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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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11244494 No.11244494 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11244504

Well thanks for fucking ruining my day with your schizo posting. I bet you don't even play magic: the gathering do you? You took Ugin, my absolute favorite planeswalker, and used him to schizo post.

>> No.11244515

I just tapped all your black, didn't I?

>> No.11244929

I'm sorry this happened to you anon. If it's any consolation, you've got pretty good taste.

>> No.11244965

I was actually trying to "summon" Simon Cosgrove, who is a legitimate Aspergic schizophrenic, it seems like I failed. Although, I am pretty disgusted that the mods haven't BTFO of this thread yet.
It really shows you the state of /sci/.

>> No.11244969

/pol/ has ruined at least half the boards. I think jannies are just tired.

>> No.11244975

2015/2016 was a mistake, we need to make /sci/ great again! But how?

>> No.11244977

Immediate 30 day IP ban for starting or posting an IQ, race, or schizo thread.
Bring back snacks.

>> No.11244979

Yeah, but the issue is that people can either reassign their IP, or use a proxy/VPN to get around it. So unless they started banning whole IP ranges, which is unlikely as that would damage traffic. Such things will be pointless.

>> No.11245054
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>> No.11245060
File: 36 KB, 457x671, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe tie /sci/ goals to some sort of output website that isn't shit posting or vaguely obscured "tee hee we so sneaky"

>> No.11245065

What even are /sci/s collective goals post-2015/2016? Shitposting the most about Flat Earth?

I'm good, man. Just wanted to check in on you. How're you doing?

>> No.11245066

Based schizo

>> No.11245070

I do actually LARP schizo pretty well. I'm concerned.

>> No.11245180

Why do psychometrics and genetics trigger you so much?

>> No.11245196

It's annoying to have posted six times a day. If this was in good faith then you'd keep if to one or two generals, but it's not. You're purposefully starting new threads to force your shit. By now you've recruited anyone stupid enough to fall for it, so just leave already.

>> No.11245201
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/mg/ is nice

>> No.11245203

if you need to believe is a soul you should just claim it's the mitochondria of the cells.

>> No.11245216
File: 160 KB, 400x380, Midibp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what like fuckin midichlorians or some shit?

>> No.11245222

it's the powerhouse of the cell. it's what reacts with oxygen to give you energy and keep you alive.

>> No.11245224

Fuck plane walkers.

>> No.11246724
File: 83 KB, 750x755, fkuk6k54b0a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that my emotions/practical existence aren't tied to 4chan at all I can only interpret the query as a practical one.

>How are you doing?
How am I doing what? Dragon slutting? It's what I do.

/sci/ should have a collective goal of basically just one-upping established academia. 4chan is, and will always be, ultimately a troll-genius-recluse haven.

So, like this, but even more BTFO and with even crazier examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZzIvl1tbPo

Only REAL thing about 4chan that I genuinely appreciate is that it is the only site, regardless of what board you visit, where the purity of the pleasure of the topic is maintained, even if goatse himself has to come and bless this thread.

Ultimately we are all just functional language users and 4chan lurkers/shitposters know how to suicidally reduce their ego, but not their passion/sense of humor/impact.

Why are you concerned, and why is it present ITT?
>Concern = emotional/psychological care
>Attention = idunnowtfuwantnigga

If I am truly my own opponent, then I cannot win.

>> No.11247143
File: 94 KB, 708x812, goodshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon slutting
>one-upping established academia
>purity of the pleasure of the topic is maintained
>suicidally reduce their ego
Pretty based for a namefag.

>> No.11247185

Because only I fag/shit/fuck up my OWN name/identity, nobody else is allowed to stroke my own ego unless it is my daughters. Essentially life is about finding those that are divinely okay with tagging along, as in being recurring characters in another's eternal story.

I prefer to call it constructive elitism but buddha mind is the same shit. Eventually the reason a scathing or jarring opinion is more worthwhile is because it allows you to center a collective's thoughts.

If all you 'oldies' are tired of youth thinking they will never get the idea of structure young/early, even for sexuality, then I'm going to make reality weird for you guys first.

>> No.11247195
File: 137 KB, 560x357, mind_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicidal attention bomber? I guess that'd be a thing, just to show everyone why the intensity of their imagination/emotions are piss-weak compared to mine.

>> No.11247210
File: 12 KB, 640x640, AInitial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question. What is worth being suicidal for attention for, ultimately? Nobody comes when called and help is always 'after the disaster'.

>Suicidal for attention = import priority attention package

It's basically attention rape.

>> No.11247657
