it's all your fault. How am I ever going to catch them at this rate? If only you had non-negative IQ this would not have happened.

>> No.11318355

I may be retarded, but you're deluding yourself if you think that everyone could do AP chem freshman year.

>> No.11318358

we don't ask questions like "what does it feel like to have x iq (compared to having some lesser y iq)" because we are smart enough to realize that there is no way we can know what it feels like to be anything other than how we are.

t. 134 +-2 iq

>> No.11318362

>I don't think you understand
>wahh no one understands what I've been through
>Everyone hates me because I'm so smart
Delusion. Self-pity. Resentment. Seek a therapist.

>> No.11318370

Not everyone is clinically retarded like you, hombre.

>> No.11318377

It may be because I come from a prep school from Cali but yeah, there were quite a few (>15) every year that took AP Chem in freshman year or earlier and got an A on it. And they were not treated as "geniuses" or so, because almost everyone else did something similar (AP Calc in freshman or sophomore, AP Physics starting in freshman, etc).

>> No.11318382

>taking this long to detect the patturn, low iq detected

>> No.11318387

Dude, I can destroy you whenever I feel like it. I expect a bit of respect from your part if you don't wanna be dead.

>> No.11318397

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the MIT, and I've been involved in numerous secret classes at Harvard, and I have over 300 confirmed IQ. I am trained in gorillalgebra theory and I'm the top chemist in the entire US academic forces. You are nothing to me but just another retard. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of professors across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your GPA. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can teach you in over seven hundred languages, and that's just with my bare chalk. Not only am I extensively trained in chalkboard writing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the American Teachers Association and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the universities, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit test questions all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking failing, kiddo.

>> No.11318401

it made me gay

>> No.11318402

>every single time these threads hit over 200 replies in less than two day
Top Kek

>> No.11318407

Lol 3.9 gpa and tied for valedictorian, real struggle. Just highlighted how smart people have a really high risk of just fucking up, this board is a perfect example. I had never studied before and Chem wasn't something I could BS. I've seen people way smarter than me turn into themselves and abuse opiods or just be wholly silent spergs. I wasn't trying to brag which is why I highlighted my failures. Kills me to see smart people waste their potential because they were "rejected" by society or something.
Good job anon!

>> No.11318412

Thanks for proving you're a literal mental gnome.

>> No.11318413

My aunt has one of those its nothing compared to the exceptional men found throughout history.

>> No.11318421
File: 7 KB, 250x201, 1579193345020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IQ is a meme

>> No.11318434

Cool, I was the first to do this at my school(school in a large urban area), the second was a kid that was on my math team, kid was a genius, but he literally told me less than 25 words in the 3 years I knew him. How does AP Calc in freshman year work though? What classes do the kids take in middle school?

>> No.11318444

It's called helicopter parents doing their job.
There are programs (Math Academy, for instance) that allow students to take fucking BC in 8th grade, that's insane.

>> No.11318451

is she hot?

>> No.11318452

>Does everything come easier to you?

>> No.11318453

It's pretty comfy and not nearly as bad as these autismos here would have you believe. People admire intelligence. You can get along with anyone as long as you're not too autistic to relate to them. Hell, I can get along with little kids, dogs, whoever it may be regardless of how vast the difference in intelligence might be.

>> No.11318463

>People admire intelligence.
How to spot the negative IQ underageb&.

>> No.11318466

then ill rape u

>> No.11318472

You're only proving me right. You don't understand, on the literal level, what I wrote. You still didn't provide any third alternative except vague nonsense.
Try going somewhere with people who are on average 68 IQ points below you and tell me how it went, how they udnerstood you perfectly when you just stopped thinking you're supperior and talked to them like with any other person.

>> No.11318474

ritart fack ur mama bich

>> No.11318482

Holy shit I just looked at it, this reeks of asian. Even the best private schools here just are more rigorous and might have you done with algebra 2 in 8th. Crazy stuff, can't imagine being one of those kids, they're either really smart or they've got expensive tutors. Wait, I just looked, are they basically graduating HS with a damn degree in math? Do they take other subjects?

>> No.11318610

yes they do take other subjeccts. they are very, very hardworking. i taught some of them. They don't show any sign of minding doing 12 hours days of work all day every day, and they are never discouraged by short term academic setbacks or dream of a less rigorous life

>> No.11318801

Wow this is literally me, also my IQ is 187 life is suffering having to walk among sub 140 plebs

>> No.11318863

Depression, binge drinking and anhedonia have destroyed what intelligence I had. Now I'm just a dope trying to pick up the pieces.

>> No.11318944

Incredible, though you have to wonder, is it really worth it? Do you know how their social lives are? What about the job prospects? Sorry for all the questions but this is very interesting.

>> No.11318973

Only two good posts in this entire thread.


>> No.11318983


Mine is close to 140 and it's not that great, you end up always seeing through peoples motives and it's impossible not to critique everything around you and everything that is said to you and find holes. So essentially, it's not great for sociallizing, BUT it is great for dominating.

>> No.11318989

Shes a news anchor if that means anything

>> No.11318995

no you have to get the Devil to give you a brain hemorrhage in order to lower your IQ so you can actually get some fucking work done instead of giving yourself mental illnesses you created because you're smart enough to get your mind twisted in knots but not smart enough to untie them

>> No.11319081

>143 iq
>barely make it
wouldn't really say things come easier. Most things actually come harder. I had to watch some really vapid basedboy shit on netflix and make an instagram just to understand what the people in a group a friend invited me to were saying. It's fucking ridiculous how some people can eat, shit, breathe, and just consume shitty media until they die. Also, people with similar intelligence to me tend to be fucking mongs (half of these people in these threads for instance) who do little aside from stroking their dicks and reading the feedback from their last test. I know I might sound like a mong sometimes too, so I don't really interact much. To you 145+ guys in this thread who feel the need to talk about how much trouble you have because of your big brain, and how much the savages. You sound like a whiny bitch. You are not unique in any big way. You will do nothing but crowd over math shit like an autistic bird with straw until you die, another number to the graph. If you weren't, you wouldn't be on /sci/ feeding your fragile ego. While other people cannot do the shit me and you can do, it doesn't mean you are amazing or something. There are millions of us, and yet only about 12 do something worthwhile. Until you can do something worthy of that intelligence, cut the shit. Meanwhile, people below our iq are doing shit we couldn't dream of. And so, i'm just gonna keep to myself, since everyone is retarded and think they're unique
so good thread anon, doubt I contributed much.

>> No.11319089

You have more in common with dumb people than average ones. average iq people are really annoying and you rather forge a paternalistic relationship with the dumb ones.

>> No.11319179 [DELETED] 

Literally everybody seems to think I'm a arrogant, know it all, asshole if I don't put on my third wheel or just stay in my head.

>> No.11319186

4.0 GPA is more about meeting what the institution wants you to perform well in rather than having a big brane.

>> No.11319213 [DELETED] 

Literally everybody seems to think I'm a arrogant, know it all, asshole if I hide my power level or just stay in my head.

>> No.11319231

160+ as a kid, 147 as a young adult, feels like shit

>> No.11319234

t. Alan Turing

>> No.11319238

>2. Your neurons are more sensitive to synaptic signals. This improves your memory significantly, also coordination and sensory input. With the correct optics, you will be able to resolve very fine details over long distances. You will be able to hear very small changes in waveform. You will be able to react in a more complex manner to sporadic stimuli. The "incredibly intelligent people are clumsy" thing is a meme.
>3. Your associative working memory is ginormous. You are able to associate many concepts and datapoints held in your working memory. Not so much remembering long numbers, but the ability to index and connect many different concepts and ideas is probably your greatest asset intellectually.
>4. You are highly motivated beyond convention. You are directly orientated to goals of your subject matter, taking cues from your results directly- not other people within your subject. You have an excellent internal reward feedback network.
>5. You are highly creative, and your academic desires have permeated your subconscious routines to the point of prolific output without conscious authorisation. For example, my brain produces advanced musical compositions without cues. Interesting mathematical relations are forwarded to my conscious region without requesting it. Etc.
>6. You are talented in any subject matter that requires consideration. From art to maths, you are excellent at everything.
>7. Your intuition is lightning fast with high accuracy.
>8. You have complete mastery over your mind and you can control what would be ordinarily involuntary. On a basic level, this can be complete independent execution over your hands, fingers, facial muscles. More advanced, would be operation of your limbic system.

can confirm

>> No.11319240

>>11317163 (OP)
Literally everybody seems to think I'm a arrogant, know it all, asshole if I don't hide my power level or just stay in my head.

>> No.11319262

Same. I don't even try to be this way. It's very frustrating because it makes it difficult to make friends.

>> No.11319701

No matter what your IQ is you will just feel 'normal' but you won't understand why people duller than you can't do what you can do and you won't understand how people more gifted than you can do things you can't.

>> No.11319714

You know how they say ignorance is bliss? Having a high IQ is like the opposite of that.

>> No.11319740
File: 832 KB, 1357x658, Part 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably young yet. You've only managed to figure out that the world is rather shitty. But you're yet to figure out how to make your life awesome. High IQ is one of the best gifts life could present you with. Because absolute intelligence has the potential to solve absolutely eveything and make every wish come true (so wish carefully, sometimes it takes some real mental gymnastic to convert some malevolent wishes into something ambiadvantageous)

>> No.11319742

You could try visiting africa or a ghetto area to get an idea.

>> No.11319746

when you look at a simple math problem, you immediately know what's going on and why it's the way it is.
having 140+ IQ gives you the same feeling like above but with much harder problems. you see patterns where most can't see anything. because of that you learn extremely quickly.
but again, this doesn't make you conjure up knowledge out of nowhere. unless you are given sufficient data, you won't be able to do anything like a retard. kind of like having a system of equation which has infinitely many solution because it holds insufficient data.

>> No.11319762

>High IQ is one of the best gifts life could present you with.
only true when specific conditions are satisfied
> Because absolute intelligence has the potential to solve absolutely eveything and make every wish come true
no intelligence is absolute. no amount of intelligence or knowledge will turn you into a god. moreover, having motivation is a common problem among high IQ people. we tend to have romantic goals which are impossible to get even with hard work. on the other hand, things attainable are boring and tasteless. we can very easily spiral towards self destruction because of how indifferent everything is for us

>> No.11319812
File: 75 KB, 650x650, r5TaC9tMNiM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only true when specific conditions are satisfied
Oh? And what conditions must that be?
>no intelligence is absolute. no amount of intelligence or knowledge will turn you into a god.
both god and absolute are abstractions, which are perfect for setting goals you don't want to be ever satisfied completely, but you can gradually approach that goal and have pleasure of that becoming all the time, it's an inexaustible source of pleasure if you really look at it.
> having motivation is a common problem among high IQ people
because the most of thing people work for are not fucking worth it! Aim higher, ignore what retards around you recommend.

>> No.11319818

How are we defining successful? reproductively we're seeing problems.

>> No.11319835

I think the main benefit of high IQ is impulse control, but it makes a lot of people seem like they have very little free will compared to you and are just automatons

>> No.11319864

>high IQ is impulse control,
IQ has nothing to do with impulse control.

>> No.11319876

Pretty much this but you're not constantly thinking about how smart you are, it's more you tend to overestimate how smart others are and can't believe how stupid they turn out to be

Intelligence is also only useful applied so retards dick waving about their IQ (regardless of a test being accurate) are retarded regardless, they also likely took more than one test/"studied" defeating the entire purpose. Regardless everyone is going to go "omg that's me everyone else is so stupid", maybe that's true and I'm an idiot, but my identity isn't tied to my perceived intelligence

>> No.11319881

>what makes a genius: what I perceive myself as
Okay anon

>> No.11319891
File: 67 KB, 600x400, TV5qDytHEUY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You set your goals and your achieve them, and on to the next one, on to the next one, on to the next one.

>> No.11319902

Are you unironically retarded, impulse control in terms of controlling strong compulsions has nothing to do with intelligence and can easily be fixed/alleviated with certain substances, notably serotonin and NAC. As far as impulse control in regards to not making stupid decisions goes, that's simply underthinking decisions (entire brain is stupid) rather than an actual malfunctioning part of the brain (specific part not inherently correlated with intelligence isn't working right (typically mood related disorders occur due to the same circuit fucking up in different ways which is why treatment for OCD/anxiety treats a ton of other ones and why the same ones (again we're not talking neurodegenerative like schizophrenia) aren't really linked to intelligence)))

God the pseudoscience on here since the election is ridiculous

>> No.11319932

it tells me that Quantum physics is a lie and some people made it up and based it on unprovable imaginary physical plane to gain respect and make names for themselves, and others followed their names to do same and some gain phd degrees and even write theses out of thin air.

quantum physics was faux gold found in retarded modern academic systems, and scientific domain.

>> No.11320054

It all sounds cool on paper, but I feel like you base your ideas on an anime plot rather than life.
Growth is great until life hits you with something you are powerless against. Think about someone who is super intelligent and has a great potential until a twist of fate crashes his chances.
> ignore it, aim higher and so on
It's all cool until someone loses an eye. Some heights are impossible to get and at some point you may get disappointed with what you got and how you grew.

>> No.11320073

Seek for opportunity in every problem, not promlem in every opportunity.
Life hits hard sometimes, get harder. or more ellastic. But those who want seek for opportunities, those who don't seek for excuses.
If you have an unsolvable problem, smoke some weed and think again. But don't get addicted to it, and don't mix it with booze, give up booze completely, that shit is depressant.

>> No.11320099

My boyfriend has an IQ of 145 (mine is 110, for comparison) and he seems to be struggling with life the same way as anyone else. The difference is his goals are harder to achieve than mine.

I think you should try to be the best version of yourself, whether your IQ is 100 or 150.

>> No.11320109

>it's more you tend to overestimate how smart others are and can't believe how stupid they turn out to be
yes. until you realize everybody is reatarded and get amazed when they say something inteligent

>> No.11320117


>> No.11320139

I'm heterosexual but thanks for your very useful reply

>> No.11320152

why would a heterosexual male date a guy?

>> No.11320164

> tries to demand some titties
please, do it at /b/

>> No.11320220

>He's still LARPing
We got the joke already. When you drag it on for so long it becomes less funny.

>> No.11320301

>this can be complete independent execution over your hands, fingers, facial muscles.
Hahahaha. Anon in the bathroom wiggling his ears in the mirror "oh what a burden great genius is"

>> No.11320308

>playing rachmaninoff's etude Op39 6
>lmfao bro just wiggle your fingers bro hahaha just wiggle your fingers!!!


>> No.11320524

As a high iq autist I can say I feel very alienated from all of my peers and struggle to form connections. I always thought I was more determined in problem-solving but later on, realized that most people just don't see the patterns that I do. Even being high IQ I never look down on anyone, unlike some people. Everyone is balanced in their own way with things they're good at. It sucks because some times people are balanced with a skills in something that is just not in demand.
I honestly wish everyone would shut the fuck up about IQ and personality tests and focus on things that actually matter instead of wasting their life on useless things. It's not about what you were given at birth it's about how you decide to use it.

>> No.11320699

>Everyone is balanced in their own way with things they're good at.
Unfortunately, not true.

>It's not about what you were given at birth it's about how you decide to use it.
What you're given at birth matters immensely. It's just that when it isn't so clear to people, they tend to ignore it. Nobody thinks a 5'2" guy will be great at basketball, but sure, anyone can study physics if they just try really hard.

>> No.11320788

This is what a slightly above intelligent person feels like.
A truly intelligent person can explain anything, to anyone.
Where as you, become frustrated that you cannot convey even the simplest of ideas.

>> No.11320796

fucking retard implying based schizos like terry davis have reddit iq

>> No.11320817

> t. 125iq brainlet

>> No.11320989

Based mindset anon

>> No.11320996

>things that seem obvious to you are not obvious to others and when you try to explain things people just don't get it.
This could just mean you’re stupid

>> No.11321022

Yes but that's what everyone says, let's say you nearly hit a car while driving, you could come up with any number of reasons that your specific circumstance was reasonably justified, but if someone else did the same to you you just assume they're an idiot

Similarly everyone has reasons for thinking they're not an idiot but they assume they're the only ones with compelling reasons to believe so and everyone else is just stupid pretending to be smart. It's a mess

>> No.11321046

I was an absolute retard until my mid 20s and something changed, I started over thinking things and in turn actually started fucking studying and learning, which in fact is what raises intelligence (certain drug use, meditation and aerobic exercise along with learning shit that isn't memorization) matters significantly

The problem is like my previous self, people have no internal and barely any external motivation to do basically anything productive, so they just don't, their brain rots and it becomes a cycle. They don't eschew productive habits out of laziness, they simply don't know how important they are and lack the ability to manipulate their own brain into doing productive things without resistance. Hell I barely passed intro Spanish classes in middle/highschool because I simply was too much of a fuck up to do anything then in my 20s taught myself German to a currently intermediate level because I'm extremely proactive about making sure I do anything right along with maintaining top of my class (stem postgrad currently) while putting minimal effort in

Enjoying learning is far more important than intelligence but the former facilitates the latter and vice versa, dumb people also tend to struggle relatively with bad explanations as opposed to an inability to grasp a concept but it does take longer. Shrooms/acid and associated can temporarily supercharge learning with proper doses but I've rambled enough
>>11320699 see above

Schizophrenia circumstantially can leave people mentally intact with anti-psychotics but it is a neurodegenrate disease with a causal relationship with serious cognitive deficits, although it also commonly manifests in response to your brain already being fucked up, e.g. frying dopamine/serotonin receptors with excessive MDMA/coke use

Reddit is also unironically less stupid than 4chan at this point

>> No.11321142

Buddy there are literally thousands of average teenagers playing rach etudes every day. That wouldn't even make you a high achiever in a mediocre conservatory, never mind LE GENIUS hahahahaha.

>> No.11321168

Yep. The only significant difference that's obvious to me is certain things just come naturally that are a chore for other people. A good (if simple) comparison is the difference between someone with perfect pitch and someone without it.

>> No.11321273

An endless frustration.

>> No.11321279

>140+ IQ
>...reproductive success
You forgot your period.

>> No.11321526

It's weird that you only respond to the low effort posts made by other people and delude yourself into thinking that I made those posts, yet you ignore the post I made here >>11318289
I'm going to quote the post that you chose to ignore.
>Do you really wonder why you fail at social interactions, or do you know the answer and hide it from yourself to maintain your superiority complex?
I found the gaping hole in your superiority complex that you yourself are too afraid to acknowledge it. Keep deluding yourself. Even the people you deem to be stupid can see this glaring hole in your personality.

>> No.11321531

low executive function is associated with lower iq, anon

>> No.11321768

Hey anons,

If you are really as smart (and depressed) as you say - how do you deal with it??

Im struggling over here recently. I feel alienated and it is hard for me to form emotional bonds without getting extremely bored of someone so fast. Externally, I look like I have everything. Internally I feel empty. I feel like medication is a dumb idea and going to seek help has always ended up them telling me to look at my accomplishments etc which basically means nothing. I just dont know anymore. Please, help and advise.

>> No.11321780
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>> No.11321816

>Also the lack of self awareness in most people is funny.

Almost every one at jobs has a fake social mask and i dont under stand how these monkeys dont realize every one else is doing it, its like they are playing dumb but phobic of letting their mask off

>> No.11321943
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> gifted
is it a disorder now?
Also picrelated makes me think psychology isn't a true science, but a system to make people what they're not supposed to be. The girl could have interest in gymnastic to become some dancer, and the guy could be a good mechanic, forced into office space because his gf wants him to earn more.

>> No.11321964

Doesn't sound smart to do something detrimental to yourself. Depends on what lazy youre talking about.
A)lazy where you do your best to find a solution that requires the least amount of effort for the best outcome
B)lazy that you don't do anything and whine about your life being stuck, while looking for 100 different scapegoats to cope with why you failed.

>> No.11322388

What kind of sheltered, drop-out NEET fanfic is this?

>> No.11322400

>list of comparative traits that sum toward a greater title
Be honest Anon, how angry does your latent stupidity make you?

>> No.11322417
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pic related is the only important distinction, other than people holding you to higher standards

>> No.11322427
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>I'm fairly good looking
>Life is literally just peachy for everyone else XDDDD
As someone who has been mostly ostracized from society since college, including grad school all through my PhD, i can tell you first hand you only see and interact with the other well accepted, liked people who did not have the audacity to have been born with less than average looks.

Intelligence doesn't translate to socializing, unless you are specifically socially adept. The rest is literal the random dice roll of background, origin and looks, some of which we get to lose with no aspect of his humanity to redeem us from otherwise.

>> No.11322485

Feels normal until you talk to someone average over something slightly complex. Usually you already mapped popular common patterns that are recurring in simple situations, and simple situations are most of the situations. However when things take a turn into complex new territory, that is when your 2 standard deviations kick in. In practice, high intelligence shines on problem solving. The first thing a high IQ does is use his intuition to get closer to the goal, then he is able to verbalize a system or plan for the solution. Feelings are put in a secondary plane until achievement. In his tired state, a high IQ simply observes everything through his senses, you could think of this as his baseline when he is not taking action.

It's not that everything comes easier to me, since I can only really compare subjective difficulty with myself. Instead, the noticeable effect is that More comes to me with roughly the same time or effort. Other people appear to be unfocused and unconfident, and looking at me they express jealousy or motivation. My motivation is that I can imagine rewards in the present, and so the reward value propagates back through the causal chain up to the first action I can take towards the solution or goal. Right now, for example I'm dealing with a minor ant infestation, and so I can imagine how my life would be without the ant problem. Then I can feel my intuition rising up pointing general directions and facts towards making my belief of dead ants a reality: ants sometimes are attracted to toothpaste, ants come from certain holes which might cleared with simple bug poison, ants behave in a certain way, ants appear and disappear throughout the year, ants have predators, ants might avoid light, etc. One, two, three, four or many times my mind repeatedly focuses on my life without ants here and some of these intuitive lines expand and develop branches while others fall into second, third, fourth, planes.

>> No.11322527

lmao cringe

>> No.11322547


>> No.11322881
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I was measured with an IQ of 86 in my school. And my teachers were pretty concerned. My mom used to tell me that I was the brightest of everyone around me and I needed to work extra hard to become a science prodigy and should shut out any dumb thing people say about me. I believed her and still do even though I now know better.
That belief stuck with me and now people look up to me for advice on trivial and thorny existential issues.
I didn't become one but came close to landing an associate position at Tata Institute of fundamental research. Now I'm pretty well off as a Solutions Architect.

All I want to say to you is, you are as bright as you believe you are and as much as you are willing to learn to be one.
Pic not related.

>> No.11322906
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I'll always be glad, I was lied to about my abysmal 'IQ' . I'm a mathematics major from one of the better universities and chosen the field of computer science to make my mark in.

Point being, your ability is determined by your mental focus and a relentless pursuit of that which you hold dear. When nothing comes easy and every pass grade is a difficult endeavour, one values it all the more. Somehow, having a low theoretical IQ score seems an acceptable trade off.

>> No.11322911

wow God bless your mother, you are really lucky

>> No.11322964

except when they take maths tests or are unable to do certain job theyve never done before. then people realize who is really intelligent.

>> No.11322970

>ants sometimes are attracted to toothpaste
confirmed sub 85 iq

>> No.11323018

>hurr durr I'm 500iq
>I'm also unable to learn absolute basics of social interactions
>I'm gonna blame it on my autism/depression/mommy or daddy/general undiagnosed "mental illness"
>I can't even find an intellectual peer because I'm that smart and women are stupid
>I love sucking my own dick
Between my gf and myself we know 40+ people who have competed internationally in physics and math and/or have finished a top tier university and likely have a 140+IQ. Roughly half of them are chicks and some are surprisingly hot. 2/3rds of them are in successful relationships and a vast minority are 4chan failure autist tier.

>> No.11323034

Increase your IQ and find it out

>> No.11323048

Since acquiring several 140+ IQ friends, it causes you to become tragically bored by less intelligent people. An intelligent social milieu is imperative unless you want to hate your obnoxious friends or become an asocial NEET.

>> No.11323057

no one cares about your faggy friends tho

>> No.11323064

Yes, because they have won IMO and IPhO medals and gotten into MIT/ETH which is is actual success unlike sucking your own dick over online iq tests which is all this thread is about.

>> No.11323066

>vast minority
A minority isn't vast... Anyway, can you help me find a girlfriend?

>> No.11323067

It's basically the same as a 130 IQ but you are crippled by self doubt and borderline autism. Diminishing returns

>> No.11323074

literally who
no one in 100 years will remember anyone going to MIT right now/anyone who won a fag math competition, they'll be too focused on present day competitors. the only people anyone remembers are those who achieve 1 in a billion levels of success like solving a millennium problem. if ur friends can't do that they're just elite nobodies, and the world has plenty of those. it's one step up from bragging about your score on an IQ test really, you haven't done anything that won't disappear in the wind given a few generations.

>> No.11323083

High IQ people congregate very densely in large cities—the cream from small towns rises to the top, generally speaking.

>> No.11323101


If you don't frequently respond with the phrase "how do you mean?" or the like, then you're probably not very curious or simply arrogant. People are generally poor at saying what they mean, as they often don't say anything meaningful, but probing questions prove occasionally necessary to get to the bottom of things. Saying otherwise, or that you can rely solely on your intuition or analytical prowess to deduce what someone is trying to get at shows nothing more than you pretend to understand people which is ultimately a very tricky thing to do. Errors abound.

>> No.11323105

Yeah, I bungled that one up between "vast majority aren't" and "minority are", my bad.

Anyways I've posted about genius tier women and their choice in men before on /fit/ and /sci/, if you have any questions shoot. Spoilers: genius tier chicks (140+) go for highly intelligent but relatively chad guys (130+) because most men around their level and above are inept or autistic af, hardly a good bf material. Smart chicks (120+) usually go for guys their own tier, higher is better, but attractiveness and social skills are also a significant factor. High IQ guys with above average social skills and okay looks are rare and *the* hot stuff and are all pretty much in dedicated long term relationships.

>IPhO and IMO gold are worthless
>MIT is worthless
>you're only smart if you win a millennium prize
Says a guy in his mom's basement, bragging about his 120 mensa.no score.

>> No.11323113

I have a friend with a 146 IQ and he's shit at maths. Even with such a high score, your faculties can still be extremely skewed.

>> No.11323157

What’s he 146 at

>> No.11323199

does that mean it's over for me? she's smarter than me and i'm spergy with average/weird looks

this is me>>11317614

>> No.11323293

You're in a similar range. Anything below a full SD can be fully ignored. The rest is up to you being a social human being and looking decent. Your bottleneck could only possibly be either your looks (which a year of /fit/ can solve) or you being a full on social retard.
Now, hear me out, (internet meme tier) autistic chicks are fine with autism, as long as it has some looks and confidence behind it. I'd know, I've grown up on /r9k/ and /b/, and I've known some full on /pol/tards dating and converting chicks to their semi nazi white future ideology. You can be a complete meme tier autist as long as you unironically have some self confidence driving that. All chicks, even the genius ones, want to be dominated and it doesn't take scientific accuracy or iq to do that. It takes literal confidence to do that. The other day I've contributed to an advanced [topic] winter camp for high schoolers and the first compliment I've gotten form many girls is how much authority I have asserted over dumb hormone fuelled fucks I've taught. Not the clarity of explanation, not the intelligence answering the questions, the thing they respected was me ordering them little fucks to shut up. Stuff like that adds up.

>> No.11324678


No, it's just that a lot of people aren't especially eloquent. The imprecision doesn't confuse me, but I do ask them (If i give a shit) to clarify their meaning with a 'do you mean x or y etc..'

If you ever read a group conversation between really high IQ people (not talking about myself here), you'll see that they are often insanely precise in their language to the point of tedium. It's just the level they think at.

>> No.11324701

The (real paper) exam I did for uni put me somewhere around 144-146.
It's hard to say what it feels like since that's all I know. Compared to others I feel like I just 'get' things a lot quicker. I'm a bit of an autist sperg but at the same time I do a lot better than others at actually catching what someone wants or is saying.

Sometimes life feels like it's easy modo shit because everything is so easy. But then when I get stuck with something I feel totally alone. I've never had any personal role models or anyone to look up to and not for a lack of trying.

>> No.11324727
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From reading this thread I've gather everyone but the highest IQs are simply bothered by how other people inconvenience them. Hardly apt to solve problems, the 'greatest minds' of 4chan are relinquished to complainers. Some great 4chan and Facebook posts, awesome IQ scores, and lots to complain about. No high IQ anons solving any legitimate issue.

>> No.11324741

You probably don’t feel anything at that point.

>> No.11324755
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>thinks IQ reliably predicts an individuals life trajectory

peak brainlet

>> No.11324759

>Makes this post
Apex brainlet, you eat peak brainlets for breakfast.

>> No.11324942

Language, perspicacity with the humanities, and an encyclopedic knowledge of world history. Came in second in the national history bee in Switzerland with just showing up, zero preparation. An incandescent mind, I just happen to trounce him in maths.

>> No.11325661

being fit has almost no bearing on your attractiveness to most women
it's all about the face

>> No.11325788

You can tell who is actually +140 in this thread. High IQ people have very good social skills. You fucking nerds aren't smart just because you sit alone all day.

>> No.11325825

This whole thread
>oooh im so smart everyone else is retarded oooh. Why must I be cursed with such intelligence.
Anyone can guess what it'd be like to have a high iq I doubt many people here actually has and iq of 140+

>> No.11325827

I have a photographic memory but my raw intelligence is fairly average. Even so, my life feels really easy because I am a walking encyclopedia. So I'd imagine actual geniuses would find this world to be an absolute joke.

>> No.11325847

>Parents from Iraq (not Muslim)
>average Iraq IQ is 90

How fucked am I? I have an Econ degree from a well known school and work in big tech so I’m probably “above average”, but the probability of having over a 115 is nearing under 1%... am I a brainlet? I don’t actually put much thought/care into all this but I would be very curious to know.

>> No.11325917

>What does having a high IQ (140+) feel like?
First off: don't conflate "high IQ" with "high intelligence" or "genius". You don't have an IQ, you have intelligence, you get an IQ score. It's like 40 yard dash time, except it's a lot poorer measure, in part because intelligence is hard to define let alone measure, and in part because it's severely compromised by politics/ideology.

Why does someone get a high IQ score? Well, for starters, they have to try very hard to get the highest score they can on the test. So a lot of high-IQ people are desperate for validation (which can be a product of failure in other aspects of life), or submissive and eager to please and comply with authority figures (which can lead to academic success, but intellectual barrenness). They're also able to focus on abstract puzzles that have no relevance to their life, which can mean either that they have mental discipline or they are easily drawn into irrelevancies.

There are two hard rules of IQ tests: the distribution of results in the sample must conform to a bell curve of a certain shape, and the average scores (but not the distribution) must be equal between male and female subjects. So it's important to remember that these are presumptions, not findings, of IQ research (often presented as "intelligence research"). How good could an athleticism test be, if it were required to produce equal average scores for men and for women? And if the test design procedure produced the same symmetrical bell-curve regardless of whether you applied it to a sample of the top half or bottom half of performers?

IQ scores correlate to good life outcomes, but only loosely, and almost as soon as IQ tests came out, authorities started trying to assign success in life according to IQ. When I got a high score (around 145), I was taken aside and extra resources were invested in my education, and I was given more freedom to pursue the studies I was interested in, based on nothing else.

>> No.11325952

If you give people almost *any* kind of performance test, there will be a positive correlation between it and good life outcomes. You can just measure their height, grip strength, or reaction time. So don't be too impressed by the IQ pseudoscience.

In my case, while I do have above-average intelligence, I suspect my high score is related to my health problems. I get inflammatory issues (never have sorted out the exact cause) that affect my memory and ability to concentrate. Dealing in everyday life, I frequently find myself having to bluff my way through a situation as if I had been abruptly transported into someone else's life, where normal, healthy people simply apply their situational awareness and memory to produce easy answers, I was constantly taking very little information and making my best guess to fill in the blanks.

So when I sat down at an IQ test, and each problem throws you abruptly into a new problem, I was in my element, where other people were being stretched outside of their comfort zone. Note that there are no tests of long-term memory in an IQ test, no need for time management, no time to study and prepare, nothing that takes even ten minutes of thought to work through. You can be a person with serious cognitive limitations and still get a high score. They're not good tests.

You should not change your self-opinion based on an IQ score. You should especially not inflate your opinion of yourself. If you can't usually focus on the right things and think your way to the action that leads you to success, don't let a high IQ score make you think you're somehow being cheated by a conspiracy of inferior people, and you deserve success through your capabilities. What are the fruits of those capabilities? That's how you can measure your ability.

High-intelligence people are usually very successful, unless they have some other serious flaw, or get very unlucky. High-IQ people are often losers.

>> No.11326029

IQ isn't genetic. But considering you think otherwise you might be a brainlet anyway.

>> No.11326118

>as a kid

Doesn't count. I know many brainlets with gifted certification from tests they took very early in life. IQ is very largely influenced by environment and can change over 1SD once you reached adult age.

>> No.11326126

Films are superior to books

>> No.11326136

Honestly IQ "heritability" comes down more to culture, which even then is more just a general guidelline to how families raise their kids.
There's a reason why Ashkenazi and East Asians have higher IQ's and that's because they come from cultures that heavily push their children to aim for high paying jobs and education, whether for status or security.
But even then that just lets the kids have a head start, discipline outweighs any genetic factors.
The whole race-iq thing is a pretty flawed concept when it comes under any amount of scrutiny, people of the same raced raised in different cultures will have very different experiences.
Plenty of dumbfuck han-chinese either raised in the boonies of china or in america.
Also don't forget the middle east used to be the (excuse the pun) mecca of science and intellectual progress.

>> No.11326152

>IQ is very largely influenced by environment
No, not much.

>and can change over 1SD once you reached adult age.
That's because the juvenile tests are age-specific and different people mature at different rates. "Intelligence quotient" was originally only for children: mental age over chronological age (multiplied by 100, so they didn't have to write it as a fraction). It was primarily meant to detect mental retardation, so it could be studied and methods of treatment or prevention experimented with and discovered.

They could have saved us a whole lot of confusion if they had written IQ as a quotient, like 21/14 or 10/16. Maybe that would have stopped people trying to make it into a general intelligence score.

>> No.11326159

Tell me, genius, if being a genius is counter-reproductive, is it not then counter-evolutionary, and is the very existence of genius not then nothing more than a biologically-disadvantageous mutation, and eventual evolutionary perfection dictates the world be populated by dudebros? Does it not then also follow that it's plausible that every intelligent person in history, including those who pioneered "science" as a method, were nothing more than genetically-anomalous mistakes?
I haven't been tested since second grade at which point I was deemed by the IQ-tester-man to have an IQ of 130, but it seems that's the score they give everyone when they don't know wtf is going on. I feel infinitely smarter than I felt in second grade, but I'm probably not any better at visual pattern recognition and derivation, which is largely what the IQ test seemed to test for. There's much more to intelligence than the ability to be a quick and accurate human calculator.

Being able to look at any maze and know immediately the path from start to finish is only part of it. There are many people with unique cognitive ability that are absolutely retarded (See: 4chan). To pose an analogy: IQ tests test how fast you can cut your lawn with a pair of scissors. Merely questioning if there is a better way is actual intelligence.

>> No.11326171

No idea but I can tell you being retarded feels amazing. Not a care in the world. Just go to work, eat food, watch marvel movies and fuck my equally retarded gf.

>> No.11326184

ignorance definitely is bliss.
that's why so many smart people drink, temporary liquid ignorance.

>> No.11326189

>That's because the juvenile tests are age-specific and different people mature at different rates.
Kind of forgot my point. Some kids are just precocious: they develop early. People extrapolate the trend, and think they're going to be brilliant adults, but they only finish their development earlier, and become ordinary, or even rather dull adults. The exceptionally slow development of children into adults is a special, relatively recent evolutionary feature of humans, which allows us to spend a long time learning about the world, before becoming focused on goals and set in our ways. The mechanism can easily be defective, causing a child to become adult-like early.

>the middle east used to be the (excuse the pun) mecca of science and intellectual progress.
That's bullshit, though. They were just on the silk road between East and West, so ideas would propagate through them and they'd get credit.

Medieval European intellectual life is seriously underrated. The distinction of the Medieval era isn't how backwards it was, but how private and unrecorded it was, how closely groups held their secrets. In the Renaissance, much of what was built up privately during the Medieval era was brought out into public, in the style of ancient Greek intellectual life, with lords and kings competing to be patrons of the most brilliant minds, their works shared for all to marvel at and profit from.

>> No.11326194

No one's talking about the medieval european intellectual life though, and jsut because one place had lots of smart boys doesn't mean other places didn't.
The middle east was rich with smorts before islam came around.

>> No.11326205

> likely have a 140+IQ

That's where you're wrong. Physicians and mathematicians students never breach above 130IQ on average, yes even in ivy league and PHD level.

The average IQ of everything is massively overblown, The wrong and bad conversion from SATS to IQ contribute a lot to it.

>> No.11326218

>No one's talking about the medieval european intellectual life though, and jsut because one place had lots of smart boys doesn't mean other places didn't.
>>>the middle east used to be the (excuse the pun) mecca of science and intellectual progress.
So, in your mind, "the mecca of X" means "a fairly good place for X, though there are other places as good or better"?

>> No.11326227

You throw numbers with any basis. Any kind of person that fit any description you made is well within the top 1%, 0.3% if woman.

If you're a brainlet yourself you can't really judge others IQ. Btw average IQ in ETH stem department is around 125 with genius tier being almost non existent.

>> No.11326238

Iraqi jews have the highest spatial IQ in the world on average (Assuming you're a jew)

>> No.11326243

This is exactly why I'm scared of taking another IQ test. During psychological testing in my early teenage years I was found to have a score of 139. Since then I managed to drop out of high school and do nothing for several years until finally only a few years ago finishing up the rest of the required exams. So I've had a long period of relative inactivity in terms of challenging my brain, and where it used to feel like I was leagues ahead of everyone around me in terms of intelligence recently I'm getting the feeling everyone has caught up. Could also just be my self-confidence being way down for feeling like a loser for so long.
[blog](I got a bit of of self-confidence back when I took logic and found my fellow students struggling for months with concepts I picked up on in minutes though, so maybe there's hope for me yet)[/blog]

>> No.11326256
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Remainder that creativity matters infinitely more for success after certain IQ threshold (the threshold depends on the subject you're interested in/the audience you're trying to reach in arts for example).

And no, the threshold isn't as high as you think considering average stem noble prize winner barely have IQ above 130 (Meaning the threshold is well below 130).

>> No.11326261

just my hot take on the subject
people with low spirituality training and zero good karma/zero bad karma(or even worse varying degrees of negative to positive fluctuating karma). may have had an iq of 160 when they were 12, but due to being a shithead kid with no empathy and rejecting that ugly girl to the school dance in 8th grade, karma just degraded five of your iq points. the universe is not as clear cut and consistent as empircal materialist would have you think it is. i'm not saying you need to go worshipping anyone, but just try to remember we are all connected in one way or another on this little ball we call earth,and actions(or lack of) have consequences

>> No.11326277

a few personal examples from my own book.
>was such a history buff in the 7th grade that i was rewriting %80 accurate homemade copies of the declaration of independance,the constitution, bill of rigthts,etcetera.
>had a library teacher in the 8th gread tell me one day all of a sudden that i was reading at an 11th grade reading level at only 13
but then a few years later? what happens? i'm not exactly sure, i was rapidly becoming dumber by the day, more overweight, more addicted to junk food,and more addicted to vidya than the highs i used to get off my studies.what caused this? who knows, but i am certain it was karmic intervention, because when i had my next iq test taken at age 17 i only scored a 87.

>> No.11326283


>> No.11326285

i was administered the ravens progressive matrices a few years back, and i was scored at 144.
i skip a lot of class and i don't have many friends. i don't feel like a super genius or anything. i didn't read calculus textbooks as a child, or master the piano, or do advanced multiplication in my head. i played a lot of video games and smoked a lot of weed in high school.
anecdotally, i'm pretty good at pattern recognition and making fast decisions. i can estimate things fairly accurately. i also feel like i get away with a lot of shit. i feel like i break the rules a lot, and i don't get punished. people like to help me out with things.

>> No.11326291

>that's why so many smart people drink, temporary liquid ignorance.
Kek. It's the fucking opposite dude. I have yet to meet a single actually smart alcoholic. Every single alcoholic I know, without exception, is average at best.

>> No.11326295

lonely and pissed

>> No.11326307

The short story titled Understand provides a brainlet's eye view of his intelligence increasing beyond 140. I think it gives more insight into your question than other attempts like Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.11326325
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"Grothendieck believed that high measurable intelligence was a hindrance to discovery. Creativity and receptiveness to intuition were more important for grasping the structure of mathematics."

>> No.11326431

Other than the indestructible racism, it's pretty good.

>> No.11326453

I'm only slightly above average IQ and it feels like everyone I talk to is a brainlet. You don't feel any smarter, everyone else just seems dumb, so I imagine having a 145 IQ must be like that but on a much larger scale

>> No.11326485

Everyone feels like they're a little above average in intelligence. That's the real Dunning-Kruger effect. They said some stupid shit about dumb people being too dumb to know they're dumb, but the same study that found that really dumb people thought they were about average also found that really smart people thought they were about average. Are they too smart to know they're smart? No, everyone's just strongly biased to think they're a little above average, and even if you objectively know this is false, it's still how it feels.

>> No.11326917
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I never understood this line of thinking. You’re telling us that whatever IQ measures is 0% hereditary? That the most important, differentiating, loosely understood, etc aspect of humans has no hereditary nature even though every single other aspect of the human body does. So height, eye color, genetic conditions, mental conditions (oh the irony), etc you gladly accept are highly hereditary but certain brain functions aren’t?

That line of thinking usually gets the other person (you) to finally admit that some portions of intelligence are hereditary which naturally comes to the conclusion that it does in fact differ among races. After all, even if it was 25% hereditary (all modern science agrees it’s 50%+ with most in the 75-85% range) we’re talking about tens of thousands of generations between human races for differences to spring up.

You’re not actually arguing against hereditary IQ but what people will do with that knowledge

>> No.11327222

>(all modern science agrees it’s 50%+ with most in the 75-85% range)
Please stop making up numbers.

Oh no. It's retarded.

>> No.11327228

Can YOU wiggle your ears?

>> No.11327265

There definitely seem to be deficits associated with high IQ. One which is extremely problematic in science is that high IQ often means the inability to deal with beign taught something wrong, and being sure you know something you don't.
High IQ people seem to be able to jump to conclusions and be absolutely certain in answers that from lower IQ perspective seem absurd and wrong. The lower IQ person often finds the truth simply because they keep searching when others are content with their found turds.
This is mostly true about people upto 140 top, the highly gifted seem to have the best of of both and are able to make preliminary conclusions, but quickly update them with new information.

>> No.11327360

How it feels:
The answers you’re given aren’t good enough and you need to seek things out yourself.
You have to constantly suppress your power level lest people playing games other than discovery hear something they don’t like.
I have to dumb things down for people to know what I’m talking about in a way that dips into inaccuracy. I have to think in a more retarded way to engage in conversation unless I totally game said conservation, which is even more lonely.

Meeting someone very likely smarter than myself was a feeling of relief.

This is a frustrating thing that “getting over” has also required me to leave more of humanity behind. For me it was the look in the person’s face of me having outed myself as a retard in their eyes due to admitting ignorance or seeking clarification.

I should also add to all of this that I’m fairly aware of my limitations.

My experience with life has reenforced this. Nobility is NOT rewarded short term. If one behaves morally it is because one cannot help but do so.

The being able to get good at everything thing is something I’ve overlooked, but deffo true.

Knowing that revealing yourself would hurt people.

Tbh being given a lecture by someone smarter than myself was quite a calming, pleasant feeling.

Living with the imperfection of the world and instead trying to neutrally observe the patterns rather than get caught up in critique.
A general note: it takes intelligence to recognise intelligence. People who aren’t as intelligent as I am are shit at detecting intelligence, and use ineffectual heuristics to distinguish intelligence. For example, just as normies might dismiss things as conspiracy theories, while making no distinction between reasonable and unreasonable conspiracy theories, /sci/ users will do the same with things that have the qualities of schizoposts.

>> No.11327361

I don’t know how to explain it, but basically finding a spiritual life.

>> No.11327362
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Rate my theory

I think the higher IQ you are, the more stimulation you can get out of reading compared to e.g. video games. And reading can essentially "feel" like a film. Also you are probably better able to understand the importance of more abstract stuff like chemistry, physics, math etc. But I'm not sure about that last part, partly because I've never cared about that shit until my late 20s, lol, but I grew up around Arab immigrants in what was basically a war zone.

>> No.11327364

M8 I don’t think most people are saying socialising is impossible for them, but rather that they feel alienated.

>> No.11327367

Thats kind of like a survey that was put out asking people if they were better drivers than average. 99% of people thought they were. I would say I am worse than average, but idk if I would have actually responded lik that knowing how the study went. Humility is nice and pretty smart...

>> No.11327368

Didn’t you just make a post about there being no link between social ineptness and IQ?

>> No.11327369

Imho the secret is to stop framing the world’s problems the same way as a normalfag and start allowing your brain and the world to frame their own puzzles in relation to each other

>> No.11327373

Based Sassoons

>> No.11327468

Complete bollocks.
Visual imagination has absolutely nothing to do with IQ.

>> No.11327511
File: 602 KB, 882x1254, Kagari.(Rewrite).full.2021409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 here, I enrolled myself into the hardest study program of France, and possibly Europe, and basically I don't know why I am still living as apart from my possibly good future prospects, I'm a slug and can't get motivated for anything at all

>> No.11327529

What are you studying?

>> No.11327534

Mainly maths and physics, but also some CS, french litterature/philosophy and english

>> No.11327535

>the more stimulation you can get out of reading compared to e.g. video games
I'm not saying you're wrong but I've never seen this correlation throughout my life. At least in the US, not many people read at all. This applies to all classes of people, the educated and the uneducated both included. I only know of one person who reads seriously and another person who listens to audiobooks of classical literature. (I'm excluding everyone that reads self-help or YA fiction). I think those two people as well as myself share common personality traits. The most obvious shared trait would be the enneagram 5 personality trait. We have some desire to question life or understand it more. I think we have other shared traits but that is the most obvious one we share. We aren't necessarily more intelligent or better at our jobs than our colleagues, I believe it's just this trait that makes us read.

>> No.11327548
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>all these people conflating their autism with their intelligence
There are socially competent geniuses out there who live perfectly normal lives and have no problems connecting with people with lower IQs.

I know only 2 people irl who challenge me intellectually, but it doesn't stop me from being friends and connecting with a dozen or so people who don't. Everyone has their own area of expertise, and pretending like you can't learn anything from someone with a lower IQ is bullshit, even if what you're learning is just their personal life history.

>> No.11327561

I don't know what having a high IQ is like because I probably don't have one. (never taken a test) It's statistically unlikely, and I've noticed that my mind tends to rely on intuition more than analytical ability, which, to my understanding, is what IQ tries to measure. But we can still kind of imagine what a high IQ person is like and then compare ourselves to that image, so maybe there's a bit of room for conjecture. For the most part, our comparisons are going to tend to be over the same comparisons we would make when comparing ourselves to stupid people. (Though this would necessarily result in us failing to see any major abilities exclusive to high IQ people, since we have no knowledge of them.) For example, trying to explain something to someone who just doesn't "get it," being able to conceptualize things others can't, not having trouble with basic formulas, and the like.

It makes me wonder if the ability to conceptualize certain things is a skill developed at a certain IQ, and then it's the same for everyone beyond that, or if high IQ people can conceive things that others can't. For example, a low IQ person will read Kant and take the words at face value without really visualizing his cosmology, the split between noumenon and phenomenon. Meanwhile, a high IQ person can understand that, and Hegel's panentheistic cosmology, and Daoism, etc. My interest in this is definitely the result of some sort of bias, since I personally rely heavily on conceptualizing things mentally so that I can gain an intuitive understanding of them. It's also possible that this is a low IQ thing, and high IQ people just process the words at face value very quickly.

>> No.11327569

>my mind tends to rely on intuition more than analytical ability
Everyone's does. Reason is just the human ability to argue conclusions they arrive at intuitively.

High IQ people don't think differently (unless they're also autistic). They just have a better ability to switch into analytical mode when they need to.

>> No.11327592


How about you give actual arguments instead of just spazzing our. Why are you so offended over this topic?

>> No.11327594
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daily reminder that Despite making up more than 75% of the population, midwits consider themselves to be top 10%

>> No.11327600

What test is that based on?

>> No.11327657

In my case things do not come easier. I have had learning quirks and difficulties my whole life. I feel like I take on information on a need to know basis and quickly wipe the slate clean when it's no longer useful to me. I have done some brief programming just watching a few tutorial videos and forgotten it inside a month. It's almost like my brain has a RAM drive that gets wiped every time I need to fill it with new things. I feel like a jack of all trades master of none. More than anything I feel some regret having had professional testing because I have come to understand that for as smart as people might think I am and what the number might describe I know effectively nothing and realize people simply specialize into given roles.

>> No.11327712

Everything you've just described is literally normal human memory retention.

Maybe stop thinking of yourself as special and you might be able to deal better?

>> No.11328995

>karmic intervention
Your iq test seems accurate unfortunately