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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 500x567, Devilish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11252389 No.11252389 [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific reasoning behind why people are psycopaths/sociopaths?

>> No.11252483

empathy is for literal faggot manchildren

>> No.11252485

psychology is not a science

>> No.11252486
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>> No.11252487

they got broken at early stage. so psychoanalysis.

>> No.11252488

descriptive fields are valid sciences, theres plenty. so psychology is science.

>> No.11252491
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LOL who gives a fuck if descriptive fields are valid sciences. They're worthless fucking endeavors of no fucking value to anyone.

>> No.11252498

>zoology is worthless
dude ur retard and soulless too.

>> No.11252500

Isn't it only science if money is involved?

>abandons all money, forever, and all recognizable tokens of exchange, even language/memory/hope/faith/belief/truth.

>> No.11252502
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This is a thread about sociopaths and psychpaths and mental illness in general. I'm right where i belong. Go start a different thread if you want to discuss beastiality or whatever the fuck does it for you.

>> No.11252504

Less frontal lobe activity

>> No.11252505

but most people on 4chan don't have it?

>> No.11252509
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most people come to 4chan because their empathy gets eroded everyday by the nature of humanity and existence. People come here to recharge their empathy. At least the valuable anons do.

>> No.11252513
File: 329 KB, 4167x1254, infographic_nus_research_worry_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. So, money is mental illness distributed. Cool facts.

>I never worry about money, I worry about why everyone would want me to suffer in any scenario because I'm always more productive being presented to a merging moment of any description.

>> No.11252514
File: 27 KB, 200x358, thumb_all-at-t-8-50-am-89-tweet-no-yeeeeerpero-1d-32671422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychological honey pots are like the FUNNIEST thing the CIA ever invented.

>> No.11252519

holy shit thats repulsive. why twi**r allows that?

>> No.11252521
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Because for sake of argument let's just say that everyone woke up tomorrow knowing who I was. They would still craft the most obtuse and obscure bullshit story to explain why they aren't harassing me or comitting suicide on my lawn (anymore) or that everything has to remain as per my expectations of hte outside world.

The sanity I have at home and the sanity of the outside world will always be the binary set of experience for any human. I've 'never' been a part of the outside world, I only ever started in Melbourne.

What language are you even using? What are you, the communicator, the dude with the fingers typing on the keyboard, trying to communicate to me?

>> No.11252523
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Hello World is pretty much how I always start EVERY truth or existence.

Beyond that, why bother being an entity that could craft a message this true and divine?

>> No.11252524

abusive and/or cruel parents

>> No.11252528
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Parents with insufficient social/cultural/emotional/intellectual support.


Just like I miss me ano-tsuno when a straight parent turns out to be gay, my kids will also be sorely missing the straight parent if they become gay. That is why it is absolutely critical that parents make sure their kids go to regular support groups where they can talk to other gay/bi/trans/etc. parents, have discussions and role-play with them. As parents, our kids are crucial allies who can talk to other kids, support each other and have hopefully become less fearful of gay/bi people in general.

Instead of building an army of allies, I have to build my own little army of anti-gay/bi/trans folk. I'm no Mary Sue and I'm tired of people making orgasms so pointlessly argumentative or based on anything other than discussion/description/destination.

>> No.11252530
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you talk liek the biggest faggot alive eternally high on it's own shit

>> No.11252532
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>> No.11252535
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Yes, I did smoke a kretek earlier. My daughter is making more weed for me now.

How much more 'dominant over females/women' do I have to be before I get the other men to realize I'm cutting off their supply of pussy, because women submit to 'my' dick?

Doesn't matter if the ego somehow makes you think a rejection story of who I am, at some point God's step up and into the fight we go!

>I claim Islam will reteach that lesson of submission, by giving itself up and rendering all monotheistic religions as retarded


>> No.11252537
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>> No.11252538

I even gave you monkey niggerz a music fucking video and you are THAT fucking insolent that you think PISSING on my TEMPLE WALLS will somehow SAVE YOU FROM TOOKER?

>> No.11252541


>> No.11252542
File: 9 KB, 230x219, NAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the fuck away into isolation and talk to yourself if you need to hear yourself so fucking bad

>> No.11252544
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>All uniformed men, time to die, commit suicide.

Oh no, I said out loud. I heard myself, to satisfy some asshole I read on 4chan's opinion because I wanted them to see pic attached

>> No.11252545

And if you need a thread to shit up keep shitting up me faggot thread here:

>> No.11252547

"Clicketh the Java," Quoth the raven.

>> No.11252548



>> No.11252549


>> No.11252552
File: 90 KB, 500x666, 20bsa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11252689

Their mom took away their legos.