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11260579 No.11260579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've visited Pol and they always post these "redpills" regarding race. I'm questioning if the initial premise is even true. Does race exist? Is it a social construct?
Pic related

>> No.11260587
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i dont fucking know and i dont fucking care i pay attention to behavior and body language

>> No.11260595

>I'm questioning if the initial premise is even true.
Did you check whether those studies were published in predatory journals or the reputation of the coauthors? Cause with /pol/ you can expect even the unsneakiest of bullshitting.

>> No.11260601

Is /sci/ going to discuss what color the sky is next? I thought this was supposed to be the smart board.

>> No.11260603

>I've visited Pol
Cool, stay there.

>> No.11260604

So, does it exist or not? Is it scosial construct?

>> No.11260611

Visited out of curiosity and saw them believing these images and if they're complete truth. Are they or are they just racist schizos?

>> No.11260618


>> No.11260619

Do dog breeds exist? Of course they exist. Just because there are some mutts in New York or London doesn't exclude discrete races.

>> No.11260629

That's a racist analogy that had been debunked. Search for "debunking race and dog breed analogy"

>> No.11260880

Checkmate, atheist scum.

>> No.11260981

>significant biological deviation can be so drastic, entire species can become sub genus
>even humans turn fucking wolves into chihuahuas in few centuries
Gee I wonder, retard.
Denying race is denying the inherit ability of biological organism to adapt. Humans were fish at some point and before that we were bacteria.

>> No.11261049

It's a social construct, aka it has about as much scientific value (none) as "genders".
Funny that /pol/tards accept the existence of one while denying the other.

>> No.11261102
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Apes and canines have extremely different constraints in terms of genetic and morphological variability, making a direct comparison between them useless. Also dogs were heavily inbred due to artificial selection, meaning many of the traits exhibited in different breeds aren't exemplary of any selection pressure that would be at work in the natural world.

>> No.11261154

This is what happens when you take a midwit and educate them.
You’ve thought yourself retarded. Obviously traits cluster in human populations.
It might not perfectly match historical or contemporary racial categories, but there are still patterns to observe and those categories are often fairly useful anyway.
Regardless, even if something is a social phenomenon, it still exists. If you’re willing to say that there’s no such thing as black people to a black person then by all means say the same (wrong) thing to a white person. Otherwise you’re just socially conforming/anti-white.
Become a carpenter or a plumber. This is not an insult. Those people perform a service, whereas you will clutter up education or wherever else you end up if you go white collar. Know your place.
t. Topwit

>> No.11261156

Rather, it’s not that you’ve thought yourself retarded, it’s that other, smarter people have disingenuously done your thinking for you. (Man it is hard to put myself in the mind of a midwit.)

>> No.11261173
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>Obviously traits cluster in human populations.
Never said they didn't, just that comparing them to dog breeds, or anything other than apes for that matter, is extremely misleading in terms of scope or significance. Quit putting words in my mouth, and then strutting about as though you you've dismantled an argument I never made.

>> No.11261180

you think ben shapiro is smart don't you? I can see it in your writing. Do yourself a favor and read a book on logic and another one on rhetoric.

>> No.11261182
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To add, placing an issue like this into such a rigid binary, where it would normally require even the most miniscule amount of nuance, is an extremely simplistic thing to do. This is as far from a literal "black and white" issue as you could possibly get.

>> No.11261186
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There's a binary difference between knowing there is difference of race within the human species and being able to make any claim about intelligences or social impact.
As far as science can tell socio-economical luck may be the reason non-white phenotype didn't get a chance to show some inherent superiority first.

You'll have to check each source individually and check there's no contradicting data available. As your pic is very likely a mix of real study with false interpretation to spread misinformation.

>> No.11261195

Riddle me this, fuckface. Where does skin pigmentation come from if not one's genetics? Do negroes paint themselves now?