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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 219 KB, 1280x720, upOlpeJKVKAhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11300659 No.11300659 [Reply] [Original]

is she our girl?

>> No.11300663


>> No.11300671
File: 7 KB, 302x167, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's our t-girl

>> No.11300672

She's so fucking boring

>> No.11300674


>> No.11300679

No, please don’t... how is that possible? Proof?

>> No.11300682

Look at that neck. Seriously how the fuck can you look at that and think "female"

>> No.11300687

She's /mygirl/. Get the fuck away from her.

>> No.11300698

name and institution?

>> No.11300701

no, fuck off to reddit

>> No.11300737
File: 242 KB, 410x338, 1565624228337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something a vertically erected block of concrete being impacted

>> No.11300741

Built for BBC

>> No.11300760
File: 34 KB, 636x350, swing32[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to grab her hair and swing her like pic related

>> No.11300768

found the pedo

>> No.11300773

If she isn’t married and have kids then she’s really not doing her job now is she !?

>> No.11300796

rofl look at the shoulder width, that is a dude you faggot you love boipucci

>> No.11300800

Stop lusting over imaginary relationships with egirls.
Start furthering your education, fag.
You two are retarded fetishists. She's obviously female. Her jaw, brow, skin, and hair elude to as much.
She's lying on her back. You all are the type of people who couldn't identify autistic spectrum kids growing up too, huh?

>> No.11300830

>Stop lusting over imaginary relationships with egirls.
>Start furthering your education, fag.
Implying I can't do both

>> No.11300844


>> No.11300853

I'm sure your mirror gave you enough experience identifying autistic spectrum kids.

>> No.11300869

>>You surely seem like a person that were unable to identity ASD individuals among your peers when your were a kid. I were like that too.
>You are autistic.

>> No.11300897

boring content and a really annoying voice, we can do better

>> No.11301010


>> No.11301015
File: 910 KB, 487x560, 1576862597286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'aight fair enough, sport.
Sorry, "too" did not mean "myself in addition". I was just making fun of them for being unable to identify retards or women. It's a low social IQ thing.
Have a nice day though.

See here nigger >>11300800
Go watch actual tranny porn if you want, but stop projecting your gay desires on normies.

>> No.11301073

shit taste doesnt even do science kys tibees

>> No.11301236
File: 29 KB, 288x288, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about her? BS in physics from MIT

>> No.11301587

Didn’t she drop out of her astronomy program and say she took classes just to impress herself and her peers? I do think her content borders on, “look at how hard science is” with series that shows off tests

>> No.11301601

I'm becoming increasingly paranoid like everyone else, but looking at her overall figure and demeanor it's quite unlikely.

From the few videos I've watched it's quite clear she's in relatively poor health though. Pale, constant prominent discoloration around the eyes, her skin looks much older than she is (reversible), and her hair, despite being long, is greying and appears brittle.

She likely has a major ongoing health problem.

>> No.11301627

I’ve seen her butthole. She’s definitely a woman.

>> No.11301669

You do realise boys have buttholes to right?

>> No.11301673

I think you just broke anon's reality.

>> No.11301676

>increasingly paranoid
Why do you care so much?

>> No.11301686

Why do I care if I can reliably tell male from female? I don't know, it's just one of those curiosities. You would think you'd be able to tell in person though.

>> No.11301707

i would do unspeakable things to those glorious eyebrows

>physics >undergrad

>> No.11301801

I just watch her videos as ASMR, don't care nor pay attention to what is she saying

>> No.11301824
File: 386 KB, 504x435, 1504630052793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11301949
File: 113 KB, 1080x977, dyrupu2va3931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11302011

It’s the paranoia that confuses me. Like, it’s well established that men can dress up to “look like women” and vice versa, regardless of whether they identify as such. So being able to “tell who is male or female” doesn’t really mean much

>> No.11302016

Why would she in any way be our girl?
She’s a youtuber that makes videos about exams

>> No.11302023

I am tired of many things not being as they purport to be.

>> No.11302032

fuck. marry. kill myself

>> No.11302039


>> No.11302043

It does matter. I wouldn't bang a chick that doesn't have a dick. I want to be able to tell.

>> No.11302171

boipucci butt pirate cope

>> No.11302310

No, but the actual point is that in general, you wouldn’t be able to tell. You can say jawline this, or height that, but the fact is that many people pass with the right filters, perspective, etc., and the problem is not in general decidable. I’m not interested in the reasons why you’d scour their complexions in the first place, but your persistence in being paranoid over something
1) doesn’t affect your life directly
2) is a phenomenon that’s outside your ability to perceive / decide on
It feels weird to feel paranoid over this of all things

>> No.11302692

This thread was originally about if she's our girl or not, not if she's a trap.

>> No.11302702

>You all are the type of people who couldn't identify autistic spectrum kids growing up too, huh

Hypermasculinised facial morphology in boys and girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder and its association with symptomatology

seems like the people pointing out her masculine features were doing just that tho

>> No.11302745


>> No.11302814

considering no one on this board has any hope of touching a vagina anyway, what's the difference

>> No.11302816

Shes pretty but I guarantee she looks at the very best subpar naked.
Too much time spent book worming instead of exercising.

>> No.11302823

Speak for yourself.
I've fucked tons of girls and ive been with my current gf for over a year.
Im probably marrying her btw.

>> No.11303793

that's easily fixed with a gym habit, which is quite doable. thottery is not easily fixed trying to introduce a girl to a book habit

>> No.11303803

do you think she has a lot of sex? Does she had lot of sex in the past? When did she lost her virginity? What are her favourite sexual positions?

>> No.11304042

This is your brain on coom mode.

>> No.11304046

>This is your brain on coom mode.

Virgin cope. Sex is fucking awesome

>> No.11304051

You only get to say this if you're not an ugly nerd, otherwise you have to pay penance for making people imagine smelly gross uggos fucking

>> No.11304075

For the retards that might take this anon at face value:
The study you posted says
>autistic people have more masculine faces
So the joke here is that
>hur hur this girl is both autistic AND masculine
And not an actual argument against anything I said in my previous posts.
Stop projecting. No well adjusted straight man ever uses the word "boipucci", let alone "butt pirate". You expose yourself. Although it was pretty funny, I'll give you that.

>> No.11304081

I too am getting tired of seeing the word "boi". In any context. Like how much of a s oy bitch can you be? teehee, lik,e im being ironic right now, boipussy lololol haha lol im mocking and being ironic, or am i? lolpierandommmmm!!!!!!


>> No.11304187

Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

>> No.11304205


>> No.11305048

Would marry her and have 3 children with her,

>> No.11305730

great asmr channel, I don't even care for mafs but it's great

>> No.11305733

>Her jaw,
That's definitely a man jaw.

>> No.11305768
File: 280 KB, 768x1024, 1548492221620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yes friend me too I have lots and lots of sex