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File: 27 KB, 983x673, emotional-intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11260203 No.11260203 [Reply] [Original]

Is emotional intelligence a real thing or is it pseudo-scientific crap?

>> No.11260209

>emotional intelligence

>> No.11260215
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shut the fuck up
think of it more liek emotional experience as opposed to intelligence.

>> No.11260308

It's real although it can't be studied scientifically, though neither can any type of intelligence.
These questions belong more to the realm of philosophy than science, since intelligence is an abstract idea with no real physical basis to it (by this I mean it cannot be studied physically)

>> No.11260353

Hard to measure but if you know any real and out-and-out spergs you know it's a real thing that they are truly lacking in, and they can't just decide to get normal emotional intelligence from nowhere. And the lack of it has a huge impact on their lives.

>> No.11260362

Based and christpilled

>> No.11260644

It's real, although current attempts to measure it attempting to pass themselves off as some kind of scientific scoring system (EQ) are exercises in sophistry and should be ignored. This is one of those things you only really get to know through experience, and maybe quality literature.

It's also mediated by age, or more specifically, the complete development of the prefrontal cortex, which occurs especially late in life for men (about 26 years of age). It's a large part of the reason young adults have relatively temporally impaired judgment even though they otherwise have more raw cognitive horsepower at that time than they ever will again.

>> No.11260655

It's a thing, but there's a lot of bullshit surrounding it (like in everything related to psychology)

>> No.11260660

Emotional intelligence is intelligence applied to emotional problem solving

>> No.11260680
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>> No.11260693

It doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It is heavily influenced by everything from environment to personal motivation, so it is as much science as psychology.

>> No.11260797

It's a meme name for knowing how to deal with your emotions.

>> No.11260865

Based and monkey pilled

>> No.11260914

t. retard

>> No.11260920

t. pseudo-intellectual

>> No.11261580

well worded

>> No.11261609
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>> No.11261610

pseudoscientific crap

>> No.11261627

The existence of autism proves you can be brilliant and stupid at the same time.

>> No.11261647

>since intelligence is an abstract idea with no real physical basis to it (by this I mean it cannot be studied physically)
You probably believe in the body/soul dichotomy too.
Overall, a weirdly phrased announcement that you dislike IQ tests because they show unpleasant results that collide with your own tainted worldview.

>> No.11261767

The gold star they give women for being low IQ. Even though in my experience they're also less self aware and less empathetic (although they pretend to be)

With women being the genetic selectors they're really going downhill. Almost like cops speed a shitload and when they investigate themselves they've always done nothing wrong.

>> No.11262081

are some people better than other people in navigating social situations? definitely
can one measure it with a simple multiple choice test? hard verging on impossible
social sciences deserve shit for pretending their tests are more reliable than they actually are, but I still think this is a good topic that deserves being researched

>> No.11262109

.emotional intelligence
Its a fancy way to say social manipulativeness.

>> No.11262115
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, BITCHASSNIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can be used for good AND bad!

>> No.11262127

acting appriopriately is one thing
another thing is perceiving other people's emotions

>> No.11262167

All the "multiple intelligences" shit is meant to try to make it so that everyone wins instead of being honest and dealing with the reality that some people are better than others.

>> No.11262569

>because they show unpleasant results
Lmao no, this is you inserting your ideology into my argument. I do not care about IQ results in the slightest because psychology is a pseudo-science.
Tell me, how does one quantify an abstract idea with no solid definition?

>> No.11262604


It's about as useful to use to describe or evaluate a person as 'charisma' is as a term. It's something that's is undeniable in that it is so readily seen but at the same time I do think it an incredibly 'soft scientific' thing and belongs to the social sciences and psychology.

>> No.11262833

Based TFM poster

>> No.11263063

My best bet:
It's a way of thinking with all your senses, kind of like mixing your values, others' opinions and your mood in a blender.
Out comes something that is kinda meh in precision due to gut feeling, yet very unique.

Oddly enough, logical people seem to always brew a very destructive concoction using this method.

>> No.11263079

Go talk to someone who considers himself autistic and youll see that emotional intelligence is real.