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11281409 No.11281409 [Reply] [Original]

So the notion of inbreeding depression has a lot of substance to back it up, and is widely acknowledged as a biological fact, but does the same hold true for the notion of outbreeding depression, as 'certain' users here would have you believe?

>> No.11281421

Why are incels and /pol/tards so obsessed with inbreeding?
Trying to investigate your roots?

>> No.11281470

They are not mutually exclusive. An old repost of mine:

AAAbb/AAAbb is the "purebred" first race. (capital leters signify advantageous genes)
aaaBB/aaaBB is the "purebred" second race.

Their first generation offspring is all AAAbb/aaaBB

The second generation (grand children) with two AAAbb/aaaBB parents get 50% chance PER GENE:

aaabb/aaabb (stupid)

AAABB/AAABB (genius not seen before the mixing)

All the combinations like AaAbB/aaABb can occur, too many to list them all.

Basically, when you mix two separate populations, you get some individuals who are exceptionally bad and some who are exceptionally good. The variability increases because of how genetics works, even though it would intuitively seem to many people it should create populations that are more uniform, the opposite is what actually happen.

>> No.11281476
File: 90 KB, 600x800, ucsb-shooting-elliot-rodgers-11-ftr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin Eurasian

>> No.11281477
File: 330 KB, 577x645, chad-thundercock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chad European

>> No.11281500

Why does inbreeding create defects if you are just shuffling around only a small set of genes?

>> No.11281520 [DELETED] 

Inbreeding doesn't cause, it only makes them show up.
Let's say you have a gene, with 2% of which is a bad recessive allele that causes a severe genetic disease.
Since you have two copies of each gene, there is a relatively high, nearly 4% probability that you carry the defective allele, but only a minuscule 0.04% risk that you actually get the disease it causes.
This means there can be a relatively high frequency of bad genes in a seemingly rather healthy population.
But if you fuck your sibling, this changes, since half of the genes you have is shared, so the risk of getting two copies of a bad recessive allele dramatically increases.

>> No.11281531

Inbreeding doesn't cause them, it only makes them show up.
Let's say you have a gene, with 2% of which is a bad recessive allele that causes a severe genetic disease.
Since you have two copies of each gene, there is a relatively high, nearly 4% probability that you carry the defective allele, but only a minuscule 0.04% risk that you actually get the disease it causes.
This means there can be a relatively high frequency of bad genes in a seemingly rather healthy population.
But if you fuck your sibling, this changes, since half of the genes you have is shared, so the risk of getting two copies of a bad recessive allele dramatically increases.

>> No.11281671

The virgin cherrypick
The chad scientific explanation

>> No.11281691

The dead reddit meme

>> No.11281692

>The theoretically desirable trait is chad while the pragmatically superior strategy is virgin
That's the wrong interpretation of the meme.
t. virgin

>> No.11281797

Conan O'Brien is also inbred.

>> No.11281812 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 500x210, comfynature5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11281839

Why are you spamming vidya scenery in all threads?

>> No.11281841 [DELETED] 
File: 3.07 MB, 800x1600, 1577846889906.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's entertaining why the fuck else

>> No.11281847


>> No.11281855 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 498x329, comfynature8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol prolly

>> No.11282403

Americans aren't European.

>> No.11282418

based pixelart gif poster is doing gods work. You don't like, keep going, you like, you right click save. Adds flavour to the thread.
Thank you.

>> No.11282433

Go to r/PixelArt for this shit then, retard.

>> No.11282445

Fuck off with this /pol shit

> but does the same hold true for the notion of outbreeding depression

Literally no such thing in humans

>> No.11282690

>Literally no such thing in humans
Well then, that sure was persuasive.

>> No.11282691 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 800x472, 1324181066730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11282693

>Well then, that sure was persuasive.


>> No.11282694 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 500x281, 404aa25efeeea6b5e68e036b43de664e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, here's another just because your a whiny little faggot LOL

>> No.11282696 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome /b/ro

>> No.11282700

Fuck off redditor.

>> No.11282718 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 690x400, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
