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11291696 No.11291696 [Reply] [Original]

i don't really know how to elaborate on this,
or wether science at all could confirm this even vaguely. Though maybe a woman has without consious awareness the kind of control over her body that she specifically would either seek to, allow, or avoid becoming pregnant from a specific load... ?

>> No.11291705

Science could confirm it, but it's unlikely to happen since it'd need some questionable ethics. If there's some sort of psychosomatic effect, it should cause some hormonal change which would be easily detectable. But again, no research board is approving us knocking up women who don't want it to see if they release something that makes pregnancy less likely.

>> No.11291709

No but I have heard it might be possible to for women to impregnate themselves

>> No.11291716

What have you tried?

>> No.11291725

I'm a virgin, but i think a lot...

Imagine a girl specifically chasing a guy without understanding it's because she wants to get pregnant from him instead of a simple one night stand, and she'd never understand what was happening all along.

Not talking seahorses, alright. Just human females

>> No.11291881

Its called Plan B, you subconciously get into pharmacy and ask for it.

>> No.11292160

very funny
this really runs deeper though

>> No.11292163

Instances of rape are more likely to result in pregnancy than instances of consensual sex.

>> No.11292231

Very interesting. Because without malicious connotation, however cruel, the universe might just have its way with us completely disregarding preference or intention.
\ This would just litterally be a massive fuckyou to everything we think we know

>> No.11292254


>> No.11292259

so science doesn't acknowledges human consciousness?

>> No.11292264

no it's hard determinism here bucko

>> No.11292269

>Could it be a woman-
who cares about whores lmao

>> No.11292301

I see Todd Akin has figured out how to use the internet

>> No.11292305

yeah hard determinism equaling settlement for inevitable ignorance. ..

>> No.11293142

Do you believe in you? Literally, why do you live to script?

>> No.11293151

What does egg cell want?

>> No.11293154

lol actually?

>> No.11293600

Real science doesn’t bother with badly defined pseudoscientific concepts of something that might or might not exist, in the way or not the way that most think of it

>> No.11293605

Seems unlikely that this is about the female body, just one alternative possibility I'm pulling out of my ass: men who have higher testosterone both have more potent semen and are more aggressive and prone to rapin

>> No.11293610

You're a virgin because you think a lot

>> No.11293616

it is proven by science

>> No.11293628

Yes, I have that theory too about my pregnant gf and I think me too...it was just wild Sex but subconsciously I think we wanted it to some degree..

>> No.11293650

I like this post. Another ethical concern would be how sure a researcher could be that their testing wouldn't negatively impact a wanted pregnancy, for example accidentally damaging an egg when sampling its outer layer.

>> No.11293679

This is actually where it would be worth studying blacks or West Africa since you such a large sample size of rape to pool from. Black men rape White women at a huge rate but often there is no pregnancy, however when a Black male rapes a Black female there is a higher ratio of pregnancy. Multiracial pregancies are also more likely to miscarry so there is correlation with DNA being too foreign for a healthy pregnancy. Black women also have the most complications when birthing other races babies because of the birth canal shape being to small.

>> No.11293771

>badly defined pseudoscientific
and yet the closest come to defining existance
science is all about existing and can't justify its own existance.... rrriight

>> No.11293781

don't capitalize race names, it feeds schizos and those who directly and indirectly profit from human suffering

>> No.11293795

Or the observer effect

>> No.11293920

the data isn't conclusive, there's also an increased likelihood biased sample risk like only reporting a rape if you got pregnant from it.

>> No.11293926

if it is true then it might be that women are more likely to be raped during their fertile phase, possibly due to behaviour changes or the male brain picking up on some indicator of oestrus

>> No.11293937

Why would you completely ignore the obvious answer for the weird one?

>> No.11293952

Because someone already mentioned the high test theory.

>> No.11294195

So, this shit gets bumped and not labeled
/x/ teir, but my post does despite scientific studies already available in an attempt to understand it...I hate this board sometimes.

>> No.11294272

oh my what a sad individual

>> No.11294282

Maybe rapists target women who are ovulating.
They don't do it consciously, but strippers who are ovulating earn a lot more than those who are bleeding so it stands to reason rapists, like strip joint patrons, prefer ovulating women.

>> No.11294309

Not nearly as sad as this pathetic board.

>> No.11294319


Because people like him aren't interested in the logic or science or things that can actually be tested. They simply want to confirm their world veiw. Haven't you realized?

>> No.11294356


Knowing American Witness Protection and Treasury Asset Protection. A lot of the officers in charge of several government funded programs would set up women whose spouses were in jail by the age of their children. To then play them as a biological family. It becomes a problem when they are abroad over 3 months because then they’ll need responsorship. It’s the same as moving, so it becomes out of their hand. anyways in tradition they sorted everything out by children age groups. No loose ends. But they did this to stage female social awareness or child envy. The idea is if one gets pregnant they all get pregnant not necessarily true as people are naturally libertine and selfish. It just means creating more responsibility. like you have right brained left handed. Left brained right handed paradigm. In general plausible circulation by its constituents. Anyways they went to use these schematics to get them pregnant by strangers without having to be fearful of the crime. That’s why people get scared when they see everything in grouping. Because in the quota end of things it means a couple will have to be used to make ends meet. Like crime. The simple suggestion would be they weren’t ready to be a mother or around those borderlines.

I think women tend to naturally seek the better partner. Better partner doesn’t always mean they’ll be anymore involved in their children’s life but allow them more mobility as well as motility. The better partner also means they’ll enjoy the grand parenthood. Women fear loneliness but also don’t want to be tied down. So in the gist of things they’ll get pregant by those whom they consider best friend not necessarily a head over heels guy. Because they enter into a parenting partnership without the burden of tiring eachother. They are only emotional exclusive to themselves at the end of the day. Without feeling reprimanded to eachother for a necessity.

>> No.11294361

that makes sense. when fertile their whorisness goes into overdrive so they are more likely to be raped.

>> No.11294367
File: 56 KB, 770x590, Womens_fantasies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11294385

Source? Got a paper to go with that?

>> No.11294444

doesn't just every heterosexual man prefer ovulating women then?

>> No.11294505

this makes it seem as though it's a resounding yes

>> No.11294512

fantasies don't correlate pregnancy intend

>> No.11294741

According to modern psychological theory, theres no such thing as the subconscious.

>> No.11295344


>Multiracial pregancies are also more likely to miscarry so there is correlation with DNA being too foreign for a healthy pregnancy

That's a massive lie, how do you explain countries like Brazil that have several different ethnicities running around, but no noticeable level of complaints around multirracial pregnancies.

>> No.11295352

He's not wrong.