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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11255151 No.11255151 [Reply] [Original]

*hits pipe*

What exactly is time ?

>> No.11255153

A realization of entropy.

>> No.11255157


>> No.11255158

It's a metric

>> No.11255159

The most valuable thing you have... and people trade it for $8 and hour.

>> No.11255160

What clocks measure

>> No.11255162

>t. neet

>> No.11255164


>> No.11255166
File: 85 KB, 372x515, ee1d5db1c65a0689dd2bb5dd52ea13c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The classical view is that time is a single universal parameter [math] t\ [/math] on which all observers agree. That is, if all observers are equipped with accurate clocks, all properly synchronized, then they will all agree as to the time at which any given event occurred. We know, of course, that this view is not exactly correct: According to the theory of relativity, two observers in relative motion do not agree on all times. Nevertheless, in the domain of classical mechanics, with all speeds much less that the speed of light, the differences among the measured times are entirely negligible....Apart from the obvious ambiguity in the choice of the origin of time (the time we choose to label [math] t=0\ [/math]), all observers agree on the times of all events.

also this

inb4 "hurr time is an illusion"

>> No.11255168

Elaborate please

>> No.11255171

Not the same guy, by time only flows in the direction such that the total entropy of an isolated system increases.

>> No.11255172

The elaboration is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.

>> No.11255179

Cool we know the effect of time , but we still don't know what it is exactly

>> No.11255193
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>> No.11255194

It's a scalar parameter that always increases and helps us model reality. Humans can perceive the passage of time and can measure it with extreme precision. I gave you another definition of time here >>11255166
which comes from Classical Mechanics by Taylor. Asking "Okay but what is it" ad infinitum isn't an interesting or insightful question and verges on >>>/lit/

>> No.11255199
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an interdimensional gateway

>> No.11255202

What's the closest analogy you could give ? Is distance also a parameter ?

>> No.11255205

>What's the closest analogy you could give
a number
>Is distance also a parameter
sure, why not?

>> No.11255206
File: 134 KB, 762x1040, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The horizon of Being.

>> No.11255210

t. textbook author

>> No.11255220

>a stubbornly persistent illusion
t. einstein

>> No.11255222

logic as it exists in the real world

>> No.11255228

Logic is shaped by reality not the other way around.

>> No.11255236

Least intelligent comment today

>> No.11255241

yeah that was bad. so is this one >>11255222

>> No.11255598

Einstein can explain that sir:




>> No.11255667

Time is the involuntary traversal in the 4th dimension. Without it we wouldn't be able to be conscious so that is why our consciousness have evolved to follow it.

>> No.11255716

Unfortunately, I think if you try and ask what these base quantities are, you'll come up blank. Our brains sadly did not evolve to contemplate what things are, but what brains DO succeed in doing in observing properties, and engaging in comparison. We can compare two events happening at different times, we can compare two times to say that one was longer than the other, we can observe a phenomenon and look to our clocks to see that the clock took 3 seconds to carry out its process, so therefore the event lasted 3 seconds.

If you find this answer unsatisfying, try to define other less mysterious quantities, like length or area. You will struggle. All we can do with length, area and time is to make comparisons: this stick is 60cm pong because it has equivalent length to the 60cm mark on my ruler.

>> No.11255894

This legit looks like it's moving

>> No.11255905

Don't you mean the 5th dimension?

>> No.11256129

I agree.

>> No.11256980

Intertwined with space. Not Einstein shit. Metaphysically. All realities can be modeled with cellular automatons

>> No.11256997
File: 7 KB, 203x248, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as A square once warned us of higher beings, gods compared to us, inhabitants of the 4th dimension we should become open to the idea to a dimension above us, most likely being time

>> No.11257881

>try to define other less mysterious quantities, like length or area
Fuck now that i think about it i don't know what length is anymore Aaaah !

>> No.11257902

motions of matter and the universe

>> No.11258085


>> No.11259434

I don't know

>> No.11259436

The question has been thoroughly answered.

>> No.11259454

time is the derivative of distance with respect to speed.

>> No.11259455

This. Just cancel out the d's lol

>> No.11259482

we don't even need to cancel out, think about it:
[math]\frac{dS}{dV} = \frac{dS}{dV}\cdot\frac{dt}{dt} = \frac{dS}{dt}\cdot\frac{1}{a} = \frac{v}{a}[/math] So put another way, time is speed divided by acceleration.

>> No.11259495

That's a question for the philosophy of physics to answer and not /sci/ itself, although the two are closely related. Physics is not interested in the meaning behind a phenomena, but in the phenomena itself, how it works and moves. The meaning of something is the objective of philosophy, I recommend the book Philosophy of Physics: Space and time by Tim Maudlin.

>> No.11259542

How do you do that ? I tried and I can only get something nonsensical. I got [math]/frac{dx}{dv}=/frac{dt}{d1}[/math]

>> No.11259544


>> No.11259567

Fuck me, how does this thing work ?

>> No.11259661

Heh, idiot, can't even use LaTeX right. Learn something, fag:


>> No.11259663

What kind of sword is that beaver using?

>> No.11259688

direction of causality

>> No.11259714

literally copy and paste of your post.
phone posting?

>> No.11259716

a canadian sword, obviously

>> No.11259717

hmm same result as yours. but it looks good in the preview.

>> No.11259752

(Physycs) brainlet here, but, isn't it just the mere existence of irreversible processes what we call the "hurr durr illusion of time"?

>> No.11259820


Time as it is understood in physics (relativity) is not the same "time" you understand from moment to moment. There are things called CTCs which contradict the notion of time we experience phenomenologically, and so prove our physical understanding of time is incomplete. Indeed, If the matter in our universe was simply distributed differently, there would be CTCs, thus the experience of time by the mind would contradict the data of Relativity. Whats interesting is there is actually another solution to this dilemma: Time as we experience it, and Time as we abstract it in physical models could actually be entirely different ontological objects

>> No.11259835
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>time keeps on slippin slippin slippin
>into the future

>> No.11260044

I dont know what you mean. Irreversible processes are the best evidence we have that time "really" exists.

>> No.11260900
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1569291151474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11260970

It's a measurement of things changing. I know that sounds simplistic, but that's literally what it is.

>> No.11261019 [DELETED] 

>inb4 "hurr time is an illusion"
If you could predict everything at once, time would not exist, time is a irrational belief based on your limitations.

>> No.11261026

>>11255166 #
>inb4 "hurr time is an illusion"
If you could perceive everything at once, time would not exist, time is a irrational belief based on your limitations of observer

>> No.11261074

>if something that isn't and could not be true was true, then ...
what a stupid post

>> No.11261087

It’s true for god. Time doesn’t exists for god,
Cause and effect are a base myth.

>> No.11261617

Based boomer

>> No.11261663
File: 17 KB, 247x329, 1572887345223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entropy keep on turnin
>carnot engine keep on burning
>rollin, rollin, rollin on the world line

>> No.11261922

the eternal present

>> No.11261927

what if the dimensions we chose to fight natural selection over, and which we learned to perceive and in which we live, were not the only ones?
like what if there was something other than space and time?

>> No.11262164

No one's gonna talk about pipe man's outlandish ears?

>> No.11262293

A dimension in which everything can travel only in one direction. Everything can move through space only by also moving through time, anything moving with maximum speed in space does not move through time at all, and anything that is totally still moves through time at the maximum rate of time flow. Everything has its own time, but everything is in one space. This rule set works, don't mess with it.

>> No.11262645


A condition of mortal existence.

The scaled & measured perception of the duration of events.

Too simple. Were this true we wouldn't measure events of negentropy with progressive time scale.

Currency is equal to time in a sense yes, as both can be a measure of effort and/or personal value. But your statement is written with such a sardonic tone. Perhaps honesty is the best policy but few behave as such. Time and currency are the frequently failing efforts to accurately and honestly assign value to oneself and others. What else are we to do?

>> No.11262648

So conditions of mortal existence don't exist?

>> No.11264056

Deez nuts

>> No.11264134
