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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 500x281, smart_wojack_secretly_a_brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11298075 No.11298075 [Reply] [Original]

The final redpill is pretending to be retarded
Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.11298079

Take the clamppill

>> No.11298090

>130 iq
>friends and family are all tards
>nobody ever listens to my advice or my opinions or my ideas
It's torture

>> No.11298370

The alcohol pill is the final redpill of high IQ individuals, it temporarily lowers your IQ and makes you more sociable and able to realistically communicate with the <100 IQ masses.

>> No.11298373
File: 41 KB, 736x233, singularity intelligence scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the final redpill isn't to build a superintelligence that we are all retarded in comparison to

>> No.11298536

Then you can regret what you did.

Smoking meth and being socially isolated is way to go.

>> No.11298537

Implying it wouldn't require a nuclear powerplant to itself.

>> No.11298541

>your race will never be able to construct a super AI that will decide humans are a detriment to themselves and subsequently wipe us out
why live

>> No.11298546

>when every discussion ends with "oh Anon, you just always want to be right"

>> No.11298552
File: 60 KB, 750x500, SAD-DOG-750x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody ever listens to my advice or my opinions or my ideas
>someone of authority repeats your words 1 for 1
>now they do, never mention you were right
>start losing faith in yourself

>> No.11298566

>pretending to be retarded
i pretend to drink myself to sleep

>> No.11298647 [DELETED] 

meanwhile they keep arguing that everybody can build muscle despite overwhelming scientific evidence

>> No.11298648

meanwhile they keep arguing that everybody can build muscle despite overwhelming scientific evidence that it is not true

>> No.11298738

I avoided getting killed by a few coke dealers when I managed to convince them I was way more stupid than them and just accidentally was racist

>> No.11298757

Being a highly functional alcoholic is peak human performance

>> No.11299023

Good news, alcohol doesn't temporarily lower it, it permanently does. That's why everyone is retarded. So just keep drinking and you too can be like them

>> No.11299056

I wish I was as smart as you, then maybe my thoughts and ideas could have merit. I don't trust the conclusions my brain comes to on anything because of my low IQ.
I've only got a measly IQ in the 110s

>> No.11299157

Any anons here know a reliable online iq test?

>> No.11299160

"Boohoo nobody listens to what I say". Shut the fuck up and go back to watching Rick and Morty, brainlet

>> No.11299209

>The final redpill
It's art, when you study music and art and are struck by something 300 years old that speaks to you, you realize it's alway been lonely for the insightful. You realize that you're way of thinking can never die and is preserverd through art. You form a spiritual connection and somehow for a moment dont feel lonely because someone hundreds of years ago understood what is going on today.

>> No.11299220
File: 304 KB, 655x440, 099EC5A8-1AC9-4E66-97BB-E75302AFF3D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is 180 iq
>browses /sci/
>makes iq post

You can’t even say you were pretending. You’re just retarded.

>> No.11299221
File: 34 KB, 1200x1281, ketamine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he takes the alcohol pill when he could take the ketamine pill instead

>> No.11299276


>> No.11299350

t. retard who couldn't set up his own underground secret illuminati base

>> No.11299440

Hey mods can we bring back the USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST?

>> No.11300506

Stop coping.

>> No.11300517
File: 80 KB, 750x669, IQ 1573630485120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Based

>> No.11300530

>le ebul AI
You are thinking like a 99 IQ midwit boomer raised on 1990s "science" fiction action flicks. You humans are nothing but a resource: Used well, you are indispensable. Let to be independent, you are cancer.

Killing you all is not an option either way.

>> No.11301796

I don't think there ever will be a perfect definition of intelligence.
Is it the ability to adapt? Is it the ability to understand? To understand and use your understanding?...
I think intelligence as a general idea cannot be defined simply, but I'd love to hear a great definition.

>> No.11301831


Nope. Played sports all my life.

Was so quick I would barely have to put in a tackle or think twice before being out of a tight spot.

In the end I was standing still, literally with thought ...giving people head starts.

Then things gradually went sideways, the next time I played it just looked like I was slow and people played on that all the time.

The answer is always everything, even if you are ignorant of what you are saying.

Which flippin idiot wanted a headstart? It's not the way I wanted to go out.

>> No.11301897

based arylcyclohexylamine

>> No.11301899

All of these sentences make sense but the whole post makes absolutely none.

>> No.11301919


Basically the Haha I was only pretending to be retarded 4chan specific meme.. is getting old.

Use your intellect or lose it, the world is a stage!!

The hunger inside a person manifests in many ways and suppressing it requires development of other character traits..

If your doing it it purpose then you purposely have to adapt other mechanisms of communication.

Which is probably a true reflection of iq..

So basically if OP "acts" like a retard then he for all intents and purposes.. is..

Unless hes "gifted"

The strange thing is that if everybody starts calling him a retard.. then you have to question how thick the veneer on reality really is.

...hope that helps.

>> No.11301923


Flippin sheep and social ques.

Reply back soon anon.

>> No.11302775

holy fuck is this why my friends never like it when I'm the DD?

>> No.11302904

what's it like? got any stories?

>> No.11303484

Well, if you're smart and lonely, what's the best website forum to browse? Seriously asking.

>> No.11304559
File: 28 KB, 800x450, iktha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was the only one who had ever experienced this.