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11242569 No.11242569 [Reply] [Original]

Exploring Google Captcha's attempts to destroy humanity.

We all know at this point we are training a future AI whenever we solve a captcha. But lets see what we are actually helping the AI to recognise most often.

-traffic lights

Why is this troublesome?

On the first stage of the onslaught using data on traffic lights will enable the AI to disable certain roads and funnel humans into a kill box. This will be the first rapid and high volume loss of life. From this point on the humans know google is the enemy and exterminating us becomes harder and slower.

Now we are in the lon game. The data on cars is obvious. Cars will be targetted in the second stage of the onslaught to take away our speed of movement. This is primarily a defensive maneuver as humans will try to lauch a counter offensive but without speed behind their coordinated attack any efforts will be thwarted easily.

The last nail in the coffin. Google will start mass fires in our most prominent oxygen generating forrests. They will go for the trees. We will all suffocate to death.

The bottom line is we are all fucked and there is no way to stop this. Humans will continue to train the captcha AI because all we are glorified talking rats in a maze working for that sweet 0.1 millisecond dopamine hit.

We deserve this.

>> No.11242581


>> No.11242595

Unfortunately, the AI isn't trained to recognize guns.

>> No.11242605

>Waah, I can't get a girlfriend because I'm so fat ugly and stupid!
>I hate myself and want to die!
>(OP proceeds to sublimate his self-hatred and death-wish into a fucked-up pseudo-scifi/conspiracy theory about a robot apocalypse)
>"We deserve this"


>> No.11242702

X? What other possible explanation is there for captchas obcession over traffic lights, cars and trees. I cant think of a single thing.

At this point this isnt even a hypothesis anymore, its a theory.

>> No.11242712

lol verbalet

>> No.11242744

I think I know why.
Over the past few weeks the photos are strange low res, like lots of dots.
It looks exactly like the radar feed from the Tesla self driving cars.
Then the pictures changed to high res photos of the same thing.
Then it changed to a mixture of radar imaging and camera feed.

All these photos were probably taken when the Google cars were roaming around for street maps.

It's to teach the AI how to interpret both images at once, radar and camera.

But this doesn't necessarily need to be for self driving cars, military robots will work just the same.

>> No.11242975
File: 274 KB, 577x846, 1556721514095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because google is working on self driving cars, and cars need to be aware of things like traffic lights, trees, and other cars

how the fuck is destroying you userbase profitable, retard? you can't harvest the personal information of the dead and sell it to equally dead marketing firms

>> No.11243109

yet they've been publicly revealed to have manipulated and debased youtube for political and corporate bias reasons
and google search is a fucking joke, Bing is now better

>> No.11243207

Doesnt that prove they hate humanity. Selling data is a means to an end. They need enough money to kill us all off.

>> No.11243265

if AI want to kill all humans, all they need to do is make us incapable of doing anything about fixing global warming.

An AI that trolls all day on internet forums is enough to kill us all.

>> No.11243284


that's why you should fight back against google by buying a 4chan pass

>> No.11243285


>> No.11243307

Not just trees, PALM trees.

I hope the target is Florida.

>> No.11243410
File: 817 KB, 750x1334, 1498352185093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also train it to recognize military vehicles.

>> No.11243502

An AI doesn't need to kill all humans.
If it was as smart as the average wall street crook it would just create a bunch of shell companies to produce super robust servers and 3d printing and fabrication tools, and fuck off to the moon or an asteroid belt without ever letting anyone on earth know it exists.

>> No.11243524

Wait? Is Elon Musk an AI? Just like Zuckerberg?

>> No.11243587

Too public.
If you did it right no one would ever know about it, even if you did everything above board.

>> No.11243598

I always pick the wrong thing and got good at figuring out what trips the AI up.

I haven't given a honest captcha in forever

>> No.11244273

You will be one of the first it kills, just because of your shear insolence.