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File: 17 KB, 220x165, Hayflick_Limit_(1).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11255524 No.11255524 [Reply] [Original]

How do we defeat the hayflick limit /sci/?

>> No.11255529

Harvest fresh cells from the young to replace ours.

>> No.11255534


>> No.11255915
File: 36 KB, 324x499, Mind Children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind uploading. You could use a Moravec Transfer to transfer your qualia onto a different substrate, via gradually Ship of Theseusing your neurons. If you also have a mechanical body, you won't have cells anymore, so you will no longer have to worry about the Hayflick limit.

>> No.11256415

>How do we defeat the hayflick limit /sci/?
What have you tried?

>> No.11256524

Boy are you in for a surprise.

>> No.11256710

>Moravec Transfer
You just boil the frog, attach mind augments to our prefrontal cortex and once we effectively offload a large enough portion of what makes our memories our memories we simply simulate the rest with the augments. Assuming of course this is possible, it would allow you to experience a seamless transition to a computer substrate.

>> No.11256723


>> No.11256725

you don’t know anything about cell biology or biochemistry lol, any disturbance in the resting activity of some functional hub dramatically alters self perception retard, that’s why psychedelics and comas induce dissociative episodes.

>> No.11256971

You dont even need to do any fancy smooth transition shit. It means nothing. There is no such thing as "your" qualia. There is just "the qualia" that is.

Creating a clone and getting killed is effectively no different. Because you experience death does not mean that YOU are dead. Because YOU for all meaningful measures are in the clone. You are both your qualia and the set of machinery that "generates" it. If the machinery is copied, the qualia is too. Well actually not.
The qualia is not existent until there is animation. When you are asleep, not REM but deep sleep, you are fully unconscious. There is no difference from being dead, except that you wake up. Thats literally the only difference.

>> No.11256986


>> No.11256993

By developing cancer of course

>> No.11257001

>There is no such thing as "your" qualia. There is just "the qualia" that is.
So you're saying I should ignore observable reality? I can directly observe being this particular human. If what you're saying is true, that would mean that every other human besides me is a philosophical zombie.

>> No.11258113

engineer the cell lines for a mild increase of telomerease enzyme activity

>> No.11258124

By accepting that death is inevitable.

>> No.11258639
File: 288 KB, 800x600, milestones_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Through Mind Uploading

>Silicon Valley billionaire, 32, pays $10,000 to be KILLED so the contents of his brain can be digitally uploaded and preserved forever


>The rich will become ‘God-like cyborgs’: Historian claims the wealthy will transform into a new type of human within 200 years


>Russian Tycoon Aims to Make Immortality a Reality Using Robots


>> No.11259047

individual neurons die all the time retard. psychedelics literally completely fuck up the most important biochemical system in the brain.

You could probably swap out millions of neurons a day, without the person noticing.

>> No.11259055

no, retard, read his post

>There is no such thing as "your" qualia. There is just "the qualia" that is

the idea that the "identity" of your consciousness is separate from other consciousnesses is what illusory. meditate or do psychedelics, read a book, or just use your brain in general if you want to have a more first hand understanding of what this means

can you explain why what he said is foolish? if you're even slightly introspecitve you'd realize he was right

>> No.11259078

The most probable answer is literally there in your image: keep the telomeres from deteriorating.
We know this since 1985: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/3907856/
Since then a lot of research has been done on prolonging a cells lifespan and the viability of treating cancer using the wonderful ribonucleoproteincomplex known as telomerase.
You can find a lot of information about this by doing some independent research but be aware that prolonging your life is not as simple as some popsci article would have you believe.

>> No.11259144 [DELETED] 

This is not the limit, there is an enzyme native to the body and cells that have it active; it's only when you have an isolated tissue outside the organism where this becomes an issue; it's almost certainly a mechanism to prevent cancer. Really nothing to solve here.

The biggest killer right now is the calcium magnesium imbalance.

You always need more magnesium than calcium, otherwise it kills you; the calcium either accumulates, causing calcifications, or its excretion drains magnesium from the body and causes widespread disfunctions. (there is no way to directly measure this as plasma levels are kept always stable) The extreme levels in our food gets body stuck in an endless fight to get rid of the calcium (which apparently requires magnesium, two mol per one mol excreted) and keeping enough magnesium for basic bodily functions.

What makes people who live to 110+ different from the rest is that they don't suffer from diseases related to this. They either follow weird diets that prevent this from occuring, or have a beneficial mutation that helps the body to deal with the problem in some way.

The body keeps massive reserves, so it may take a year + to fix, even with a lot of Mg and very little Ca, but you will eventually start getting somewhat younger eventually and the accompanying diseases start to dimnish.

Fasting may allow the body to fix it, but it still needs to be fixed in food.

>> No.11259148
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>doesn't know what conciousness is
>panicky clinging to physical growth vessel

>> No.11259157

This is not the limit, there is an enzyme native to the body and cells that have it active; it's only when you have an isolated tissue outside the organism where this becomes an issue; it's almost certainly a mechanism to prevent cancer. Really nothing to solve here.

The biggest killer right now is the calcium magnesium imbalance. What makes people who live to 110+ different from the rest is that they don't suffer from diseases related to this. They either follow weird diets that prevent this from occuring, or have a beneficial mutation that helps the body to deal with the problem in some way.

You always need more magnesium than calcium, otherwise it kills you; the calcium either accumulates, causing calcifications, or its excretion drains magnesium from the body and causes widespread disfunctions. (there is no way to directly measure this as plasma levels are kept always stable) The extreme levels in our food gets body stuck in an endless fight to get rid of the calcium (which apparently requires magnesium, two mol per one mol excreted) and keeping enough magnesium for basic bodily functions.

The body keeps massive reserves, so it may take a year + to fix, even with a lot of Mg and very little Ca, but you will eventually start getting somewhat younger eventually and the accompanying diseases start to dimnish.

Fasting may allow the body to fix it, but it still needs to be fixed in food.

>> No.11259195

origin of the nucleus

>> No.11259236

Any sources where I can read about this?