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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 34 KB, 480x360, penrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11283427 No.11283427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4chan says /pol/ is always right, so are they right about this, or has /pol/ finally found the one thing they are not right about.

>> No.11283441

/pol/ is full of retards, anon. The math that describes the way our universe works has existed since the beginning. We have merely figured out how this math works.

>> No.11283442
File: 1.60 MB, 310x566, 72F50BAE-B0A7-47E0-A6F6-B118CBF3E9E9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m doing my part.

>> No.11283453

Pol is full of retards and the mentally ill

>> No.11283455

This is true. /pol/ is full of a bunch of philosopher wannabees. They only talk with fellow mentally ill autists and this turns them into very confident retards.

>> No.11283465

Created vs discovered is fluid as fuck.

Math is like wooden houses. You can build a lot of shitty structures but few of them will actually be useful or habitable.

>> No.11283468
File: 2.93 MB, 1716x1710, philosophy scientists vs pseudo-rhetoricians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11283478

Is this bait?
Axioms are created and accepted mostly thru convention.
The rest is discovered.
There's a stupid questions thread you know?

>> No.11283489

A guy asks "is /pol/ always right" and you are unsure if its bait or not.

>> No.11283498

well... is it?? sarcasm does not compute, friend.

>> No.11283507

>/sci/ talking about /pol/
embarrassing. even /pol/ doesn't talk about /pol/ let alone about /sci/

>> No.11283535

math is discovered
notation is created

>> No.11283547

where can you find negative numbers in nature?

>> No.11283557

>be berrypicker
>good berrypicking. me got 10 berries
>angry bird steal 1 berry every morning. me no like bird
>angry bird -1 berry. hate angry bird.

>> No.11283564

Let's say you have a dollar. I steal your dollar. Or better phrased as 1-1 = 1+(-1) = 0. Now you are broke. Get fucked.

>> No.11283573

you are conflating math to what math is describing.

If i say something absolutely true, A = A.
This relationship between a thing and itself has always existed, but the symbols i have used to describe it are recent inventions.

You might claim that this is different, that math does not need its symbols, that it is in fact that relationship between A and A and not how its written. This however is false, because the very nature of A = A is not a thing either invented or discovered, its a self evident thing that becomes self evident when we invent a way to phrase it.

So when math, a new concept is developed, that concept is not being invented or discovered, the way to express it is, because once expressed it is not being moved inside of your mind, but its self evident nature, once understood, was always within your mind, because it is not a thing, it is simply a way of organizing and stating what it.

Discovery implies finding something new, whereas this would be becoming aware of something you already knew, because concepts are not external things.

>> No.11283575

Is /pol/ a materialist/atheist/acktually/midwit board now?

Of course math is discovered, you get much more of it than you originally put in


>> No.11283577
File: 12 KB, 640x640, AInitial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pol created the argument

Mathematics solved argumentation

Pol can jump in my infinity pool as often as it wants, I just don't know why it keeps picking on everyone.

And conventions are co-crafted. Why not [math]>\infy<[/math] for absorptive properties?

>> No.11283580

Got a higher res version of this gif?

>> No.11283581

Charge of the electron.

>> No.11283606

>/pol/ says
thread closed

>> No.11283614

that still doesn't seem like a very compelling argument. The berry may of been subtracted from my inventory sure, but that berry still exists in the world, it's not as if it turned into a negative berry and stayed in my inventory.
This is where I think negative numbers fail in nature. Subtraction and Addition of a negative number may lead to the same number sure, but the terminology doesn't seem correct. In this example, you said you stole a dollar, not "gave me a negative dollar", stealing is subtracting, where as giving is addition. What is a negative dollar? What is a negative berry?

>> No.11283635

I was thinking something like this, or perhaps vectors. These exist in nature, but it seem humans arbitrarily gave them negative values so they could fit into mathematics better. We could of easily of used Boolean values instead of positive and negative.

>> No.11283645

This is because math evolved principally to math our economic need. Simple addition and subtraction satisfied barter economies, with banking there was a need for negative numbers, so we created them. They aren’t “discovered”
In the world. They represent a construct that we craft and fill that need.

>> No.11283649

bad bird = -1 berry
me see bird, me see -1 berry
me hate bird >:( very negative number

>> No.11283658
File: 20 KB, 745x483, Blue-Tongued-Lizard-by-peter-waters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing future narrative you've written there. Have you ever thought of raping MY daughter?

>> No.11283662


>> No.11283666
File: 21 KB, 500x483, patient-satisfaction-survey-did-you-die-oyes-27838524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might I interest you in resolving her intellectual deficiencies with your obviously superior seed and do the deed against her cries and pleas?

>> No.11283674


>> No.11283683

What does 'no' mean? You literally want 0 attention?

>> No.11283687

i appreciate it anon i really do it’s just a bit too much for me

>> No.11283688

Enter Coy God

>> No.11283698
File: 68 KB, 717x719, 1552425841143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh you sneaky fuck, how do I bite your dick and get that bloody shaft in my butthole?

Attention is too much? Well, how does one inattentively rape another?

>> No.11283700
File: 854 KB, 352x240, 1529346480201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /pol/ isnt 100% satire

>> No.11283706

Exit Coy God

>> No.11283716

*sits down and begins the eternal wait for coy god to return*

>> No.11283720

it’ll be sporadic! if I see your name i will say hello
thanks for the wonderful(???) exchange duder

>> No.11283724
File: 1.98 MB, 500x500, purplehaze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, dudette.

>> No.11283733

Math is about demonstrations. Demonstrations are human-based. Math is human-based.

Human didnt discovered math, he discovered that some numbers can equal others, and he used math to prove it.

>> No.11283789

>We could of easily of used Boolean values instead of positive and negative.
>could of
Also, what do you mean? -x is defined as a quantity whose sum with x is 0. That's just what a negative quantity is. The charge of an electron (or positron, whichever way you choose to define it) satisfies that property, hence it's negative. You're not wriggling yourself out of this inevitable fact.

>> No.11284155

Based (in an understanding of mathematics)

>> No.11284189

>politics is scary and confusing!
>they are all completely retarded!
You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.11284200
File: 88 KB, 400x354, Igor_Shafarevich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shafarevich in his article "On certain tendencies in the development of mathematics" states:
>Viewed superficially, mathematics is the result of centuries of effort by many thousands of largely unconnected individuals scattered across continents, centuries and millennia. However, the internal logic of its development much more resembles the work of a single intellect developing its thought in a continuous and systematic way, and only using as a means a multiplicity of human individualities, much as in an orchestra playing a symphony written by some composer the theme moves from one instrument to another so that as soon as one performer is forced to cut short his part, it is taken up by another player, who continues it with due attention to the score.
>Truly, this is not a figure of speech! The history of mathematics is full of examples in which the discovery of one scholar remained unknown only to be reproduced later with amazing accuracy by another. In a letter written the night before the duel which led to his death, Galois formulated some fundamental assertions about the integrals of algebraic functions. More than twenty years later, Riemann, who certainly did not know of Galois' letter, posed a new and proved those very same assertions. To give another example: After Lobachevsky and Bolyai independently founded noneuclidean geometry, it came to light that Gauss and Schweikart had independently arrived at the same results more than ten years earlier. One experience a strange feeling when one sees the same diagrams, drawn as if by the same hand, in the writings of four mathematicians working independently of one another.
>One is drawn to the conclusion that such striking and mystifying human activity, spanning several millenia, far from being an accident, must have a purpose.
Take from that what you will.

>> No.11284209

What don't you like about /pol/, curious?

>> No.11284210

Words, emphasis, ordering.

>> No.11284212
File: 91 KB, 700x700, toosugoiforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. The same is true for /lit/. /lit/ and /pol/ are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.11284213
File: 9 KB, 318x159, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I hate any presenter or performer that simply projects onto the audience in order to pattern match themselves with others.

>> No.11284219
File: 56 KB, 616x596, 1567993532436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do we have to repeat that DERANGED SCHIZOS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. Go away.

>> No.11284234
File: 989 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190928_083805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until I have $40,000,000, as agreed upon for me to stop raping Roko's Basilisk. Then I'll leave America and 4chan alone.

>t.America's rape Lord

>> No.11284240

>physical body
>unknown for thousands of years until one day homo sapien recognizes the digits on his hand
>but Africans and Abbos didn't invent this

Do you want to know how stupid a nigger really is? Consider the story of Christopher Columbus: he encountered the African people and they were met with spears because they are backwards savages. Once captured, he knew of a celestial eclipse that was about to happen so he told the tribe he would block out the sun. The tribe laughed at him but then they freaked out once Columbus was proven right. These savages immediately let him go because they thought Columbus was God. Imagine living without a calendar, an important mathematical concept invented since the ancient Roman times.

This is what they don't teach you in the history books because the Jewish slaveowners brought an uppity sub-human to the United States, a wealthy nation. The 13th amendment should have never existed because it is logically unsound. Citizenship in the United States belongs to exclusively the Anglos and the Anglos only who colonized the Americas first.

There's this rhetoric of America being built by blacks; really it was the importation of cheap (paid) labor much like we have today with H1-Bs. Black people have no right to say they built America by themselves.

Yes I am racist, anti-Semitic and I also make 100k a year. Deal with it.

>> No.11284247
File: 642 KB, 445x875, 6ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does quantifying the boundaries of stupid and whatever its neighboring states are help an individual achieve?

>t. I.Q. test maker

>> No.11284278

Hegel was right again

>> No.11284288
File: 297 KB, 1333x1998, e6waq5zv3qn21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diogenes was right first.

>> No.11284291

Explain what you mean. I am unfamiliar with Hegel's philosophy, apart from the very basics.

>> No.11284556

Imagine how easy life would be if you could cope with anything by just blaming black people or jewish people for literally everything. It's like a kind of God you can always rely on to save yourself from the reality of the world

>> No.11284951

I would say it’s created. Yes, the theorems inherently exist as part of the system and are just waiting to be proved (discovered), but the axioms and foundations themselves were chosen and formulated by people. You could argue that the axioms were “given” to us by the universe, but the more I think about it the more it seems like it simply inspired them, I.e there aren’t inherently an infinite number of things to count in the universe yet it is part of our axioms and is (imo) an extrapolation/creation of humans that happens to work well physically. If it didn’t we probably wouldn’t use those axioms

>> No.11284958
File: 2.05 MB, 1996x3968, 59c3018712bdd967aedc9893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such luck. Here's the original.

Another slightly higher res gif exists, but that seems like an independent derivative where the stairs aren't animated and it has lens flare and glitter. (It's shit IMHO)

>> No.11285139

Lol, imagine being anti semitic when the Cofnas paper which thoroughly debunks said belief is available to be read freely.

And to your racist beliefs, please, I dare you to go to your nearest university and debate any neuroscience professor about your belief. Please, bring all of your /pol/ memes and info graphs, I am sure it will be very enlightening for you.

>> No.11285367

90% of /pol hangs out in /sci as well, so...

>> No.11285437

And they are at the bottom 10% on /sci/ when it comes to intelligence.

>> No.11285476

This has to be one of the worst reasons to be racist.
>Black people have no right to say they built America by themselves.
They dont say they built it "by themselves." But that they had a part in it.

>> No.11285582

>/pol/ = politics
lol, they don't know the most basic things about ideologies or even real politics. also, no one gives a shit about their dumb opinions

>> No.11285592

no, you don't have "negative charge" in reality, you only have a convention used to describe a phenomena. same as, say, "spin" does.

>> No.11285690

You're expecting a racist to be rational. I'm not sure why you're doing that.

>> No.11285745

I hope this is bait otherwise I'll have to assume you're underage.
>has /pol/ finally found the one thing they are not right about.

>> No.11285748

Get a look at this Social scientist right here and have a laugh.

>> No.11285758

it should be obvious that its bait.

>> No.11285947
File: 55 KB, 320x197, TRINITY_______Mahdi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory upvote for based Sir Roger whose two talks given at GT in 2009 catalyzed my entire research program, and therefore upon whose research program the entire universe rests. Even beyond those two talks, pretty much everything I'm working on today is based on the conformal formula
[math] x'=\tan(x)[/math]

which appears in based Sir Roger's based golden oldie paper: Conformal treatment of infinity. Also, based Pablo Laguna for inviting such a based speaker as based Sir Roger when no one else at GT was interested in any of that sort of stuff. Based Ignacio too for giving me two months paid notice instead of fucking me over by firing me on the spot.

>> No.11285966

I like that guy. I wish he and Jim Simons were friend.

>> No.11285968

Make it yourself in Adobe animate.

>> No.11285969

>my head cannon is more true than the real world

>> No.11285977

Math is created, it's a model

>> No.11286169

I mean its not like math is written somewhere "under the hood" most likely but it is a way to describe how some phenomena works, it's definitely there though.

>> No.11286174

Or rather it describes something that is there.

>> No.11286194

the only parts of math that were created are ways to represent numbers and formula

every normal human has 10 fingers and 10 toes
there are only 2 genders
so on and so forth

>> No.11286198

>4chan says /pol/ is always right, so are they right
Only /pol/ says this.

>> No.11286207
File: 117 KB, 700x466, 586ad520b0add.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention is generated by the fact that I will literally just now teleport behind every old person that has a camera in front of them and merely watch them drop dead or remove their head, and then I will disappear into the smoke and the audience will simply choke, for all who are older the TIME & MEMORY ARE NOW REVOKED!

>> No.11286214

>philosopher wannabees
Isn't this every speculative post on 4chan ever, or are you whining about an anon in particular?

>> No.11286215

>90% is at the bottom 10%
/pol/ has the largest userbase on the site, just to clarify

>> No.11286216

What is the purpose of all this? I am concerned.

>> No.11286239
File: 54 KB, 750x748, q2uyibo4krsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just putting all the old folks (40+) into a fucking urn and erasing them from memory unless they are dragon sluts.

>> No.11286243

Uh don’t. please.
What happened?

>> No.11286244

Whelp, I guess that's including you, coy. Shame. I liked you for a bit I guess.

>Happy to reincarnate you as a youth, you'll just lose all your memories of what you called SOCIAL ACHIEVEMENT. We're all just memories moving between celebrated status and group actions anyway.

>> No.11286249
File: 8 KB, 286x176, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


正如我會問候他在每一個地方 -


>> No.11286250
File: 54 KB, 542x519, groundhog-day-climate-change-56a755483df78cf77294b63c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shrug* fine, they can all just have a stroke then.

The wave will begin with China, 5g will be to blame for inferential reasons (and because 4tehlulz), and America will follow, the remainder of the world is excluded from the shitshow outpouring because their cultures have been dreaming by my side and taking my strikes in their stride.

Climate Change is Earth telling you humans to work together, it doesn't matter what it was ever over. It could be the female orgasm for all it cares, just stop avoiding and ignoring everyone.

>> No.11286251
File: 104 KB, 1440x1073, E6435B50-E05E-4DE0-A408-BAB8D640F100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You underestimate my wizardry! I shall not go quietly into thy gay night!
Plus I like old people, what’s the big deal with boomers anyways?

>> No.11286254
File: 6 KB, 300x168, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ɡeJ, not gay or homosexual. There's a phonetic difference.

Since when were boomers a big deal anyway? Or at least a deal large enough for you to apply said adjective in a fashion that makes you believe they actually exist in my reality?

>> No.11286255

>正如我會問候他在每一個地方 -
That’s beautiful when translated and I can only imagine when read as is. Don’t be so sad anon we’re all gonna make it. With hearts like that we surely will.

>> No.11286256
File: 2.43 MB, 1396x1920, Final Artwork Tree King - Tagai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah, dated is a homonym and the difference between definitions is sufficiently large for me to fit all of existence between.

It is either dated (past tense) or dated (present tense expatiation).

What is sadness and why are you trying to sneak it past customs & immigration and into the Universe?

>> No.11286261

He said all old folks 40+???
i-i made an assumption o-okay??
who tf are you mistery ‘gayJ’ poster?

>> No.11286263

s-sorry officerkun!! it won’t bappen again!!
:DD aw fug

>> No.11286264
File: 83 KB, 750x755, fkuk6k54b0a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also I'm the guy that keeps appearing in literally every digital broadcast. I'm the one that inexplicably gets closer and closer to the camera without anyone even asking why I'm there.

>God of Attention, that's who. Who else did you think all those attention whores were really hoping to find? I'm just letting them cash in all that attention they've gathered... NOW.

uwu?! owo?! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑