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11308254 No.11308254 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good studies into the virgin problem?

>> No.11308259

Hypergamy and instant access to internet porn. There's no desire for a male to waste time and effort getting what he can get at the push of a button.

>> No.11308276

Its not like they are not trying,just young females have unrealistic lifestyle and think promiscuity is a normal thing.

>> No.11308277

how the fuck do you condition yoursaelf into being scared of intimacy

>> No.11308282

You don't, you just don't think it's worth it.

>> No.11308307

>you just don't think it's worth it
then why even think of it

lost my virgin to a random and didnt miss anything

>> No.11308319


Hypergamy has been declining for decades. It’s an incel buzzword.

Here’s why there’s so many virgins.
They locked themselves in their room and looked at stuff on the internet and developed social anxiety. The end.

>> No.11308323

>and think promiscuity is a normal thing.

It is, and it’s sexy. Promiscuity rocks.

>> No.11308329

>be an autismo kid
>get made fun of alot by other kids for buying into their tricks
>develop trust issues and be forever suspicious of others

>> No.11308344

>get intimate with someone
>get hurt later on
I hope that bitch rots in hell

>> No.11308345

Dumbass, try again.

>> No.11308356
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>be me
>given up on humanity
>peope raging about failing to find reliable opioid stipends
>people failing to release opioid and feeling sad about it
>people with opioid stipends are making fun of people who choose to release opiod in other way
>laugh my ass every single time
>sweet opioids
>it's opioid day
>orally ingest tapentadol
>mfw this single dose gave me greater euphoria than a stipend cuck can even hope to achieve
>a week later do it again
>no tolerance, no addiction

>> No.11308364

>Both parents work, both need to have careers
>Drop you off in daycare, then school with strangers
>Parents are too burnt out to pay attention to you when they get home
>No strong base of self confidence to build connections with, feel abandoned
>Look to peers for acceptance
>Peers let you down
>Feel isolated, scared to be intimate

There are lots of ways. We've had a lot of big social movements / technological advances with absolutely no regard for how these changes might affect child rearing and future generations.

>> No.11308377

Being bullied in school. I honestly don't even think about being a 27 year old virgin on my own, only when I click on one of these incel tears threads on 4ch out of boredom.

>> No.11308382

Talk to women.

>> No.11308402

Plural? I don't even know a single woman.

>> No.11308408

Go meet some. Even a McDonald’s employee you see regularly will do

>> No.11308442
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The solution is to turn all the passable beta male twinks into feminine trannies and all the masculine males into their husbands.

>> No.11308444

No he should become a tranny.

>> No.11308677

Only if they can keep the dick, it's hot.

>> No.11308680

Bro that is literally, and I mean literally, me.

>> No.11308693

Of course they can keep the dick. But they should also take HRT and save their bodies.

>> No.11308706

>Hey look, anon, this girl is into you!
>HA just a prank bro!
>Hey look, anon, I'm into you!
>HA just a prank bro!
>repeat until scared of intimacy

>> No.11308718

>Asks for actual literature about the subject
>Gets sexual frustration, memes and insecurity
>Not a single link in sight
At least let's contribute something


>> No.11308724

1) Legalize prostitution
2) Create specialized brothels focusing on thereputic applications
3) Get diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder (aka intimacy anxiety disorder)
4) Get perscribed sex therapy

Make it happen

>> No.11308746

you don't miss anything but distractions and stds

>> No.11308758

I don't live in Texas, we don't do small talk with strangers here.

>> No.11308769
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You are speaking about heathen temples of female deities. Kikes and their cucks won't tolerate that.

>> No.11308782


Anon if the sex crisis is about social signalling making government whoring programs will just mean that people will raise the bar to non-government funded whores, in fact prescription of whores would probably end up like saying that you have psychs prescribed and people will instantly assume that there is something wrong with you and will increase social isolation.

>> No.11308846


>> No.11308851

>people will instantly assume that there is something wrong with you
That's a result of unwarranted stigma. We need to normalize mental health proactivity, especially for men.

>> No.11308871

>Create specialized brothels focusing on thereputic applications
This half exists already. "Sexual surrogacy" for therapy is a thing, it's "legal" in some places, but it's effectively prostitution with more steps and a lot more cost.

>> No.11308878

Actually true. Socializing is expensive and exhausting.

t. former normalfag.
BDD, improper socialization through lack of touch and physical presence in youth, GAD etc. etc.

>> No.11308908

Indeed, I believe I saw it in some documentary or something. I think it should be a common (and legal) medical treatment. It seems to be quite effective, and very much needed in this day and age.

>> No.11308925

The only problem is that most people wouldn't see the difference between it and prostitution. It should be simple to set it up so it's not easily exploitable as a front for prostitution (e.g. limits on number of sessions, education requirements, testing, requiring an additional licensed therapist to approve it, etc), but good luck convincing your average voter of that.

>> No.11308987

Basically, more women are now in education and in the workforce. This means their standards for men have exponentially increased. But men are falling behind in today's economy and there is a large fraction of men who are either NEETs or don't meet the expectations of women. Video games and porn are making men less likely to engage in romance.

>> No.11309086

It takes time. We got medical marijuana almost universally recognized as a real treatment for things rather than just getting high.

>> No.11309092

So capitalism is basically the problem

>> No.11309097

Seems to be a common pattern.

>> No.11309116

the rate of women lying about rape being double the rate of people lying about other crimes

>> No.11309186

Hopefully, but I can see the path marijuana took being used against things in the future. Where I'm from, medical was usually just recreational but you pay some "doctor" a few bucks to say you need weed.

>> No.11309216

pretty meaningless fact desu

>> No.11309222
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lol "scared" of intimacy. i fucking hate intimacy and affection. i need people to shut the fuck up, do their job, and be fucking happy. fuck you if you want to be close to me.

>> No.11309233

Around here people secretly record their dates to avoid false rape accusations.

>> No.11309248


>> No.11309252

>They locked themselves in their room and looked at stuff on the internet and developed social anxiety. The end.
lol hell ya bunch of god damn lost confused narcissistic little cock sucking animals fuck FUCK PISS FUCK CUNT PISS SHIT THE FUCKING CUNT CUNT CUNT

>> No.11309254

>do their job
Spoken like a true wageslave, good goy!

>> No.11309257

shut the fuck up faggot, and i personally can't wait until the kikes have control over the whole fucking world hardcore. it'll probably be pretty fucking nice.

>> No.11309302 [DELETED] 

>What are some good studies into the virgin problem?
Start by explaining what the problem is or whether the virgins you're speaking of observe it as a "problem". Otherwise the "study" is noth
>yes this is a problem
So work out a fucking solutions. Hand out and subsidize ethots, the useless cunts need the money anyway.
>no this is not a problem
Well then stop turning it into one by making fun of virgins. At best you're confirming their suspicions that they should be wary of retards who do nothing but care about sex.
>no this is not a problem, it's a response to another problem.
Which is w

The same way society conditions itself to stoop so low as to poke fun at people who don't insist on acting on their primordial impulses at the same rate as the rest of the retards.
>what are you a virgin?
>what are you , promiscuous?
these are the questions that only a selfish person inquires about because they put their moral beliefs on a pedestal.

>then why even think of it
>lost my virgin to a random and didnt miss anything

So why are you sitting here trying to discuss it with others?

>Promiscuity rocks.
Until you get AIDS

Ah finally some solutions to this "problem" that everyone thinks exists. It's a problem right? Not having sex? So fix the virgins since their so

>So lack of capital is basically the problem

I guess bringing everyone to the levels of a pauper a will definitely cause them to get dumber to reproduce more! So is the solution to make everyone equally poor and stupid so that we all get poon.

>> No.11309309

why is it a problem?

>> No.11309321

Sexual frustration and identitarian politics creating a movement of aggresive misogynists?

>> No.11309326

I don't care, lol.

Deal with it. It's not my problem to solve.

>> No.11309334
File: 191 KB, 1005x1280, 1579023268259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexual frustration and identitarian politics creating a movement of aggresive misogynists?

>according to hilariously stupid lolcow ethot "gamers" who see every negative comment as a virgin, and also fake new media who cannot stop talking about this topic and orange man.

Jokes aside though, who are you talking about? Who are these aggressive misogynists?


Well good thing they're going their own way then, so you won't have to bother yourself worrying about them.

>> No.11309339

have parents that make fun of your interests and friends

>> No.11309354

>get accused of rape for even talking to women

>> No.11309427

It's hard enough to make one real friend in this life
let alone putting your dick into women

>> No.11309433

Lies. The only aggressives are the regressives.

>> No.11309437

>>Both parents work, both need to have careers
>>Drop you off in daycare, then school with strangers
>>Parents are too burnt out to pay attention to you when they get home
so you are saying they give you an opportunity to spend unlimited time interacting with your peers?
wow that sounds like a perfect set-up for lots of experiments with intimacy

>> No.11309439

that's demeaning to women who would have to do it

>> No.11309440

so are we talking about relationships or sex?
i mean relationship is not for everyone, so prostitution sounds like a feasible option for some.

>> No.11309442

not true. benis in vagina feels good. very good. you can't replace that with any local linear approximations like fap or dolls. you need to experience the real thing. it is very non-lineal and thats what's great about it.

>> No.11309453

1) Legalize sex bots ( no humans are harmed )
2) ????
3) Profit

>> No.11309461
File: 256 KB, 785x945, Incel Solutions Political Compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the solution

>> No.11309483
File: 62 KB, 418x960, 1543782620342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all this bullshit.
i'm not good looking, but i'm not ugly as sin either, i'm fit, clean white skin and look like a discount ron swanson without the mustache.
Now take tinder, i only get matches with the ugliest fattest girls around.
You now why? because the girls in my "range" are so deluded to think they only deserve the hottest chads in existence.
So you end up with a fuckload of "midrange" girls who are refusing to have sex with men of the same level because they have been told growing up that they only deserve the best.
The idea that men are "incels" by choice is hilarious because men will grovel before women in return for some kind of romance.

>> No.11309495

Why demeaning? They aren't prostitutes, they're therapists. It will be a skilled and salaried job in a controlled clinical setting.
Where's the harm?

>> No.11309517
File: 48 KB, 640x838, 1550085490042[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may want to study this chart.
i wonder if some big brain can calculate the probability of finding a gf via tinder. like 0.0000000000001%

>> No.11309530

The only way to win is not to play.

>> No.11309535

I went to a weding this summer where the couple met each other trough tinder.
nobody was supposed to now because they told some bullshit story about it, but everybody made jokes about it anyway.

I have had three first meet tinder dates and one then ended up in some light kissing.
But sure, so far no succes.

>> No.11309556

it's always men's fault, isn't it?

>> No.11309568

The problem with this argument is you're implying there would not be any women who would voluntarily do it as a career.

>> No.11309600

And what is the problem exactly about some part of the population not having sex?

>> No.11309609

doesn't matter if he wants to he's been traumatised so it's largely out of hand.

>> No.11309610

The dramatic events that have occurred in recent years should have made clear to us all that the most dangerous man is the one who's not getting laid.

>> No.11309615

how the fuck is top right a solution?

>> No.11309626

That is each corner's idea of a solution. Upper right is /pol/.

>> No.11309627

>condition yourself
Look up attachment trauma and codependency. Also, if you're really fucked up, there's various reasons why you wouldn't even want to connect with other people on any level.

>> No.11309629
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>> No.11309650

People just do not murder or harm other people because they don't have sex, I think the social pressure, mental health and many other factors contribute more to these dramatic recent events.

>> No.11309664
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>> No.11309667

well fuck, how to fix it, do you think?

>> No.11309678

In what sense? Personal, population level, something else? After their genesis I'd say many of these patterns would be hard to break.

>> No.11309690

Based & Redpilled

>> No.11309712


>> No.11309721

Please provide sauce. I want to believe, but when you have shit like Tinder and online dating, there's hardly any reason not to believe.

>> No.11309743

those percentages vary from guy to guy

>> No.11309747

it's fucking hard for me when I have a regular oneitis. What do about this. I had a good routine and was clean of nearly all hedonism for 6 months straight. Felt mentally and physically better but trying to do it now seems to be a drag.

>> No.11309748

I've read online of people saying that the hypergamy only exists on dating sites and not in reality.

>> No.11309751

be a fucking man and stop whining

>> No.11309752

His source will be a journokike desperately trying to spin the Free Love Boogaloo as not a disaster for the human race.

My source is my own eyes watching egghead engineers from my grandparents' generation die happy with six kids while their millennial equivalent isn't an engineer yet because he's not diverse enough and dies swinging from a rope.

>> No.11309756

26 here. I have some regrets and know things are not right, but overall care slightly less each year and the way I care changes with its weight.

>> No.11309770

I have a PhD and that's done jack shit for me in terms of dating, well based on online dating. I am not saying that the article is wrong, but they may be overstating the value of education over things like looks and percieved social status. My guess it's probably something like a 1:3:4 ratio, so really education is just the cherry on the chocolate cake.

Consider yourself blessed, autistic fren. Nothing worse than desiring intimacy and basically never getting it.

Lel not sure how accurate that it, but it really is a total meme. Irl encounters are much better (trick is finding them)

Sauce? That sounds like social clout is needed and i can't even get friends.

>> No.11309787


>> No.11309798

personal. there must be some way

>> No.11309821

I met my wife on 4chan and I am ashamed but whatever

>> No.11309839

youre a faggot

>> No.11309864
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>blaming video games for less educated/employed/invested men

Every fucking time, god damn. Has it occurred to them that the reason young men today are less invested is because they've been tipped off on the society's bullshit?

What if I told a male child that he would have to worry about the...

>high likelihood going into debt to attend college
>high likelihood going into debt to get a house
>high likelihood going into debt to get a car
>high likelihood of 1/3 to 1/2 of your wealth being gone if in a divorce
>high likelihood of being stuck at a dead end job for most of your life
>more likely to being thrown in jail than women
>more likely to having to serve (and die) in the military/civilian duty than women
>more likely to work overtime at their job than women
>more likely to get a mental disorder than women
>less likely to be helped when in poor finances than women
>less likely to attract a partner when not doing well than women
>less likely to live longer than women
>less likely to pass on their genes to future generations than women

That male child would unironically check out before the "game" even starts. You need enough net-positives over net-negatives in incentives to entice participation. If this doesn't happen you risk a stand still or full blown regression. But of course it's video games fault, if only they were gotten rid of men wouldn't have any reason to participate.

>> No.11309865

based and nightmare-modepilled

>> No.11309907

Don't forget no one helping or giving a shit about you when you're dealing with mental illness.

>> No.11309928

Tfw everyone just fucked off while i was suffering which made things exponentially worse

>> No.11309944

Don't forget if you show a nanosecond of mental weakness to a woman she will want you to fuck off and die forever after that.

>> No.11310026

>high likelihood going into debt to attend college
>high likelihood going into debt to get a house
>high likelihood going into debt to get a car
so the word debt scares you? 5 generations of boomers lived like that. you borrow you pay back. life goes on.

>> No.11310030

Yup, it's pretty much complete bullshit. No one wants to talk about how the need to constantly show one's masculinity by pretending to be strong all the time is extremely exhausting and detrimental to mental health.

Basically, women have a monopoly on admitting mental illness.

>> No.11310090

>the need to constantly show one's masculinity by pretending to be strong all the time is extremely exhausting and detrimental to mental health
That sounds like the toxic masculinity they told me I had to get rid of even though feminism makes no effort to reprogram women not to be viscerally disgusted by male weakness.

>> No.11310169
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Tried tinder.

>> No.11310182

>high likelihood going into debt to attend college
Applies to women
>high likelihood going into debt to get a house
Applies to women
>high likelihood going into debt to get a car
Applies to women
>high likelihood of 1/3 to 1/2 of your wealth being gone if in a divorce
Applies to women unless you deliberately marry a golddigger that has nothing to give but take
>high likelihood of being stuck at a dead end job for most of your life
Applies to women
>more likely to being thrown in jail than women
Women are less likely to chimp out, so yes.
>more likely to having to serve (and die) in the military/civilian duty than women
Stop electing meme clown presidents who'll draft you to fight for foreign gvmts.
>more likely to work overtime at their job than women
Totally subjective.
>more likely to get a mental disorder than women
Women are actually far more likely to suffer from some sort of mental illness.
>less likely to be helped when in poor finances than women
Only because women are better at cultivating relationships unlike prideful, can-do-all, lone-wolf males
>less likely to attract a partner when not doing well than women
Depends on looks and social clout. Financial status is but one variable in the equation.
>less likely to live longer than women
Only of a combination of chimping out and engaging in careless behavior in men.
>less likely to pass on their genes to future generations than women
Mopey, self-defeating ding dongs: Yes.

My impression is that once you are past the point of attraction and into a steady relationship, this isn't as important/she'll actually feel the need to help you.

>> No.11310475

In 2120 it will be "Only one in eight 26 year-olds have had sex"

>> No.11310586

you cant
you can only remediate certain external/outlying issues and symptoms

>> No.11310592

>>less likely to pass on their genes to future generations than women
>Mopey, self-defeating ding dongs: Yes.
so incels should just start raping

>> No.11310700

You bang Trump sluts and stop being an incel.

>> No.11310856

>demographic trend affecting millions in the same pattern-like way
>"they all must have coincidentally *chosen* to make the same mistake at the same time at a far larger quantity than anyone in the previous generation did, it's just like, totally random!"
Women, everyone.

>> No.11310879

I hate to agree with a libertarian but bottom right is the most realistic.
>SWATing incels just for being incel will de-legitimize and destroy whichever government does it
>girls won't be attracted to incels all of a sudden just because they are "trad", making for many unhappy marriages and divorces
>incels taking estrogen and becoming girls en masse, besides being inherently a terrible thing, will also make female dating advantage too blatant and will just cause everyone to blame women for incels

Unless we live in a society where all women depend materially on a husband the majority of males will be unattractive to the majority of females. If we are going to be materially prosperous then there's no way to avoid mass incels, may as well balance the market a bit by giving them a viable alternative to courting unattainable women: the sex bot.

>> No.11311060

It's not a problem really.

>> No.11311074

30 yo kisless handheldless virgin here. You just keep doing your thing whole life, then you get job, that's pretty much it. Never pursued women in my entire life and it's alright.

>> No.11311081

>30 yo kisless
jesus christ

your life needs to be studied

>> No.11311089

25 year old here. He's me in 5 years. It's not uncommon anymore. I think people like you are the weird ones now.

>> No.11311093


>> No.11311102

I mean, i have a bro that also is single at 30, he had sex back in the days tho. It's just easier to live alone imo, usually you have to constantly think about how to behave around other people, i don't want to do that at home, i just want to relax, past 27 my libido went down to shitter so i don't even watch porn or fap anymore, sex is not necessary. Once a week i see my family, my sister have 3 kids so i have some time to play with little buggers. Life is great after 30 to be quite honest.

>> No.11311210

>That sounds like the toxic masculinity they told me I had to get rid of even though feminism makes no effort to reprogram women not to be viscerally disgusted by male weakness.
Yep, it's one of the great ironies of women.

>> No.11311301

women are often the ones that make mating decisions because they care about social status. but on the other side 50% of people are overweight whales.