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11246362 No.11246362 [Reply] [Original]

If you did any drug in your life you will instantly understand that free will doesn't exist.
Your motivations and drive to do shit is just a consequence of chemical levels in your brain out of your control, you don't decide when you get motivated or not, when you get happy or not, all the things you do fall into an expected range of actions you are expected to do, and this range isn't big.

>> No.11246367
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The masses don't have free will. The high men do.

>> No.11246379

All of them goes to the butcher at the end of the day.

>> No.11246382

Not gonna make it

>> No.11246384

They were brought out of the nothingness and became conscious, and after they die they will again be brought out of that same nothingness. If they want to improve their lives after the current one, then they should start by improving themselves

>> No.11246732

>doesnt think free will exists = pessimist
>doing a drung once = druggie
>druggie = bad
>pessimist = bad
You cant even form a logically consistent thought anon.

>> No.11247069

Actually, you are in control of your motivation or not, and weather you get happy or not. The drugs I took have only proved that free will is real, and that free will deniers are as dense as Last-Tuesdayists, Flat Earthers, and religious fanatics.

Anyone who claims free will doesn't exist is an NPC or a CIA Agent trying to make others believe they have no power.

>> No.11247089

You had free will whether to do the drug.

>> No.11247127

I feel like people experience theses drugs far differently than we realize but I definitely agree. Horrifying to actually feel the emotion that a certain event produced and then how it worked it's way into what you believed was a well thought out belief.

>> No.11247128

Brainlet. What I meant by that when you do drugs you realize how much of your feel of self, conscience and personality is controlled by mechanical things like substances, and not the rational self.

>> No.11247142

Based tragic acceptance bro. Burgers really need to get past their blank-slate bootstraps cosmology.

>> No.11247208

if we are morally responsible then we have free will
we are morally responsible
we have free will

>> No.11247293

Not science. Take your dude weed threads to /x/.

>> No.11247298

>controlled by mechanical things like substances, and not the rational self.
But those mechanical things only exist because you freely willed the drug into your body.

>> No.11247322

Not really weed, weeds euphoria is kinda "alien" and unnatural, but more like stimulants, which kinda give eu a more natural feeling of well being, you see how Chad feels like for a moment and understand how this all of this is fucked up.

>> No.11247331

Actually I would argue drugs prove the opposite

Since you can choose to do drugs or not, you can choose to override any naturally occurring physiological emotions

Since you can base your initial choice based on pure logic and reason, this just proves that mind rules over matter.

It's just that far more often than productivity and personal development, drugs are used for mindless pleasure. When the drug begins to control you with addiction, then you really do lose your free will

>> No.11247361
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>> No.11247364

anon.. how does a brain work? how do your muscles move to type? anon.. feel it for yourself, within yourself, how do you construct coherent sentences at whim out of the thousands of words you know, near instantly?

>> No.11247469

you abandoned your free will by doing drugs

>> No.11247513

You’re missing the point

>> No.11247529


>> No.11247722

Did it ever occur to you anon, that BECAUSE you took a drug, free will for you no longer exists?

>> No.11247787

you got any more revelations?

>> No.11247799

if you did any good drugs you'd realize the whole "free will is an illusion" argument is stupid, in your head it always appears as if you have free will, illusion or not is the same thing

>> No.11247803

Maybe you are just weak willed, I've done a bunch of drugs and never experienced anything like what you described

>> No.11247816
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>all these burgers desperately clinging to their free will bullshit so that they can keep oppressing and looking down on each other

>> No.11248813

I'd argue that a useful definition of free will definitely exists: namely the agency and control that you have, experience, and feel. If you're chained to the ground and your room catches fire, you objectively and subjectively have little free will. If you're healthy, have food and shelter, have a good job, have meaningful relations with your family, friends and partner, you can do the things you want and need.
When used correctly, the concept of free will is a powerful tool to lift people out of oppression.

>> No.11248862

I still retain my will

>> No.11248878

I'm about to turn you all non-convictionistics into that lump of immobility:
The universe is infinite
For every action there is a reaction
but consciousness could not be a reaction
you are conscious of something
you also have feelings, memories
that means that alzheimers & dementia are all FAKERS
someone will look really retarded if they get brain damage to the motor & sensory parts of their body
but that's it

>> No.11248887

my best friend & I made this proof. I LOVE YOU Philip Bartholomew Soley!

>> No.11248904

it's so true. and it's not just chemical levels in your brain. the way you act as an adult is a huge byproduct of how your childhood went. had dumbass parents that never pushed you to do anything great? your default mode will be lazy and it is very difficult to overcome this.

i am of course, talking from personal experience. but I've seen it in others so I know it's true.

>> No.11249047

You don't have to do drugs to realize that incel stoner
You are ultimately a slave to something that evolved within us to prevent us from overspending our very precious calories on arbitrary shit that doesn't directly result into more food. There is no such thing as "lazyness" or "lack of motivation", just you being well fed and shutting down into a low-power state until you fall asleep later that day and wake up hungry again. Once you ingest your 2000kcal portion for the day, you literally do not have to do anything from evolutionary point until the net expenditure has reached 2000kcal and you have to re-supply again. This is the state that people get themselves into every day by starting their day with a heavy breakfast (something which was a literal marketing propaganda for bacon & eggs and isn't healthy for you but that's another story) and then wonder why the fuck did they just spend the whole day watching trash TV series instead of doing the heavy lifting. Try it yourself, fast for a whole day and tell me how you feel on the next one before eating food. I'll tell you now - you'd have a surge of infinite energy and the ADHD and daydreaming would suddenly vanish.

Remember, there is a switch in your muscle cells that literally prevents you from gaining muscle, even if that's so important for so many aspects of your life, just so the food doesn't get spend excessively on those muscles and to make you preserve it unless you *truly* need them. If your body refuses to build up your muscles unless you strain them hardcore then you can only imagine what it has evolved to do when it comes to active tiring movement or deep concentrated thought melting your glucose supply. This is the core behind motivation, that there is no such a thing and it's all tied to your retarded primitive body dictating how you function because it doesn't know any better, being stuck in a perpetual energy preservation mode that makes you eat and then power down like a vegetable.

>> No.11250070

Bullshit, I rarely eat breakfast or lunch, most days I just dinner, and I'm lazy as fuck.

>> No.11250146
File: 13 KB, 250x201, youcantdebunkapsychologyconceptwithphysicsidiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another free will thread

>> No.11250150

>believes there's no free will
>believes that in order to oppress and look down on one another, free will has to exist
>looks down on burgers for "clinging on to their free will bullshit"

very high iq (but ironically)

>> No.11250179

Hard determinists who spout stuff like this think they are being such reductionists and materialists, having abandoned belief in anything mystical and soul-like. But if you were consistently reductionist, you wouldn't draw any sharp distinction between yourself and your physical brain activity. Statements like "Your motivations and drive to do shit is just a consequence of chemical levels in your brain out of your control" wouldn't make any sense. It implies weird kind of half-assed dualism, where there *is* some kind of soul separate from the physical, but it itself is powerless and pushed around by laws of physics.

>> No.11250184

I guess Einstein was a CIA agent then.

>> No.11250204

>internal conflict between the conscious and subconscious means actually you're magical

>> No.11250426

One doesn't need to be a neurologist to know that our brain has different parts that control primitive instincts and rational thought, you don't need to believe in some mystical fire inside you to acknowledge this division you faggot.

>> No.11250486

If authority figure disagrees with me on something, I guess I must be wrong. And if Einstein was wrong about anything, YES, it was being wrong about no free will. Maybe you're a brainlet who can't cope with the infinite amount of decisions to be made

>> No.11251268

>blaming his parents for not "pushing him to be great"

Nah you're just a looser.

>> No.11252587

hard determinism means your conscious is governed exclusively by outside influences, just like your subconscious. it's not anymore "you" than your subconscious is. therefore your subconciosu isn't anymore "out of your control" than your concious, therefore what op writes is total bullshit no matter your personal beliefs about conciousness are.

>> No.11253394

>you don't decide when you get motivated or not
i can
Im an aggressive, mean person and i hate domestic animals but i chose to remain calm and i take care of 6 stray dog and a cat, religion and philosophy helped me abit

>> No.11253431

>Your motivations and drive to do shit is just a consequence of chemical levels in your brain out of your control
And yet you can still choose to do things that you don't want to do.
I've steered bad trips into good trips and good trips into bad trips just by choosing which emotions/thoughts to focus on and which to ignore.

You might not have full control over what deals are offered to you but you still have the free will to accept or decline.
If you don't feel like you have the ability to freely choose, then you are still a slave to your desires.

>> No.11254191

holy fuck you're dumb

>> No.11255702
