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11293683 No.11293683 [Reply] [Original]

Is it actually possible to make drugs like Walter White does?
>you want to cook meth?
No, but I just can't believe that any Chemestry teacher could make meth or LSD or some shit in their home. Like some Mexican cartel making drugs is totally believable, they have millions in resources, but like just a regular guy? With a Chemestry education? So /sci is this realistic? Can fucking Chemestry students just whip up some Molly when they feel like it? If it's that easy why aren't all the chemistry teachers/students selling drugs under the radar, seems bullshit to me.

>> No.11293688


>> No.11293695

My knowledge based on article reading.
>Can you just whip up drugs ezpz?
You need ingredients, and if you're going to buy and melt down a bunch of pharma drugs expect to be noticed.
>Can chemistry students just whip up Molly when they feel like it?
Kind of, but drug production is a convoluted process that would require setup and knowledge of the recipe, something that students wouldn't be able to just memorize from a textbook. But they could with a lot of effort.
>Why don't chem students just become millionaires?
Gee, why don't you go try it out and tell me why.

>> No.11293698

Yes, it happens all the time, LSD is hard, but meth especially became so common because it's easy to make.

>> No.11293700
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I'll take that as a no then. Idk to the layman that show seems like at least it would be theoretically possible.

>> No.11293703

Google "shake n bake"

>> No.11293705


Acid is hard? But can't you just get it from Salvia seeds? Why do they even sell Salvia if it makes LSD, this is so confusing.

>> No.11293706

Its based on a real person so yes. Most of the psychedelics in the world came from a two people in CA they got busted. A lot of the MDMA used to come from one guy in the UK.
Coke at a time only came from Escobar. This was all before people had access to the knowledge.

The cartels are allowed to operate is

The reason why no one makes it is because it takes work to learn upstart cost and its a huge risk of the batch is fucked or cops, you need a trustworthy network. LSD is not that hard to make neither is molly it just takes time, shrooms are easy though. Quality cannabis growing is actually the hardest to get good at and you have to again have money for upstart cost if you want to do it right.

>> No.11293708 [DELETED] 

The chemical in salvia si compeltely unrelated to other psychedelics, and AFAIK the species of salvia that has psychotropic effects almost never produces seeds. It would be a treasure that nobody would dare to destroy.

>> No.11293709
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I don't know what you mean my G, is this some /sci joke? What I missing I don't lurk here, I just came to prove a friend wrong.

>retard thinks breaking bad is the best most realistic crime drama ever.

I want to wait a bit until I make up my mind, I don't really see it being possible to follow a freaking recipe to make drugs.

>> No.11293711


That doesn't make any sense if it never produces seeds then how do people trip from them, are you bullshiting me?

>> No.11293715 [DELETED] 

Acid is hard even with natural precursors.
The chemical in salvia is completely unrelated to other psychedelics, and AFAIK the species of salvia that has psychotropic effects almost never produces seeds.
I don't know what you ate, and tripped from is, I¨m pretty sure they were not salvia seeds.

>> No.11293720

Acid is hard even with natural precursors.
The chemical in salvia is completely unrelated to other psychedelics, and AFAIK the species of salvia that has psychotropic effects almost never produces seeds.
I don't know what you ate, and tripped from it. I'm pretty sure they were not salvia seeds.

>> No.11293726
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Not OP, but in theory LSA can be made to LSD. It's not practical like ergotamine as the starting precursor but if you had to how would you do it? Using stuff a normie could get/make, not like lithium aluminium hydride...

>> No.11293736


I never had drugs tho

>> No.11293737

Shake n bake is a method of making meth the simplest and dirtiest way.

To make any chemical, drug or not, you just follow a recipe, i.e. a protocol. Honestly though, you should go back to school and learn a thing or two before making a fool out of yourself here again.

>> No.11293744


Isn't ergotamine deadly? Or at least causes horrible trips?ots that shit that grows on rye right? Or at least the chemical it produces?

>> No.11293751


A fool? I I'm just asking to prove someone wrong, I don't care if I'm a fool, I wouldn't be asking about the legitimacy of breaking bad if I was a chemist. I'm not though, are you a fool if have no idea about one particular topic? I don't care about drugs, but I never knew it was that easily produced.

Any way I guess breaking bad is sorta possible, still totally overrated if you ask me.

>> No.11293754

from the little bit of backstory we get, he seems to be not just "a regular guy with a chemistry education" but an extremely gifted guy in his field, so when he understands such things to a fundamental Ievel, yes I find it completely feasible

lsd is apparently harder to get the precursors for.. with the meth he could find the stuff at the hardware store, until he went big league and needed a lot more

>> No.11293756

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.11293776
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It's naturally found in ergot, and it used to be available easily as ergotamine tartrate back in the day for I assume migraines. This was used to make acid really easily back then since the precursor was pharma grade. People claim that Mexican pharmas can easily divert some to anyone with money. That or it can be made from ergot, but you better know what the fuck you're doing in a biohazard trailer out in bum fuck nowhere with all the necessary equipment and resources. I believe that too much RC/cut acid is being passed around on the streets. Obviously the DN has it, but what about people who can't work that? If a suitable method involving morning glory seeds could be found to make LSD or boost LSA to LSD levels of potentcy, then a lot of bullshit could be resolved, it could be made more available (could help those with cluster headaches too), and prices could lower.

>> No.11293783

You could easily answer your questions with Google. Since we aren't talking about anything seriously and I'm actually doing you a favor, I'll call you anything I want.

>> No.11293798


You're a twat.

>> No.11293803

Hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

>> No.11293805


Hey that's actually pretty cool

>> No.11293808
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So far yes, but I hope not all of /sci is as insufferable as you.

>> No.11293819
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I was just annoyed at your questions, as they are very high school - tier. Synthesising meth is quite easy, if it's not the easiest drug to synthesise - plenty of precursors available and Walter White was no ordinary high school teacher.

>> No.11293829

>can't believe that any Chemestry teacher could make meth or LSD
Meth yes, LSD probably not, LSD is famously hard to successfully synthesize.

>but like just a regular guy
Watch any one of hundreds of Vice documentaries on cooks, the vast majority of meth goes from guys with no formal training and a setup that costs less than $120.

>Chemestry students just whip up some Molly
If they had Safrole oil, yes. Safrole oil is rare and getting rare as the tree is logged to extinction to produce the greatest drug known to man.

>If it's that easy why aren't all the chemistry teachers/students selling drugs
Risk tolerance, most people don't consider the gain worth the risk

>under the radar
How do you stay under the radar? If you sell directly to users dozens of people know you have it. If you sell to an intermediate dealer you have stolen business from whoever they were getting it from before.

>> No.11293830


My man I've been out of high school for 7 years I'm just ignorant to Chemestry OK? What ever, and I'm not trying to do anything illegal I genuinely just don't understand why we ban shit like LSD but u can buy seeds with it. Seems fucking retarded to me.

>> No.11293837

>something that students wouldn't be able to just memorize from a textbook. But they could with a lot of effort.
This has happened. A bunch of students were caught cooking drugs up in a university chem lab.

>> No.11293851

Hahhahahha, fucking brainlet tier. Or maybe Chad tier idk.

>> No.11293854

>Is it actually possible to make drugs
No, making drugs is impossible. We mine them from the earth and then filter them out of human waste and cadavers to reclaim them.

>> No.11293855
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>> No.11293867

>If it's that easy why aren't all the chemistry teachers/students selling drugs under the radar
A shit ton of them are you retard. It's like you never even went to university.

>> No.11293871

>No, making drugs is impossible.
To be fair it would probably be a good thing if OP believed this. He sounds like the kind of smooth-brainer who would get confused with simple acid-base extractions and end up drinking naphtha.

>> No.11293884

It's not hard just very time and resource consuming especially if you get caught buying ingredients depending on where you're from. People do it, i know of PhD students in another college making ecstasy pills in their labs and they have a special press so you knows it's there's and for years since the 60s college here (Ireland) made LSD in their labs and was the primary source although very secretive. Hell, I'm in my final year in Pharmaceutical sciences and my exams questions are on the synthesis of cocaine / heroin etc , its just really getting the resources and not fucking up the process leading to the waste of money that is the problem as well as not being caught.

>> No.11293919
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Just get Nilered to do a video on it

>> No.11293930

LSA is pretty easy.
Just grow Morningglory flowers and extract from the seeds.

>> No.11293932
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then get codys lab to put his feet in it

>> No.11293934


>> No.11294012

I don't give a fuck if you want to make drugs or not lol. LSD is synthetic drug and doesn't occur naturally, it's made from ergotamine which is natural, though. It's illegal because hippies used it and were opposed to the Vietnam war. It's just politics, really. Still, you seem like the sort of a person that takes LSD once and starts spewing spiritualist/schizo bullshit, so maybe there are some positives to be found in its current legal status.
So, don't take it lol

>> No.11294027

you couls easily grow psychedelic shrooms, and prob exstract dmt from plant n shiet

>> No.11294035

>easily produced
Im a dummy too but what was easy about all the shit they went through in that show? Have you ever tried to lift a 55 gallon drum or dig a hole in the heat? And that's the light work that they did.

>> No.11294061


> you are a snarky homo


That video was trippy.


I'm thinking this is off topic, but yeah it's pretty cool that a legal flower has such potent chemicals.

Any way breaking bad possible? Cool.

>> No.11294078
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>I don't think a chemist can do chemistry

>> No.11294111

Lsa itself is great, and extremely easy to buy.

>> No.11294163 [DELETED] 
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So, /sci/. Diving deeper into the "boosting" LSA concept. I recently watched a psychedelic science lecture by David E. Nichols on the pharmacology and brain chemistry of multiple psychedelic drugs. Amazing info, but LSD vs LSA in particular was interestingly relevant. I don't fully comprehend the material, but he talks about when LSD enters the 5-HT2A receptor, the diethyl moiety forms a non-polar linkage "lid" with other extracellular amino acid receptors [?] trapping the molecule. This "lid" that forms is the difference as to why ergotamine and LSA doesn't have similar potency to the 5-HT2A receptors: ergotamine is to large and LSA lacks the diethyl moiety for non-polar linkage so it can escape. Looking at LSH, which is half the diethyl moiety, we see half potency to LSD. So the question is, what additional drug(s) could be taken in conjunction with LSA/LSH that could form the "lid" to increase potency?

I made an experimental extract of LSA once which contained:

>Mtn Dew Ice (fresh carbonated)
>Anise Extract
>Peppermint Extract
>Ketel One Botanically infused cucumber and mint vodka (if they use fresh herbs like they advertise, could be great source of acetaldehyde and cucumber aldehyde)
>Great Value Dragon Fruit Energy Mix (phenylalanine)
>Keto BHB Mango Flavor (beta-hydroxybutyrate, BHB)
>Morning glory extract that has no nausea

Morning glory extract:
>Ground seed material
>Put in glass jar with Acetone
>Did x3 pulls for ~2 hours each, filtered through coffee filters and metal sink mesh drain into glass container
>evap Acetone
>Add cold distilled water (do it yourself, don't trust stores could have added Cl) with a pinch of tartaric acid to flat pyrex pan with Acetone dehydrate
>Swish for ~20 minutes by hand, use a blacklight to see the alkaloids entering solution.
>filter, done.

When I tried this it was the most potent of all extracts ever tried. Like 3/4 a hit of LSD. Could anything listed create that "lid"?

>> No.11294192


>> No.11294289

Check out rhodium vault. From there you can go back synthetizing reagents by search engine, you come down to toulene and acetic acid.

Also check book: Uncle Fester LSD bla bla , I don't remember.

>> No.11294293

Just extract... Most expensive way to obtain LSA, go from ergine, grow clarviceps purpurea.

>> No.11294421
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I imagine culturing claviceps purpurea takes considerable skill, equipment, and knowledge. Only ever done MG and HBWR seed extractions. The idea of unlimited precursor appeals but could that be a biohazard, dangerous, or smelly? You shouldn't need more LSA, there is easily 100ug in 4g of MG seeds. I still think it's just a matter of taking it in conjunction with something for equal effects to LSD or that a much simpler method of LSA to LSD with good yield is waiting to be discovered.

>> No.11294459

you do actually hear now and then about chemistry students trying to cook drugs, but it's usually because their dorm room catches fire from their drug op

it also... doesn't make sense to make it yourself. just be a dealer if you're going to go that far. a few years back, some grad student at a university in my state was arrested for having a pill press and enough powdered xanax to make thousands of pills. and there's always drugs flowing through frat houses

>> No.11294469

>But can't you just get it from Salvia seeds? Why do they even sell Salvia if it makes LSD, this is so confusing.
Salvia has nothing to do with LSD.

>> No.11294503

>that any Chemestry teacher
... did you even watch the goddamn show? Walter White is a chemistry genious, that's a part of this tragedy. Him being a highschool teacher is just another aspect of his tough luck, before he started making meth

>> No.11294504

you need the plant first then it's just distilling , concentrating, extracting, hydrolysis and other chemistry shit.
i don't know about synthetic drugs and i don't want to end up on 30 watch-lists because i googled how to make synthetic drugs

>> No.11294515

A friend of mine's final for some 2nd-year Orgo course was literally to describe a process to 'synthesize the following molecule' given some list of materials and it was methamphetamine

>> No.11294581
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Just water. Heat kills LSA.


Evap Acetone on large flat glass pyrex pan for maximum surface area. Once dry, add a smaller amount of Acetone to pick up alkaloids, evap on smaller flat glass pan. Add Acetone again, smallest amount possible to pick up all the alkaloids. Evap in tiny glass vial. Once dry, tartaric acid and water. Shake and swish until you get as many alkaloids in solution as possible. Verify progress by occasionally checking florescence under blacklight. Filter once and done.


Acetone tek in thread. Don't fuck with naptha NP wash, everclear extract shit it has a terrible yield. You want a polar aprotic solvent so there is no hydrogen available for bonding. The toxins in the seeds are thought to be non-polar and/or cyanogenic glycosides as a lot of morning glory sickness symptoms align with acute cyanide poisoning. Water is commonly used, but it's a polar solvent that has a hydrogen available for bonding so it still breaks down toxins slowly. I think LSA is slightly more basic than water so water acts as a mild acid to LSA. Keeping water cold helps reduce acidity and lower toxins entering solution which is why it kinda works but only reduces nausea it doesn't eliminate it. Garlic added to cold water extracts works to neutralize cyanogenic glycoside toxin build up in the body by providing thiosulfate sulfurtransferase enzymes in your body extra sulfur to convert more cyanide to less toxic thiocyanate in vivo.


Of an amide? Supposedly potassium hydroxide in a suitable solvent could convert LSA to lysergic acid. Then it's pretty complicated from there. What would you use for the diethyl moiety and how would you acquire it? DEET bug spray? Column chromatography is usually a big barrier. How would you go about testing purity?

>> No.11294595

its possible but why would you want to do it? its degenerate, and if its anything like the tv show portrayed its also sad

>> No.11294598

making LSD is a magnitude easier than making meth

>> No.11294733

>LSD seeds
I don't even know where to begin with this room temperature 14 year old

>> No.11294738

dude fuck off, last time i did chemistry was in high school. those are the only processes i know of

>> No.11294749

He's just confusing it with LSA, but yeah

Please don't troll in my Christian chemistry thread

>> No.11294758

spill the beans then you bastard what's the secret you'd make the country rich in an instant

>> No.11294788
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>> No.11294799

>My man I've been out of high school for 7 years
So which year did you drop out?

>> No.11294925

Are you under the impression the cartel invented meth or something?

Also this is why most people, even if they know how to do it and also have access to all the equipment (which itself is hard to come by), don't do it:

>> No.11294963

>actually possible
absolutely fucking not
making meth on the scale they did is virtually impossible to do without being immediately busted, and getting such a high purity is also virtually impossible unless you're an incredibly gifted chemist. not to mention, selling it in bulk is retarded and unrealistic

>> No.11294999

>Did it in remote location and friends bought supplies. Ended up getting caught in the end anyway
>Had an incredibly gifted chemist
>Sold in bulk to the local distributor
Did you even watch the show

>> No.11295019

Using safrole oil is old tek now, PMK-glycate is what the big producers use now, it's not (extensively) controlled and doesn't have to be extracted from a natural source, it's why there is so much high purity cheap MDMA about these days.

It's acquiring the precursors in quantity that is the difficult part for the clandestine chemist, in most cases the actual synthesis is the easy part, Like for MDMA, it used to be safrole oil was hard to get, so there was little decent MDMA around for a while, because the safrole oil was seized and destroyed. Crystal meth can be made from pseudoephedrine, so when that was restricted, small time producers needed to find other precursors and other reactions beyond what most amateurs could hope to find. In Afghanistan, opium is very cheap and available in large quantities. The acetylation agent, acetic anhydride is tightly watched and is the limiting reagent. Correspondingly, the black market price for it is extremely high compared to what is costs for legitimate businesses and it is difficult to find. The actual procedure for making heroin from opium is extremely simple. LSD has a difficult to procure precursor AND a difficult synth, so it is the prominent exception

>> No.11295027
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>> No.11295090

are you a nigger? it‘s Chemistry, not

>> No.11295113

with schools the trick to making money is using food waste to produce alcohol. they don't generally make lsd and meth and shit. to dodgy for most schools running scams for cash because the pay is b.s. first time I did lsd was with my chemistry teach in detention tho. lmao. he used to hate me but grew to like me.

>> No.11295220

at least you chemistryed.

>> No.11295347

>No, but I just can't believe that any Chemestry teacher could make meth or LSD or some shit in their home
LSD was literally discovered and made by chemists at home.
You need a decently pricy set up and some knowledge but it ain't hard.

>> No.11295491
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OP is the one who thought that Salvia Divinorum "seeds" were a precursor for/contained LSD. The chief active psychoactive constituent of Salvia Divinorum is a structurally unique diterpenoid called salvinorin A, a potent k-opioid agonist. It's considered a dissociative hallucinogen and structurally much different than LSD.

>> No.11295653


>> No.11295706

anyone can sell drugs you fucking retard

>> No.11295713
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i lol'd pretty gud at this

>> No.11295716

the equipment for LSD is much more expensive but actually synthesizing it is cheaper

>> No.11295730
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>Acetone tek in thread

Not anymore. Why was the tek post deleted? We can discuss chemistry and precursors, but not literally the methods themselves?So...generic discussion is fine, but no recipe posting?

>> No.11295815

Making good steriods is harder... So yes. It'll be very easy for masters+ and still pretty easy for those with undergrad education.

However, making "good" meth with purity above 75%ish becomes increasingly pointless, because the more pure the substance, the lower the yield generally. Anyone with can create 90% pure meth given enough time and effort but at a very low yield. So that's why there really isn't a WW out there because it isn't worth it. 60%-75% will do you just fine. So, that's where the show goes wrong.

>> No.11295820

>getting such a high purity is also virtually impossible unless you're an incredibly gifted chemist

You're wrong. Making high purity meth isn't that hard for any person with a well rounded chemistry education e.g. a chemist. Getting a yield that's worth it is really hard. You can use basic techniques you learn in practical chemistry courses to get a high purity given enough time. It's the yield, it's a myth that 90% meth is unachievable.

>> No.11296157
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>any chemistry teacher
Key theme of the show that Walt wasn’t any old teacher. He helped found a company that went on to turn millions in profits, which is research laid the foundation for. He was a man totally unsatisfied with his life and felt that he was way too good to be just a teacher. He could have been a highly influential scientist but screwed himself out of it. The cancer was just the spark that lit decades of anger and worthlessness. The first episode shows pretty clearly how much he hated himself before the cancer ever even struck, as well as that rage boiling inside him (see: beating up a teenager)