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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11308567 No.11308567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Assume a civilization unrestrained and untouched by the norms of religion where women have the same freedom as men where patriarchy isn't imposed upon and wherein equality exists, would women have the same number of scientific achievements as men? Or rather in a simpler tone, would there be equal number of male and female Nobel laureates in science and equal number of fields medalists?

>pic related

>> No.11308571

We've lived in a matriarchy for nearly 50 years now. Where are all the scientific achievements of women?

>> No.11308573
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>> No.11308574
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Also society would develop more slowly.

>> No.11308576
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>> No.11308579

redpill me

>> No.11308583

Imagine thinking women compromise half the world's brainpower

>> No.11308611

he's supposed to have high IQ

>> No.11308614

Tbf saying women comprise a 10th of the world's brainpower would be less catchy.

>> No.11308655

Women are too busy keeping their kids alive and fostering ambition in their sons to do well.

>> No.11308701

From a scientific point of view this question is basically unanswerable so this thread is just gonna be 200 iterations of biased hot takes

>> No.11308708

Maybe if they were equal to men they would have naturally been "enfranchised" from the begging. Maybe there are legitimate reasons that every civilisation, quite separate from each other's influence, naturally came to be ruled by men

>> No.11308709

is it better in the long run for women to invest their own time and passion into science while potentially neglecting their children maybe not even having any or to marry well and raise many sons well that will exceed their output?

>> No.11308710

pretty weird way of saying statistically backed

>> No.11308742

males wouldn't have evolved greater variability (like many other males throughout the animal kingdom) if women weren't the choosy sex
women are the choosy sex because they must invest more when reproducing vs men and stand to lose much more from indiscriminate mating
that's life, we are a sexually dimorphic species. in humans and similarly anisogamous animals it pays more for women to evolve averageness. women and children first, remember - protected by society, protected by their biology/genetics. nature rolls the dice more often with males for the same reason in a hockey game the coach might take the goalie off in the last minutes when nothing matters if you don't score

>> No.11308772
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>Dumbass OP and Tyson still haven't realized certain political ideas and political advancements aren't obtainable until particular technologies are achieved.


>> No.11308829

Another way to frame the question

>> No.11308835

>not scientific
Have you thought about the female brain and general female IQ statistics?

>> No.11308858

>'Political ideas'
>still hasn't realized its a biology question

>> No.11308906
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, 1579275196358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what peak female form looks like.

>> No.11308940

Odd graph. Why would females lose brain mass 8-9?

>> No.11308949

Probably not, you'd still have significant drop-off due to childbirth and child rearing, assuming that in this hypothetical society the raising of children remained a private matter of course.

>> No.11309120

This is retarded. As our population continues to grow to many billion our actual technological progress seems to have nearly stagnated. Right now there's an enormous reproducibility crisis because there are too many people doing """ science""". Quality, not quantity. A few hundred people through history have given us most of what we have. The rest has been refinement work by engineers.

Women have more social power than men. This has been a fact since about 1970.

>> No.11309122

i hate this fucking thread

>> No.11309138

>My IQ graphs made in excel without any actual data behind them are proof that I'm smarter than women!!

>> No.11309143

more raping i'd imagine

>> No.11309172

>Women have more social power than me
Is this because of feminism?

>> No.11309174


>> No.11309176

Men have more social power than women, but women have more social power than incels.

>> No.11309195
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Hunter becomes hunted with greater efficiently

>> No.11309198 [DELETED] 

Come to BitMEX, the land of opportunity.(×100 cryptocurrency Exchange)

>> No.11309201

politics is just applied biology anon

>> No.11309212

'Politics is the set of activities associated with the governance of a country, state or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to groups of members'

>> No.11309356

women are pretty funny (except when they try to be lol)... like, all the dudes in this thread, just take a second to appreciate the goofy-woofy creatures that are women... they do get passionate sometimes but can you help but love'em?

>> No.11309359


>> No.11309402

>If we double the brains, society would advance twice as fast!

That's some fucking Brainlet Wojak shit, right there.

>> No.11309421

Most retarded pic I've ever seen.

>> No.11309478


There would be way less intelligent people.

>Two scientists do not have children and focus on their careers
>2 smart people now
>zero smart people later

>Two scientists decide to have a large family and the female scientist puts her career on hold for a few years
>1.5 smart people now (assuming that she does a little bit of work)
>5 smart people later

It's basic math, Neil Degrasse

>> No.11309494

It's just a visual aid to help tards like you who otherwise wouldn't understand the relevance of variance, chum. You could easily google this yourself.

>> No.11309503

Legit answer: We just don't know.

If this trend of females being able to work, study, own property and participate in politics continues for a few hundred years we might be able to speculate about it based on the analysis of the data gathered during this period. Else we will never know.

>> No.11309505

Based woke space nigga!

>> No.11309538

I dunno probably not a good idea to give woman all rights when people could die very young, they used to marry and got pregnant around 15, somebody had to take care of children and household duties, man were better at working there since there were no powerful machines to work on the field. Average peasent life was not much compatible to study science or philosophy. Even if you were a noble woman, you got married and pregnant very young. Advances in science and technology used to be more practical, from war, architecture and activities that usually required hard labor that women were not usually involved. So I would say we would barely notice any difference.

>> No.11309541

>supposed to

>> No.11309557

lol'd. I bet you actually believe the narrative that women were ever, in history, ever prevented from achieving things anywhere.

>> No.11309560

Imagine how insulted you ought to feel when someone implies you have to be artificially enfranchised to contribute to society, and then imagine the 65.6k YAAS KANGs that happened instead.

>> No.11309574

Nice argument. The guarded name calling really convinced me.

>> No.11309733

Yeah because those mudslimes preventing little girls from even getting basic education in this day and age is mere fiction.

>> No.11310150

Those are no true humans so they don't count.

>> No.11310178

Western civilizations until a few centuries ago also didn't allow it.

>> No.11310214

Basic education didn't exist more than a few centuries ago. Poor shitters were beat in the gutter regardless of sex and "wealthy" people were educated as their social station required. Women were well educated and socialized in the upper class of society because a rounded knowledge of their world was required for effective socialization and decision making.

>> No.11310233

I did, and it is called a hypothesis. Do you know what a hypothesis is?

>> No.11310250


>> No.11310542
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1858, patriarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civilization developed in the first place because of absolutist patriarchy and 'oppression' of women.
>people think this guy is smart

>> No.11310555

>this guy

They say Mormons are one of the few groups with Eugenic selection practices, the best men can raise the most children. gradually their quality increases.

>> No.11310556

Oh and what is the source text for that passage?

>> No.11310569

found it
>On power, its nature and the history of its growth
>by Jouvenel, Bertrand de
Another great work I need to finally read.

>> No.11310574

all civilizations who have/had women as leaders have gone extinct. Evolution literally shows males being in charge is a superior choice.

>> No.11310581

Women are more interested in people and men are more interested in things. So maybe, if we include scientific achievements in the humanities.

>> No.11310631
File: 7 KB, 320x173, 11-32-36-85e7b78493be8fc27afe3ecc4424fcb53fd9b4e6c936d457515b7870d56fccbc_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the source of data for this graph.

>> No.11310638
File: 382 KB, 1468x1548, women_company.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11310644
File: 44 KB, 519x354, 11-37-53-1579291894012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are more interested in people
But psychology is not a science.

>> No.11310715

I'm not equipped enough to argue with you on that, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. However things like interest are quantifiable when one does large-scale studies, and one can derive facts from that. Like the fact that men and women's interests differ, and that is scientific.

>> No.11310723

I hate them. Any problems anon?

>> No.11310731

not reddit

>> No.11310755

>women are pretty funny (except when they try to be lol)

>> No.11310764

All civilizations go extinct.

>> No.11310765

Hitchens did a quote on this

>> No.11310769

few last more than 300 years per dynasty, if you're lucky parts of the civilisation will survive survive intact.

>> No.11310779

It would require women to have different genetics. In that society, women could be robots for all we know.