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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 603x1103, 1275913613164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1127779 No.1127779 [Reply] [Original]

Something about this seems suspicious. I'm not sure what though.


>> No.1127783

The result would be green muck which isn't palatable.

>> No.1127781

There is the problem.


>> No.1127788

Look at it scientifically. This seems like the 'Hey hold a hot spoon under a tap and shit bricks' or 'Put peanut butter and an egg into a mug and microwave, gives cookies'.

There's a danger here. I'm sure of it.

>> No.1127798

How else would I cool down spoons I have left in my pasta water or frying pan?
How hot are we talking here? Cause 'natural' hotness shouldn't make it split or anything.

>> No.1127802

My dad put an egg in a microwave once.

That was fun.

>> No.1127803

I'm talking 'wrap duct tape around it and hold it on a hot stove for a minute'

There was a thread on /b/ I think. People got their hands cut up pretty bad when the spoons exploded.

>> No.1127804

Cookies don't occur because the heat transfer is different in a microwave.
This isn't like those other examples. You'd get a pile of muck that's green >>1127783, though it'd still taste like broccoli.

>> No.1127805

Tastes fine. Isn't the most exciting meal, but it's not bad.

Provided you like broccoli of course.

>> No.1127807



>> No.1127809

>Implying you can't cook eggs in a microwave.

>> No.1127810
File: 153 KB, 350x350, aweseomegif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking hilarious!

>> No.1127818

>hydrogen sulfide


>> No.1127823

I'm not, but unless you time it very carefully, it'll explode.

>> No.1127826

Its duck tape not duct. ffs

>> No.1127828

You better be trolling.

>> No.1127832

>Implying sitting there watching it for 2 minutes is a careful precaution.

>> No.1127834

Il take a picture of the ducK tape right next to me if u want.

>> No.1127840

> the spoons exploded.


>> No.1127860



>> No.1127878

molten metal, fun stuff

>> No.1127880
File: 58 KB, 250x223, 1265356675711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, now I want some broccoli.

Shit's underrated. Far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best vegetables out there.

>> No.1127883

Concur. Vegetables get a bad rap over all, I reckon.

>> No.1127888

Unless you have funny teeth alignments.
Shit gets stuck EVERYWHERE

>> No.1127903

Not when you boil it to soft, mang.

>> No.1127936

if people are stupid enough to do something that they got off /b/ they deserve to have their hands cut up badly

>> No.1127953

Are you kidding? The ruler/hammer rubber band thing was a great 5 minutes.

>> No.1128472

But boiling it removes most of the goodness!

What happened then?

>> No.1128487

That won't be cream of brocolli, it'll just be tasteless brocolli goop. You'd need milk other shit to giveit consistency and flavor.

>> No.1128595

I vote cheese