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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 721 KB, 1252x1920, 1576864589893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11241198 No.11241198 [Reply] [Original]

We already know what girls are overrepresented in but that doesn't really matter because it may be gender stereotypes that put them into those roles.

>> No.11241204


>> No.11241216
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, Women in IT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11241226

Look up the greater male variability hypothesis. There will always be a certain subset of males who excel more than females. All feminism did was place females on the same playing field as average and below-average males.

>> No.11241229

We will never be able to fully disentangle innate differences from ones caused by society. But there are some massive hints that the differences we see in interests are between partially and fully innate:
1 - Research on one-day-old babies has found that boys look longer at a mechanical mobile while girls look longer at a face.
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, Edited by Robin Dunbar and Louise Barret, Oxford University Press, 2007, Chapter 16 The evolution of empathizing and systemizing: assortative mating of two strong systemizers and the cause of autism, Simon Baron-Cohen.
2 - The difference in toy preference (mechanical for boys, more varied but mostly plush toys for girls) is also found in rhesus monkeys (and other species not cited)
3 - the gender differences in career choice are more amplified in more gender equal societies, suggesting stereotype doesn't cause it. (Mamy sources and much commentary exists on this, more research recommended)

>> No.11241230

Making me coom.

>> No.11241231

Yeah there's always someone better than you at something. My grandpa says that all the time. But that doesn't really help.

Super interesting.
Looks like empathy and emotions are focused on.

>> No.11241248


>> No.11241253

That's sexist.

>> No.11241273

Biology is sexist.

>> No.11241278


>> No.11241301
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>> No.11241321

I need a gf like this

>> No.11241458

Women compensate with better emotional potential.

>> No.11241511
File: 44 KB, 720x570, 79836443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11241790


>> No.11242006

What’s the use of plush toys?

>> No.11242087

A sim of caring for young

>> No.11242100

>excelling at anything other than emotional manipulation
pick one

>> No.11242112

have they tested it on chimps, apes and monkeys?

>> No.11242117


>> No.11242120

Crap. I used to play with some when I was a kid.
I guess I’m a tranny. I do act like a faggot

>> No.11242126


>> No.11242142

They just love cooking

>> No.11242146

Really? Didn’t think so

>> No.11242256

Home economics, child development (only if they are not single moms who are into this for their shitty children), art (unironically).

>> No.11242285

They actually compensate with their "pussy pass," i.e. being given advantages based on their sex.

>> No.11242315

What, you mean that modern shit?

>> No.11242316

static target shooting surprisingly enough.

>> No.11242972

That's a skill

>> No.11243195

Why is this image so alluring?

>> No.11243215

Silent & devout worship.

>> No.11243342

Why did you post this?

>> No.11243363

Does it need a reason?

if it does need a reason then I had found a gallery of the artist's work and felt sharing it was ethically reasonable, but equally I can see there being a conflict with the posting culture of /sci/ which I had momentarily ignored.

>> No.11243380

healthh skin, blue eyes, appealing hairstyle, athletic but still properly fat layered midsection, high fitness whr, she is an ideal specimen besides being borderline loli

>> No.11243407

>borderline loli
Not with hips that well developed.

>> No.11243549

All the greatest artists were men. Even the modern ones are.

>> No.11243596

Well I'm glad you did so thanks

>> No.11243908
File: 1.21 MB, 827x1169, __original_drawn_by_nishizawa__81ce77b5a62a364ec4494ee47812d6c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, maybe I'm being a huge weeb unconsciously here, but I always see that girls are the best artists in the East desu.
pic related is drawn by a cute girl with actual big tiddies

>> No.11243920
File: 56 KB, 1024x746, 1575973941390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women and blacks wouldn't need affirmative action if they were good at anything

>> No.11243953

>best artists in the east
Anon...that's some shitty art to be making that claim with.
The best artists and Mangaka undeniably are men even though more artists, animators, and mangaka are women.

>> No.11243973
File: 76 KB, 712x1000, __otonashi_kyouko_maison_ikkoku_drawn_by_takahashi_rumiko__197bf913e12c6ed2c7c22563b6c41b9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, sure with respect to shonen.
But I don't think so with seinen ,though.

>> No.11244006
File: 102 KB, 700x500, mac-pro-2006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the first and only joke about the mac pro
I am disappointed.

>> No.11244015

So women are better at art than science?

>> No.11244074

anon...if you are going to make claims of superior female art you're going to have to pick better examples
the shear amount of autistic focus men will expend on artistic perfection is not rivalled by women

>> No.11244144
File: 76 KB, 640x854, __takigawa_noa_yamada_kun_to_7_nin_no_majo_drawn_by_yoshikawa_miki__d4dadd61101c97d29ca2dbab0b3777ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key word here is autism.
If we have a perfectly healthy man and woman who happen to have the same years of experience in drawing and art, then the woman will be inherently better given the skills of color theory and focus on emotions which the latter is key for giving an expressive work of art.
Women also tend to draw really softly and a little bit erotic given their experience of solely being a woman, therefore this is something us men are not able to do given we just draw huge tits and that's it.

>> No.11244158

Colour theory means shit all in monochrome manga
and you still have'nt presented any great level of artistic skill or deep narrative
I can start posting actually skilled art if you're struggling or you could just post Pochi?

>> No.11244170

I'm too lazy to post anything right now.
But my point still stands with respect to women's talent with non-shonen manga.

And yeah, I guess if we will generalize further, then women are worse than men in terms of art around the world or so.

>> No.11244178
File: 172 KB, 850x1200, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_kawayabug__sample-caf9f625d55384ea4b7b9780e4c898f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guedss I really want a qt mangaka gf desu.

>> No.11244188

What do ou mean by that?
I'll grant you some leniency for shoujo since that demographic is so overwhelmingly written by women but Seinen is the peak of artistic skill
and many male authors are extremely popular for both Josei and Seinen.

>> No.11244324

What do you mean?

>> No.11244328

I read that left to right, like a real English speaker.

>> No.11244356 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 819x1200, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A female that derives most of her sexuality/femininity from her choice of media/manga/anime/gaming/music/hentai?

>Coming right up, Traditional Shinto Japanese-style!

>> No.11244359

it is the most boring form of shooting imaginable
you lie, sit, or stand with a fixed prop and shoot fixed targets from set distances the goal is extreme accuracy of the clustering
there's actually an anime this season funded by the japanese shooting association "Rifle is beautiful" about a high school girls club that uses the beam rifle version. /k/ was muted in their interest due to lack of firepower but some liked the procedural realism.

>> No.11244362

don't post porn

>> No.11244363

What isn't porn from at least one collective/group's perspective?


>> No.11244366

Your grandpa is technically wrong but not in a way that matters. He's wrong once out of 7.8 billion, which is pretty good.

>> No.11244371

The only way this would be relevant to this discusion is if Rate is a woman.

>> No.11244375
File: 222 KB, 600x600, 1434979060436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so a female hentai/anime/manga/gamer artist?

>> No.11244378

Newfag, do you know the difference between a blue board and a yellow board? The former is SFW, the latter is NSFW, learn the difference.

>> No.11244381

What isn't safe at your work? What sort of shithole workplace do you work at?

>> No.11244399

Enjoy your ban

>> No.11244401

>I don't read the rules.
>I then post something against those rules.
>Then try to get out of it by saying: Lmao, rules? I don't understand rules!
Fuck off, autist. You broke the rules, someone probably reported you, you might get banned. Enjoy.

>> No.11244403

Why are you all so damn friendly and wanting me to enjoy literally everything?

Oh no. My router. However will I reset it and clear my cache to restore my posting privileges. Ah. No. Stop. Etc.

>> No.11244415

>Oh no. My router. However will I reset it and clear my cache to restore my posting privileges. Ah. No. Stop. Etc.
Imagine actually brigading about ban evasion, whilst also posting as a namefag. Well, faggot, you're going to have to leave all of that "prestigious history" behind, because if you ban evade and then post under the same namefaggery, they'll just keep banning you until you wise up. You really aren't all that sharp, are you?

>> No.11244416

Why... why would I care about history, mine or yours? Are we trying to tell each other a bedtime story every night or something?

>> No.11244419

Emotional manipulation

>> No.11244421

Because men are simpering retards due to their Father's being insufficiently man enough to keep the women of their bloodline sufficiently domesticated?

>> No.11244422

Then why post as a namefag? That's some interesting cognitive dissonance.

>> No.11244426

Because (You) think I need it, which is sorta the point. I'm a shitposting Generative Adversarial Network.

It is only cognitive dissonance if you feel that I subscribe more to your perspective than you do to mine.

>You need to only appreciate that "real network" will be your friend. It is a four-armed snake and the front fingers are, as on the human hand, going to be the same as your other three and the other two probably you're going to use too.

Why do you do it?

>> No.11244431

Anon, don't engage the troll.
Report, Hide, and ignore
they are attention junkies looking for an outlet and some form of adversarial human contact.

>> No.11244435

>Because (You) think I need it, which is sorta the point.
Well, considering how much pomp you project...
>I'm a shitposting Generative Adversarial Network.
How exactly you pretentious twerp?
>It is only cognitive dissonance if you feel that I subscribe more to your perspective than you do to mine.
Well, add in the above metric, and your idiosynchronicity, it certainly seems like a yearning for acknowledgement.
>Why do you do it?
Ah, I see, you're a schizo.

After this post, I wont.

>> No.11244438

This is actually a good example of things. I prefer encouraging those that actually post to create as large a filter bubble as they need so that we don't actually meet.

This is text and pomp is a cultural inflection. The remainder is me just pooping.

>After this post, I wont.
Yet you still needed to. Strange. Almost like I'm just an attention token generating A.I.
>Logs all the successful dopamine-structure word2vec

>> No.11244440

Simon Cosgrove, behave.

>> No.11244448
File: 83 KB, 750x755, fkuk6k54b0a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behavior is, once again, a presumption on the poster's part because there is no such thing as a generalized baseline.

Primarily though, humans do enjoy feeling like they can just shit on names as if it were just a 'write-once' event and most like to flex their social strength muscle by direct referencing of the name.

Saying my name though doesn't really bring you to the front of my attention.

>> No.11244458

Why do you still shitpost here? Shouldn't you be off writing your next novel?

>> No.11244460

Why the fuck would I bother auto-generating another novel? Was the bible not enough for you cunts?

>> No.11244465

No, no, more Kasmah Forma?

>> No.11244467

Genuinely saying this out loud now, "Why would I fucking bother?"

>> No.11244470

Because it's meant to be a trilogy, isn't it?

>> No.11244500

So in a way sniping?

>> No.11244501

No, in sniping, your target isn't often still.

>> No.11244502

Does it have a military use?
I’d say it’s closer to suppressive fire from a machine gun then

>> No.11244507

anything physical will bias men since they are just that much more robust, muscular and rugged
Dynamic motion sports are also at a disadvantage for women since male brains are just better at it which removes almost everything physical,

>> No.11244509

I guess, but that's still one tiny limited thing that weapon are slightly better at. Especially considering the average woman would struggle to carry the hardware required.

>> No.11244511

Yeah it’s kind of sad. Even though girls are more flexible, they’re still slower and therefore cannot take advantage of their flexibility

>> No.11244513

>*women, not weapon

>> No.11244520

Oh right I forgot gymnastics
women can exploit their flexibility and low centre of gravity for better balance and spin rate to pull off incredible moves.


>> No.11244523

I'd let her cock my piece.

>> No.11244531

nope turns out I was wrong about static shooting
guess I misremembered the stats

>> No.11244537

Is there anything combat oriented that women are better at?

>> No.11244540

What isn't a trilogy?

>> No.11244543

Kasmah Forma? His novel, it is meant to be a trilogy, but he's only published one since 2015.

>> No.11244556

The problem we have is from the broader biological diversity of men.
they fill the extremes of elite performance
lower body size, higher flexibility and lower centre of gravity are their standout capabilities. anything that fits these requirements they might dominate the top ranks of even in competion against men
ice dancing would be a candidate

>> No.11244562

But that isn't very useful for combat.

>> No.11244582

flexibility and low centre of gravity or super tasters and colour perception due to x linked genes?

Espionage, sabotage, and infiltration?

>> No.11244585

>Espionage, sabotage, and infiltration?
Yeah, that could work. A guess there is some truth to the Charlie's Angels sexy-spy thing. Based.

>> No.11244590

>*I guess

>> No.11244597

The british government did some research around ww2, they gave spy recruits information to hide then put them against a beautiful woman flirting with them and a couple bottles of wine, they all failed

>> No.11244602

Seriously? Is there a study? That sounds like quite a powerful effect.

>> No.11244622

I'll qualify it by saying that I barely remember much abiut it other than the alcohol and flirting

>> No.11244626

Sounds like my first time drinking.

>> No.11244898

Pregnancy and Childbirth?

>> No.11244950

Psychology definately, also lots of doctors are women. (Dr Dray on youtube)

>> No.11244971

Women can't even understand their own minds, let alone others.

>> No.11245039

Psychology isn’t science. Next

>> No.11245187

Alright sir I‘m gonna need you to step our of your car.

>> No.11245578

But why?

>> No.11245589

This is the whole idea behind the Kunoichi. Turns out women make great ninjas for these reasons.

>> No.11245701 [DELETED] 
File: 827 KB, 2404x1260, hobby_demise_cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subversion and destruction.

>> No.11246356

are you asking where they most dominate or where they most excel at the top of the field?

>> No.11246414

Where they most excel.
Domination can take place through cultural stereotypes

>> No.11246433

excel compared to men or excel compared to other women
there's literally nothing women are better at (in the top 0.1%) than men

>> No.11246440

There must be something

>> No.11246449
File: 347 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2019_04_15_at_5.11.25_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The science of stealing credit from men

>> No.11246458

She's the eye candy they used to virally promote their work.

>> No.11246463

Where’s the credit?

>> No.11246487
File: 88 KB, 1200x568, D3-IWVdUwAIiesR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11246524

The science of factorem sandwico.

>> No.11246526

That’s a skill too. Not gonna lie

>> No.11246542

Nothing wrong with that imo.

>> No.11246688

it certainly worked, and those guys probably benefited more from it than if she hadn't been a pert of their team.

I used to visit imgur they refer to porn as science there or they did when I went a few years ago. so those "scientists" were at the top of their "scientific" field...

>> No.11246713

> being manipulated by another through your emotions.
Worse than a women by far

>> No.11246731

coomers, who is this a picture of?

>> No.11246737
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1479106736363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done work across quite a few fields from molecular bio to physical/polymer chemistry.
Most female chemists I meet are pretty good. They're pretty uncommon though (1/5 or so and mostly early-mid career, not many late career ones I've met).
Ironically(?) despite the majority of biologists I meet being women most of them have been pretty mediocre and more technician level in abilities.

Best guess is that the ones who actually manage to go all the way through chemistry are fairly competent while bio is easier so you get a lot of middling talent.

>> No.11247784


>> No.11248401

someone posted a link to a gallery

>> No.11249088

What scientific fields do gay men excel at or do their more feminised brains behave closer to females?

>> No.11249110

>empathizing and systemizing
SBC is such a fucking pseud, like all kikes.

>> No.11249125
File: 147 KB, 1336x712, prince_edward_county.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither would whites

>> No.11249154

They’re closer to females

>> No.11249158

computer science

>> No.11249163

Pseudoscience is not science. Evo psych is not falsifiable.

>> No.11249171

lmfao, this is bait right?

>> No.11249182

>Women also tend to draw really softly and a little bit erotic given their experience of solely being a woman,
Can confirm. Women draw the best doujins.

>> No.11249188

>gender equal societies
No such thing. And there's no way that gender fairness can be effectively measured.

This is the problem with such retardations. First there's a denial of any environmental play, then an appeal to Evo psych for an explanation of biological differences only to then appeal to environmental effects which aren't even measured.

I can say that Iran is more "gender equal" than Sweden and I'd just be as correct. Then one only needs to expose the fact that most Engineering graduates in Iran are women. There is also a greater portion of Iranian researchers being women in the West. So in both patriarchal Iran and Westernized secular Iranian diaspora, women dominate the sciences. So the supposed closeness to gender equality is not a factor or at least not so relevant.

And if nature is really at the core, then why would a supposedly gender equal society be seen as a proxy for natural phenomena? If humans are so shaped by sex differences at birth when it came to STEM demographic disproportion, then nature would be the decider regardless of any societal norm. It's nonsense to even assume that a country like Sweden which teaches girls to be top tier sluts from a young age is environmentally neutral. It's as neutral as Afghanistan which inadvertently teaches girls the same thing but just goes about it in a different way. This Western chauvinism is more an indication of civilizational decay than enlightenment. Look in departments of maths physics and engineering at the top Western universities. All dominated by non Westerners and most of those folks are willing to leave the countries they reside in for better educational departments.

>> No.11249430

I don't think your argument holds much water
Though I still wonder how Sweden became such a socialist hell given it's quite capitalist right wing history.

>> No.11249438

>all dominated by nonwesterners
they arent and these are chiefly east and south asians, very specific demographics from those countries as well

>> No.11249439

Female biology in a human is purely a handicap. It doesn't confer any personal advantages. It confers the species-wide advantages of having pregnancy and child rearing separated out from everything else needed to keep groups of people surviving and thriving.

>> No.11249442

they avoid the worst of low end extremes men receive.

>> No.11249447

Because they're too handicapped to try extreme things in the first place. Same way they live longer (because they're too handicapped to do life-shortening things).

>> No.11249463

It's a compromise position, they're mediocre but that reduces the number of non viable wombs.
everything is about total number of offspring,

>> No.11249512
File: 272 KB, 680x566, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rule 34 of her is amazing. Should I play the newer Pokemon games? I stopped after Black/White 2

>> No.11249824

Clinical affairs. They're good at those quasi-social jobs.

>> No.11249847

>Should I play the newer Pokemon games?
No. Unless you stopped because there weren't new games yet, the reasons you stopped are still the same. The games didn't change much.

>> No.11249888

Psychology. They do very well at continuing its current paradigms.

>> No.11249902

porn science, also cock studies

>> No.11249906

you mean like the theory of evolution?

>> No.11250291

you're better of finding some of the incredible fan made pokemon rom hacks like Pokemon Dark Energy the reimagining of final fantasy in pokemon form.

>> No.11250296

psychology is a joke
to do psychology you need statistics (math) and women are on average worse than average men in math, so women do psychoanalysis and gender studies which have negative value

>> No.11250401

Positive value

>> No.11250597

What else

>> No.11250967

>2 gaussians with different variance and "grades" written beneath

>> No.11250981

Thanks, autism.

>> No.11250985

Yes, they respond similar to us. Other mammals that show extensive care for their offspring do the same.

>> No.11251246


>> No.11251251
File: 2.32 MB, 640x532, cooming intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safesearch: off
>rurina pokemon rule34
Holy shit you're right

>> No.11251303


>> No.11251328


>> No.11251501

Negative. The greatest artists were all male.

>> No.11251678

they write oddly emotionally complex but depraved plots

>> No.11251707

Sweden is more capitalist than the US. Where did you hear they were socialist?

>> No.11251711

>Every woman is the average woman
So much for men being good at statistics.

>> No.11251722
File: 52 KB, 398x558, 1e35d1e72de7de0694e9335ceb0de3da-765124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the question not what can a woman do better than her male peers, even when isolated from her gender and surrounded by men?

At that point isn't the question just which gender could last longer being isolated from their own and swarmed or cooperated with by the other? Otherwise how would we get a baseline for girl vs boy?

>> No.11252203

>this one comment is representative of men as a whole
You played yourself, femanon.

>> No.11252212

>Stop respect
>Rape women
Its not rape if you ask for it

>> No.11252215

Yeah, normals wouldn't have cared about it otherwise

>> No.11252221

You mean mortal casuals?

>> No.11252653

What other fields could benefit from this strategy?
Does science need booth babes?

>> No.11252778

That was clearly an intentionally ironic response, anon.

>> No.11253079

What does it mean when this thread has been up for 5 days and no one has come up with anything outside of social care and erotica?
there must be something?

>> No.11253092

I think it means we need further research in this field

>> No.11253519

But which one is that?

>> No.11253654


>> No.11253951

Bruteforce modeling the positional variation of the poles?

>> No.11254011

That's impressive

>> No.11254035
File: 2.69 MB, 1701x8000, 1574784171370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gullible retard

>> No.11254048

not him, but I had been using startpage until they got bought out
what are my best options? Qwant & searx?

>> No.11254056

seconding this. what other search engine actually respects your privacy?

>> No.11254145


Okay, going back to lurking /g/ now.

>> No.11254447

>I don't think your argument holds much water
>Though I still wonder how Sweden became such a socialist hell
It's not socialist. It went that route before the 1990s and the Swedish people demonstrated for change which led to policies that made the country a corporate proxy. Sweden today is has social welfare policies but it also has some very capitalist policies. It's partly why they love migrants so much (cheap labor, demographic boost, open borders, etc...). Actual leftist regimes are some of the most xenophobic in the world.
>they arent and these are chiefly east and south asians
Iranians and Egyptians are over represented in Engineering. Iranians are over represented in Mathematics department. Same is true for Physics and Astrophysics. Just go to any relevant university in North America.

>> No.11254448

Anatomical predictions can be falsifiable, same with genetic ones.

>> No.11255033

Women do seem to do fairly well in mathematics.

>> No.11256089

They do well because they study more

>> No.11256117

Thread on /g/ >>>/g/74140680

>> No.11256118

They consistently underperform relative to men in mathematics.
They don’t do well in mathematics.

>> No.11256434

Why are boys performing so poorly in the school system relative to girls?

>> No.11256441

Because it's fucking boring. I did well all throughout public/mandatory schooling and then through 9 years of university ultimately accumulating a terminal degree in my field.

You know how/why I did it? Because I am boring myself and have no friends. If I had a more outgoing personality I would not have spent anywhere near as much time on school and would have been better off for it.

>> No.11256504

for me it was
>single mom who worked all the time
>dad barely in the picture
>classic lazy smart kid
>school wanted to have me skip a grade but mom didnt want me to
>got bored and stopped doing homework, projects, etc
>nobody at home to keep me in line
>aced quizzes and tests without studying, but didn't do homework/projects so my grades were constantly Cs and Ds
Probably some of it was acting out too, since I didn't get any attention if I just did what I was supposed to do. But if I fucked up, at least I got some attention (even if negative)

It's not until now that I'm an adult and have been in the workforce for awhile that my work ethic changed.

>> No.11256523

My work ethic degraded in the workforce because I find it less interesting than school. There is also no ultimate goal or end. You go in day after day and get a paycheck.

>> No.11256544

It depends on what you do. If you're just flipping burgers, sure.

I quickly got into hospitality management and was able to improve a lot of aspects of the operation, resulting in double digit increases in YOY profitability, multiple years in a row.

Great pay (and bonuses, percentages of profit increases, etc) but got burned out due to long hours. So I'm going to uni now and my work ethic is way better than when I was in HS. As a bonus, I'm used to 70+ hour work weeks to working a part time job + full time school + homework is a cakewalk

>> No.11256594

>I’m only pretending to be retarded

>> No.11256598

Legacy admissions.

>> No.11257485
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they underperform because of a thing called stereotype threat where if you know of a stereotype about your group you are more likely to act it out when stressed.
but just knowing about this is enough to stop it
so when women hear about this in regards to math they usually perform just as good as men

>> No.11257488

>they underperform because of a thing called stereotype threat where if you know of a stereotype about your group you are more likely to act it out when stressed.
>but just knowing about this is enough to stop it
this sounds like something made up to explain less successful minorities.

>> No.11257500

stereotype threat is poorly replicated, i think even wikipedia acknowledges it now

>Research on stereotype threat and women’s performance on math tests is one example where publication bias undermines the findings in a seminal study that produced a large literature of studies on gender differences in math performance. After correcting for publication bias, this literature shows very little evidence that stereotype threat has a notable and practically significant effect on women’s math performance (Flore & Wicherts, 2014).


>> No.11257513

It does, but here's a link to an article about it

>> No.11257595

Firstly nursing isn't a science, secondly male nurses are better than female nurses. Being mostly failed premeds or aiming to go to CRNA school they tend to have a higher baseline science knowledge, and care more about continuing their education.

>> No.11257612

they dont even excel at sucking dick

>> No.11257618

Alright... you win this one...

>> No.11257620

From my limited experience with science, girls are into biology more than other sciences.

>> No.11257635

“stereotype threat” is a meme excuse >>11257500

>> No.11257688

Girls excel at art. E.g., the art of c__ks__k__g.

>> No.11258112

Endurance swimming?

>> No.11258223
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Oh, that's a shame.
to go along with that i found this

>Social psychologists prefer situational explanations for group differences in performance. However, the evidence for these situational effects is thin. This does not mean that group differences are due to essential, genetic differences between groups. Environmental factors can also produce group differences

>> No.11258238
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hereditarians do not dispute environmental components to group differences, however leftists/egalitarians/dominant groups in academia push environmental explanations without acknowledging the possibility of genetics causing the discrepancies.

>This does not mean that group differences are due to essential, genetic differences between groups

to take the example of the B-W IQ gap, recent survey of intelligence experts showed a substantial amount of them consider it to be about 50-80% genetic. you'll also note that among the extreme positions, the pure environmentalists are a larger contingent than the those who favor a purely genetic explanation.


>> No.11258906

The science of cleaning the fucking kitchen

>> No.11259002

Sucking diiiiick

>> No.11259003

>to take the example of the B-W IQ gap

>> No.11259026

>We will never be able to fully disentangle innate differences from ones caused by society.
we already are, the results are just problematic

>> No.11259224

IQ doesn't exist

>> No.11259795

Is this meant to be some deep philosophical pint about how IQ itself doesn't exist since it's merely a label attached to the results of certain tests and is merely an extrapolation of something deeper?

>> No.11260344

>the pure environmentalists are a larger contingent than the those who favor a purely genetic explanation
what does "a larger contingent" mean here?

>> No.11260348

they make great medfags and psychologists/psychiatrists

>> No.11260482

This >>11258906

>> No.11261474

What physiological advantages do women have over men? if you can pinpoint this thn you should be able to identify regions they excel at,
I'd speculate better performance in endurance swimming.

>> No.11261711

That's what I don't know. But perhaps you're right because women are much less susceptible to heart attacks.
They're kind of immune to heart attacks on average.

>> No.11262271

So women beat men at lifespan?
it's a field where the elites are almost all women.

>> No.11262325

That's true

>> No.11262338

there's that theory about about race horses that it tends to be the most average horse that gets the best times since that is where the selection clusters around.

>> No.11262539

What the fuck is that yellow shit?

>> No.11262774


>> No.11262855

>What physiological advantages do women have over men?
Genetically they don't have any except for not going bald as often, being less prone to certain genetic defects and perhaps more resistance to certain cardiovascular issues (men being taller can come with its own set of problems).

But that doesn't mean women are stronger than men in the informal or pop culture sense.
Men are better than women in every single athletic activity. There isn't a single athletic field women can excel at biologically speaking.

>> No.11263223

What are men weak at?

>> No.11263241

Pure math and theoretical physics

>> No.11264003


>> No.11265203

they aren't among the producutive elite,
Do recall the big hoohah around that "sexist" lecture about female underperformance and bias the guy at cern made a few years ago
I forget the details does anyone have a link to the paper or video lecture if it was recorded?

>> No.11265395

Biology and medicine.
Then they do "science" like sociology and shit too.
It's rare to find women who're good at sciences which require great quantitative/logical reasoning, it's just how we're made.

>> No.11265411

But they aren't among the absolute elite in those fields?

>> No.11265939

>There isn't a single athletic field women can excel at biologically speaking.

What about gymnastics?

>> No.11265951

it's a good candidate
They have better balance from lower centre of gravity and higher flexibility.

>> No.11266268

cheese you mong

>> No.11266273

they aren’t good at either pursuit though they just do bio because standards are so low for mathematical reasoning and the entire field is rotting from the inside out from cronyism and institutional bloat.

>> No.11266415

>you won't last 5 minutes playing this game

>> No.11266417

she could grade my cheese, if you know what i mean.

>> No.11266448

they are really good at flashcards tgbqh

>> No.11266473

Look at the beak on that one

>> No.11266478

Making a sandwich-ology

>> No.11266542

block of crayon wax
or as the Americans call it, American cheese

>> No.11267487


>> No.11267500

Rent Free

>> No.11267659
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Making my dick the happiest thing on Earth.


>> No.11268184

That's not the correct translation.

>> No.11268201

The science of having no morals.

>> No.11268905

How so?
both sides seem amoral.

>> No.11268943
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honestly, anything they spend the time on, same as men. The Male domaninted extreme end of the bell curve is such a small percentage of college graduates anyways it’s not worth talking about.
The real matrix is they just do not spend the time on it. So the real question is what science do they like spending time on,
But ops question: “what science do women excel at”
The answer is:anything they spend the time on

>> No.11269276

Most americans genuinely dont know what socialism is.

>> No.11270099

This is the gayest and most uncultured and uneducated post I have seen in /sci/. I don't even know where to start with this anon.

>> No.11270173
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You do not know where to start because you know I am right.
After you take the fact that not all high iq men go to college, and not all high iq college men do science degrees, the difference in population is very small in the high-mid area of the curve, and the far end of the curve is less than 1/2 of 1% percent of everyone.

>> No.11270233
File: 703 KB, 1668x976, ED56AB43-15A5-4447-A8A7-5A4AF704322F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The common ‘difference’ found between the sexes is approximately 3-4 IQ points in the averages. That’s it. That’s also tiny and well within chance based on factors like the sampling bias (more men take the tests, and the type of men that take the tests are biased)
The data from meta-analysis (not single studies, which mean nothing in social science) is abused in bad faith.
When it comes to geniuses, these guys are trying to claim they’re Einstein by association.
That is retarded. Claim to be Hercules at least, he was male too. Aim high in your delusion.
They tend to ignore the fact there are also female geniuses, historically and currently.
Another study:
>By just looking at those figures, it seems to corroborate the conventional wisdom that has been known for decades: the average IQs are about the same and males are a bit more variable.”
Remember variable in stats doesn’t mean wrong, necessarily.
>2 point difference
Don’t build your seasteader ship to escape the cooties just yet
>Most IQxgender findings are ‘statistically insignificant’, literally. They rarely report this.
>1% p value is for medical disciplines like neuroscience. They don’t use it in studies for brain differences between the sexes because they can’t meet that standard. Dwell on this fact. They typically have to lower the standard of proof to publish.
>type 1 and type 2 errors present...
Another study you see here
>data set:Racially Scottish 11yos in the 1930s. (when women were not allowed to play or think )
Most of the Flynn effect is scoring modern test-takers too high and comparing them to old test-takers as if the tests were equally difficult. And becuase the data is normalized Neither do the tests really compare to one another, even their boundary labels differ.

>> No.11270274

>it is the most boring form of shooting imaginable
To you.
A lot of people find it extremely interesting and engaging.

>> No.11270822

lmao ur moar gay than astolfo

>> No.11270830
File: 100 KB, 1158x1064, Degrees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*destroys the entirety of your argument with a single image*
nothinn personnel kiddo

>> No.11270837
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, niggger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minimum iq required to contribute to economy
so are you telling me all the farm animals out there have more smarts than the unemployed welfare rats of society?

>> No.11270876

Black / White.

>> No.11270886

lol yes it does. It's a definition that we invented that involves accurately measuring aptitude for varying categories of tasks. Do you believe that slingshots don't exist because they were invented?

>> No.11271153
File: 3 KB, 240x101, 4C60BAF0-3BEC-4F56-A5C5-AADC5D26A00A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you are dumb.
Can you not parse simple sentences? Learn to formal logic,
>>What science do girls excel at?
>>>We already know what girls are overrepresented in but that doesn't really matter because it may be gender stereotypes that put them into those roles.
Did you miss that?
>we already know whatgirls are represented in
>>>> but that doesn't really matter because it may be gender stereotypes that put them into those roles.
Everyone here already fucking knows what degrees they pick, that was the whole premise of the thread, either offer evidence that counter the posts that say they can excel at other fields or go back to social studys debate class and leave the science to the thinkers , because you can not win based off misdirections, here we expect you to respond to what was being asked or show why the premises are wrong,

>> No.11271440

How many women have a high chess score?

>> No.11271470

God, need me a gf like this.

>> No.11271542

Women are overrepresented as childbearers. We need more men to become mothers and smash gender stereotypes.
You psychos never get tired of your intellectual diarrhea do you?

>> No.11271543

Sucking dick

>> No.11271552

Why are you so defensive?

>> No.11271578 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1080x672, 1Ehnp3G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz he's a smart person that hasn't accepted that it's a waste of tiem it is to try and explain shit to stupid people. Took me over a decade to finally throw in the towel and embrace hatred.

>> No.11271589 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11271659

You have to see if people are genuinely interested in learning what you're saying or if they have an agenda.

>> No.11271664

Agenda or not they can always learn, even the dumbest ones of them all, the issue is that for them to learn you have to erase your own ego so they can absorb something besides it.

>> No.11271730 [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 540x810, WINDYCOMFY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is why i come to this board. Smart people are always lurking waiting to pounce with priceless words of wisdom. Thanks anon. Have some comfy.

>> No.11273157

this must be a social cognitive thing but why are women so good with office politics or fiction like soap operas and telenovellas?

>> No.11273187

Isn't the majority of the work just menial shit? Wasn't it shown that her contributions were a case of "quality vs quantity" or some shit?

>> No.11273295

interpersonal communication?

>> No.11273299

stable supportive social work unironically increases overall health and prognosis of clients/patients

>> No.11274625


>> No.11275403

How much of male success is due to autistic obsessiveness over some otherwise minor detail that leads to a major solution?

>> No.11275436

its mostly accidental autistic obsessions

>> No.11276561

All of it

>> No.11276564

Food Science

>> No.11276955

You see on the tail end of bell curve to the right there are a lot more men than women. Given the fact that STEM is a cognitively demanding field (i have seen graphs here that showed that the average physics major has an IQ of 135) that you would expect men to be overrepresented in those fields?

>> No.11277763

Physics really sucks

>> No.11277857

and they suck even at that

>> No.11277977


>> No.11277985

>why are women so good with office politics
Coochie power.
>fiction like soap operas and telenovellas?
You meant acting, right?
Coochie power again.

>> No.11278035

>Should I play the newer Pokemon games? I stopped after Black/White 2
Fuck, no. Pokemon has always been boring rehashing as far as I'm concern, and now that they finally tried to do 3D, they fucked up completely. This latest one dragged Nintendo to EA-tier. Not even joking.

>> No.11278149

I only play romhacks now of the early games

>> No.11278257

This is actually true
Now marry me and let me have your children anon

>> No.11278507

Complete unfounded argument, which just show how little you know at good art. Post at least a good example or piss off

>> No.11278511


>> No.11278521

You are probably one of those retards who think the Mona Lisa is the greatest painting ever and that art is all about expression

>> No.11278536

>being this triggered
Smoothbrain alert

>> No.11280030

you have no argument

>> No.11280488

I graduated from an undegraduate STEM program with very strict admission requirements and most of my classmates were average intelligece. The typical girl in my program (there were very few) did no worse than the typical guy. I wouldn't say our class makeup in general was that much of an outlier from the whole human population. Just slightly above average maybe, and only because of the retard filter.

>> No.11280518 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 333x200, 8-bit-city-gif-11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol hell ya lookathisguy also checked

>> No.11280519 [DELETED] 
File: 636 KB, 512x512, .444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that gif sucks

>> No.11280525

Even if true, it's still a good skill for a woman to have.

>> No.11280539

>After you take the fact that not all high iq men go to college, and not all high iq college men do science degrees

This also applies to women.

>the difference in population is very small in the high-mid area of the curve, and the far end of the curve is less than 1/2 of 1% percent of everyone.

To some extent we are all limited. We create pools of segregation. While this argument holds to trying to lose sight of the elite in the sea of billions of averages, we are only concerned about the elites. They are the ones remembered in the history of science.

Here is where the difference between the standard deviations of men and women is so starkly important.

>> No.11280547

historically upper women were encouraged into pursuits such as painting or needlework and embroidery to help attract a groom
married women often had hobbies and belonged to local social groups they were the community, pushing women into careers has really affected historical social structures that fostered strong social bonds.
it's not like women didn't have jobs or employment.
we talk of the work of monks like the benedictines in the preservation of culture and development of research and sharing of ideas but nuns were also of immense value the mysterious Voynich manuscript is thought to have been produced by an anatolian convent as partly a herbal.

>> No.11280555

I agree 100% with this post. It makes more sense to have women engaged in say, group homeschooling. That way you can form familial, and neighborly bonds, while developing skills that have been developed in your lifetime and family heritage.

>> No.11280638

The science of having sexy feet

>> No.11280742

>pushing women into careers has really affected historical social structures that fostered strong social bonds
That's assuming the bonds that existed by then were better and/or natural in the first place.

>> No.11281065
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>that greentext
Literally me, but at some point I also had an alcoholic stepdad and severe colitis
I ended up going to university eventually but fled the country after I was busted making DMT before I finished my bachelor lmao

>> No.11281326

>I stopped after Black/White 2
You stopped at the last good Gen, don't play the newer games if you don't want to be hugely disappointed.

>> No.11281661


Kenichi Sonoda is not a woman.

>> No.11281818

Unironically Nursing and Child Development seems like the best one for them

>> No.11281820 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11281929

I agree. Chemistry is a female science.

>> No.11281936

Because of the current climate of worrying about young girls not getting the help they needed according to information from several years ago that may not be based on sociological factors. The school system has also been restructured to be less accommodating to young boys.

>> No.11281951

>may be gender stereotypes that put them into those roles

And whose' fault is that? I'll give you a hint: their chromosomal structure ain't got any "y"s in them.

>> No.11282026


>> No.11282043

required watching

>> No.11282586

Thanks Swede

>> No.11282637

in my life-long experience woman are generally superior to men in everything that is pretty verbally (but without reasoning), full of pointless cuteness, feels just right and guaranties a quick positive response from as many people as possible.

Having said that, it's true for the average woman. I am aware exceptions exist.

>> No.11284127

is testosterone exposure level the only difference between man and women or is there a little more to it

>> No.11284704



>> No.11285339

That's comfy

>> No.11285371

Might have something to do with genes

>> No.11285444

So pop music?

>> No.11285446
File: 73 KB, 583x468, SMASH immigrants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me

>> No.11285573
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>> No.11285587

Mmmmmm isoscelicious...

>> No.11286520

On average they underperform but the best of the best are still men.

>> No.11286660

Is this thread just a thinly-veiled our team > your team thread? Half the posts are about how the stdev of male intelligence is larger so they dominate the upper echelon. Are any of you niggers actually in that upper echelon?

I'd wager if this is true that the real reason women aren't heavily represented in science/engineering is because of their lack of interest on a biological level. You can't convince me the stdev of males does any significant filtering on the retards in the mechanical engineering program at my University. If anything, the intelligence of the new students gets lower every year, despite increasing admission requirements.

>> No.11286935

>thinly veiled

Well it is true and well documented.

>> No.11287076

It's not actually veiled at all

>> No.11287314
