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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11311197 No.11311197 [Reply] [Original]

Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter? Will a computer will ever be truly conscious? I need your stand on this last frontier /sci/.

Preamble: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huxh9YCL5nM

>> No.11311200

>another cucksciousness thread

>> No.11311201

>Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter?
>Will a computer will ever be truly conscious?
There's nothing that makes it impossible but I can't predict the future.

>> No.11311202

Have you ever seen consciousness without a carrier? Have you ever seen any information without a carrier? Do you at least have a hypothetic version of what you're looking for?

>> No.11311213

Well, it is safe to say that consciousness "turn things into life". Like, there is no mind, sensations, feelings without spark of consciousness. Therefore, one can conclude that consciousness is sort of life force per se. Nothing exist without it.

>> No.11311214

What is mind? No matter

What is matter? Never mind

>> No.11311218

I'm gonna say no, because the spirit must be made out of something.

>> No.11311219

shit, old memories

>> No.11311222


>> No.11311227

>Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter? Will a computer will ever be truly conscious?
Are you implying that computers aren't made of matter ?

>> No.11311230

stop and think

>> No.11311237

>it is safe to say that consciousness "turn things into life".
are you conscious? can you turn a deadman alive?
> Like, there is no mind, sensations, feelings without spark of consciousness.
As primitive animals as hydra have feelings (can feel pain) but are they conscious, well, it's hard to say, but most probably not necessarily.
> Therefore, one can conclude that consciousness is sort of life force per se. Nothing exist without it.
gtfo back to /re/ (oh, fourchan doesn't have it, then just gtfo eternally. your consciousness is rudimental, your logic is enfantile)

>> No.11311240
File: 31 KB, 340x242, niss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Questioner: I see you smoking!

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj : Exactly so. You see me smoking. Find out for yourself how did you come to see me Smoking, and you will easily realise that it is your 'I-am-the-body' state of mind that is responsible for this 'I-see-you-smoking' idea.


Questioner: You smoke?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj : My body kept a few habits which may as well continue till it dies. There is no harm in them.


Questioner: You eat meat?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj : I was born among meat-eating people and my children are eating meat. I eat very little -- and make no fuss.

Questioner: Meat-eating implies killing.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj : Obviously. I make no claims of consistency. You think absolute consistency is possible; prove it by example. Don't preach what you do not practice.

>> No.11311245

your consciousness is rudimentary
but it exist

>> No.11311255

Can you explain cause I guess I'm unable to think

>> No.11311259

>Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter?
>Will a computer will ever be truly conscious?
No because they're not alive.
>Well, it is safe to say that consciousness "turn things into life".
Bullshit, many things are alive and not conscious, similarly something can't be conscious without being alive first either.

>> No.11311270

But it's so underdeveloped that you don't belong to this department. Stay readonly or leave it for good.

>> No.11311275
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>Bullshit, many things are alive and not conscious
You forgot to post sources

>> No.11311279

being rude to fellow beings is... rude

>> No.11311288

But so you learn. Take some logics lessons, please.

>> No.11311290

>he thinks prokaryotes are conscious

>> No.11311302

i believe everything have some level of consciousness. i can't see how and, more important, why, would simple creatures like prokaryotes would have a "will" to survive. ants and bees are brainless examples of this. not to mention viruses and bacteria.

>> No.11311307

>he takes himself too serious
you failed

>> No.11311312

Damn, I love this new Mr.Spock.

>> No.11311400

>Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter?
define "consciousness"

>> No.11311407

>define "consciousness"
anon, we can't do that in the second decade of 21 century.

>> No.11311423

>he thinks they aren't
Do you believe consciousness is some discontinuous switch in which a system isn't conscious until it gains the requisite level of complexity, where suddenly consciousness flips on? Please remember that materialism is true.

>> No.11311428

This. Consciousness is the last barrier. Still unknown territory. OP video is from a leading guy at this field and he still don't have a clue what it is. Maybe we are trying to grasp it with a mind that cannot exist without being conscious? What is that feeling of I am exactly?

>> No.11311436

materialism is true. because there's a facts to prove it. but there is no materialism without a consciousness. without a consciousness, everything cease to exist.

>> No.11311450

I agree, but under materialism, you must believe that consciousness does not exist, that there is some level of complexity upon which consciousness begins to exist (and arbitrarily less means no consciousness), or that even prokaryotes are conscious to some extent.

>> No.11311456

I am consciousness.

>> No.11311464
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>> No.11311466

>Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter?
>Will a computer will ever be truly conscious?

>> No.11311476


Not science or math.

>> No.11311481

the truth is that consciousness "lights up" or "give a life" to your body, mind, feelings, etc." that is the truth. you cannot have those without consciousness. it's dead, literally. it's like a computer with no power source.

>> No.11311483

if you think about it matter is just some kind of content of experience, either potential or presently experienced. experienceable qualities are what makes physical stuff "concrete", more than just an abstraction. is it that mysterious or radically emergent if by combining these qualities in a certain way you get a "subject" of experience - after all, cannot each subject be reduced to the content of their experience? what sense of "self" is even left when you remove all that.

>> No.11311490

>Not science or math.
That is exactly what we need to investigate you fucking moron.

>> No.11311497

this is the path

>> No.11311518

Based and highly relevant thread.

>> No.11311590


>> No.11311601

>Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter?
im just a stoopid fucking monkey but im gonna go with no
>Will a computer will ever be truly conscious
The fuck is this? Did you completely forget the first question you type out after you typed it?

>> No.11311604

>Will a computer will ever be truly conscious
This is perfectly legit question.

>> No.11311608

ya but it conflicts with the first question he asked, i dont know what the fuck the retard is asking.

>> No.11311686

>Can computation exist in the absense of matter?
>will a computer will ever be truly computing?

>> No.11311696


>> No.11311800

That exactly IS the problem you tree-licking faggot

>> No.11311829

if a computer produces consciousness matter is involved why the fuck am i going out of my way to explain this?

>> No.11311892

No idea what you're trying to say, but consciousness is the awareness of self which requires a complexity most life forms lack.

>> No.11312219

>produces consciousness
i'm sorry anon, but you can't do that.

>> No.11312227
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>> No.11312252

My consciousness of watching this video in this moment is not subjective. If you are able to reproduce it, if you are able to share this experience with me, then it is more parts objective experience than subjective.

TL;DR: 4chan is the most conscious structure in the universe.

>> No.11312259
File: 2.05 MB, 320x180, yazEkK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is the most conscious structure in the universe.
i think i've just reached peak channing holy fuck

>> No.11312263
File: 30 KB, 400x400, z8vj9j].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is the most conscious structure in the universe.

>> No.11312303
File: 152 KB, 830x844, f9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is the most conscious structure in the universe
OP here

>> No.11312310

>My consciousness of watching this video in this moment is not subjective.
Wrong. It's bigly and yuge subjective, you deceiving devil.

>> No.11312383
File: 12 KB, 259x194, muchwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
