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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 92 KB, 500x579, RevlativisticWeapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1119611 No.1119611 [Reply] [Original]

Yo /sci/, what are the most destructive weapons?

Doesn't matter how practical or theoretical they are. Let's hear your doomsday weapons.

>> No.1119616

Mass driver.

>> No.1119618

grey goo

>> No.1119622

Maybe if you Mad Scientist could give us a bit of insight into how your Doomsday weapons work.

>> No.1119629


>> No.1119635

Grey goo - nanobots that go out of control. They are able to tear apart matter and replicate with that material. Impossible to stop. Eventually the entire world becomes nanobots, and they spread out from there.

>> No.1119638

Eiother a gamma ray burst or a relativistic bomb.

Eh the relativistic bomb should be strapped to a Bussard Ramjet if you wnat to get anything done, but if you just happen to have a Valkyrie it will be enough to destroy all life on a planet.

>> No.1119641

Cascade Fusion Chain

Basically you create a mini star and he fusion process goes hay wire and keeps reacting with other hydrogen and helium elements in the air, until the entire planets lighter elements have undergone the fusion process.

>> No.1119653

Build a particle accelerator big enough that it knocks us out of a false vacuum. All matter ceases to exist instantly.

>> No.1119661


Nough' said.

>> No.1119668

25 quintillion tons of antimatter should do the job nicely.

>> No.1119675


That's not a device though...

>> No.1119679


The Penning Trap is.

>> No.1119682

Humanity, ba-dum-tish

>> No.1119689

sentient, angry angry Grey goo

>> No.1119690

A fucking magnet

>> No.1119712

A single wormhole weapon that is capable of expanding infinitely at an ever-increasing rate until it destroys the entire universe.

>> No.1119714

If you want absolute destruction, you'd have to go with something like a singularity or anti-matter.

If you want destruction of life, then either hard radiation, kinetic weapon (the mass driver mentioned), ecophagy through nanobots or a weapon capable of producing a magnetar-class magnetic field. Those would all produce the desired results.

what exactly do you intend on destroying?

>> No.1119719

Create a parallel mirror-universe otherwise indistinguishable from this, except everything there is antimatter.

Collapse that and this universe together in the exact same spatial coordinates.

>> No.1119735

Create a device so advanced that it had the power to accelerate the entropy of the entire universe.

>> No.1119737

many ways to destroy, stupidity is my poison

>> No.1119739


>accelerate the entropy of the entire universe

I like the way you think!

>> No.1119760


>> No.1119761

I just need 50 jillion dollars and roughly a hundred million years to get this project off the ground.

>> No.1119765

How about a machine that accelerates proton decay?

The universe would still be there, but anything built of atoms will turn into a cascade of highly energetic particles.

>> No.1119773
File: 67 KB, 360x320, Dramatic_Chipmunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

launch a fucking nuke in the center of the world, causing all of the world's volcanoes to erupt.


>> No.1119789


Proton decay of the entire universe or just a small part? Because, well, the first option would destroy the universe until the next vacuum fluctuation creates another, and the second has the potential to turn every object into a gamma ray laser.

>> No.1119796

Antimatter death ray that shoots out a giant dildo

>> No.1119798

Devise a machine that could increase the gravitational constant of the universe.

>> No.1119808

How about a device that eliminates vacuum fluctuations?

>> No.1119814

Giga Drill Breaker.

>> No.1119816

a couple hundred trillion arms that have the ability to convert any type of matter into more arms. Once most of the matter in the universe is converted, order the arms to the center of the universe, collapsing it.

>> No.1119822


That should do.

>> No.1119824

forcibly remove a spatial dimension and see what happens

>> No.1119828

Can machine create a destruction so vast that even machine could not stop it?

>> No.1119829

How could you command them to do anything if all matter has been consumed?

>> No.1119832


Each arm is made out of Computronium.

>> No.1119841
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, Lexx_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1119843

Canadian sci-fi. That explains it.

>> No.1119844

Grey Goo can be stopped by snap freezing or instant incineration.

>> No.1119847

An elastic band, their power is often underestimated.

>> No.1119859


>> No.1119861

Airborne ebola aids, genetically engineered to be passed on through coughs and sneezes, long lifecycle, able to survive three weeks outside of the body and attacks both flesh and embeds itself into the T Lymphocites of most mammals.

Slow but very effective. Should decimate 99percent of Earths population in a matter of weeks.

>> No.1119862

Well, once you die, this universe will no longer exist.

How many Solipsists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? hahaha

>> No.1119864

Uncouple the Heisenberg compensators.

>> No.1119865
File: 32 KB, 362x285, ebola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airborne Ebola HIV AIDS, genetically engineered to be passed on through coughs and sneezes, long lifecycle, able to survive three weeks outside of the body and attacks both flesh and embeds itself into the T Lymphocites of most mammals.

Slow but very effective. Should decimate 99percent of Earths population in a matter of weeks.

>> No.1119890


Lets make the Ebola Brahma.

>> No.1119901

drunk driving

>> No.1119913
File: 304 KB, 369x480, obama_smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will surely be the death of us all.

What happens when we gets high one night skinning up in the white house and gets a paranoia attack that the North Koreans are going to do a pre-emptive nuclear strike?

He'll go "shit man, i better press dat big red button over dere before day do"


>> No.1119977
File: 42 KB, 400x516, obama_obonga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I thought that big red button was the lighter switch.

15 minutes later

Ahh that's better, theres fire coming in from the window, now lets hit this shit



>> No.1120031

What the fuck is Ebola HIV AIDS? Also 99% of the Earth's population? Are you goddamn retarded?

Airborne Ebola (particularly the Zaire strain) would be about as serious a disease as can be imagined. Even if someone went around spreading it deliberately you can still only reach so many people in two weeks. Once people realize it has gone pandemic (which they would very fast) the world basically would shut down interpersonal contact would cease.

>> No.1120040


>> No.1120048


>> No.1120066

Orbital bombardment.

>> No.1120078

The most destructive weapon? Simple.


>> No.1120081



>> No.1120096

Airborne/Waterborne/Bloodborne GM Ebola Zaire with delayed onset of lethal symptoms. Besides mild coughing and sneezing, no other symptom for the first few weeks. Afterward, the full course of the disease sets in, conferring a 90%-100% mortality rate.

Guaranteed to kill most of the civilized world in one stroke, although it would be damn hard to engineer.

>> No.1120098 [DELETED] 

>Someone sneezes in Canada

>Madagascar shuts down boarders, begins burning bodies, and imposing a curfew

>> No.1120107

Ebola HIV Aids is a slightly more benign version of Ebolaidstreptocancer.

>> No.1120110


Madagascar would obviously survive.

Just saying.

>> No.1120131

An illogical sentence that throws people's thinking into an endless loop, wiping their memories and all ability to communicate with the outside world.

People would fear knowledge and regress back to the stone age

>> No.1120135
File: 102 KB, 715x1114, madagascar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, of course.

>> No.1120145

Assuming it even exists outside human thought.

>> No.1120147

Talk to Imperial College of London's Biochemistry department. They have been researching biological weapons and testing them on Gruinard Island for many many years.

Don't think the British Government don't have extremely deadly biological weapons.

They are so small, you can't even see them!

>> No.1120166

Relativistic bombing FTW.

>> No.1120167
File: 109 KB, 622x379, overpopulation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait until the planet's human population exceeds 12 billion, there won't be enough food to go around, we'll all simply starve and live very poor qualities of life.

>> No.1120168


>I just made up that to seem cool

>> No.1120175


>I have not read The Killing Star or the Atomic Rockets website

>> No.1120177


>Also I haven't yet accepeted Charles Pellegrino as the One and Only God and Saviour.

>> No.1120201




>> No.1120206

Drain the Earth of all kinetic energy and wait a bit until it plunges into the sun.

>> No.1120212


This, anything that can make em waves explode in an endless chain reaction is hardcore

>> No.1120214


How much fuel would one need to kill Earth's orbital speed?

>> No.1120225

So small you can't see them eh? Wow that must be pretty advanced stuff they are working on then.

trollface.jpg much?

>> No.1120549

I started in Madagascar once.

Shit was so cash.

>> No.1120683

Resonance cascade scenario. Would probably open a portal to another world that contains seriously fucked up creatures...

>> No.1120732

>implying this will destroy the entire world and not just north korea, while merely irradiating japan with fallout in the process

>> No.1120747


>Wait until the planet's human population exceeds 12 billion, there won't be enough food to go around, niggers will all simply starve and live very poor qualities of life.

fixed it for you

>> No.1120767 [DELETED] 


"w" + "h" - "h" + "w" + "v" - "v" + "w" + "f" - "f" + "." + "s" - "s" + "a" + "i" - "i" + "n" + "m" - "m" + "o" + "s" - "s" + "n" + "a" - "a" + "t" + "d" - "d" + "a" + "u" - "u" + "l" + "d" - "d" + "k" + "a" - "a" + "." + "b" - "b" + "s" + "h" - "h" + "e" + "r" - "r"

>> No.1120768

someone should write a comedy script about this

>> No.1120779

Beat me to it!

Besides that, dogmatic thought.

>> No.1120810


When that happens Greenland and Cuba proceed to shut down everything.


>> No.1120823


>> No.1120838

Ban fucking everyone

>> No.1120845

Suddenly, railguns, everywhere!!!

>> No.1120857
File: 304 KB, 2400x2400, Earthrise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That photoshop sucks.

>> No.1120864

institutionalized dogma
religious, social, cultural or scientific

>> No.1120871

BFG 9000

>> No.1120887


>> No.1120892

Shut down 4chan.

>> No.1120911

An Idea.

>> No.1120917


>> No.1120962

Edit the boundary of the universe and smooth out the variations that bring about this part of the hologram.

>> No.1120986

Remove all cable TV from america.

>> No.1121033

Kill everyone
Kill everyone with fire

>> No.1121048

problem here is that electrons arent abundant enough to cause the quantum tunneling needed for fusion.
even though we may be able to enlarge wormholes in a decade, ze problem here is that they consume themselves almost instantly when a single electron exists on both sides of the wormhole and as +1 or -1 and both all at the same time.... also radiation would do the same. there is a reason they are smaller than qubits!

>> No.1121051

nano-scale von neumann machines

>> No.1121126

Put a dehumidifier and a humidifier right by each other.

>> No.1121799

"Ghostlight weaponry"

Fire two streams of weakly-interacting particles that pass through any space, ignoring intervening matter, but annihilate as they strike each other, creating a source of gamma radiation inside of a structure with pinpoint accuracy.

>> No.1122143

Neutrinos and the corresponding anti-neutrinos would do that.

>> No.1122156

Black hole GUN!

>> No.1122258

Somewhat practical in future will be anti-matter bombs. Clean shit, no need to worry about long years for radiation.

Nuke the Iran and stay away from its oil due to radiation on surface.
Anti the Iran and put your own machines there and start drilling oil. WIN WIN.

but to me the most interesting is not the nukes or anti-matter or any ray gun for that matter but biological weapons. they are greater than even chemical weapons. first immunize your nation with vaccine. then simply and silently release the deadly virus/bacteria/fungus or any natural or genetic-modified-shit. maybe americans or russians can use genetically-modified-small-pox virus (from their original stock of small-pox virus which they are keeping it for some purpose). within few months, it will wipe the shit out of the world (maybe somewhere from 70% to 90%). keeping in the mind that in that equation some of american citizens' immunization due to vaccine may fail but chances will be between 1% to 5%. mostly weak genes. automatically applying Darwin's Law.

now the question remains, what to do with the world when rest of population of world is more than 90% vanished after 6 months or a year? should americans slave the remaining humans? should americans take control of the rest of land of earth? can we call India and China as oversees states of USA?

>> No.1122739

Well if you're gonna go that way, then:

Hypometric weaponry.
The device causes a somewhat random region of spacetime to not exist.

Unfortunately the size of the region and the targetting is REALLY random. Let's-destroy-that-star-system-whoops-we-dead-and-everyone-behind-us-too RANDOM.

>> No.1122768


>> No.1122771

The Confectious

A device so powerful it has the power to convert matter into baked goods, that upon contact with unbaked goods instantly transmogrifies them into baked goods. I think this would be a very sweet weapon to have.

>> No.1122786

relativistic projectiles

>> No.1122792

Clefairy uses Metronome.

>> No.1122803 [DELETED] 


"w" + "s" - "s" + "w" + "g" - "g" + "w" + "d" - "d" + "." + "l" - "l" + "a" + "m" - "m" + "n" + "q" - "q" + "o" + "x" - "x" + "n" + "h" - "h" + "t" + "g" - "g" + "a" + "z" - "z" + "l" + "d" - "d" + "k" + "y" - "y" + "." + "t" - "t" + "s" + "n" - "n" + "e" + "h" - "h"

>> No.1122821

Death star lasers.

>> No.1122825

The problem is that to produce a gram of antihydrogen costs $62.5 trillion... so yeah...

>> No.1122834

just wait it out. the most destructive weapon is time. see heat death. lame version, but pretty much guarenteed to work. if you're short on time, i'd go for the entropy idea.

>> No.1122850

A black hole generator..

>> No.1122852

Gattsu uses The Dragon Slayer, it's super-effective! Clefairy is smashed to a red blotch with a few crunchy bits.

Gattsu uses Hidden Cannon, it's super-effective! Clefairy's trainer's head seizes to exist as a solitary object.
The viewing crowd is stunned.
And showered by pieces of bone and brains.

>> No.1122896

RKV, take an object of whatever size, accelerate it to 90% of the speed of light, and presto a weapon thats almost impossible to stop and with immense distructive power

>> No.1122918

the problem is,its almost impossible to make as well

>> No.1122919

>Implying my laser wont incinerate it

>> No.1122920

Go eat another hotpocket anime fag

>> No.1123011
File: 263 KB, 728x542, ouroboros_ii.battle_angel_alita_book_09_angel_s_ascension_pg_091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an army of rabid mokvwap warriors with aids.

>> No.1123839


>> No.1125429

A woman

>> No.1125432

A woman outside of the kitchen

>> No.1125438


>> No.1125444

Do they give astronauts a gun or some way to reasonably commit suicide in case something goes horribly wrong?

>> No.1125465

roughly 2 tonnes of anti-matter

>> No.1125475 [DELETED] 


"w" + "z" - "z" + "w" + "b" - "b" + "w" + "u" - "u" + "." + "j" - "j" + "a" + "x" - "x" + "n" + "c" - "c" + "o" + "v" - "v" + "n" + "d" - "d" + "t" + "x" - "x" + "a" + "v" - "v" + "l" + "k" - "k" + "k" + "k" - "k" + "." + "p" - "p" + "s" + "a" - "a" + "e" + "z" - "z"

>> No.1125485

What about an EMP wouldn't that stop them?

>> No.1125491


Just go out the airlock without a space suit. That's probably in the manual somewhere.

>> No.1125502

If you can't think of a way to kill yourself in space, you're probably not going to get there in the first place.

>> No.1125508

I hear that takes awhile though. I would much rather have a cyanide pill or something. Or even worse would be drifting off during a spacewalk. I don't think slowly suffocating would be a fun way to go.

>> No.1125511

orbital rail gun?

>> No.1125548


lack of pressure will kill you first. Your own blood boiling inside your head will probably do the trick.

>> No.1125611

A device which tunnels the intire universe out of a false vacuum (provided it's in one)?

>> No.1125616


>> No.1125618


haha, he thinks blood boils when you're in space.

>> No.1125631

if you're talking about destroying all life on earth, that'll be done 500 million to 1 billion years from now due to the increasing luminosity of the sun.
if you're talking about destroying the earth itself, that may come when the sun expands due to fusing helium or whatever and grows so big that it just might possibly eat the earth
if you're talking about destroying the familiar universe, that will probably come in 10^100 years due to the tendency of the universe to get bigger and bigger and the tendency of matter to spread out evenly.

>> No.1125715

It doesn't? Thought the low preassure made blood boil at 0 K, maybe hollywood just got to me..

>> No.1125732


i luld

>> No.1125740

I'm working on a super weapon right now. I call it... The Star Thrower.

>> No.1125759


someones played some pandemic ehh? EHH?

>> No.1125765

Even the darkest vacuum of space in the middle of the greatest void between galaxies is not 0 kelvin. Unless you're creationist.

>> No.1125770
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1274562377197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone doesn't know what temperature is....:)

>> No.1125776

What is the temperature in the middle of a singularity? Is there even an answer?

>> No.1125784

Depends on the singularity.

>> No.1125785

<Yo /sci/, what are the most destructive weapons?
Those secret weapons Tesla invented.

>> No.1125819

Somewhat true, a vacuum has no temperature.

>> No.1125832

A device to heat the universe to absolute hot.

>> No.1125839

Volcano gun.

That's it. Just think about it. Mother fucking volcano gun. Take on anyone with one.

Fuck yeah volcano gun.

>> No.1125840
File: 386 KB, 496x384, 1274573657943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


completely true

there are random atoms floating around space

dont belive me? ask carl sagan.

>> No.1125845
File: 142 KB, 700x700, 1270337739532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1125867

Aren't volcanoes just angry hills?

>> No.1125891
File: 34 KB, 570x623, image.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a series of nanofibers of infinite tensile strength. Perhaps take them from our space elevator. Tie one end to Earth. Tie the other to the moon.

>> No.1125924

What's with oceans, get more land

>> No.1125936

> Doesn't matter how practical or theoretical they are.
The Christian God.

>> No.1125986

U sick son of a bitch. It would actually work.
However, how would you ancor the earth and moon?

>> No.1125997

What's with deserts? Get less sand!

>> No.1126024

Grey goo doomsday is bullshit be nanomachines are NANO and NANO means SMALL so they'd move very SLOWLY meaning you could incinerate them before they got out of control

>> No.1126064



>> No.1126066

Not quite sure what we're talking about anchoring. If we can build a 365000 km cable, I'm sure we could find a boyscout willing to tie a good knot for us.


>> No.1126071

they'd fly through the air pretty fast even if they for some reason would be slow moving...

>> No.1126081

This is why Escherichia coli takes 5 days to become visible to the naked eye on just about any nutritive non-selective media. They're really small, you see.

>> No.1126100

Reykjavik airport? How is that destructive?

>> No.1126116

Dude, don't joke about that shit.

>> No.1126188

Didn't read thread
but here.


>> No.1126215


But he'd be asleep after one metronome so that wouldn't work you could switch in Gyrados it'd be all over.

>> No.1126222


Pokemon Ruby plot.

>> No.1127025

Nice to see this thread still up after so long.

/sci/ - Science Fiction

>> No.1127040

A nuke made from anti-Uranium.

>> No.1127052

Valdimir Putin.