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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11277076 No.11277076 [Reply] [Original]

It seems to me that at the most general level there are two choices for the "what is, "is"" question. Circular (closed loop), or hierarchical. In a circular system the logic that drives the universe is strictly self contained, the means for and basis of phenomena all may be accounted for. In a hierarchical system, there's a point of irreducibility such that the basis of phenomena, the logic of the universe, are reliant on some sort of "external" system we cannot access by viewing our universe at any scale.

Particles (the proton) may be EMR over a certain frequency threshold. This makes quite a bit of sense when you look at the decay of the neutron, and look at how atoms respond to irradiation.

>> No.11277078

>What is "existence"?
a meme

>> No.11277082
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>> No.11277092

>What is "existence"?

Who cares? Not science or math

>> No.11277096

Science is about explaining why and how.

>> No.11277117

Reminds me of Streets of Rage.

>> No.11277137


>> No.11277184


>> No.11277191

>OP poses the single most important question and gets heckled by JIDF

>> No.11277195

You probably thought this sounded really smart

>> No.11277209
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>The reply I gave to Dale Carrico - who declaimed to me that he knew what it meant for a belief to be falsifiable, but not what it meant for beliefs to be true - was that my beliefs determine my experimental predictions, but only reality gets to determine my experimental results. If I believe very strongly that I can fly, then this belief may lead me to step off a cliff, expecting to be safe; but only the truth of this belief can possibly save me from plummeting to the ground and ending my experiences with a splat.
>Since my expectations sometimes conflict with my subsequent experiences, I need different names for the thingies that determine my experimental predictions and the thingy that determines my experimental results. I call the former thingies 'beliefs', and the latter thingy 'reality'.

>> No.11277325
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This response is somewhat understandable (though still dimwitted) given the image I used. Assuming mockery or sarcasm.

These are just substanceless and inane.

>> No.11277528

literal NPC detected

>> No.11277537
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>> No.11277574
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Don't tease epsilons. They are literally conditioned from birth to believe their pathetic existence scrubbing the shit is paradise.

>> No.11277645

>What does it mean to exist?
Whatever that interacts is existence, nothing more. In the absence of interaction, there isn't a self-contained core nor is there a external agent hidden beneath the interaction.

>> No.11277726
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The primary difference then is I assume there is a singular constant, likely immutable reference frame everything is unavoidably relative to. Whereas you start further back on the chain and assume that something which is floating in a void on its own cannot be said to exist or have location because it cannot be relative to anything.

The gist of the matter is where the orderly logic present in phenomena comes from, by what means does it "exist". You're arguing for circular. Self contained, closed loop.

>> No.11277748

Not why, only how, and even then not totally

>> No.11277756

>Science is about explaining why and how.

To the extent possible empirically.

>> No.11277764

>literal NPC detected

Life isn’t a video game. Go outside.

>> No.11277774

How to do it? How to go outside?

>> No.11277775


Sounds like fun. Or I could waste my time and energy thinking about unverifiable and unfalsifiable pseudointellectual questions that don’t actually improve my wellbeing to any degree. What a conundrum. How ever will I choose?

>> No.11277782


>> No.11277783

>How to do it? How to go outside?
Find the closest door and press the “action” button, usually mapped to the “E” key, and keep doing so until you find yourself in an outdoors environment with the sky overhead

>> No.11277786
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Then get out. There's the door.

>> No.11277799
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>unverifiable and unfalsifiable
Perhaps to s simpleton such as yourself, this is not the case for all of us, sorry bout your luck. Perhaps the new Onions Wars movie is on Netflix for you!

>> No.11277803

>Then get out.

Nah. I’m having fun making fun of you right now.

>> No.11277805

>Perhaps to s simpleton such as yourself, this is not the case for all of us

Please share your experimental evidence that elucidates the true nature of “existence”.

>> No.11277810

>Life isn’t a video game
And yet you are an NPC quite a paradox we have discovered, this could be the discovery of the decade

>> No.11277811
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Well alright, carry on then.

>> No.11277813

Depending on the architecture, those instructions might not lead to the environment with the sky overhead.

>> No.11277815



Feel free to leave a comment in a few years when you understand it all mate

>> No.11277820

>That schizo blog again

>> No.11277825
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I expect a response to this by the way.

>> No.11277827

Interesting analogy: instead of looking for doors in the game, stop staring at the screen and get outside.
But what is it that it is analogy for? Higher dimensions?

>> No.11277835
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>calling everything you are too stupid to understand schizo

>having the stones to LARP on a science board like you understand even the basic notion of what science actually is

>> No.11277855

Imagine that a person is sitting in the train, the train is moving. And someone says to him: "Go outside". How is he supposed to go outside? Jump off the train?

Or maybe the analogy is wrong, I don't know.

>> No.11277989

>I assume there is a singular constant, likely immutable reference frame everything is unavoidably relative to
The problem with this idea is this "constant" cannot be said to exist. If its not subject to mutability, then it cannot be subject to causality and then cannot interact with and thus would not exist.

>> No.11278156


With only high school science and pop-sci education it seems to me that everything is waves. Waves traveling in a spatial vacuum which has fields and more waves popping in and out of existence.

If I could conceptualize what the actual nature of waves, a vacuum and fields were, then I might be better off to offer an explanation while taking into consideration the reason why light has an upper bound and whatever the fuck gravity is.

Mathematical equations and glib analogies to balls stretching a rubber sheet didn't do much for me at school :(

>> No.11278165

pseud: the thread

>> No.11278174


Actually, judging from what you have posted, you may be a good person to ask. Do you have any insight into what a wave is? All I have ever found are text book equations or some parrot repeating the same unenlightened definition, both of which reveal zero conceptual insight to me. To give you an idea of where I am with this: Is a wave a compression and then expansion of three dimensional space, similar in nature to a sound wave? Or is it physically a discontinuity in space, with one dimensional line wiggling up and down as it travels, much like it is pictured in a high school text, if so does it then oscillate through three dimensions or remain within 2 as you might imagine being the case with respect to polarized light?

>> No.11278203

You got it wrong OP, is not just two choices. There are three of them:

>> No.11278227
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Good point, I'd pretty much forgot about and written off infinite subdivision. I also another idea at one point where infinite subdivision is reconciled by merging it with the circular, and essentially what we see at the most macro scales is identical to what we see at the most micro. And this remains no matter what scale of organization you anchor on. Never really made it work.

>> No.11278269


>> No.11278276
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>> No.11278282 [DELETED] 


>> No.11278286


>> No.11278293
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>> No.11278309

There was a neo-kantian philosopher named Hermann Cohen and he made a distinction between existence as that which exists, and being as the rules/math/law-like relations of things. For him he subsistuted the Platonic realm of "free floating ideas" for a normative and rule orientated shaping of things. To summarize: essentially there are truths that are timeless and then there are circumstantial historical truths in the more existential sense of Heidegger or other existential philosophies. Althought Heidegger would describe Being as what I just called existence, but he's a bit confused in my opinion, I'm more thinking in terms of Godel, Cantor, Robinson and others.

>> No.11278323
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Existence is the aftermath of the big bang which occurred billions of years ago within a state of "not nothingness" because absolute nothingness cannot exist. Otherwise. there would be nothing.

This "not nothingness" is what all of reality, life and existence is composed of. It's all the same thing, just different accumulations or structures of it. Luckily this stuff can stick together, otherwise life wouldn't exist.

>> No.11278326
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>> No.11278338

Maybe big bang is like when you draw a perspective you draw a railroad and it becomes a point.
So maybe big bang is how we see the never ending past from our perspective.

>> No.11278348

In this model: what is the relationship between this "not nothingness" and time?
Is time a part of it? Or maybe there are a lot of "not nothingnesses"? Some of them are with time, some of them are without time. And maybe there are types of times too.

>> No.11278362


That's a really good question.

>> No.11278363

>absolute nothingness cannot exist
I come to similar conclusion. By definition nothing can not exist, therefore there is something. I imagine this simple logic being the core of everything, a core that lies in the field of abstracts. And from that an algorithm/equation is produced that has a fractal as a solution. This fractal would also "exist" only in the field of abstracts, but looking from within the fractal one would see it as existence.

As to big bang, I'm not sure that is actually the core. Maybe it is, but I don't see any reason to think existence is only limited to what we see. Sounds quite egocentric to me. The rabit hole may be deeper than we are able to go.

>> No.11278377

>unverifiable and unfalsifiable pseudointellectual questions
If you think "falsifiability" is the only metric for knowledge, you are the pseudo intellectual, not the other anons ITT

>> No.11278848

Consciousness is fun phenomenon. To experience it, throw the ”I” out of the way.

>> No.11280031
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Bumping my supposedly retarded pseud thread. ;^)

>> No.11280059
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holy shit i feel so in the moment right now hell ya

>> No.11280062
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>> No.11280123

This is a fun read on the topic.
