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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11262580 No.11262580 [Reply] [Original]

Most people are confident that they are actually who they are, but what if this was not the case? what if you are not actually what you are and are something entirely different? How can you be sure that you are actually who you are? what if you are not you? How would this scientifically work?

>> No.11262618

Define "you".

>> No.11262659

That question has been asked for a long time, and we still don't have a definitive answer to what we are.

>> No.11262662

I am aware that I am the avatar of the player who is controlling me

>> No.11262675

How do you know you are that player? what if there are multiple players? what if you are not a player but in fact an NPC that is controlled by the games algorithm?

>> No.11262676

If you are at all, then you are what you are, independent of what you know or think about it.
The way you asked this doesn't make sense. You don't ask about knowledge, but about identity in itself.

>> No.11262685

What if you are not? how would you know if you were not for 100% certainty? What necessarily would define identity? How do you know if you really exist when in fact don't exist at all?

>> No.11263086

Well your evidence relies on what if not what is, the simulation theory is very low iq because its hinged on the same principles of religion with less evidence and heavuer confirmation bias. So that alone objectively proves "you" is your brain thought process is genetic and environmental expressions on a physical world through your corporeal form.

>> No.11263142

I never said that we live in a simulation, I merely contributed to the analogy someone else was using and used that analogy to illustrate my point. When I ask my "what if" questions, they are not factual statements, they are merely unlikely possibilities that have no direct evidence supporting them, but it is interesting to think and consider those possibilities

>> No.11263146

Any question that cannot be asked in a non-schizo way is not worth considering.

>> No.11263164

Every single question is worth asking, all possibilities must be considered, and see how it matches against the laws of physics, no matter how ridiculous. That is how we separate what we consider true and not true, and even untrue possibilities have their merit despite their inaccuracy.

>> No.11263178

>Every single question is worth asking, all possibilities must be considered
Why don’t you have a girlfriend?

>> No.11263189

Why don't behave like an adult and actually contribute to the debate instead of resorting to petty useless insults?

>> No.11263193
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>> No.11263232

You make me you, you solipsist.

>> No.11263360
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did OP just take enough drugs to experience ego death or what?

>> No.11263370

why are people debating semantics on a science board

>> No.11263400

Because people don't notice when they switch from logical thinking to emotional habit, and this results in them thinking arbitrary mental constructs are real, definite things. "You" is something that only exists when gripped by boredom, anxiety, or depression. It's not something meant to be dwelt on, it's meant to make you stop dwelling and do something before you starve to death. The survival mechanism is the only thing that says that there is a "you".

>> No.11263405

I know that I am and that I think. All that matters then is the thoughts I have. All other arbitrary nonsense about the self is irrelevant.
For example, even if I am a brain in a jar, I am still essentially a rational substance regardless, and the extent of my rational capacity is all that has value

>> No.11263410

open individualism

>> No.11263412

nah /b/ro you gotta be more deliberate, let me show you.

>> No.11263413
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>> No.11263415
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>> No.11263418
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>> No.11263437
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Only coherent thought in this thread.

>> No.11263449
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lol oh ya man

>> No.11263477

Theres a unity in thought and a singularity in self knowledge indicating a simple consciousness. Phil 101 bro

>> No.11263496

Well, first off, you are, by very obvious deduction, the consciousness inside your head.
Second, "you" must also be whatever you need attached to or surrounding your consciousness in order to fulfill your consciousness's purpose.
What is your consciousness's purpose?
Scientifically? Fight, succeed, reproduce, die
Religiously? Higher learning, morality, happiness
We can infer that the biblical soul is a metaphor for the human consciousness (which is you, as we stated earlier)
Which leaves us with the answer : Your consciousness throughout your entire life, and its attached body parts, are you.
And to answer your NPC inquiry : You can only insure that you are not an NPC. We can *assume* that everyone else is a player in the game of life but we can't prove it.

>> No.11263530

Because it's full with schizos from /x/ who think talking out their ass makes up for their scientific illiteracy.

>> No.11263533
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shut the fuck up this board is boring as fuck without the schizo's

>> No.11263541

Probably because you have no knowledge in any scientific field.

>> No.11263545
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I got enough to know going any deeper than the surface is just misery. I'm not a savant with math i'm a savant with emotions. You're a whiny bitch.

>> No.11263559

your a whiny bitch

>> No.11263563

I'm sure you are a savant with your own emotions sir.
Now please take your pills

>> No.11263569
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Other peoples' as well. It's transferable you know.

>> No.11263613

>Every single question is worth asking, all possibilities must be considered
Take your own advice you stupid faggot

>> No.11263619
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>> No.11263627

What did you take as an insult?

>> No.11263708

The definition of "you" is what you are, so it is impossible that you are not you.

>> No.11263720

Open individualism.