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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11257290 No.11257290 [Reply] [Original]

The mathematical community gave everything to him, if it was for all they people that took their time to teach him in Russia and in the USA he would be nothing, a nobody, it would be only fair if he could pay this debt by teaching others as well, and yet he refuses it, refuses the money he rightfully earned, he spits on Hamilton's face, he spits on the entire mathematical community, so you don't accept prizes and money because of ethics? What a joke, what is ethical about spitting on the face of all the people who helped you get where you are now? What is ethical about letting your own mother getting poorer and poorer, what is ethical about being a parasite to society? There's nothing ethical about doing nothing all day, about wasting your huge talent. This man is treated as a hero, but he should be nothing more than a joke, a clown.

>> No.11257294

He's based

>> No.11257304

>he spits on Hamilton's face
The fuck are you talking about? He holds great respect for Hamilton. In fact, part of the reason why he refused the prize was that Hamilton wasn't honoured enough.
>he spits on the entire mathematical community
Explain how.
>What a joke, what is ethical about spitting on the face of all the people who helped you get where you are now
He does not owe anything to anyone. People got paid to teach him. After that, whatever he does is his choice.
>What is ethical about letting your own mother getting poorer and poorer, what is ethical about being a parasite to society?
Life is not about material wealth. You sound like a socialist. I'm sure his mother is fine and he is not a parasite to society, unless you deem unreached potential as an effective cog in the industrial state machine parasitic.
>There's nothing ethical about doing nothing all day, about wasting your huge talent.
Unless you hold very special relationship to the man himself, which is highly doubtful, you have no idea what he's doing all day.
>This man is treated as a hero
rightfully so
>but he should be nothing more than a joke, a clown
only by pseudo-utilitarian parasitic lefties like you.

>> No.11257315
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>> No.11257355

You should ready some philosophy and understand the notion of moral duty before writing more garbage, retard.

>> No.11257370

You just love to tell people what they should do, dont you?

>> No.11257373

>The fuck are you talking about? He holds great respect for Hamilton. In fact, part of the reason why he refused the prize was that Hamilton wasn't honoured enough.
He holds so much respect for Hamilton that he didn't even care to talk to him when he lectured about his proof in the US and Hamilton himself was in that lecture.
>Explain how.
We made him, we gave him everything and after he achieved his dream he forgot about all that, about his debts to us.
>He does not owe anything to anyone. People got paid to teach him. After that, whatever he does is his choice.
You realize that he was born on the soviet union, right you fucking orangutan? He studied in one of the finest mathematical schools of the country at the time, people gave him everything without receiving anything from him, he forgot all his debts to society, to the mathematical community.
>Life is not about material wealth. You sound like a socialist. I'm sure his mother is fine and he is not a parasite to society, unless you deem unreached potential as an effective cog in the industrial state machine parasitic.
Yeah and he forgot not only material wealth but also about the ethical part and the debts he owes to society, to his teachers, to all mathematicians.
>Unless you hold very special relationship to the man himself, which is highly doubtful, you have no idea what he's doing all day.
You don't know me, punk. Stop saying shit about things you have no idea about you little shit, at least watch this docummentary about him https://youtu.be/Ng1W2KUHI2s one of his closest friends says exactly what I'm saying in the end, that he impoverished his mother, that he wasted his talent, that he has a debt to us and didn't bother to pay it.

This man is a joke, a parasite, an ungrateful cunt and people hail him as a hero, you bunch are all a joke as well.

>> No.11257377

Heh, you're an idiot, what do you know about me, you fucking retard? I have much more knowledge of philosophy than a fucking teen like you kiddo. When you learn who were Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein you can start talking to me again, until then go get some knowledge, start with the greeks.

>> No.11257392

yeah I used to think people who refused prizes were cool but now I realize it's cringe

>> No.11257401

Exactly, he didn't do it because of the mathematical community, he didn't think about his poor mother at all, all he did was for himself, his own arrogance and ungratefulness.

>> No.11257402

>He holds so much respect for Hamilton that he didn't even care to talk to him when he lectured about his proof in the US and Hamilton himself was in that lecture

autist has social problems, news at 11

>> No.11257425

Oh yeah, he has 'problems', sure great excuse. Strangely though that didn't stop him from renting a car and driving for hours with his friend to the university where Hamilton used to teach and even talk to him for several minutes after the lecture. But when Perelman finished his proof and lectured in New York, he didn't even bother to metion or talk to Hamilton, even though he was at that lecture, surely it was his 'social problems' and not an ungratefulness toward those who helped him.

>> No.11257433
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Stop pretending that you know anything about autistic people, dumb faggot.

>> No.11257434

I have asperger you dumb fuck, I was diagnosed with it, retard.

>> No.11257604


>> No.11257609

i may not know you, but i can tell you are a little bitchass nigger. you are a bugeyed mantittied jew goblin who needs to keep his stupid little mouth shut and quit seething in jealousy at others achievements you worm. your not worth the used toilet paper that this man leaves behind after taking a shit.

>> No.11257613


>> No.11257623


>> No.11257627

Aww poor little incel who had a delusional fantasy of solving the RH got triggered because someone else set an example of selflessness and you're now kinda forced to do the same or look like an egotistical asshole when compared to him
I can't wait until someone else rises the barrier by releasing a completely anonymous paper about a major problem and therefor makes every primate trying to pin medals and nobel prizes to his name look like a subhuman incapable of controlling his primal urges

>> No.11257628

>Ad hominem
I have nothing to talk about a person like this, you're below trash on the social pyramid, you racist antisemits are worthless in this world and should just die already, thankfully this board is too intelligent for people like you to post. I doubt you can even understand 1% of the serious thread created here. You're pathetic.

>> No.11257632
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I beg to differ. hope your baby gets tay sachs inbred ugly stupid piece of shit.

>> No.11257634

>solving the RH
Heh, the only part you got right, but it's no fantasy, you gorilla, I'm specializing in Complex Geometry (Several Complex Variables) and Analytic Number Theory with the sole purpose of proving it and if I manage to complete my objective you can beg I won't be an ungrateful cunt like your so called hero who didn't even think about his own mom when refusing his prizes and career.

>> No.11257639

Where do you get this insistent idea that Perelman is a poorfag? He had a cushy research position for over 10 years before he retired. He's not destitute.

>> No.11257641
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>> No.11257648

Oh, wow, 10 years, damn a pretty long time. Now why don't we make a simple counting? It's been 20 fucking years since that ungrateful cunt abandoned everything, he lives alone in a poor neighborhood, you didn't even bother to watch the docummentary, his own friend criticizes him for his living conditions and the fact that he didn't even thought about his mother after he dropped everything. You people get so hard for this ungrateful, creating a bunch of excuses, stop deluding yourselves, stop living in a fantasy world, he's not worthy of his fame, he's no hero, he abandoned the people, the community who gave him everything, he abandoned his own mother and now he's living among cockroaches doing nothing with his miserable life, I wonder if he regrets it and wishes to go back, but thinks it's too late because of the fame of 'lonely hero' you idiots gave him, probably.

>> No.11257652

>Oh, wow, 10 years, damn a pretty long time. Now why don't we make a simple counting? It's been 20 fucking years
Please justify your assumption that 1 year of Steklov pay is precisely enough to fund 3 years of living expenses.

>> No.11257659

Who are you?

>> No.11257660

What? Can you even read? I'm saying it's been 20 years since he abandoned everything, all money he had saved is likely all gone a long time ago already, he's parasiting in society, parasiting his own mom, without any regard for all the people that helped him all those years.

>> No.11257664

The man who is deconstruct Perelman's hero image that was built by clueless people who know absolutely nothing about his story.

>> No.11257667

I believe you're jealous of him tbqh senpai.

>> No.11257676

Why would I be jealous of someone who doesn't even care about their own mom? I pity him. We're not even in the same area of math.

>> No.11257838

>publishing a major result anonymously
I really hope someone does this.

>> No.11257842

what about the Haruhi solution?

>> No.11258023

He’s smart enough to realize math is an autistic game that is not worthy of the esteem it is given and that it is not worth spending your entire life on it.

>> No.11258059


>> No.11258067

Perelman is Jewish, friend.

>> No.11258861

>it is not worth spending your entire life on it.

According to who? you?

>> No.11258866

You needs something orders of magnitude larger than this to leave an impact on the mathematicians.

>> No.11258873

So what did the mathematics community do that was so wrong?
Was it just the chinks who tried to steal his work, or something more?

>> No.11258875

What? did someone tried to steal Perelman's work?

>> No.11258891

the chinese always try to pretend like they got to every major discovery first. I met a (chinese) post doc once in the US who actually did something cool, and he showed me news articles and papers published in china that tried to take credit for his lab's work. He laughed about it and said something like "they don't realize I can read this." It's super common.

>> No.11258903

//being a parasite to society
ok zoomer

>> No.11259737

Op is a pathetic worm who will never accomplish anything

Perelman is absolutely based

>> No.11259764

>what about the Haruhi solution?
Unironically the thing that convinced me that this website is capable of much more than people give it credit for, sadly not close to being enough. If only the correct events align in such a way as to mobilize the willpower of the collective, this >>11259256 can be our reality. The only thing we need is a unifying idea that harnesses the unmobilized lazy NEETs of this place and gives them an incentive to do something other than coming up with more shitposts.

>> No.11259885

It wasn't really anything that special, the guy just found a better approximation than the one that was available at the time, then Robin Houston found an even better one after that. Besides, it was 8 years ago, 2011 4chan was much better than 2019 4chan, this site was never the same after gamergate, that event filled this place with a bunch of normies, it never recovered.

>> No.11259919

It's not about how relevant it is, it's that at least we're capable of doing something. What did the math stackexchange, or /r/math, places that are supposedly much higher quality than this shithole, come up with meanwhile? How did they compete with some random guy anonymously typing out a random shitpost and actually solving something?
It's obvious that much more than that is possible but we're stuck in a limbo of shitting up the board and incentivizing schizoposting instead.

>that event filled this place with a bunch of normies, it never recovered.
Well won't they supposedly graduate soon? A large portion of them must be doing STEM degrees, so this gives us enough manpower for many things, someone just needs to poke their fantasies in a way that pulls them out of their private life and makes them contribute to the collective here instead. I think that the first paradigm shift of 4chan was when we began raiding others and realized that we actually do hold a lot of applicable power, the second one was when we spread our homebrew culture to the entire world through the internet, and the third one will be us creating a worldwide anonymous organization without the need of internal reward as an incentive, think of a large open source repo but with an academic wing as well. It's pretty much a matter of if not when, and if 4chan goes down then it's still a matter of when the new anonymous forum to take its place pops out and gives the degrees of freedom needed for something like this to occur.

>> No.11259927

>the third one will be us creating a worldwide anonymous organization without the need of internal reward as an incentive, think of a large open source repo but with an academic wing as well.
Ok, that's based, but it's an utopia, just like communism.

>> No.11259984

Why would it be an utopia? Is it that fucking hard to produce research without having to pin prizes to your name? It's true that there's no one out there to give an example of this and that Perelman is the only one close to it, but the reason for this was because it was pretty much required up until modern days as you had to be present in person, preferably with enough history behind your career, for your paper to be taken seriously or not outright stolen by whomever you gave it to. That's no longer the case and anonymous contributions where someone can't plagiarize them for his own reputation are possible thanks to the internet. Specifically on 4chan, we actually already have our own internal peer review as is the case of Tooker's little schizo attempts and him getting btfo every time he posts - this is a proof that we can filter faulty papers. All we need now is for someone to post one that's not, of course preferably without having him stamp his name on it. That's a matter of when not if.

>> No.11260244

It's the only thing I'm good at, though.

>> No.11260378

>He holds so much respect for Hamilton that he didn't even care to talk to him when he lectured about his proof in the US and Hamilton himself was in that lecture.
Did you just pull this out of your ass? Perelman even wrote Hamilton about collaborating before proving the conjecture. In any case, so what?
>We made him, we gave him everything and after he achieved his dream he forgot about all that, about his debts to us.
You had nothing to do with Perlman's upbringing or success. The people who did got compensated for it in the form of a fair salary.
>You realize that he was born on the soviet union, right you fucking orangutan? He studied in one of the finest mathematical schools of the country at the time, people gave him everything without receiving anything from him, he forgot all his debts to society, to the mathematical community.
I didn't know professors in the Soviet Union didn't have a salary. Someone should look into that. Maybe unionize?
>Yeah and he forgot not only material wealth but also about the ethical part and the debts he owes to society, to his teachers, to all mathematicians.
Explain how and why he owes something to society, teachers or all mathematicians because all you've done thus far is whine about him not doing whatever you want.
>You don't know me, punk. Stop sayi...
All of this is completely irrelevant.


>> No.11260754

If he's a clown how come I'm laughing at you instead?

>> No.11260762


>> No.11260809

Holy fuck. Calm down and stop trying to claim the accomplishment of another.

>> No.11260814

We got a little taste with that bit of math featured on numberphile from an anon on this board
Now we need to btfo namefags hard
Namefagging for its own sake is a vile practice that breeds bad science

>> No.11260817

Imagine thinking having negative views about Jews is a bad thing

(Also, yes, I’m aware that Perelman is Jewish.)

>> No.11260822

Oh my god nobody cares it’s the internet post something interesting or fuck off
You clearly went into this field for glory hounding and you’re incensed that someone else might have other priorities
Perhaps Reddit would be a better fit for your PR department morality and obsession with accolades

>> No.11260826

You can regard Perelman as cool or at least admirable in some ways while also noticing patterns about Jewish behaviour

>> No.11261707

>noticing patterns about Jewish behaviour
Kek, you idiots don't even try to hide it anymore, straight up antisemits.

>> No.11261724
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Perelman was basically groomed to be a mathematician since he was 10 years old, his mother was a mathematician and he spent his entire life in math academia.

>> No.11261741

Anti-semite, anti-science and anti-math, actually. You know that this is /sci so what else to expect?

>> No.11261758

The main cause of antisemitism is jewish behaviour.

>> No.11262764

Anti-Semite erases all the other Semites who are significantly less of a problem than Jews and who Jews victimise.
And I’m ambivalent about how much of a problem Jews are anyway.

>> No.11262771

>how dare you not be a bigot and look at individual cases I want to be able to hide behind my group to do shitty things reee you can’t differentiate individuals from groups like that

>> No.11262777

Even under the assumption that he owed anything to the "community": don't you think he already paid his debts with his contributions?

>> No.11262893

You're an idiot who doesn't understand why he rejected the price. Integrity.

>> No.11262897

Seems to be a solid case of none of your fucking business.