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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11278761 No.11278761 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible that early forms of human like Homo erectus somehow made their way to the Americas? Tools like these have been found in both California (Calico) and Mexico (Hueyatlaco) dating back to ~300-200 kya, but have since been dismissed as either being from an earlier layer or being the result of natural processes. What reason would paleoanthropologists have for suppressing such evidence?

>> No.11278770
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The OP pic is from the Calico site (~300-200 kya), these are from Hueyatlaco (250 kya)

>> No.11278772

I think it's more likely the precursor to early man came from the Americas. See CMAH.

>> No.11278786
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Would be helpful if I knew what that stood for

>> No.11278790

prob this

>> No.11278800
File: 220 KB, 2660x1310, Fig1-fromBilzingsleben-series-prt7-Publisher-file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I would've assumed it was some bigfoot-centered research center. Don't really see how that would lead into humans coming from the Americas though.
I mean the fossil record is quite well established in the Old World, it's just a question of their possible migration into the New World that's been rather daunting.

>> No.11278854

yeah, they're called mexicans lmao

>> No.11278857

It is a made up lie it was only possible during the ice age. In fact native people regularly crossed the strait until they were banned from doing so when Alaska was sold to America.

>> No.11278911
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There were several glacial maximums in the last few hundreds of thousands of years, yes? Why couldn't one of the plethora of Asian hominids present then have crossed the strait in that same way?

>> No.11278979

I mean the natives still crossing the strait when Russia sold Alaska to the US. You don't need a glacial maximum to cross the strait, people were still crossing it up until they were literally banned from doing so.

>> No.11278984
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Then there's even less of a reason for them not to have reached the Americas.

>> No.11279497

So why wasn't there a sizable human presense there until 20,000 years ago?

>> No.11279568
File: 29 KB, 550x450, AryanEnlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Aryans With Patrick Chouinard

The Lovelock Cave Mystery and Red Haired Giants

GE Kincaid - Egyptian Artifacts In The Grand Canyon

The Historic Timeline Of Humanity Based on The Facts

>> No.11279586

>1.5 million years of coverage for Homo erectus all over the entire globe
So, that's quite the lost civilization.

>> No.11279588

Megafauna pressures probably. Once those were taken care of they started flourishing.

>> No.11279711
File: 251 KB, 891x963, Screenshot_20200105-123759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aryan pseudoarchaeology
>Lovelock "giants"
>giant alien mummies in GC
>/x/-tier "ruins" sleuthing
Can we not go full into loopy land?

Not really, dunno why they used Olduvai when Koobi Fora has the oldest material that could be identified as erectus at ~1.9 mya, and they seem to be sticking with some of the oldest estimates for the Sunda specimens so they might be younger. "Civilization" is certainly stretching it, but they certainly weren't slouches when it came to cognitive function and coordination.

>> No.11279744

You're the loopy one. The existence of giants is well established, the evidence is pretty much endless right down to the lead up to one of the final battles of the Mayan empire where they tried to move one of the massive stones their structures were built with, and couldn't.

Refer to the ancient Sumerian "mythology" and correlate it with the archaeological and historical record around the entire planet. It fits. Get over it. Your religion is holding back man's progress toward self understanding.

>> No.11279748 [DELETED] 

Well thread's over. /x/tards have arrived.

>> No.11279752 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11279755 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11279758 [DELETED] 

Chemtrails are safe and effective.

>> No.11279764 [DELETED] 

OK schizo

>> No.11279771 [DELETED] 
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Though there's also a nanomachine component.
>ZOMG that's what I played in Deus Ex and saw in my sci-fi's, that stuff can't be real!
Consult the literature on synthetic biology and nanotechnology. All published, all right there.

>> No.11279773 [DELETED] 
File: 3.01 MB, 2800x2128, C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a few hours later, whole sky is a white-yellow haze. Gee, and all that happened was a few jets flew over.

>> No.11279775 [DELETED] 

I bet you really believe that, pathetic schizo.

>> No.11279782 [DELETED] 

Mentally ill brainlet.
Look into it my dude, all I can tell ya.

>> No.11279783
File: 646 KB, 1080x1375, Screenshot_20200101-021823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The existence of giants is well established
>butchering early Mesoamerican and Mesopotamian mythology this badly
Try getting info from people that can actually study the languages they claim to translate.
>if I use religion as an insult I win

>dey depict dere king az giant so obvi he was reel giant

>> No.11279793

The flood and sea people happened. Atlantis existed, Plato and others wrote about it. Matches eye of the Sahara. Early American oral folklore also described giants and we have photographs of them from as recently as 1920. Not hypothalamic beanpoles, people who could put an ox over their shoulders.

Religion isn't an insult, it's a fact. I bet you believe mutation is random too. Oh geez.

>> No.11279802

It's not even a depiction of the king, it's their sun god. But don't expect an /x/tard to look beyond the shallowest impression of an image.

>> No.11279814 [DELETED] 

I looked into it and you are indeed in need of psychiatric help for your paranoid delusions.

>> No.11279818 [DELETED] 

You can't offer any substantive discussion, so I doubt you looked into it. You're a mentally ill coward.

>> No.11279835 [DELETED] 

>You can't offer any substantive discussion
Says the guy who derailed a substantive thread with his pseudoarcheology bullshit from /x/. LOL.

>> No.11279841 [DELETED] 
File: 3.57 MB, 2800x2128, C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, brainlet.

>> No.11280208
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>I "investigated" the very surface level of the information you are presenting for a few seconds but the instant realized I was never trained to understand this information so I will short circuit and post memes now

>> No.11280219

The irony here is palpable you don't have the first clue wtf is going on in this world

>> No.11280247 [DELETED] 

This video really gets me thinking about the Elohim, (Annuaki) and what's gone over the last 100 years.

Most people haven't actually researched the Zionist component of WW2 either.

"Millions of Jews are dust on the wheels of history that will have to be blown away. They must accept their fate. We do not want them crowding into our Tel Aviv, turning it into a low-grade ghetto." - Chaim Weizmann

Also a prominent Zionist in New York turned away Japanese offers to accept Jewish refugees.

Essentially, whether the numbers are overblown, they intended to kill off the old Jews, get the young ones, get them thinking the whole world is out to exterminate them. and make them anew. And they were quite successful.

There were 300 in the heavens, and 600 in the underworld. Many cultures, including in the Americas, described giants and making journeys to meet with giants in the underworld. Are the Gods still here? Are they coming back? Are we being weakened and thinned out in preparation?

>> No.11280254
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>> No.11280279
File: 28 KB, 450x337, 8270380c1943d532f8bc8acb90f2cbb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>archaeological claims that run contradictory to established findings, and use rather dubious terminology ("Aryan" civilizations in America)
>completely unsubstantiated claims that reek of early 20th century sensationalism, complete with claims of conspiracy
>not being able to distinguish between geologic phenomena and artificial structures
>using the NPC meme unironically

>Many cultures, including in the Americas, described giants and making journeys to meet with giants in the underworld
They also envisioned anything from celestial bodies as gods, to the world as being the remains of a giant monster, to the first humans coming from a clamshell.

>> No.11280291

Yes, Tiamot, the water monster. And you look around the cosmos and find many planets like ours.... are water giants. We're the outlier. Why? Because "Marduk" destroyed a planet (asteroid belt) and dragged along half its debris, then smash Tiamot repeatedly and dispersed her many moons. They became comets. He returned on many orbits smashing her again until she was lifeless. Then he put her husband back into orbit (our moon) and seeded her with material which eventually became early life.

They also knew that Saturn has a hexagon on top, and celebrated it prolifically. As in Saturnalia.

>> No.11280320

>the gods are real, but any fantastical monster like Tiamat is totally just allegory because a planet is too hard of a concept to grasp for them
I take it you got this from a book which presented its own "translation" of ancient texts, yes?

>They also knew that Saturn has a hexagon on top, and celebrated it prolifically. As in Saturnalia.
Gonna take a wild guess this is bullshit

>> No.11280331

Cite an actual study or fuck off

>> No.11280336

>The existence of giants is well established

Cite a study

>> No.11280337

It is interesting that Enki's son is a primary character here.

>> No.11280338

>muh study
Look it up. Your life is your own my dude. I found it, you can too.

>> No.11280352

I wont spoonfeed you, you are an imbecile and are more than welcome to remain one, means nothing to me. If other anon wants to tutor you he is more than welcome too.

>> No.11280354

So gods and monsters, just like anyone else at that time.

>> No.11280357

>Look it up.

Cite a study. You can’t because there are none. Fuck off.

>> No.11280360


>> No.11280366
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>I can't provide a source, so I'm just going to insult you and claim the higher ground

>> No.11280376
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