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11251351 No.11251351 [Reply] [Original]

Does higher testosterone increase motivation to study?

>> No.11251356

increases mh dick

>> No.11251778

yeah, that's why all the muscle heads are in university while the nerds are elsewhere

>> No.11252112

They're not muscular because they have testosterone. They're muscular because they trained their muscles thus increasing their testosterone level.

>> No.11252127

Why are incels and /pol/tards so obsessed with testosterone?

>> No.11252288

Because it's easier to shove the fault to something they cannot influence directly, instead of taking the blame themselves.

>> No.11252304

Learned habits from child development, like discipline would effect that in greater likelyhood. Women I have found are more willing to study when told but, applying it the world without hand holding guidance from patriarchy systems would say that testosterone allows individual pursuits easier. So yes females are better off in the kitchen or the art room.

>> No.11253559

yeah, no.

>> No.11253652

Because they refuse to acknowledge that higher estrogen directly correlates with higher IQs on average, it is demonstrated by the overwhelming success of females in academia. Males like polfags and incels are in total cope mode because they live in a world of delusion where masculinity and good ol' backward oppression still works. Y'all need to wake up, it's 2019, soon to be 2020 and the future IS female.

>> No.11255377
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>Y'all need to wake up, it's 2019, soon to be 2020 and the future IS female.

>> No.11255436

Sounds like a cope, there's plenty of people who attend a University who also lift and take care of themselves
>Inb4 I don't
Imagine thinking your too smart to take care of your body lmao, the only one you'll ever have

>> No.11255438


>> No.11255464

you sound like a feminist woman who doesn't like men doing better than women

>> No.11255490

tfw youll never be a chad.

>> No.11255505
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This is a great bait. Perfectly fit for copypasta

>> No.11255506


>> No.11256902

is this bait?

>> No.11256908

no it makes you angry, horny and more jacked
So everything opposite to studying

>> No.11256918

It also makes you grow facial hair, so if you can't grow a beard it means you're low test which isn't bad because it makes you smarter. And hormones levels can be tweaked so it's all good no matter what genetic makeup you have. Sex will increase your testosterone levels and you can inject testosterone directly into your bloodstream too so whatever.

>> No.11256927

Nice pseudo science
I bet you also think that testosterone causes balding.

>> No.11256944

No that's just aging

>> No.11257018

>And hormones levels can be tweaked so it's all good no matter what genetic makeup you have
unfortunately that won't do much. what matters, for the most part, is pre-natal T, which is what's responsible for the "masculinization" of the brain leading to behaviors and characteristics we frequently associate with a male brain, such as being more logical, better visuospatial skills and so on

>> No.11257233

Higher estrogen in women usually equals better overall health throughout their life. Good health usually means a good development of the body and cognitive functions

>> No.11257242

going to to gym doesn't mean you have high testosterone dummy

>> No.11257251

T also shrinks your penis and balls lol

>> No.11257360

>answering a question never asked
still based