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File: 513 KB, 2000x1345, 64B4CE16-DE2D-40EE-BB6F-DDC9DF649492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11247791 No.11247791 [Reply] [Original]

More pictures:

>> No.11247796

previous thread >>11243376

>> No.11247889

>this shit show was worth billions of taxpayer money

>> No.11247905

Umm how did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.11247927

NASA and Boeing should leave space to the experts.

>> No.11247952

imagine being a politician and sitting there and listening to all the bullshit of boeing, knowing all too well they are lying their ass off.
And just giving them more money in the end anyway.

>> No.11247956

>we’ve devolved into making retarded comments like this

>> No.11248007

boeing CEO got fired lol

>> No.11248011 [DELETED] 
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Funding secured (for going to Mars)

>> No.11248026

Was Starliner the straw that broke the camel's back?

>> No.11248044

It has nothing to do with Starliner, just 737 MAX issues. Basically, he managed to piss off the regulators due to his lack of transparency and unsuccessfully tried to pressure them to re-certify MAX by the end of 2019. Boeing realised his confrontational approach wasn’t working and fired him. The timing in regards to Starliner is purely coincidental.

>> No.11248048

Judging from skimming the news, it's entirely related to 737 Max issue.

>> No.11248054

If Starliner was the problem here, the person getting the boot would be whoever’s in charge of Boeing’s space division.

>> No.11248095
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I'm going to make it. We're all going to make it.

>> No.11248097


>> No.11248099

is that an all time high? Nice.

>> No.11248121

a good Christmas present for ol’ Musky

>> No.11248125
File: 127 KB, 1146x361, original_187866094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's an all time high. It was a discussion I had on /sci/ eight months ago that sparked my interest in TSLA and now I'm up nearly 100%, at least for now.

>> No.11248134


>> No.11248140

Can’t have a general without periodical off topic spurts.

At least we don’t have tripfags. Ever been on /arg/ over in /k/? Terrible.

>> No.11248142
File: 75 KB, 749x467, EMe9KIOWoAES-N5.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more than one way to get into space, my friend.

>> No.11248147


This upcoming LM-5 launch is being heavily publicised in China, which is a surprise but a welcome one considering all the videos being pumped out. This one’s about the LM-5’s second-stage and contains engine testing.

>> No.11248155

The chinese sure are launching a lot of stuff

>> No.11248162

nothing to worry about haha

>> No.11248167

They are truly numba wan...

>> No.11248245

>This holds 7 people
How? I guess it's wide, but it looks liked it's barely 10 feet tall.

>> No.11248249
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I fucking hate stocks. I passed up on TSLA and AMD because I thought they were too risky.

>> No.11248252

You've obviously have never seen a large family on the move. They must be tetris masters from cramming their kids in the mini-van.

>> No.11248254

they’re not all in a row, like free dragon. Crew dragon will only take like four people at a time to the ISS tho

>> No.11248274
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>> No.11248278
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This is fine, we still can catch up

>> No.11248281

I don’t see New Zealand on that

>> No.11248290

I think that those are counted towards the United States since Rocket Lab is an American company.

>> No.11248295

It included in US launches because Rocket Lab is American company.

>> No.11248317


Most of those Chinese launches are in the medium rocket, ~5 ton to orbit max payload category

SpaceX is the undisputed king when it comes to actual mass to orbit.

>> No.11248318

Is there a breakdown of mass sent to space per country?

>> No.11248320
File: 74 KB, 784x586, 9B3BDF2A-2DA6-49DB-9F86-3F0AC4416896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Starliner and Crew Dragon are theoretically capable of carrying 7 people, but they have to get a little creative with the seating (pic-related). For actual missions NASA wants 4 seats, which is the configuration Dragon will be launched in but Boeing are planning to fly Starliner with an extra 5th seat that their going to try and sell to commercial customers.

>> No.11248333

It climbed that high so quickly? Boy, it must be raining short sellers at wall street.

>> No.11248340

What? They‘re gonna be building Mars vehicles in a few years.

>> No.11248367

What is the state of the Boeing leaderboard right now?

>> No.11248381

You could probably write an article about that would be an interesting read

>> No.11248382
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>> No.11248395

hundreds of millions, you're off by an order of magnitude

>> No.11248425
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>> No.11248428

the worst part is that all of these problems came from his predecessor, who fired all the experienced people in the company

>> No.11248437

United States wins lol, it's not even close

>> No.11248442

Dragon can't fit the second row due to NASA changing the seat angle they wanted

>> No.11248469

I can see why, the astronauts would almost be lying down on their backs during re-entry which we found out was a bad idea in 50s.

>> No.11248527
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>> No.11248550
File: 26 KB, 640x1185, 07566886-C581-41A2-A4AB-E45DE5C2F1AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m really looking forward to the new Starship design iteration...

>> No.11248555

except the payload bay is full of methalox, and there's no solids, and the booster is methalox
other than that your image is correct

>> No.11248931
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>> No.11248936

Dont pay attention. They're n-nothing. AMERICA BIG PENIS. Chinese small penis. All launch are peaceful.

>> No.11248950

Fake news. Its still following Elon Time. They're actually only at 5 tests. It won't be done until end of 2020.

>> No.11248957

I mean the 10 tests are just for NASA allowing them to launch DM-2, Boeing on the other hand are 3 tests away from getting their parachutes certified. Idk how many more SpaceX will have to do to get certification.

>> No.11249049


>> No.11249079
File: 27 KB, 512x512, 1f914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Another Happy Landing"

This is the very 1st landing on land. All other landings have been on the ocean. Which begs the question, if they're not landing on land, why do they call it "landing?"

Could this be the VERY first time NASA has landed a space craft on Earth?

>> No.11249086
File: 152 KB, 1200x794, atlantis_landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11249090

Relly make u tink

>> No.11249092

>Could this be the VERY first time NASA has landed a space craft on Earth?

Obviously not considering the Shuttle was a thing, but it’s the first American capsule to return to land from Orbit and the first crewed capsule to use airbags.

>> No.11249094
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>Which begs the question, if they're not landing on land, why do they call it "landing?"
Because it comes from NASA's aeronautical origins where planes landed on land. It could also be that 'landing' and 'land' have been disconnected from each other such that the 'land' in 'landing' holds no meaning anymore. Language is weird.

>Could this be the VERY first time NASA has landed a space craft on Earth?
No on two accounts. One, Starliner isn't NASA's craft, it's Boeing's. NASA just pays for seats on it like a taxi. Two, Shuttle (and also Gemini parawing but I don't think that one went to space).

>> No.11249137
File: 140 KB, 879x485, bo-capsule-landing-dec17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I a joke to you?

>> No.11249162


>> No.11249233

sick wheelie

>> No.11249237
File: 287 KB, 480x270, 38BPH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyuz doesn't land in the water

>> No.11249246


>> No.11249269

>tfw new shepard is always judged based on what it isn't rather than what it is
feel bad for it tbqh

>> No.11249278

It would be kind of interesting if there wasn't a bunch of way more exciting things going on.

>> No.11249308


>> No.11249311

I like that image

>> No.11249313
File: 120 KB, 772x919, Screenshot_20191223-201235__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11249315

Soyuz is a Soviet design operated by the Russians

>> No.11249318

feels badman, it wasn't his fault

>> No.11249323

what's his golden chute worth?

>> No.11249334

Texas just got a set of nosecone strips with the ez-jig tabs on them

I'm pretty sure Texas already had a nosecone like that so the question is - did these nosecone segments come from Florida or are they new?

>> No.11249338

ez tabs? hm?

>> No.11249436

alignment tools

>> No.11249464

Just rewatched Apollo 13. Is there any greater spaceflight kino?

>> No.11249469

Apollo 11? Although, I haven't seen it myself yet.

>> No.11249485

Apollo 11 is fantastic. almost required to see it on an actual IMAX screen; I'm glad I got the opportunity to.


>> No.11249831
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x681, brunotory1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real photo of ULA's CEO.
Just thought you should know.

>> No.11249836

Tory Bruno is a cool dude. Real shame about the whole being shackled hand and foot by Lockheed and Boeing thing

>> No.11249913

I love that those last second engines are lit by stick hitting the ground, peak Russian, simple but reliable.

>> No.11249916
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God I hope this is the real logo.

>> No.11250030

Flag, roundel, or symbol?

>> No.11250051

Can only AF members vote?

>> No.11250093
File: 123 KB, 400x452, 9B42DBBC-4F69-4275-AE2F-28E9366ADDE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice comparison

>> No.11250127


>> No.11250131

JUST >>11249311

>> No.11250155

I'm going to orbit, will you come with me?

>> No.11250156

Statliner development cost $4billion+

>> No.11250302


Depends on which rocket and capsule you are using.

>> No.11250319

I think for the new year we should create a study group for "Fundamentals of Astrodynamics" by BMW. What do you think?

>> No.11250334

The most tragic figure in modern spaceflight.

>> No.11250450

can't factor in dev costs until after the program is over

>> No.11250453


>> No.11250464

That's the amount of money already paid

>> No.11250496

While similar in size the difference in trust between 1 J-2 and 2 RL-10s is huge.

>> No.11250499

four RL-10s

>> No.11250505

My point still stands unless it's a variant that produces a fuckload more thrust but my understanding is expander cycle engines are heavily thrust limited because they lack a turbine pre-burner.

>> No.11250508

it's about half

>> No.11250530
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>> No.11250531


*4 RL-10C-3s producing 440kN of thrust with an ISP of 460, compared to a single J-2 producing 890kN with an ISP of 420. Can carry 129,000 kg of propellant compared to an S-IVB’s 109,000 kg.

>> No.11250535

>gonna watch a Starlink pass tonight with my dad
Do you have a cool space dad?

>> No.11250538

I like the RL-10 but there isn't a single engine that is good for every mission and this is not a mission the RL-10 is good for.
I'm hoping the BE-3U works out and he get something close to the J-2 again.

>> No.11250539

thanks Elon you fucking shitposter

>> No.11250561

> implying such politician won't take his cut

>> No.11250573

>I'm hoping the BE-3U works out and he get something close to the J-2 again.

I’m sorry to disappoint you but Blue’s EUS bid (which was comparable to the S-IVB, using a single BE-3U in place of the J-2) actually had worse performance than Boeing’s RL-10 bid. New Glenn’s upper-stage uses 2 BE-3Us, producing a total of 1,400kN but that has a somewhat different purpose to the S-IVB.

>> No.11250576

*of thrust

>> No.11250593
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>> No.11250772

Man, Blue Origin's really gotten cucked by the RL-10 every time they've proposed the BE-3U for another vehicle.
Vulcan said no, OmegA said no, and SLS said no.

>> No.11250773

what's their predicted ISP?

>> No.11250792 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11250817

I shorted and this shit happens again.

Fuck this life.

>> No.11250822


>> No.11250838

Dude it's christmas i'm alone drunk and the last weeks were bad reminding me I lost 34k borrowed from my fucking parents just sucks. Was supposed to be easy money too.

>> No.11250842

Looks like a cool dude. I wish I could find scale models of all the new spacecraft, as well as the ISS, for cheap, but they're all expensive as fuck and some of them still look like ass.

It's the only decent one that's not just the Starfleet logo.

>> No.11250844

shut up boomer

>> No.11250847

thanks, it's probably the most "shut up boomer" post I've ever seen in my entire life

>> No.11250856

just report and ignore

>> No.11250908


>> No.11250920

Abit off topic for spaceflight, isn't it?

>> No.11250953

all of that shit is fase, pollution is steadily increasing and if you believe in any of those cosmetic measures youre so idiotic than 0.5 miliseconds of my education is better than 100 years of yours boomer.

Life is beauty, I make beauty, without me, life has no purpose, with your stupid "enginheheeerr" degree you get more people more miserable life, your contribution is hell my contribution is heaven. I have buttobliterated memetic symbology proudoverwon win victory (better me hehe hihjo (words iwthing words if you cant aunderstand it) ) again old fart?. ohh wats that? cant understand?? too complex? your little numbers didnt prepare you for master avant garde poetr-mathematician-neospeak?'? too badd little kiddo uneducated boomer, because the shop is in town and this is i say so time

>> No.11250956

the guy who typed that wall of bullshit up isn't here, anon
I posted it so we could laugh at him, but instead we're here laughing at you

>> No.11250962
File: 436 KB, 982x737, BadSeaDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.11250971


>> No.11250993

would you what?

>> No.11251008

3d print a model of the sea dragon and then shove it up your ass, presumably

>> No.11251010

Ride that rocket

>> No.11251045

if it was tested and safe, i wouldn't want to be the first person sent into space by spaceX

>> No.11251062

>Sea Dragon
That's some nice FUDposting you got there.

>> No.11251076

sorry I mixed up the rockets ithought it was done by space x sorry

>> No.11251081

the Sea Dragon was a NASA concept from 1962, nobody built it

>> No.11251105

Actually it was just a concept created by Robert Truax, a designer working for Aerojet. NASA showed limited interest in the concept, but had no part in it’s creation.

>> No.11251112

right, I knew it was a Truax design but I thought he worked for NASA
my bad

>> No.11251126
File: 47 KB, 900x503, makesmegohmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof. As a TSLA bull, I'm sorry for your loss, but for your own sake, don't do anything like that again. There's literally billions of dollars wrapped up in trying to keep the stock price as low as possible so they can hurt the company and stave off the switch to EVs. Most of the bear case for Tesla has no basis in reality and was invented to try to trick people like you into shorting it.

>> No.11251127

based schizo

>> No.11251134

damage control

>> No.11251155


>> No.11251167

Pure logic-defying fan service, an obscure concept that predates Apollo would not be a logical evolution of the program, if it had continued. SRB-boosted Saturn V’s and NTP tugs like Von Braun envisaged would be a far more realistic option.

>> No.11251169

the F-1A would have fixed the Saturn V's anemic T/W ratio, and nuclear third stage would have been swank

>> No.11251177


the shuttles money was basically lost 100%.

if you have kept the saturn exactly as is and used the shuttle money 1/2 to make it cheaper and 1/2 for nuclear upper stage then we would have a moon base for a long itme

>> No.11251204
File: 69 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a man who helped design the sea dragon
>be older now
>see this
>yfw a bunch of faggots are gay for your handiwork

>> No.11251215

>puts on tin foil hat
But the Saturn had to go because NASA would've pushed for a return to the moon and beyond. NASA needed to be restricted to LEO to keep them from starting another highly expensive project, like Apollo. The Shuttle served that purpose by not only keeping NASA down, but also being so expensive that it would be hard for NASA to ask for more money to do the bigger things.

>> No.11251218

Truax is dead

>> No.11251220
File: 188 KB, 1024x759, 5E197120-3420-4503-B6DF-FF3789DFCA52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your using an ‘either/or’ mentality, Von Braun wanted both tugs and Shuttles.

>> No.11251236
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Sea_Dragon_coming_out_of_sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought those vernier thrusters are supposed to be firing for the whole duration of flight? Why do they cut off right as the whole rocket leaves the water?

>> No.11251270

Because it’s poorly thought out fan-service, it doesn’t even have a LES either...

>> No.11251279

I like this version more.

>> No.11251360
File: 43 KB, 135x142, 1351642408904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of using a Sea Dragon to launch an Apollo capsule is so absurd it makes me laugh everytime

>> No.11251364

it's... basically the exact opposite of what it was designed for

>> No.11251371
File: 1021 KB, 4096x1532, seadragon_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just an Apollo capsule. It's on top of a cargo fairing (like some of the Jupiter rocket concepts). But the size difference is pretty funny though.

>> No.11251399
File: 52 KB, 700x464, 527904E4-6929-4C46-BF2E-43EBE244576E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you’re in an leadership position like that the buck stops with you.

>> No.11251400

it was his predecessor's fault, actually

>> No.11251402

He would have nixed it immediately when he realised that propulsive flyback is possible and you can cut all the dead aero weight crap.

>> No.11251421

But the computer technology for a propulsive flyback and landing wasn't around until late-80s?

>> No.11251430

Starship is basically von Braun's TSTO shuttle concepts stripped down to the bare minimum

>> No.11251434

That seating configuration is just a little dangerous. Anything from the upper deck slipping downward is going to be a dangerous object, especially with the capsule pogoing on top of an Atlas V.

>> No.11251437

>Pen slips out of top guys pocket on ascent
>Impales Jim below at 6 gee


>> No.11251535
File: 209 KB, 900x600, A766312E-A426-4895-91F7-FEE5CD6D852A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially with the capsule pogoing on top of an Atlas V.

Because Starliner is significantly wider than Crew Dragon, Boeing don’t need an extra row suspended above, they just squeeze in extra seats at the edges.

>> No.11251549
File: 159 KB, 800x532, Christmas_Tree_in_Cupola_module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas /sfg/ :)

>> No.11251565
File: 102 KB, 1000x999, Christmas_at_ISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas! And have another happy orbit around the Sun!

>> No.11251656
File: 218 KB, 956x1276, A510B573-B5EF-43E6-9675-8CFD2BD2F526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve recently discovered a interesting space startup called tiSpace. Their a Taiwanese company who’s building small launch vehicles propelled by hybrid rocket motors. Here’s some information about what their doing:






>> No.11251660

Is that rocket made out of carbon fiber?

>> No.11251670

nobody fucking knows, they just popped out of nowhere, said "hey we're prepping for launch, look at our rocket vertical on the pad"

>> No.11251676

I assume so, considering their hybrid rocket motor casings are.

>> No.11251737

New bigass sprung tent being delivered to boca as well as what appears to be automated girth welder, looks like horizontal construction basically confirmed lads. They are going to be able to shit out these bare hulls so fast man.

>> No.11251740

I'm predicting that they roll ALL that shit right back out by the end of January

>> No.11251743

Why? These are commercially proven technologies and will deliver a hell of a lot better welds than Mexicans on cherry pickers.

>> No.11251744

fuck horizontal construction

>> No.11251753

What are your objections?

>> No.11251757
File: 980 KB, 500x367, 1a33f128a5aa7169d8e3b1a03b42beda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see shit if they hide it all in a big tent

>> No.11251766

Horizontal for some welding, vertical for most other construction?

>> No.11251782


This is how I would do it in my opinion as an anonymous shitposter

>horizontal automatically smash out the shell and tanks in the tent
>bring outside and go vertical for systems integration

>> No.11251841

Well that came out of fucking nowhere. Where are they launching?

>> No.11251856

they're in Thailand, pedo guy is coming for Elon

>> No.11251861

I sincerely hope you are only pretending to be this retarded

>> No.11251864
File: 1.21 MB, 667x2011, c2818c9067038ef92c90f4e0f0c1ac3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, am I retarded
fuck, I'm retarded

>> No.11251892

wonder how true this will turn out to be

Taiwan is cool tho. Good that they're getting their own launch capability to counter North Taiwan's monstrous efforts

>> No.11251960
File: 535 KB, 2048x1536, Earthrise1_Apollo8AndersWeigang_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
>And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

>And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas – and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.

Merry Christmas, /sfg/

>> No.11251973

>some cunt actually sued NASA for this
Imagine if someone tried something similar on the first Mars mission in todays climate

>> No.11251978

imagine reading from the Ainulindalë or something, that'd be a good meme

>> No.11251981

we need more space forces. gas the iss space war now.

>> No.11251986

at least Musk is an American patriot and won't give in to moronic "we need an earth flag reeee" people. AMERICA will have its flag planted on the red planet first.

WATTENBERG: You were an immigrant -- a legal immigrant --
MUSK: No, no -- yes, a legal one. [Laughter]
WATTENBERG: I got to think a lot of illegals add a lot of value to the United States. You have been quoted as saying that you are nauseatingly pro American.
MUSK: Yes, that’s true.
WATTENBERG: What do you mean?
MUSK: Well, I mean, I think the United States is the greatest country that’s ever existed on earth. And I think that it will be difficult to argue on objective grounds that it is not. I think the facts really point in that direction. It’s the greatest force for good of any country that’s ever been.

>> No.11251990

tbqh if people wanted to plant an earth flag then they should form a multi-national space agency and go plant it themselves, an agencies achievements are its own and its upto that agency to decide who it recognizes for that achievement.

>> No.11251991
File: 496 KB, 473x428, thehorror4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multi-national space agency
>imagine the bureaucracy

>> No.11251992

Patriotism and nationalism are stupid. Leave your monkey tribe shit here.

>> No.11251994

that's what the ESA is...

>> No.11251997

>MUSK: No, no -- yes
Why does he talk so strangely

>> No.11252007

>imagine the bureaucracy they would have to cut down on to make it work and open up the commercial space industry even more

Patriotism and nationalism gave us sputnik and apollo. Globalism in it's current form has clearly caused the stagnation of development as once their was no more competition funding for NASA and former soviet space developers was cut to the marrow (rip buran and VentureStar) so don't act as if they didn't help not only the space industry but even the improved levels of western education that we see today.

The ESA are the biggest shills for old space to the factor of 10 compared to NASA.

>> No.11252011

>imagine the bureaucracy they would have to cut down on to make it work and open up the commercial space industry even more
Honestly, that's the future of spaceflight that I want. Not just some multi-national effort, not some competition between the best, but a wide open expanse where all who can peruse their dreams in space do it.

>> No.11252024

he has the autism and his brain didn't want to wait to process what the guy said before he started talking

>> No.11252038

>Leave your monkey tribe shit here

I would love to, provided that all monkey tribes were equal in terms of cognitive function and behavior.

>> No.11252049

>Patriotism and nationalism gave us sputnik and apollo.

Dick-waving contest from half a century ago. Now is now.

>> No.11252084

also in

>> No.11252330

it would make perfect sense, to launch an apollo capsule into like saturn orbit

>> No.11252346

ESA is awful even compared to NASA, zero ambition for manned spaceflight

>> No.11252351

Now a new dick waving contest is needed.

>> No.11252360

If America was the only monkey around, that makes sense. However given Russia/Chinese governance, you better hope the future of mankind is an American led one and not a totalitarian communist state one.

>> No.11252390

He's a high-IQ retard
t.another high-IQ retard

>> No.11252506


>> No.11252656

Anon this made my day (apart from the birth of our saviour).

>> No.11252728

>zero ambition for manned spaceflight
What happened to ESA's manned spaceflight program? All that I know about it is "Hermes was a thing, and then Soyuz came along".

>> No.11252883

based retard

>> No.11253342

>Hermes was a thing, and then Soyuz came along
This is exactly what happened.
First of all it was mostly a political project to show that Europe can cooperate and produce something on par with Soviet Russia without big daddy America.
Second of all, it was expensive as fuck and everybody know that it will never pay off and will eat large hole in ESA budget.
So when Soviet Union collapsed ESA happily ditch it and went for cheap and reliable Soyuz, while Columbus module was launched on Shuttle as part of ISS.

>> No.11253410

Fucking youtube recommendations
Was that rocket ever seriously considered, or was it just for illustrative purposes? Also, building a ring station just to go to the moon lol

>> No.11253507

ESA needs to be purged. It needs a new governing group. Otherwise, it will be forever stagnated.

>> No.11253806

damn I wish I got a RL-10 for Christmas

>> No.11253811
File: 909 KB, 2000x992, ariane5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe's Spaceport
>not in europe
what did they mean by this

>> No.11253820

Got called a racist at Skies Unlimited.

>> No.11253831

It is in Europe, just not continental Europe. French Guiana is part of France.

>> No.11253837

Is Hawaii considered North America?

>> No.11253840

That photo does not make the rocket look like it's 60 feet tall
maybe that's a scale model?

>390kg leo
I wonder what the price is

>> No.11253842

Tell us what happened lad

>> No.11253849

I was being racist.

>> No.11253858

In sovereignty, if not geographically.

>> No.11253859

it's a subscale suborbital launcher

>> No.11253861

At Skies Unlimited?

>> No.11253865

Should we not assume geographicly in space flight context, bro?

>> No.11253867

>100+ launches globally
>new chinese crew capsule
>commercial crew finally happens
>chinese space station
>bunch of moon missions
>helicopter on mars
Is 2020 going to be the best year for spaceflight that we've ever had?

>> No.11253872

Yeah it was in Skies Unlimited PA.

>> No.11253882

I forgot to include Starship. Hopefully it makes it to orbit.

>> No.11253883

If space isn't fake, you're in for one hell of a year of spaceflight! Otherwise, the best you can hope for, is really good CGI.

>> No.11253888

I hope so. Spaceflight should be human's number 1 priority. We need to advance before it is too late.

>> No.11253889

What would the difference be?

>> No.11253896

Not if its funnier not to.

>> No.11253901

No, 2021 will be because over half that stuff will get delayed

>> No.11253931

I agree. Musk is right when he said that this may be the only chance we have of becoming a multiplanetary species.

The only ones that I can see getting delayed to 2021 are the Chinese station and capsule.

>> No.11253934

Well, if space is real, much less CGI for a start. We should also see a real push towards commercial space flight in the coming years.

If fake, then we'll see poor advancement towards commercial spaceflight that will be filled with technical problems, delays, excuses, broken promises, CGI, etc.

Expect to see things like space debris and the van allen belt being used to delay commercial flight for many years to come. Even rumours of aliens could be used. We shall see.

>> No.11253950

You won't hold us back, scum. Human's devine right is the stars. 30 trillion souls through the galaxy.

>> No.11253964
File: 2.51 MB, 3597x3024, D64C3C27-D36E-4407-9D60-40DD5CA87A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11253969
File: 2.65 MB, 4031x1978, AA185163-7B05-406A-9805-109B978E3477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11253974

where the fuck is new Armstrong anyways

>> No.11253976

Starship development too, looks like it's coming along pretty fast. Hopefully we get some new glenn testing aswell or at least some updates since they are supposed to be launching in 2021.

>> No.11253981

it's faster than it appears.
The fact that they're ordering actual Finnish (made in USA) custom ordered steel, fab hardware, and doing a big boca chica expansion means that a spurt of actual construction is coming soon. Also once commcrew is done, those people will be shifted to starship development. I assume that <10% of SpaceX employees are on starship still.

>> No.11254018

>You won't hold us back, scum
I'm not claiming to, it's the government and space agencies you need to worry about. The people who've been holding back space travel for decades.
>Human's devine right is the stars. 30 trillion souls through the galaxy.
Do you actually know what the stars are though?

>> No.11254025

You mention CGI a lot. How do you know if it's cgi or not?

>> No.11254051

Hell, with orbital habitats you could have 30 trillion people just within our own solar system. The number of people the galaxy could support, assuming you have the tech necessary to travel to other stars in the first place, is just mind boggling.

>> No.11254052

Mars is geologically active!

>> No.11254058

Im pretty sure its a lot more than that, if you got to the stage where you could support 30t dyson swarms would be in full effect

>> No.11254059

did they finally give up on the Insight heat probe hammer long enough to get good seismic data?

>> No.11254071

You posting negative, anti-space speach is an attack on everything that matters. Filth
Indeed. Imagine the tech progress with that many humans, interacting. Imagine a time when you know Humans exist lightyears away, and the "history books" reference delayed communication.. Much like the early voyages on earth's oceans.

>> No.11254082

I suggest that you use Hanlon's razor more often.

He can just spot those things. He can tell by the shape of the pixels and stuff. Or something silly like that.

>> No.11254083


>> No.11254085

It looks like CGI - plus weird anomalies that happen.

>> No.11254091

>You posting negative, anti-space speach is an attack on everything that matters. Filth
What does it matter if I post anti-space stuff, I'm going to be proven wrong aren't I?

>> No.11254095

Which would come first though? 30 trillion in the Solar system, or colonies in other star systems?

>> No.11254101

Yeah I'm really interested to see the results of the automated welding machines they picked up compared to the Mexican field welders. I bet they can do a bare hull structure in under a week.

>> No.11254104

Your "face space" narrative has been refuted many times before. Such as the simple fact that such a conspiracy would be so wide spanning covering so many different professions and highly specific tasks all across different countries with different relations with each other, that such a conspiracy would've been exposed a long time ago by someone on the inside.

>> No.11254107

Unless we get some serious breakthroughs, colonies in other systems are a long way off. We are pretty much stuck slow boating it at the moment, a few hundred years to alpha centauri at least. If some kind of beamed propulsion could be set up like a road then it could be considerably quicker but you still need to get there in the first place.

>> No.11254109

So you admit you are anti-space? If you succeed you will kill the human future. If you lose, consciousness spreads throughout the solar system. Hopefully we have enough resources within the useable area to expand past this solar system.

>> No.11254117

What does reddit have to do with this?

>> No.11254123

>Hanlon's razor
The government and space agencies may not be holding space travel back out of malice though - if space is fake, it would have only been found out in the 1900s which would have shocked them just as much as us, so they're having to maintain the lie so people don't freak out and lose trust in everything.

>> No.11254126

I am pretty shure you know. Reddit anti-human scum.

>> No.11254130

>- if space is fake, it would have only been found out in the 1900s which would have shocked them just as much as us, so they're having to maintain the lie so people don't freak out and lose trust in everything.
What are they lying about? What truth would freak people out and make them lose trust in everything?

>> No.11254132
File: 14 KB, 374x374, huh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254135

But what if the "conspiracy" is in place to protect the public from riots, etc? As said, they would have only found out space is fake in the 1900s, either they tell the public, or maintain the lie.

>> No.11254138

>poster number is the same

>> No.11254146

By anti-space, I mean rejecting the existence of space (as you believe it to be). If it's real, then great, I hope we make many advancements.

>> No.11254155

>ocams (hanlans) razor
>so much this
>thanks for the gold stranger
You will not win, communist. Humans will leave Earth, and your crab bucket grip will be gone.

>> No.11254156

Oh, I am well aware of what you "mean".

>> No.11254159

>But what if the "conspiracy" is in place to protect the public from riots, etc?
It would still require just as many people "in on it" as previously stated. NASA alone hires thousands of engineers, many of them are in crucial positions and would need to have inside information in order to do their job properly. Yet after all the decades, after all the layoffs NASA has went through after Apollo, not ONE person spilled the beans out of spite or out of a sense of duty for the people? Or even on accident? Or on their deathbed?

What about the Soviets? They would need to work with the US in a way that would've been uncharacteristic of them during the height of the Cold War. They would've had all the needed information to expose the US for faking the moon landing, yet they didn't despite that the US was using the moon landings to humiliate the Soviets. Or what about when the US was gripped by the Sputnik scare? That would've been an easy way to both calm their citizens and to humiliate their enemy.

What about all of the people who work in spaceflight privately or independently? Like all of the companies who need space services or offer it themselves. They would be upset if their expensive satellites aren't actually being put into space. And they hire their own professionals and they all would eventually catch on in the hoax. Or what about amateur astronomers deeply, they didn't notice anything suspicious?

Simply put, the fake space conspiracy would simply be too large to function properly and wouldn't even survive a day in modern times. Your theory is simply a fantasy.

>> No.11254161
File: 3.91 MB, 2048x1536, 9bitf2yb5coz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that space is fake, and there is a barrier up there that cannot be broken. I'm not religious, but Christians would call it the "firmament" as mentioned in the bible. What's interesting, is that written on Wernher Von Braun's gravestone is the verse that mentions this firmament.

It is theorised that "Operation Fishbowl" was an attempt to break this barrier by firing nukes at it.

>> No.11254165

You got a source on there being a firmament? Operation fishbowl wasn't about that, so unless you can find some "real" documents about the operation then you're still pushing a fantasy.

>> No.11254166

I'll be sure to ask SpaceX if space is real when I head down there for the hyperloop competition.
Also, fuck my hyperloop competition team. Bunch of morons.

>> No.11254169

Post hyberloob pod

>> No.11254172
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x2624, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254174

o o f

>> No.11254179

Is tthat pine? I would have gone with a lighter wood.

>> No.11254180
File: 19 KB, 400x225, ISS_crossing_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A neat picture of the ISS crossing the moon.

>> No.11254181

the wooden structure is just to wheel it around fyi.
4th year competing, 3rd complete redesign. We've had the stupid DC motor for over a YEAR and still haven't ONCE turned it over. The K2 battery system is trash, their customer support is trash, and our team has like *two* EE's on it. Rest are mechE. Could write a 50 page paper on how garbage every aspect of our team is. Maybe I should.

>> No.11254183

Damn dude that sucks, hyperloop is a pretty interesting project too. How do you get the funding for it? Does your university give you a grant or does it come from musk or what? I don't know much about your project but I am a big motorbike guy and I would definitely ditch the chain for a belt driven system, save a lot of weight and you don't change gears a lot and thrash it around which is the primary reason for chains.

>> No.11254185

The majority of people at NASA wouldn't need to know. No doubt rockets, satellites, telescopes etc are built by engineers and require lots of staff, but that doesn't mean these things actually go into space once built. Rockets can easily just be landing into the ocean under the guise of orbiting. Satellites can, and are, put on weather balloons. There's strong evidence that the Hubble telescope is put on a high altitude plane.

The Soviets would have known space is fake too, and they wouldn't have exposed it for the same reasons as the Americans. The choice was for both to fail at getting to the moon, which would make it much harder to end the war and wouldn't satisfy the public. The other choice was to fake it.

America obviously had the better skills to do this thanks to Hollywood. In return for taking the risk of faking it, the Soviets agreed to "lose" the war and not say anything to expose them.

>> No.11254186

school drips out a bit of funding and then we do a small fundraiser on top of that. It isn't close to being enough for us to get what we need.

>> No.11254187

Stop replying to him jesus...

>> No.11254188

I feel for you anon

>> No.11254192

This. Just ignore the mod trying to shit up this thread.

>> No.11254195

I keep hearing this. What makes you think it’s a mod?

>> No.11254197

Thanks. Perhaps we can turn things around next semester. I really want to just take the reins and start screaming at people, but that would get us nowhere and everyone would hate me. You'd think at an engineering school we'd behave like engineers.

>> No.11254200
File: 29 KB, 739x415, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll join your team anon!

>> No.11254203

Because stuff like what fake-space anon doesn't get deleted despite the fact that such posts are blatant trolling (even if he's a legit conspiracy theorist, what does he hope to achieve to post his mind sewage here other than to troll?). There's also that threads of stuff like that are kept alive until they hit the bump limit, then they were deleted even though pretty much every post on there have been reported. This implies that the mods were watching the thread for a while.

This suggests that the mods are allowing shitposters or even shitposting themselves on this board. Why? Because shitposts make the board much more active. This board is slow, and thus the amount of ad views are small compared to a much more active board like /v/ and /tv/. But those boards are hives of low brow posting. So by allowing for posters like fake-space anon to roam around they're artificially inflating board activity. Notice how /x/-tier threads explode?

Mods are allowing or even actively working to have the quality of this board to go down the toilet to boost their ad revenue. They need to be called out on this wherever shitposters pop up to get them to stop.

>> No.11254204

give me the secret sfg handshake at our project selection expo and I'll give you a recc, sure

>> No.11254208

Why was it called fishbowl though? Bit of an odd name don't you think? And why would Wernher Von Braun put that verse on his gravestone?
>You got a source on there being a firmament?
If you want one based on scientific laws, then the pressurised gas that is the atmosphere co-existing side by side with the potentially infinite near vacuum of space without a solid barrier is a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. Your immediate response will be "gravity", however gravity doesn't even have the strength to stop gases from equilibrating in a weaker vacuum chamber on earth, where the gravitational pull will be even stronger.

>> No.11254222

Sounds neat.

>> No.11254225


>> No.11254228

Just ignore them, then. I have observed posts I’ve reported for “Racism outside of /b/“ get whacked but I don’t know to what extent general trolling is actually punished if at all.

>> No.11254233

Now who is the conspiracy theorist?
>what does he hope to achieve to post his mind sewage here other than to troll?
To provide an alternative view of reality - you may think it's mind sewage, but I believe they're backed up with evidence and logic. I think your views are unscientific mind sewage that just lead to constant disappointment and a sense of emptiness.

>> No.11254236


>> No.11254237
File: 561 KB, 853x480, orion_test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254242

>you may think it's mind sewage, but I believe they're backed up with evidence and logic.
But they're not backed up by logic because he just speculates on more elements of the conspiracy. And he doesn't have any evidence other than bible quotes.

>> No.11254264

It's rather aesthetic though, don't you say?

>> No.11254268
File: 27 KB, 314x435, Retro_Spaceport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaceports always look aesthetic.

>> No.11254269

I liked Brazil's, it was very nice before it exploded

>> No.11254273
File: 215 KB, 600x474, CapeKennedy_MissileRow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one.

>> No.11254280

peneous weneous

>> No.11254283
File: 2.42 MB, 720x360, seadragon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254293

>I’ve reported for “Racism outside of /b/
This is the most cringy thing I've read all week. I hope someone beats you to death.

>> No.11254296


>> No.11254297
File: 81 KB, 960x960, sadkitteninbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we could've had cheap big dumb boosters
>access to space could've been made wide open for more people
>but spaceflight is infected with the "cheap is unreliable" mentality

>> No.11254305
File: 2.94 MB, 376x270, SaturnV_launch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254310

Don’t cut yourself on that edge. Wouldn’t want people to get hurt. :)

>> No.11254311

that sounds unAmerican to me, anon, don't you want to support AMERICAN industry?

>> No.11254313
File: 668 KB, 800x400, dick_shelby02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and shelbypilled

>> No.11254317

Your main argument appears to be that the "conspiracy" would be too difficult to keep quiet, but you don't know this for a fact. You don't even know how many people are in on it and their reasons for not disclosing.

But isn't Wernher Von Braun's gravestone evidence of him exposing it? Or are you just going to ignore it?

>> No.11254321

Do you have autism? Literally everything you say is so cringy and you don't seem to understand that. Also, don't forget to report this post, faggot. The internet is serious business and I'll cry real tears if they delete this.

>> No.11254323
File: 674 KB, 640x360, Falcon9_landing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254327

Don’t cut yourself on that edge. Wouldn’t want people to get hurt. :)

>> No.11254329
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, Chinese_Landing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254331

>But isn't Wernher Von Braun's gravestone evidence of him exposing it?

Firmament is just a synonym for the sky now. All the gravestone means is that he thought space was pretty.

>> No.11254332
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, sunsetonmars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254336
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, starlink_yeet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254337
File: 4 KB, 215x234, youIRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t cut yourself on that edge. Wouldn’t want people to get hurt. :)

Your trolling isn't spaceflight related. If you're going to shitpost, at least be funny instead of giving us second hand embarrassment.

>> No.11254343

>Your trolling isn't spaceflight related.

There is no trolling.

>> No.11254344
File: 2.29 MB, 320x240, lunarascent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254352

I disagree and I was hoping there was at least some irony in your posts since I don't want to believe people like you actually exist. Those people who bullied you in school, they were right to do so.

>> No.11254353

Imagine being that guy who had to punch in the camera movements perfectly with their being like a 10 seconds delay

>> No.11254355

Don’t cut yourself on that edge. Wouldn’t want people to get hurt. :)

>> No.11254356

also did he design his own gravestone? most people don't

>> No.11254358

Why was the delay so long? The Moon is only 1.3 light seconds away

>> No.11254360

damn, that's beautiful

>> No.11254363

>And why would Wernher Von Braun put that verse on his gravestone?
>Why would a man who dedicated his life to exploring space put a bible verse about space on his gravestone
really is a head scratcher

>> No.11254368
File: 90 KB, 500x500, ed_fendell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can thank Ed Fendell (I assume this is him) for that shot. Although, the delay wasn't the issue. The launch was timed so it was easy to trigger. The problems were getting the camera to work right and figuring out the exact angular speed of the ascent module.

>> No.11254370
File: 53 KB, 640x480, more boosters ksp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254371
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1080, ISS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254374

Don't forget that he's Christian too. So the bible verse wouldn't be out of place.

>> No.11254380

Ah. I recall that they attempted to get a similar shot in 16 and 15 but messed up the tracking

>> No.11254385
File: 720 KB, 1024x768, ksp_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say "moar boosters"?

>> No.11254388

wrong kind of thrust, we're talking about putting a poodle on instead of a spark

>> No.11254390


>> No.11254391
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1200, ksp_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad. Oops.

>> No.11254402
File: 452 KB, 878x492, moar_boosters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254409

ONLY 2,5 G

>> No.11254418
File: 24 KB, 1138x730, 2020launches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good chunk of scheduled launches get delayed every year. I know Wikipedia keeps a graph of number of launches by year, and around the new year, the coming year is always scheduled to be the biggest year for rocket launches.

>> No.11254429

I've seen that too. On the plus side, if only half of the 200 planned launches get launched then that's still 100 launches.

>> No.11254435


>> No.11254445

>A neat picture of the ISS crossing the moon.
Looks like a tie fighter crossing the Deathstar.

>> No.11254471

That was this years projection, and some anon upthread counted 99 so far this year, so your estimate is pretty close.

>> No.11254479

asking again; any interesting space related things to decorate my sad apartment with?

>> No.11254482

NASA sells some "travel advertisement" posters of various planets, moons, and exoplanets. That's a good start.

>> No.11254503


>> No.11254511
File: 1.00 MB, 720x720, Dragon2_engine_fire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254529

maybe a planetarium or some other interesting lighting? i find that lighting makes the biggest change in the atmosphere of a room.

>> No.11254549

alternatively light show projectors. there are some astronomy/space themed ones

>> No.11254561
File: 78 KB, 600x600, 1576202201948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 1995 the shuttle Discovery launch (STS-70) was abandoned because woodpeckers had made over 200 holes in the foam coating of the fuel tank
>To prevent this situation from occurring in the future NASA employed a fog horn and 6 life size owls bought from a local walmart
You cannot make this shit up.

>> No.11254651
File: 828 KB, 2617x1710, 135818main_98pc1602-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbf the amount of wildlife out on the Cape is actually insane

>> No.11254723


>> No.11254823

Its trivial once you can have 50 times the current population of the earth working on each individual ship

>> No.11254955
File: 3.93 MB, 444x250, 7a2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11255009

Because it was at first the sole purview of the government, and the various aerospace companies understood well that the government pays up whether you do something useful or not. Through nepotism, lobbying, and dealing they establish themselves in a favored position, forming a government backed monopoly. Nobody can really compete with them because regardless of the quality of their work they get favorable deals and are favored during the bidding process. If we hadn't picked up this shitty eurotrash mixed command economy from Mussolini and friends we would already be on the Moon and on Mars.

>> No.11255101

>I don’t know what a command economy is

>> No.11255230

imagine the smell

>> No.11255235
File: 258 KB, 1428x1320, pepe dreams of space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11255349

glorious long march launch tomorrow, comrades

>> No.11255364

>It is in Europe, just not continental Europe. French Guiana is part of France.
Anon, that's retarded. Europe is primarily a physical concept. Nobody seriously argues French Guiana is part of Europe

>> No.11255370

But doesn't it run?

>> No.11255416

The french soldiers protecting it seem to think it is part of france.

>> No.11255503

New Thread