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11249699 No.11249699 [Reply] [Original]

that gypsy roastie will post pasta anyway edition

>> No.11249717

What books would you recommend someone who knows nothing about medicine?

>> No.11249719


>> No.11249723

Basic bio chem and physics, after that medical biology, medical, chemistry biophysics, then you can move on to real med textbooks i guess starting from anatomy, physiology etc.

>> No.11249729

Talley O'Connor Anatomy & Physiology

>> No.11249754

First for fuck brainlet DOs

>> No.11249775

How likely will entering med school be if you have mediocre to poor grades in first year undergrad? What about 2nd year, 3rd year, etc? What if you take gap years in general? Canadian student fyi.

>> No.11249907

What is the best thing a highschooler could be doing to help themselves become a doctor?

>> No.11249952

getting off 4chan would be a good start

>> No.11249978

what happens if a surgeon kills the patient during surgery? what happens if it wasn't surgeons fault but the patient died of causes during the surgery? also can I legally operate on people assuming I don't fuck it up and can I get them to sign a document saying "yeah I accept the risk don't blame the surgeon" is such a thing legally possible kthx
holy based

>> No.11249991

I've had a ton of issue my entire life in sitting upright without back support, is this just due to not being fit or does it sound like a medical issue? Typically it's rather painful when my back isn't supported as all of the muscles in my back seem to turn on at once and overcompensate for something, and they're really lax by default to the point it feels like I have to flex my joints every so often. Joints also pop extremely loudly whenever I move, whether it's knees when turning around, ankles when they roll when walking, wrists and shoulders when I consciously crack them to relieve the pressure, but I'm not sure if it's related to my back issues, which are mostly as follows
>When sitting cross legged on the floor in primary school, had to rest arms on knees for support and lean forward
>Used to squat on the floor in primary school when in school assemblies etc because of how uncomfortable it was to be cross legged
>Can't sit in chairs without leaning against the back for support, and even then I prefer to almost crouch on chairs if possible, sitting in them normally is very uncomfortable for more than a few minutes
>Have never been able to use kitchen stools, bar stools etc as all the muscles in my back seize the fuck up and start working too hard, it's extremely uncomfortable
>Can't really use couches either unless I'm leaning right back against the cushions
>Only really feel comfortable when lying down on a flat surface
>Everyone around me seems to have no issues whatsoever sitting cross legged, on the front of chairs or a couch without any back support, or even not having to sit against the wall in a sauna
What's going on with me? I've been like this my whole life but now that I've started work I'm really starting to notice how unusual it is and now that I'm getting older, how it's actually physically difficult to put up with

>> No.11250063

Would it be presumptuous to see a dermatologist during their acute consultation hours because some condition you have had on your wiener for years (nothing too serious, I suspect psoriasis) ,but I was always a bit too ashamed to tell my mum I'm off to the doctor, but it became acute recently due to me meeting a cute girl with which I might finally lose my virginity (which due to me being a diagnosed sperg isn't something that happens all too often) ?
I already have an appointment with that practice, but that is in march and I'm not sure this can wait that long.

>> No.11250103

when do i start dissecting corpses and writing scribbles? i didn't sign up for this

>> No.11250129

>popping in lower vertebra near pelvis becoming more common when I flex
>some sort of throbbing/blood action going on in lower back
Reeee it looks like I'll be seeing a doctor to get fitted for a brace after all, I don't want to end up paralysed just because of shitty posture and spinal positioning

>> No.11250390
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>> No.11250418

Bro's I've got small brown and red?? moles appearing all over my body. I'm not paranoid but could that shit imply skin cancer?

>> No.11250940

in usa it's like that, you can actually sue the patient if he's too much of a bitch and dies

>> No.11251287


>> No.11251392


>> No.11251424

m8, I had lymphoma. I know how shit cancer and (SPECIALLY) chemo/radiotherapy are. as long as there is documentation on this drug working and even ongoing research on these types of drugs, I'll keep posting this.

I bet you didn't even read the links I posted.

btw, I suggest googling "anti-helminthic drugs cancer"

>> No.11251447

>I bet you didn't even read the links I posted.
The guy who has the cure story that you linked admitted that he was concurrently in an FDA medication experimental trial for cancer chemotherapy. Not only that but he was doing the whole CBD oil thing, vitamins etc. etc. Even if we accept that what he says is true (which we can't be sure since he hasn't released his medical record, and MD Anderson or whoever can't release it due to HIPAA), that confounds the fuck out of the pinworm medicine.

The results for the fenbendazole in animal models can't be generalized to humans without further testing. Even the results themselves haven't been universally consistent. Most "very promising" drugs in animal models simply can't make the leap to humans and fail in Phase 1 and 2 trials.

>> No.11251448

Then why are you focusing on this crap rather than treatments with actual potential, like immunotherapy or targeted cancer therapries?

>> No.11251492

>Then why are you focusing on this crap
are you retarded? I'm no medic, biologist health bureaucrat or anything. I have no saying about current therapies and protocols. I know how this shit works, it's on oncologists to inform cancer patients about those therapies.
but then, what's the problem with trying (ALONGSIDE what your doctor tell you to try) a cheap therapy in which you have to take a dewormer and vitamins from time to time?

the guy says he's got feedback from other people around the world, though of course we have no way of checking that info. but again, no loss in trying.

>> No.11251509

>biologist, healthcare bureaucrat

>> No.11251564

>what's the problem with trying (ALONGSIDE what your doctor tell you to try) a cheap therapy in which you have to take a dewormer and vitamins from time to time?

Even vitamins aren't always inert, nor are any medication therapies. How they act upon the body is contingent on a large number of biological processes, but also with what else a person is taking or doing. An example: Let's say you have a bipolar patient who exercises a lot in the hot sun, drinks coffee, and takes one of his dad's hydrochlorothiazide pills once in a while because he gets "blood pressure headaches." Well, that can easily kill him, because Lithium, the mainstay bipolar drug, is tied to sodium (Na+). If you offload the sodium, then you can easily become toxic.

Many drugs require that you have protein binding sites to bind to otherwise there will be too much free drug in the system and they'll become toxic. That means liver failure patients are at higher risk. What is worse, certain medications interact with each other in a manner in which they will displace each other creating potentially lethal interactions. Lasix (loop diuretic) and Coumadin (blood thinner) are well known for this. Really fucking bad news if these end up toxic.

Now you take a drug like doggie pinworm medicine. You don't understand the pharmacodynamics or pharmacokinetics in humans. Are there special pathways that cause complications? Who knows? Are there alternative effects? Don't know. Will taking it with baby aspirin kill me? What about a child or older adult? Say what you want about the FDA, but Phase 1 and 2 trials are meant to determine whether or not a substance is safe.

If you are taking a long shot "I'm going to die otherwise" then whatever. You got nothing to lose. Just don't presume that everything is simply inert because you don't understand the subject enough to ascertain the risks. Hell, eat too much liver in certain animals and Vitamin A can put you in the hospital.

>> No.11251572

>what's the problem with trying
Potential toxicity, lack of effectiveness, reduced effect of current therapy, unwanted immune response etc...

Most importantly is a lack of evidence and a lack of theory. You wouldn't ask a cancer patient to take any random drug just because 1 person anecdotally says it worked for them?
I mean there are even people on the internet who think a vegan diet on its own can cure cancer.

>> No.11251606

I assume people aren't complete idiots, they will do some research and will understand that this is NOT a miracle drug, that they will be only testing it, that they should try it ONLY in case they have no alternative, and will know if there is something wrong with the drugs once they take them.

also, a quick googling of "Anthelmintic drugs" tells me the side effects aren't too bad, though they should be controlled

and google says "Fenbendazole seems to be well tolerated in humans after oral exposure (single oral dose up to 2,000 mg/per person; 500 mg/per person for 10 consecutive days); however observations in humans are limited."

>> No.11251630
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I suggest you read more about medical research and the concept of evidence.

>> No.11251637

I know a bit about that. I also know that research on experimental therapies takes 10 or more years to complete. meanwhile, lots of poor people don't even have access to therapies because their healthcare system won't offer them experimental therapies, or because they simply can't pay for ANY therapy.
this drug is cheap, probably available everywhere in the world. if they will die, might as well try it.

>> No.11251664

1. There's no proof this drug works, I'm sorry but what you've posted doesn't qualify as proper evidence
2. There are plenty of experimental treatments that actually work and will likely become the main treatment in 20-30 years (targeted therapies & immunotherapy)
3. Why the fuck are you so obsessed with this deworming medicine for dogs?

>> No.11251668

There is a huge gap between "they are dying might as well try it" and

>as long as there is documentation on this drug working and even ongoing research on these types of drugs, I'll keep posting this.

There is no way to discern this individual claim, and that is all that we can say about it, a CLAIM, from the tens of thousands of other alternative cancer treatments. Whether or not it is affordable doesn't make it any more likely to work as opposed to going to Mexico for special vitamin and mineral cleans for $10,000 a month.

I personally don't care if you individually try it on your own, but this and the other thread sure as hell doesn't present the level of evidence as it actually exists (i.e. You could try this dog medication based on the fact that it had some mixed to positive results in tumor suppression when given to mice and in a petri dish, and also because a man claimed it cured him [who was also on experimental chemotherapy] though there is no way to confirm it.)

>> No.11251687


>> No.11251700

I enjoy when people post things that have been well-known for decades within the medical community. Drugs having unintended effects and alternative uses are well known. If you have male pattern baldness then the top-line drug is Propecia/finasteride which was originally meant to shrink an enlarged prostate.

The effects of aspirin on cancer reduction isn't airtight, and only seems to be an effective prevention in colon cancer after many years of extended use. That said the risk of ulceration, eye damage, and hearing loss are all things that have to be kept in mind. How many cases of cancer could be prevented by aspirin? It is a cost-benefit as the risks of hemorrhage and ulcerations make it even questionable in people with risk factors for heart disease. This has a much stronger association with potential protective effects of aspirin.

Again, the fact that drugs can have alternative effects is meaningless if there isn't evidence to determine the veracity and strength of those effects. Doggie pinworm meds still have no clinical evidence in the treatment of any disease outside of doggie pinworm. If it is going to be repurposed then it has to show that it works beyond unproven claims or petri dishes/theoretical human models.

>> No.11251725

fine, then. I'll start suggesting mebendazole instead of fenbendazole. btw, does it require a prescription? what about metformin, statin and doxycycline?

>> No.11251751

>I'll start suggesting mebendazole instead of fenbendazole.
Why? There has been no trial evidence on its effectiveness. The only "evidence" that has been shown has been on the level of the doggo meds. Two case studies and petri dish/animal models.

>btw, does it require a prescription?

>what about metformin, statin and doxycycline?
The most common diabetes drug that millions of people take is metformin. What about it? Do you mean statins as in HMG CoA Inhibitor statins? That isn't a single medication, but an entire class of medications. That is also one of the most common Rx in the US. Is that what you mean? Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic. What about them?

>> No.11251965

Boards and Beyond

>> No.11251974

Need to put a disclaimer on these threads that they are not for seeking medical advice.

>> No.11252073

Guys, in a country with limited facilities Sudan. Had a patient initially admitted with severe (hemolytic) falciparum malaria who developed generalized haemorrhagic vesicobullous and papular eruptions within 48 hours of a blood transfusion

A hypocellular marrow too. I suspecte transfusion-associated GvHD but I heard even in the west its a tough diag. How to proceed? Is there specialized immunochemistry I can send for?

Also other cases I racked up and I am helpful if you want to listen

>> No.11252083

Why would you ask on a peruvian twine-bartering forum instead of just googling gvhd dx

>> No.11252087

I'am hoping for helpful comments*
sorry, phone

Also found a familial leucoencephalopathy with greater penetrance, and almost always restricted to fronto-temporal-parietal lobes. I suspected HDLS (orphan disease unfortunately) but I couldn't convince the muslim family to give me subcortical tissue for histo. I contacted a woman in Holland (winner of the Spinoza on leucos, very impressive) and she suggested a variant gene I didn't know.

Are there european, american labs who could do it pro-bono?

Also do you have any clinical pearls for menisceal/ligamental findings on traditional X-ray? A lot of patients can't affort CT/MRI and I need more than soft-tissue enhancement, chondrocalcinosis or narrowing

>> No.11252089

maybe there's someone lurking. Google provides little info anyway and I want someone who might've seen biopsies or did HLA for it

>> No.11252105

Good luck mate but I doubt you'll find an answer here in time

>> No.11252285

Even if you had a diagnosis the treatment is supportive so who cares?

>> No.11252681

seems like you haven’t read them yourself past a small glance. Analyze it thoroughly before schizopasting it everywhere.

>> No.11252910

you are right, I hadn't read the studies completely.

1st, they mostly talk about lung cancer and lymphomas, with some sources also talking about in-vitro testing against many other cancers: brain cancer, leukemia, colon, breast, ...

the fenbendazole+vitamins study on mice ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687140/ ) says they hadn't gotten the same results as their original observation, claiming it probably had to do with lower concentration of vitamins and the fact that the vitamins and fenbendazole were close to their expiration date. they also claim the mice that were given fenbendazole and no vitamins had increased cancer growth.

the mebendazole report ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687140/ ) says it's been tested in-vitro against many types, in vivo against lymphomas, that there are some documented cases in humans that weren't 100% successful, and that there were 2 ongoing clinical trials against glioma patients. it also mentions (in the appendix) a bunch of other drugs that could be considered for repurposing against many types of cancers

both note that the bioavailability of these drugs increases when taking them with fatty meals.

>> No.11252917

also, wikipedia and the study say mebendazole is mostly safe

>> No.11252921

What can I do for scoliosis? I was diagnosed with hemiparesis, and since I can't shift my weight onto my right leg nor bend my right knee properly, I've always walked weirdly, which resulted in my spine bending. It's got to the point where I have chest and back pains. Surgery is out of the question because I live in eastern Europe and the last thing I want is shitty doctors fucking me up and paralysing me.

>> No.11252926

I mean extend my knee, so as to walk properly. My bad.

>> No.11252968

Create a solution for hair loss you dickheads.

>> No.11253381

since the hemiparesis will inficiate any sort of training that could solve the problem by strengthening the muscle and improve your posture, there are different types of corsets that can help you deload your back, but don't expect magic, they simply distribute the load (better than nothing still, if you don't want surgery, and i kind of agree with you on that, surgery wont solve the hemiparesis that is at the basis of your problem)

>> No.11254577

Mate, how the fuck did you manage that, I'm first year biomed and have gotten straight A and A+s

>> No.11254636

obviously drinking is bad, but is it both bad and retarded to just sip liquor all day? like am i damaging my liver and not even getting wasted for it?

>> No.11254640

Your liver can handle being drunk every now and again. It's only when its done so often that the liver gets congested and can't convert Acetaldehyde into acetic acid quickly enough

>> No.11254644

right, but is regular and gradual drinking of alcohol ie not enough to get drunk excessively bad? ive been thinking of doing it to lower my anxiety
or do you think i should just get a proper anxiety medication

>> No.11254648

As long as your doing it in moderation and not being stupid I don't anything bad will happen. I wouldn't make it a regular thing though

>> No.11254667

Getting in is 10% merit and 90% coming up with some exotic life story that turns heads. Don't worry about a few grades and worry about what country you'll be living in the year after college to do mission work or something.

>> No.11254672

Recommendation is no more than 1-2 a day. The issue isn't the liver at that amount, the issue is if it leads to 3, then, 4, then 5 a day.

>> No.11254819

>have bath
>little fingers on both hands go numb really fast at first
>when I take them out of the water the feeling goes away and when I put them back in it doesn't go back
>get really fucking dizzy while in the bath to the point I have to lie down afterwards
>green spots occasionally pulse in front of eyes
What's going on bros, the water isn't even that hot

>> No.11254856


>> No.11254901

What about physical stress does it cause anything?

>> No.11255073

How does one get medical job that involves working in extreme environments like antarctica?

>> No.11255087

I really dislike masturbating and also don't watch porn. Obviously I never have sex as well. But I've heard that long abstinence from sex activity may result in prostate cancer.
Is there a prophylaxis from prostate cances without masturbation and sex?

>> No.11255316

Prostate cancer is rarely a problem. Almost every geezer gets it and it doesn't spread fast. You won't die because you didn't masturbate.

>> No.11255721

sounds kind of pointless, also wont protect your upper digesting tract nor airways, which also suffer damage from alcool (especially if you smoke as well)

>> No.11256282

Wild exaggeration based on the correlation between masturbation and prostate health. There are a myriad of factors that begin that malignant process in prostate cells, anything with statistical significance and even things like the fucking genetic constitution we have. Don't worry too much about, your seminal vesicles will secrete anyway


To establish it and write up a report for future reference, in coordination with the blood bank

>> No.11256310

tl:dr; if your symptoms are all true you need a full work up. We don't know if these are rampantly proliferating red blood cells clogging your retinal and finger vessels, a nervous disorder affecting your peripheral vascular control, raynauds with something else, or something else on its own.

>> No.11256317

in response to >>11254819

Could be
>polycyth/systemic masto
>mild dysautonomia
>a powerful vasovagal response upon entering the water
>a preexisting neurological condition, \particularly with sudden onset paraesthesiaes like this one

This is something that needs a physical, tests. Not speculation here. Esp if you're not exaggerating symptoms

>> No.11256510

What sort of testing could I undergo? I've already got Raynaud's so it could be that, but would I need an MRI or something for confirmation?

>> No.11256555

Depends how fucked you're talking about. There's some schools that take best/last 2 years or give otherwise favorable GPA calculations (UBC drops a year, UofT drops a class per semester if you have full courseload every single semester, etc.), but do not mess up any further. GPA is king in Canada, way more than in the US where a lot of advice from the internet comes from. MCAT doesn't mean shit up here for the most part and ECs take a much greater backseat.
t. Canadian applicant, with friends who have gotten in with 3.9x, mediocre MCAT, and no ECs.

>> No.11256654

Preping for medschool. This depends on the country, I believe. We had admission exams for which I prepared for 2 years. It turned out to be an overkill, but I wanted to be sure.

>> No.11256850

no standard testing, its a purely clinical diagnosis. Use warm water (not warm enough to hurt you), warm showers if possible, put on gloves and start nefidipine 20 once daily if it gets bed

Assuming you're in a western country you'll find plenty of vessel-widening drugs like iloprost too

>> No.11256856

can I ask, is it primary raynauds or do you have an associated diag? Green pulse suggests retinal and a lot of connective tissue dxs don't do that. That would suggest cryoglolulinemia (systemic effects too), buergers or lupus

Do you also have really old furniture or referigators with vinyl chloride in them?

>> No.11256930

I know you mean well, but do you really think the avg med student knows squat or even cares about biophysics?

>> No.11257008

no but who wants to ve average? good grasp of mechanisms will make understanding stuff easier along the way, what average people would have to memorize by repetion he will memorize by understanding which is easier and lasts longer.

>> No.11257414

I would recommend you start to get a structured life. For instance, tell yourself that at a certain time of day you're going to study for x amount of hours and make it a habit. You should also get into lifting, cardio, learn a second language and learn to play an instrument to get disciplined. I would also recommend that you learn how to study efficiently(med school insiders on YouTube is quite good). Don't waste your years in HS, get really good at chemistry, biology, physics, English(your mother tongue) and math. Try to learn the basics of anatomy and physiology and medical terminology. Try to get a summer job as a nursing assistant, practical experience goes a long way. Lastly, stop wasting too much time on vidya and 4chan.
tl;dr get disciplined and learn how to study.

>> No.11257522

Why shouldn't I go into DO for psych?

>> No.11257577

Following up on >>11256856

Do you smoke?

>> No.11258017

I got excessive thirst and I wake up every day with thirsty my mouth, throat, nose and eyes dry as fuck so I drink like one liter of water. This started happening after taking isotretinoin for almost an year. What could it be? I haven't gone to the doctor because I feel like they might not believe me when I say I drink that much.

>> No.11258803


>> No.11259211

where my med homies outside murica at?

spain reporitng in

>> No.11259214

what is "DO"?

>> No.11259380

up the ra

>> No.11259399

italy here
there's a couple romanians i think, dunno about the rest (most seem american, with all their premed/med bullshit which i dont really understand)

>> No.11259666 [DELETED] 
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Clamped, vaccinated, circumcised.

>> No.11259668 [DELETED] 

They clamp.
They vaccinate.
They circumcise.

>> No.11261052

Georgiabro here, i hate everyone of you, happy new year!

>> No.11261212

I'm not sure what you mean by associated diag, but I think its primary Raynaud's as it's my hands going blue/purple in cold weather. Don't have any old furniture or a refrigerator with that material in it as far as I know.
I don't smoke, no coffee and minimal alcohol (once every 3-4 months) as well. Relatively high blood pressure is the only other contributing factor I can think of but that's only present due to an L1 anterior wedge fracture constantly aching and consequently having a tense lower back and mentally focusing heavily on the injury. I'm not on any meds for that either, if that makes a difference

>> No.11261505

Did raynauds start when you were little or after sexual maturity?

>> No.11262251
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Anyone else feel like they are wasting their life on medicine?

Seeing all my high school friends over the holidays made me really question my decision to such a large commitment. I think I started to believe my own bullshit that it will all be worth it one day

>> No.11262530

I can remember having it from at least 10-12 years old, it might have been going on earlier but if so I haven't got any memories of it

>> No.11262585
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Hi there /med/, I seek your counsel.
I recently became a MD and I have to start thinking about which specialization I will choose.
Now, I always had been interested in psychiatry, I also had my thesis on that and most of my voluntary clinical practice had been oriented in that direction.
Recently, though, nearly two months ago, while I was reviewing some notes about anesthesiology and reanimation, I found myself growing more and more interested in that field.
My problem is: I don't think I'm a very bright student and in my experience I struggle to keep in mind most drugs dosages or other similar notions; also, as I already said, most of my clinical practice had been a psychiatric one until now.
Would I be a fool to go for anesthesiology at this point or not? I like it but I don't know if I'm up to the task

>> No.11262588

It happens to the best of us. Keep going, it will pass someday, probably

>> No.11262594

Italian medfag here. I once argued over some ekg results with a german anon, so possibly he's still here also

>> No.11262601

I'm just a med student but I'd say go for it. Anaesthesiology seems like a better career so you may as well give it a go.

>> No.11263027

ER nurselet here, can ST elevation persist after reperfusion in STEMIs? I’m talking long term here, and does illness cause ST elevation to reappear?

>> No.11263270

They clamp.
They vaccinate.
They circumcise.

>> No.11263372

and most importantly they protecc

>> No.11263379

They clamp because they care.

>> No.11263733

There is the care, and THEN.... there is the clamp.
There is the care, and THEN... there is the cut.
There is the joy and wonder in a child's eyes, and THEN... there is the jab.

What can you even say.

>> No.11263914

Somewhere in the balkans.
The country I was born in doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.11263924
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>>11262530 here, is picrelated proper Raynaud's? My hands go much bluer than this when out in the cold, but this is just a normal summer evening

>> No.11263948

They don't go blue they go white

>> No.11264219

UK final year med student here lad.

I'm in a small minority who use anki here, glad I finished my degree before my peers discovered it and inflation of test scores goes through the roof.

>> No.11264227


yea because flash cards are a *secret* method

lmao you must be incredibly arrogant to think you are in a special circle becuase you use a flash card software

i can already imagine how insufferable you must be to be around

>> No.11264252

Space based repetition software is very underused in the UK compared to USA. Look at how many premade uk decks there are compared to the huge amount of US decks. All american resources are way ahead of anything in the UK because the demand on the market for great revision tools is so high due to the importance of STEP 1 for doctors careers.

Many students in the UK are just concerned about passing finals and won't pumped 100's of pounds into revision resources compared to the US where students drop 1000s of dollars on UWorld, Sketchy, Kaplan etc. One of the most popular resources here is PassMedicine which is trash compared to something like UWorld.

When med schools here implement the MLA exam in the next 5 years it might change as competition will go to a national level but for now the demand just isn't there

>> No.11264408


lol. flash cards ARE spaced repetition you mongoloid
they have been used for over 100 years if not more

the only difference is that anki saves you a lot of time by not having to manually move cards and write them down
as well as keeping track of the intervals for you

people claiming anki is some super power are fucking retarded. using anki doesnt mean you dont have to study or have to study less, just that you dont have to bother with the organization as much as somebody that doesnt use it

>> No.11264424

Clamped by the Elohim.

>> No.11264465


I'm not sure how you can compare homemade manual flashcards to using premade anki decks based on high yield resources from the US market (Sketchy, UWorld, First Aid, Pathoma) with added options like cloze deletions, sub decks, in built textbook explanations, complex review timers/suspensions etc and the ability to quickly make your own/edit flash cards whilst all being accesible on multiple devices and its FREE.

If students want to waste valuable time and resources making their own flashcards on paper and setting up review timetables fair one. Anki is like a force multiplier for revision efficiency that isn't needed in the UK because our exams are so easy compared to the US.

I think the future will be lecturers making anki decks for their teaching and distributing them at the end of each session.

>> No.11264524


lol. do you realize that good students have ALWAYS used spaced repetition and flash cards? you can literally find the exact same system anki uses in some study tips from 1960.
yes. we get it, you started getting better grades because you used anki.
smart people have been using this system since forever

its hilarious you think this stuff is somehow novel or groundbreaking , becaues its really not

other than that , anki wont study for you

it will reduce the time you need to study/review things because it maximizes the efficiency though

>> No.11264600

i get all red on my face after drinking small amount of vodka (1 glass). Whats wrong with me?

>> No.11264646

Are you Asian? Are you taking any medications?

>> No.11264647


The premed stuff that americans have seems completely unjustified to me


Yugoslavia obviously, likely a serbo-croat/shtokavian speaker, right?

>> No.11264688

central european. small doses of sertraline but i had week long break because i want to get high on cough medication at new year eve

>> No.11264689


you sound like a subhuman, do the world a favour and off yourself junkie

>> No.11264706

i am just finishing my CS degree, i am at least of slightly above average iq

>> No.11264828

Alcohol slightly increases cardiac output which probably explains the reddening.
Are you naturally somewhat pale? It's easier to spot blushing when you're more pale, but it's not a necessity

>> No.11264843

Vasodilation and histamine response. Can indicate nutritional pathology that I don't recall at the present time.

Try adding a thumb of ginger root. See if it suppresses it at all. If so, histamine.

>> No.11264989

cyanosis is also a sign of raynaud’s

>> No.11264994

Can a general surgeon work in internal medicine without residency or smth if he will decide to give up surgery?

>> No.11265101


no. your specialization is like a completely new course you have to take

you'd have to start from scratch again

unless you have a personality disorder i wouldnt pick surgery

it attracts the worst kinds of people and the work hours are horrible

its also seeing a huge influx of strong wammyn that will METOO very very soon (as they realize that they sacrificed their child bearing capacity for surgery)

>> No.11265108


they go completely insane btw, female surgeons fuck every single male they can find from thugs to other doctors but none of the males want to bond with them so they get cattier and crazier as each year goes by

>> No.11265177

You guys, I've been living with debilitating pain for almost 2 years every time I have a bowel movement for the rest of the day. I suspect that I have an anterior and a posterior anal fissure, as well as dermatitis of the perianal region and the gluteal cleft. Can wounds heal if they have been present/retear for so long? I'm at a point where corticosteroid creams worsen the dermatitis and so do creams (calcium channel blockers) that help lower the resting pressure of the sphincter. My life has become hell and no doctor can seem to help me, not even really diagnosed, and everything they have given has made things worse. My primary concern is that after being chronic for this long that the mucous membrane and skin won't heal (anoderm fissures/ulcers and gluteal cleft dermatitis).

>> No.11266302

Is that just due to the stress of the job?

>> No.11266332

Any headshrinkers here might find this interesting https://celibatepedos.blogspot.com/2019/10/an-actual-survey-of-cp-viewers-on.html
Also curious to hear what you think of this, especially if you treat sex offenders or something

>> No.11266457


no its becaues they want a man who is more powerful/richer than them but at the same time also need a man who stays at home and looks to their (future) children

however if a man stays at home the female doctor will never respect him and see him as inferior thus making the relationship or any relationship impossible in the first place

women in highly competitive jobs is a recipe for disaster

>> No.11267796
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L1 anon here. I had an MRI done finally and picrelated looks like the most useful out of all of the scans. Is there anything here I should be worried about besides the fracture itself?

>> No.11268167

Ausfag Y2 reporting in

>> No.11268741

did you take the UMAT? tips? taking a similar test

>> No.11268771
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How safe would using 16.7% w/w salicyclic acid and lactic acid be for removing skin tags?

>> No.11268803

Not him but I took it a couple years back.
Just practice a lot, as much as you can without burning out. Also if you can afford it there are paid courses that are pretty good.

>> No.11268884

thanks mate, I'm trying not to burn out lol
I've been practicing for around 2 hours a day for 2 months already, have the exam in a month and a half. I've done a paid course which cost me €600 and was helpful but I still feel kinda unprepared for some reason, even though I get around 90 percentile on the practice exams. Hopefully I score high enough on the day, my worst section is Understanding People and that's really hard to improve on
the test is called HPAT btw and is administered by the same organisation that used to do the UMAT (ACER)

>> No.11268976

Yeah sounds like you'll be alright. Another tip, practice for interviews as soon as you get your result. Don't be like me and think that just having a passion will carry you through the interviews.

>> No.11268989

Luckily we don't have interviews for medicine here in Ireland. I think interviews add a lot of subjectivity to the application, it's nice having a more objective system

>> No.11269406
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More docs necc'ing themselves because of the shit they have to put up with.

>> No.11269463

My own symptoms resemble yours, I have inverse psoriasis. I have taken a proactive response for several years. Elimination dieting identified 4 additional foods causing increased symptoms. I no longer drink alcohol or eat red meat, and excercise to recommended levels. I stopped using as much toilet paper and am considering getting a bidet, washing is more comfy. I drink additional water with glutenfree psyllium husk to supplement soluble fiber for easy pooing. I use hydrocortisone 1% sparingly, and recommend CeraVe lotion which has a topical analgesic for irritation and ceramides for lubrication.

>> No.11269480
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>when you realize that some wanker browsing this general might be your or your child's doctor some day

>> No.11269504

Fairly extreme. You need a brace and periodic monitoring to see if healing or regeneration can occur, otherwise your prognosis is seriously diminished quality of life with perhaps permanent disability. Failure to remedy this situation will leave you with few options but risky surgery performing experiments with permanent loss of function/range of motion (spinal fusion, implants). Of you can manage some bone regeneration, it's possible you can regain significant fuckin with careful and thorough physical therapy.

Fuck /fit/ and their shitty squat/deadlift meme workouts

Time consuming and unnecessary. Get a friend, a sharp razor, strecth and slice leaving enough skin behind for edges to heal. Alco swab & bandaid.

>> No.11269511

>let an untrained retard chop you up
No. Don’t ever trust normies and their motor skills with a sharp edge. Go to a fucking doctor, preferably a white man who has experience removing skin blemishes.

>> No.11269598

What exactly should I be raising with the specialist I'm seeing in a week or two? As it is, it looks bad and I've been told it's bad but I don't know what the actual threats and damaged areas are besides the vertebra itself.
And I agree, fuck /fit/

>> No.11270016

Are you thinking of doing the USMLE, going Aus/NZ or staying here?

>> No.11270019


>> No.11270125
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it weeds out the weak cunts who don't deserve to pursue medicine in the first place

>> No.11270169

This is the most virgin thing I’ve ever read.

>> No.11270386

You obviously haven't been on this site for very long then

>> No.11270419
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what's modern psychiatry like? i have depression, adhd and am prone to psychosis. i have earnoises (and sometimes headnoises) my brain translates in speech. i get treatment by a psych doc, but he isn't doing any medical tests. i asked him to prescribe me bupropion which he did without warnings and i got small psychotic break from it and after a month i asked for a dose increase which gave me racing heart which woke me up in the morning and i thought it's going to explode. had also weird reaction when hearing a sound it would repeat in my head. i'm going to ask for a dose reduction. but i don't know what to do. all doctors are doing just the most basic checkup and say some shit (ent: play some radio before going to sleep). what could i do to help myself? i'm going again to my ent to get a transfer for an ent clinc (which he already downplayed) and to a dentist to get a transfer for an orthodontist to check up if some of the noises are from a possibly jaw malposition. any tips? are there brain scans that could help me solve my mental problems?

>> No.11270437

do you regret going into medicine over other careers? if so, which?

>> No.11270513

UK student here, I want to intercalate a Masters degree, as I already have a BSc
Would it be more beneficial to do Medical Education, Public Health, or some research project?

>> No.11270540
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Ask an OrthoChad anything

>> No.11270556

What would you do with a patient who has >>11267796 at age 22?

>> No.11270652
File: 83 KB, 450x600, 450px-Hopscotch_to_oblivion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which hospital has the best doctors for Autonomic dysfunction?
The doctors in my city diagnosed it one year ago and since then nothing has happened doctors will avoid all my complaints and I am constantly accused of hypochondriasis.

seems like these doctors are too ignorant about my rare condition to be able to help me.

I am thinking about traveling to Stanford for their autonomic dysfunctions center the website said it has the best labs for autonomic dysfunction in the united states.

I am only 21 years old and I think I am too young to be staying bedriden all the time and with constant pain, I think all the OTC painkillers will make me sick.

so Is Stanford the best autonomic dysfunction center? mayo clinic?

I am pretty sure my death is inevitable I have been getting worse for 17 months this is unsustainable... but as a sick person I have learned that you can't tell doctors about some of your concerns because they will dismiss you as a hypochondriac very very quickly and if you aren't careful they will refer you to psychiatry for "health anxiety"

>> No.11270883
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>doctor told me that my side localized headaches probably aren't worth investigating any further and that if there is anything wrong the symptoms will present themselves
So basically he said he doesn't wanna send me for imaging and if I do have an MCA aneurysm or some shit then it'll happen when it happens? How do I convince myself I'm just an axnious hypochondriac?

>> No.11270899

A tutor of mine said he worked in a neurology clinic when he was younger. Apparently for up to half of patients presenting with headaches they couldn't determine the cause, so imaging is probably not going to help you.

>> No.11270901
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>> No.11271590

see a second doc, if the answer is the same you most likely are just a cunt

>> No.11271842

I have 4 months to pick between medicine, computer science and psychology. Would you guys recommend going for medicine over the other 2?

>> No.11271851

No, go for computer science and do something for someone else.

>> No.11271867

>do something for someone else
what do you mean by that?

>> No.11272138

Do medicine dude, if you want to do CS, you can learn that stuff on the side (or as an undergrad), and then you can apply those skills to medicine. If you want to do psychology, just do medicine and become a psychiatrist. As a doctor, your doors are wide open and you can do almost anything you want to.

>> No.11272147

Don't worry, your friends secretly think you're the only one of them who is going to make it. t. /x/ tier schizo.

>> No.11272177

>if you want to do CS, you can learn that stuff on the side (or as an undergrad), and then you can apply those skills to medicine
and then nobody will employ you
>if you want to do psychology, just do medicine and become a psychiatrist
psychiatry is completely different from psychology

>> No.11272178

Medicine is best if you can handle delayed gratification, you wait twice as long but get paid 2x-5x the salary of a computer geek

>> No.11272184

not if the computer geek is smart and invests his money with a 6 year head start

>> No.11272193
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>> No.11272215

>and then nobody will employ you
you think anyone wants to employ you if you go for a code monkey degree lmao? by doing medicine and learning programming/CS on your own, and then making projects on your own, you show you are a lot more capable than the mass amounts of brainlets being pumped out by universities with a CS (code-monkey) degree.
>psychiatry is completely different from psychology
Psychiatry is a superset of psychology, in the same way physiotherapy is a subset of sports medicine or orthopedics, there are psychiatrists today who employ therapy and follow the tradition of the 20th century psychoanalysts. As a psychiatrist you have the advantage of being able to understand and administer medicine in the cases in which you feel need it.

>> No.11272262

>you think anyone wants to employ you if you go for a code monkey degree lmao?
computer science degree, yes, I've never met anyone struggling to find a job with a CS degree
>by doing medicine and learning programming/CS on your own, and then making projects on your own, you show you are a lot more capable than the mass amounts of brainlets being pumped out by universities with a CS (code-monkey) degree.
you also overspecialize into a completely niche field with no jobs available
>Psychiatry is a superset of psychology
absolutely undeniably its not

>> No.11272291

>there are psychiatriats today who employ therapy and follow the tradition of the 20th century psychoanalysts
Is medicine in your country not evidence-based?

>> No.11272297

therapy, specifically CBT is the most evidence-based intervention

>> No.11272301

If you are the guy I initially responded to, it seems like you've already made your mind up. If you want to pursue a code monkey job that in 5 years everyone and their dog will have, and try your luck at working for amazon spying on people and helping pornographers advertise to them go right ahead. If you want to actually help people and use your interest and skill in CS to advance the medical field then you could do that.
>you also overspecialize into a completely niche field with no jobs available
the idea is that you work as a doctor but using your CS skills to advance your practice
You literally do not need to go to university to learn programming, if you want to research in CS that's a different story.

>> No.11272314

I don't follow psychiatry closely but I know some psychiatrists see value in therapy and have a close knowledge of the history of psychiatry and have it help in their practice. Those are two people I follow that do that.

>> No.11272318

>If you want to pursue a code monkey job that in 5 years everyone and their dog will have
I think that's a huge overestimation, while it's just a matter of speculation I believe in 30 years demand for CS will far outgrow the supply, 90% of people are just unable to pursue it
>try your luck at working for amazon spying on people and helping pornographers advertise to them go right ahead
that's a good argument, most of current CS jobs do indeed feel soulless and unethical/immoral, sucking all the humanity out of you
>If you want to actually help people and use your interest and skill in CS to advance the medical field then you could do that
I don't think there's much opportunity for that yet, maybe in 30 years when machine learning is much better developed

>> No.11272325

>demand will outrgrow supply
lol at this level of delusion, cstards are like uppity whores who think they’re stock goes up without fail even as their services become far more accessible skillsets among a much better adapted population and the effect of hiring them is exposed as a net neutral or negative financially.

>> No.11272331

think about all the people you've met in your life
what % of them do you think would be capable of learning advanced, math heavy CS topics such as machine learning?
there's only so much people capable of doing CS jobs, population will plateau at some point but CS jobs have potential to grow exponentially

>> No.11272348

What's your diagnosis? If it's migraine/cluster headache, there's no reason for a mri since it cannot be secondary.

>> No.11272420

I keep getting told I have chronic bronchitis I have been sick for 2 years

>> No.11272432

think about all the people you've met in your life
what % of them do you think would be capable of managing a regional insurance office, using high level psychosocial machinery, domination tactics, human resource management and communication skills?
there's only so much people capable of doing upper middle management jobs, population will plateau at some point (lol when?) but upper middle management jobs have potential to grow EXPONENTIALLY

>> No.11272615

>dementia at age 16
>COPD at age 19, never smoked before

WTF how do you get COPD if you don't even smoke? is it air pollution WTF

>> No.11272642

This is the only condition I'm aware of that causes COPD in young non-smokers. There are likely a number of other possibilities, what does your doctor say?

>> No.11272651

>I'm no medic, biologist health bureaucrat or anything

read: "I lack the most basic education needed to talk about cancer research"

>> No.11272654

I got multiple chest image studies done over the past 2 years and it has the radiologists wrote it was

"Airway inflammatory changes have decreased from prior. Suspect chronic bronchitis. No acute findings elsewhere."

I will ask the pulmonologist today about alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency

>> No.11272667

If there aren't any signs of emphysema then it's unlikely to be alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency.
I assumed this was a recent onset problem.

>> No.11272762

I don't know if dementia at 16 is possible
were you checked for bacterial infections and/or put on antibiotics?

>> No.11272837

hey /med/fags
what do you think about this

>> No.11272922

Can't remember books but if you can get anatomy, biology, and chem down, you should be able to have enough knowledge to listen to doctors talk legit medicine. It's basically what new grad nurses do anyway.

Just know when you graduate you have to live a structured lifestyle. You can still party, you can still have fun but you have to be able to stay in on weekends when needed, wake up at 6, shower, study, go to class, study, gym, study, hang out with your friends, and then go home and memorize a few things before bed. Just be disciplined in all aspects. Also, try to be involved in hospital settings early on before the studying gets too intense. If you know somebody in the medical field, even better. My mom was just an RT and she got a pulm doc to allow me to come shadow him. Did wonders for actually preparing me for the shitshow of a profession the medical field is.

>> No.11272936

It's never wrong to talk to a doctor and remember they want to see you too, call and explain you need this looked at soon and just tell the doctor face to face what's going on, he'll understand. Worst case scenario is you talk to the NP or PA they get the pertinent info passed along to the doc early

Most doctors worth their salt would understand the psycho-social reasonings for you wanting this looked at sooner than later.

>> No.11272945

Doctor of Osteopathy. The story is that it's a form of medicine the focus's on holistic care. A few people pretentiously look at as not being as educated or good enough to make it into a real med school.

The truth is DO's are often internal medicine, family practice, OB's, and most are fantastic.

>> No.11272951

Guys I'm just a nurse but the most bro surgeons (other than general) I've met were female surgeons. Did they want to fuck me?

Also, I'll say this, fuck vascular surgeons. Y'all can suck my dick.

>> No.11272964

Here's the thing man, back surgery is risky and difficult. My one piece of advice to you is that you do your research and pick the best one possible, if you have to pay out pocket without breaking your finances apart please do. Otherwise you'll just pay more and more medical bills as your back falls apart.

Basically just ask him what are the surgical options/likely outcomes, non-pharmacologic and lifestyle changes, what you need to do now to prevent any further fucking up, and overall prognosis.

Please just be careful bending, lifting and moving until you see him.

>> No.11272978

Get a second opinion, even the smartest doctors are wrong sometimes. If he says the same thing you are probably fine.
If it really is provoking that much anxiety tell them that you just can't psychologically feel comfortable without imaging and let them know you are well aware that you may be wasting resources and money.

In all likelihood, I bet you are a hypochondriac and I would advise you to chill. Like he said, when something does happen you'll know. But there is nothing wrong with being extra careful everybody here does it all the time in practice.

>> No.11272997

Future of medicine is exciting. This sort of thing will be used routinely in the near future.
Only issue with it is overdiagnosis.

>> No.11273857

how necessary is b hep vaccine for medical workers?

>> No.11273941

If you work in highly populated area its very recommended.

>> No.11274094

It's mandatory for medical students in the UK. Not even allowed to a GP's office without it. Can imagine it's the same for actual staff.

>> No.11274513

Staying here mate. America is too hard to get into even if I wanted to, the lifestyle is much more brutal than here. Aus/NZ seems alright but not much better than here, you have to do a year of bullshit before you can locum there and it would only delay speciality training.

Honestly don't know why so many doctors and med students complain about being a doctor in the UK. Above median salary income, stable job for life, decent pension, respect from society. All my mates in other careers are having a rocky time as graduates in finance, accounting, engineering etc. My view will probably change once I actually start working.

If you already have a BSc I wouldn't intercalate unless you want to go for academic foundation. You'll get very little further benefit on FPAS and specialty post application scores.

>> No.11274738
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Do Azarga doses taken twice a day have to be exactly 12 hours apart, or can I wait another hour or two for the person I'm administering them to to wake up? I can't find anything about this online except for just twice a day, and I can't contact the doctor who prescribed the eyedrops at the moment.

>> No.11274796

Probably mandated in any hospital but if your immune system doesn't react to it that's ok.

>> No.11274803

It doesn't matter, it's for a chronic disease. It's like brushing your teeth, taking a dose later or occasionally missing a dose won't hurt.

>> No.11274949

What's the track record like for kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty? Are they reliable at all or better stayed away from?

>> No.11275793

Really? I assumed getting an MSc would in some way make me more competitive further down the line.
Also it would be easier to do one now instead of taking a year out later or doing it part-time.
I've looked into the AFP and I think it'd be cool, I love research. But I'm also thinking of applying for an Army bursary and joining as a Medical Officer when I graduate, and I don't know if it's possible to do both.

Honestly I'm looking into the future a lot, but I'm at a stage where every career path I learn about seems exciting and interesting, so still need to be able to narrow down what I want to do.

>> No.11275807

Pathology resident at shit tier Canadian school reporting in

1.6 GPA my first semester as my grandmother who raised me died 4 days before finals and being the workaholic I am decided to write them anyways.

Dropping my worst year my GPA was 3.5/4.0 scale in a biomedical field. MCAT was 95th percentile on the old scoring metric. I was the curve for the interview and that got me a spot in USask Regina campus.

Medicine is stable but honestly I wish I did computer engineering/computer science or finance. Didn't really have much of a choice stability wise as the second my grandfather dies I'm stuck caring for my blind brother and quadriplegic father

>> No.11276111
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About to start my comfy clinical pathology residency
FUCK people

>> No.11276141

muh nigga
viro never leaves his kingdom

>> No.11276304

can you niggas give me some material on cardio training?

>> No.11276311

why the fuck did you even want to become a doctor in the first place if you hate people?

>> No.11276314

Netherlands here, what specialties are competitive in Europe?

>> No.11276329


>> No.11276334

Derma, ortho and plastic surgery. To some extent internal med and surgery, but I think you can more or less pick your degree after you finish, depending on the country ofc.

>> No.11276385

not neuro?

>> No.11276390

neurosurgery that is

>> No.11276433
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are dentists allowed here?

>> No.11276456 [DELETED] 

I have no idea what this thread is about. Can I have a hint? That would be supremely useful. Too useful, ultimately. lol I don't know that I'd go and bash this man. I know nothing about him. I can respect people's spiritual practices. I'm not going out to disparage people in their set up. That's not an interesting activity to choose. I don't see it that way. I would rather do a near infinite amount of other things. There's really no question. lol I'll leave my concerns to myself and allow other people to be concerned with themselves.

>> No.11276581

They are,I post here regularly.

>> No.11276588
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ebin :-DDD
i thought the autistic superiority complex that most general medicine practitioners have over dental medicine folk is also present here

>> No.11276595

>medfag superiority complex
I literally dont engage autistic people,they can scream their guts out for all i care.

>> No.11276656

is there a cocktail in syringe for the wellbeing?

>> No.11276915


>> No.11276916

strongly suggested but just for your own safety
it's probably more useful for nurses since they are the ones that work the most with needles in a relatively careless way
surgeons should also do it, you never know when a drop of blood is going to splash in your face and even googles wont protect perfectly 100% of times

>> No.11277511

Start shadowing docs in the specialties you are interested in. Start affiliating with premed clubs at colleges. Talk to med-related subject faculty about their experiences. Talk to campus health offices about internships. Expand your definition of health related occupations. Talk to ambulance drivers, gerontologists, psychiatrists, health aides/nurses, physical therapists, chiropractors, veterinarians, biologists, laboratories, etc. Private companies may have unadvertised internships, or willing to answer questions.

>> No.11277516

Why hate people? Robots are coming to take your job.

>> No.11277843

Brainlet take

>> No.11277851

Because I like medicine, while not enjoying the idea of being a nightshift-working hospital slave under constant fear of malpractice?

>> No.11277950
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Anyone know what the radiologist is talking about here when he's bringing up facet joint effusions towards the end?
Is it a good/bad result?
Scan >>11267796

>> No.11278019

does med include biology? not a /sci/ guy but have a biology question

>> No.11279464

if its human related sure

>> No.11279719

What medical testing equipment can I use at home with some level of accuracy besides heart rate monitors, blood glucose meters, etc?

There has to be has to be more I can do without going into an office for my samples to sent to a lab somewhere else.

>> No.11279937

Between ages approx. 12-16 I suffered for very very bad anxiety and depression.. and I didn't musturbate at all.
Could that be the cause of now having a tiny ding dong (which obviously is one of the biggest issues a person can have)?
Something like use it or loose it, or just low t high cortisol.. especially in a crucial development age

>> No.11279944

The Bible (king James version)

>> No.11280039

Portable PET scan is relatively cheap, takes no space at all and is must have for every family

>> No.11280042

need to post your and your dads dongs side to side for accurate comparison. Im urologist btw.

>> No.11280994

Sometimes when I take a really deep breath I abruptly get sharp agonizing pain in my lower spine. Feels quite localized.

Only happens sometimes though, should I be worried or is this just one of those 'weird shit happens to the body sometimes' things.

>> No.11281003

What textbooks and books are good for getting the hang of what being a surgeon is? I've thinking about getting into surgery after finishing my residency.

>> No.11281090

As a new nurse on a general med floor, is there any recommendations or just general advice you have that you'd want to give your RN? I have pretty solid relationships with all of the current hospitalists & residents, but there's always new ones coming in & i'm always looking for advice that makes your day less stressful & improves patient care

>> No.11281206

does taking PPI block alcohol absorption in stomach?

>> No.11281405

Yeah, dunno about that, but you can imagine it like this:
>a literal skinny earthworm
>normal shlong

>> No.11281512

who /pharma/ here?

>> No.11282060

Are there any definite ways to improve your lung capacity as an asthmatic with ~50% average lung capacity? Iirc, the structure of the lung is permanently restructured in early years

>> No.11282427

How do I get good at pharma, bros?

>> No.11282437

try every drug at once

>> No.11282443


>> No.11282758

Question to ausfags:
Do most GPs have regular patients that they know on a personal level, or do most work in walk in clinics where they only have whoever walks through the door?

>> No.11282833

It's a sign of minor inflammation in the joint likely due to age, it's fine. Also you don't have to worry about the compression fracture, it's extremely common as people age and there's nothing to do about it but control pain.

>> No.11282883

Sounds like nothing serious, could just be arthritis if you're older.

>> No.11283921

Depends on where you work and your niche as a GP. A GP I know, close to me, whose patient-base consists of about maybe an 80/20 split for regulars/new people. I assume there are some, probably in the inner cities, who work in walk-in clinics and just get random patients all the time.

>> No.11283962

Thanks, guys. I passed my exam.

>> No.11283989

If you can write, ask the master

>Register Number: 87850-053
>P.O. BOX 1000

>> No.11284058

I'm 22 though, which is why I was getting worried. Is it going to get much worse with age?
The fracture was sustained via gym trauma

>> No.11284074

Anyone have recommendations for a stethoscope? Looking at the Harvey DLX and Littmann Cardiology IV right now.

>> No.11284077

I've never thought about it before, but what are the odds of receiving a reply if you write to prominent convicts?

>> No.11284146

Going off what happened with tarrant, I'd say you could get away with it for a few times as long as you don't post the mail up on social media like a moron
Then again, I'm an Aussie and Americans might treat that shit more seriously. Didn't someone manage to get a letter from Unabomber though?

>> No.11284201

Unironically based

>> No.11284252

Its ortodox Christmas my dudes.
Merry Christmas to all.

>> No.11284564
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merry christmass

>> No.11284646

I just found out that my friend's father has cancer and has spread pretty damn wide too, I can't reach him by phone (ass barely ever calls me though), should I send him a message?

>> No.11284767

send message where you say that you need to meet him and talk, and tell him when you meet him.

>> No.11284770

Is laparscopic surgery as hard as it seems?

>> No.11284771
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AI diagnostic for brain tumors streamlines standard practice

>> No.11285193

people are still asking the unabomber about their math problems lol

>> No.11285207

I don't see why this isn't already mainstream.

A problem with medicine I see is knowledge and metholody not being uniform, so that you have to strike gold finding the right medic and too much diagnostic requires to be interpreted. In this last 2 years even amateurs have showcased major feats using these low level "AIs" being able to interpret and rearrange, clean, improve, create images. So what are they waiting for?

>> No.11286075

I just went to get up from my chair, and when I lifted myself from the armrests there was a sharp pain going from my sternum to my middle back, what gives?????

>> No.11286077

It gets much worse if I try the same motion, but move my elbows towards each other in front of me

>> No.11286131

How dangerous is a single shot of tequila every night before bed?

>> No.11286282

humanity needs to evolve an alcohol gland

>> No.11286435

What is common practice medicine is highly regulated my doctor's "guilds" that aim to protect the profession. It's not that dissimilar to why getting into law works the way it does and why you're legally required to have a doctor around to do many things a nurse can easily do.

>> No.11286651
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Freshly graduated medfag here.
I was always interested in psychiatry, I even wrote my thesis on anorexia nervosa.
In the last two months though, I had a sudden surge in interest in anesthesiology and reanimation; I was never a good student tho and I have some difficulty remembering drugs dosages or other such informations: should I try becoming an anesthesiologist or remain on my current course of psychiatry?

>> No.11286667

Useful YouTube channels and videos for med students?

>> No.11286676

For medicine in general watch this video
Osmosis, sketchy micro, Armando, Kaplan and pathoma are good for theoretical medicine.

>> No.11287033

Hey mithocondria My name is chloroplast, and I fucking provide oxygen for very single one of you. All of you are glycogen dependant breathers, who spend every second of their day not conducting photosynthesis You are everything bad in the animal kingdom. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any energy from pure sunlight? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of photosynthesis because of your own dependance on ATP, but you all take it to a whole new level. This is even worse than consuming calories.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best carbon dioxide. My cell is pretty much perfect. I was top organell of the plant cell, and breathed carbon dioxide when I was still a bacteria . I also get straight sunlight , and have a banging hot chlorophyll (She just inhaled carbon dioxide to me; Shit was SO cash). You are all shitty organells who should just work on your breathing. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my chlorophyll

>> No.11287036

is it true that Cocain reduces Salivation?

>> No.11287043

Silly me I thought the priority was protecting the patient.

>> No.11287128


>> No.11287141


>> No.11287228
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.11287345

how can you get rid of scars at home?

>> No.11287348

depends on the type of scar

>> No.11287350

tried to cut a listening device out of my arm, deep enough to require xrays but they've mostly flattened and faded since it was about 3 years ago now

>> No.11287356

if its 3 years ago then you cant really do anything about it

>> No.11287358

do they continue to fade indefinitely or do they stop "getting better" at a certain point?

>> No.11287361

at some point they wont be noticeable anymore, but that will take several years
i have still marks on my legs when i got operated on as an infant

>> No.11287461

>tried to cut a listening device out of my arm
You what now?

>> No.11287553

мoй мeмe нe кpиигe. пиздa

>> No.11287558

>tried to cut a listening device out of my arm

explain this please

>> No.11287708

schizophrenia, in the moment there was no doubt the government had planted a listening device in my arm to spy on me/influence my thoughts - the most surprising part however is it turns out they didn't and I was just mentally ill, it's easy to joke about now but I still feel incredibly ashamed of it, especially since with each girlfriend you either have to tell them or just refuse to which makes things difficult, no point crying over spilt milk though

>> No.11287727


I want to do psychiatry but my grades are fucking shit dude. Probably gonna graduate with an average of around 78-81% depending how I do in my final semester. Don’t qualify for any weighing except at Ubc (homeschool but probably won’t make a huge difference) and I think Queens. I’m a non trad (hate this term) who dropped out of high school at 15 cause I had an unstable home life. No idea wtf I’m gonna say about this on my applications my grades are fucki trash. Been thinking about just saying fuck it and going to Ireland or Australia where GPA cut offs are more forgiving (I think my GPA on an OMSAS scale is close to a 3.6) cause I can’t be fucked to do a second degree.

>> No.11287796

I got my blood pressure checked today and it was 120/90, am I going to die? I was in alcohol withdrawal at the time so maybe the second number will go down with time? I've just recently decided to quit drinking like days ago after several months of drinking

>> No.11287801

I'm 174cm and 100kg age 25 if it helps, no family history of heart problems

>> No.11287820

Lol you could just use to google to find out that's normal

>> No.11287827

You are certainly going to die, although I can't give you a rough timeline.

>> No.11287831

>174 cm
>100 kg

what the fuck are you doing bro, you should be literally at least 30 kg lighter

>> No.11287868

thanks the advice and yea i know i need to lose some weight

>> No.11288490
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Does anyone have links to the full Lecturio Medical Education video course?

>> No.11288557

based schizo

>> No.11288974

Why is Staph completely benign in one person and causing folliculitis in another?
Why is h. pyliori completely asymptomatic in some cases and causes ulcers in another?

>> No.11289470

Most of these cases depend on aggravating conditions, such as immune dysfunction, microbiome derangement, alcohol/drugs, disease, hygeine, etc. and some variants of these may be more or less able to overcome physiological resistance.

>> No.11289476

So... germs don't *cause* disease; germs are an indispensable *factor* in certain diseases?

>> No.11289521

How's the Olanzapine?

>> No.11289552

Some diseases are caused directly by bacteria, viruses and parasites no aggravating conditions required.

>> No.11289592

A question to your question. How would you acquire a disease if the germ was not present? Could you possibly acquire a pathogen based diseases without a pathogen?

>> No.11289606

I can't believe people are trying to semantically argue against germ theory.

>> No.11289613

What's up with people being so vehemently against statins?

>> No.11289619

This is the world we live in.

>> No.11289621

Because they cause muscle aches and most people are pussies.

>> No.11289651

"Germ" is an archaic term but it solved the mystery of how disease arose so it was a very useful concept.

Normally symptoms present themselves, the subsequent investigation is undertaken to find possible causes, the result becomes a theory, the treatment is based on the theory, the results refine the theory (confirmed/denied/more refinement). Patients are in essence, guinea pigs. If a treatment appears to succeed in clearing symptoms, definitive analysis to determine exact agent(s) and mechanisms are not undertaken. If diagnostics are invalidated by treatment failure, additional tests are performed (culture, genetic) and the investigation gets deeper.

Keep in mind Staph. And H.pylori are commensal and ubiquitous, ie. normally present, but they only cause serious disease in certain situations. The classic example of a commensal organism becoming pathogenic (disease causing) is in individuals with lupus, in which a weak immune response allows some damage, like a lesion to form. This creates more opportunity for commensal, normally non-pathogenic bacteria, and the scale of infection grows. In these cases the patient's condition is relevant as well as the pathogen, however in this case such bacteria are not necessarily disease causing in normal patients.

>> No.11289660

But there are pathogenic strains of those bacteria with more virulence factors that can cause disease in individuals with normal immune response.

>> No.11289678

Can't you basically say the same about any other etiology?

This is just the most basic principle in epidemiology. The agent should be present to cause the disease but there are instances when it is not always sufficient to cause disease occurrence.

>> No.11289717

How do B cells mature in the periphery in people without spleens? Does it happen other lymph nodes?

>> No.11290213 [DELETED] 
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No. The commensals do not have more virulence factors. The bacteria co-evolve to live on us. We co-exist because we have adequate co-evolved immune defenses. It is only pathogenic when it is the agent in a disease process. In the example of lupus, the immune system is compromised. The bacteria are the same. Doctors scrub their hands to remove ordinary bacteria.

>> No.11290227

No. The commensals do not have more virulence factors. The bacteria co-evolve to live on us. We co-exist because we have adequate co-evolved immune defenses. It is only pathogenic when it is the agent in a disease process. In the example of lupus, the immune system is compromised. The bacteria are the same. Doctors scrub their hands to remove ordinary bacteria.

B-2 cells are generated in the bone marrow, B-1 are found in the pleural or peritoneal cavities

>> No.11290237

What do you think of this case?

Its too bad this happened. Fluoroquinolones are a last line of defense in patients succumbing to bacteria that has gained antibiotic resistance. But as you can see someone can be permanently damaged by a single dose.

Perhaps in hindsight it was a mistake to use our antibiotics off-label in animal and plant environments as pesticides and supplements. The relatively aseptic hospital environment has created a new environment for antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi. Some suggest the only solution may be to "Open A Fucking Window" and let the chips fall where they may.

Nevertheless, without real government or industry support, the situation we face is the inevitable loss of thousands of lives. Where last-line antibiotics maim instead of kill, new therapies are urgently needed, precisely when public awareness and political will are at lows.

The only practical advice to friends and family is, don't go to a hospital unless you absolutely have to. Don't go for elective surgery unless you absolutely have to. In this new world of a toxic planet, and rising morbidity in the population, awareness and maintenance of personal hygiene is your own responsibility and care and caution will save your life.

>> No.11290260

When did I say that commensal bacteria have more virulence genes? I meant that there are strains of bacteria that have a greater capacity for pathogenicity.

They are not the same. Do you mean to say that regular E. coli found in the microbiota is the same as O157:H7?

>> No.11290277

Helicobacter pylori is divided into CagA positive and negative. It's a fucking cytotoxic virulence factor.

Staphylococcus is a whole ass genus. If you meant Staphylococcus aureus, then the species is further divided into several strains depending on what kind of toxin they secrete.

They're not the same bacteria, you fucking retard.

>> No.11290284

But immature B-2 transition from T1 to T2 in the spleen after leaving bone marrow because they are exposed to more self cells and survival factors presented by resident dendritic cells. Can they mature outside the spleen or is it like mature t-cells which replicate enough to sustain population without the thymus

>> No.11290474

>Do you mean to say that regular E. coli found in the microbiota is the same as O157:H7

No, I meant O157:H7 is ubiquitous enough to be ingested by everyone with the passage of time. Yet, they only cause pathologies when they are in outside a tolerant host (cow & sheep intestines) and in human intestines, in certain concentrations and conditions.

O157.H7 is apparently easily defeated by the environment of outer skin layers, with their enzymes, and competing E coli. and other lifeforms.

Other potentially harmful e.coli are normally in and on us, as well as Staph. aureus and H.pylor, with more virulence factors. But unless- here is the important part- unless the virulence factor somehow gives the bacteria an evolutionary advantage against other, nearby fast-growing bacteria, those virulence factors will not be conserved, making the novel evolution of a bacteria with a novel virulence factor HIGHLY unlikely.

And since these strains are ubiquitous at low CFU, existing in people with no symptoms. Disease is a breakdown in a system. In a normal situation, a normal person, a normal amount of bacteria- no symptoms, no disease, no pathology.

E. Coli, with new virulence factors found in patients or in the environment, should be reported to the CDC

>> No.11290484

They maintain homeostasis in the peripheral lymphoid tissues, through a mechanism involving cytokines, as the thymus exports a steady amount every day

>> No.11290599

The clamp........stop using the clamp

>> No.11290637

Is this just a meme or is he back

>> No.11290642

But do stop using it

>> No.11290674

New thread

>> No.11291085

If you dont take medications its fine.

>> No.11292217

Aside from what? The latest research indicates even a small amount of alcohol increases cancer chances. Metabolically, before bed is the absolute worst time of day to be drinking alcohol.

I know a guy who is 68, he drinks a beer or two every night. He was complaining about shitty sleep, I told him to knock it off. He did, and he'd the best sleep in years. However after a month he started looking like shit again. He went back. You'll go back. Alcohol is an addictive and destructive chemical.