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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1126105 No.1126105 [Reply] [Original]

Guten tag /sci/. I have an interesting problem for you.

You are on a game show, and you are given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car and behind the other two are goats. You pick a door, and then the host (I can't remember whether his name is Monty Schrödinger or Erwin Hall), who knows what is behind each door opens a door different from the one you picked, revealing a goat. He then asks you if you want to switch doors.

Now the enlightened among you will likely say yes. But wait -- behind each of the two remaining doors is a flask containing a radioactive source that turns cars into goats and goats into cars. When the host opens the door, there is a 50/50 chance for either of the flasks of shattering, thus releasing the radiation. If a flask breaks, it will switch whatever is behind the door, so that eventually...


Yet, when you look behind a door,


So I ask again: should you switch doors?

To help you think, I have included a picture of goats making sweet goat love.

>> No.1126128

Sometimes it's easy to forget that Schrodinger's cat box is just a metaphor. Although, it would be pretty interesting to induce superstates on a macroscopic level, if it had any kind of consequences.

>> No.1126158

Yes. I do switch doors.

>> No.1126174


So then, is the Monty Hall problem just a metaphor?

>> No.1126216

It's not a metaphor. It's a thought experiment. Totally different shit.

>> No.1126245

If there is a 50 chance of a car turning into a goat and visa versa, then there is no proper strategy.

>> No.1126255

It's always going to be 50/50 because there are 2 options with 1 of them being right, quantum theory has no bearing at all in this situation

>> No.1126264

you know the theory of probability is based on the idea that every door has an equal chance of holding the car..
guess what.. this may be wrong......

>> No.1126266

But what happens behind each door are independent of each other. One thing might change while the other doesn't.

You could have a scenario where you have two goats... or two cars.

>> No.1126284

Well then now you're presuming that goats can turn into cars and vice-versa regularly in the real world, which is quite improbable, and very silly.

>> No.1126312

Right, but those facts do not affect your choice.

There is a 2/3 probability that the door you can switch to initially has a car, 1/3 it has a goat. If it has the car, there is a 1/2 probability it will stay that way. 2/3*1/2=1/3. If there is a goat, there is a 1/2 probability it will become a car. 1/3*1/2=1/6. 1/3+1/6=1/2. A similar explanation of staying holds too.

>> No.1126328

switch fucking doors, my math teacher asked me this, and the solution is blatantly obvious!

its not 1/2 its 2/3! HA!

>> No.1126353


WTF those are not goats.

But what are they?

>> No.1126363


its llamas

>> No.1126366


Are you suggesting that there is no advantage in switching?

>> No.1126400


actually they're alpacas.

>> No.1126413

>I have two children. One is a boy born on a Tuesday. What is the probability I have two boys?

>> No.1126459
File: 14 KB, 250x188, arupaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean like this thing?

That's a funky looking animal. Sorta looks like a dog.

>> No.1126482

For this particular conception of the problem, yes, that's exactly what I am saying.

>> No.1126493

Fuck, I always forget this one. It's something ridiculous like 1/3.

>> No.1126556


Unless there was a 50/50 chance that you were exposed to harsh chemicals so that your bastard children will eventually become both male and female (this not being observable at birth), then your problem is not quite as interesting.

P.S. The probability is 1/3

>> No.1126577


13/27 IIRC

>> No.1126596

Nope. The correct answer ist 13/27.

http://www.decisionsciencenews.com/2010/05/28/tuesdays-child-is-full-of-probability-puzzles/ if you just want to cheat.

>> No.1126691


This is boring. Have anything interesting on alpacas?

>> No.1126805

This kind of probability thing has always freaked me out. How does an extra piece of information like that affect the probability? I understand the steps in its calculation, but I can't wrap my mind around it intuitively.

The boy has to be born on SOME day. Why does knowing the specific day affect the probability?

>> No.1128442

What?!? How can it be 1/3 or 13/27?

There is definitely without a shadow of a doubt that there is a car behind 1 of the doors and a goat behind 2 of them.

he reveals one door to have a goat behind it. I will presume that you discard this door completely from the equation from now on as it obviously has a goat (not what we want(at least not until later on in the evening)).

So we are left with 2 doors, one iwth a goat and one with a car. therefore the chance we are right is 50/50

>> No.1128467
File: 18 KB, 294x400, Monty_Hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fucking physicist.

>> No.1128468

Monty Hall Problem

Change choice is best


>> No.1128483
File: 3 KB, 123x127, 1274712922510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a prophet of islam

>> No.1128772

OP returns only to see differing opinions. Most of you seem to be saying you should stay, but quite a few say you should switch. Interesting.

Also >>1126596


>> No.1128803

jesus christ I've heard of this shit. If you change when he asks you so, you double your chance or some shit. Don't ask how or why

>> No.1128833

Switch it's monty hall.
Easiest way of demonstrating is via a diagram
ms paint ftw!

>> No.1128836

Open both

Get 2 cars

>> No.1128862


yeah, but in this situation goats can become cars and vice versa

>> No.1128874

since the door that was opened revealed a goat, the car was behind it, so it doesnt matter wich door you pick, because both doors will have goats, thus cars

>> No.1128947


No the car-to-goat transformation doesn't occur until after he opens the door, and he knew that there was a goat behind that door. Plus there is no flask behind the door he opens.

>> No.1128974
File: 4 KB, 113x126, CerealGuy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if he doesn't allow you to switch doors?
What if he gives you the choice only when you pick the correct door?

also, those are not goats on your pic

>> No.1129073

OP this is some bullshit goatse, you are not making any sense