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File: 48 KB, 644x644, mensa-logo-title-below.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11240376 No.11240376 [Reply] [Original]

Mensa is easy to get into. You need a 140 IQ that only 0.2% of the world pocess.

So why is it easy? Because IQ tests are very easy to get good at. They are only accurate when the people taking them have never done one before. The fact that you can repeat them can help you train to become better.

>> No.11240393

Say something we all don't already know

>> No.11240396
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11240408

mensa is an IQ test in itself.
joining means you failed

>> No.11240410

Isn't that technically cheating?

>> No.11240416
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Is a basic misunderstanding

>> No.11240593



Look at the people who join them it looks like a magic gathering but sadder somehow because they lie to themselves. Your better off going to a chess club.

>> No.11240602
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Those people were pretty physically aggressive. I wouldn't want to affiliate myself with such filth.
having a conversation seems much more desirable than to go ape shit.
Subhumans will never learn that true artists will never want to be poisoned by a collective.

>> No.11240877

This. I've been at a meeting once as a guest. They're really weird people in general, although some of them are nice and respectable. There actually was Peter Scholze at that gathering too, he was really friendly and normal. Most others were very "special".

>> No.11240886
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>muh iq
if there was only a test that could tell us how proficient someone is at a certain subject.....

>> No.11241030

IQ predicts job performance better than college degree. The only reason college is worth anything is because the education lobby made it illegal to test job applicants for IQ.

>> No.11241713

So how do you study for mensa?

>> No.11241808 [DELETED] 

Will we ever be free of low IQ copes for being low IQ?

>> No.11241815 [DELETED] 

> the education lobby made it illegal to test job applicants for IQ.
Lmao progressive society!

>> No.11241822

>Mensa is easy to get into. You need a 140 IQ
$60 for the test
$70 per year for membership

>> No.11241913

what do people in the mensa society do? do they just meet and pretend they are metter than other people, even if they didn't accomplish anything of value?

>> No.11241915

*pretend they are better

>> No.11241951

>IQ predicts job performance better than college degree
no, being able to recognize 3rd grade shapes and solve riddles won't make you design an airplane. passing a test that shows that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding of a field is more relevant for working in that field.
it might be that those who have good understanding of STEM fields are better at recognizing certain patterns (or studying STEM makes you better at recognizing patterns) but why the fuck would you test someone's ability at solving riddles instead of testing his ability and understanding of the field he is going to work in
>The only reason college is worth anything is because the education lobby made it illegal to test job applicants for IQ.
they didn't just employ someone because he had a high IQ but you needed to have an education and a high IQ. this is bad for the stability of society because it would make meritocracy way more prominent and people aren't going to be happy at all with this at all. just look at today, despite all the efforts of providing equal opportunities (or the illusion of) and hiding meritocracy people are still not happy and think society is very selective and meritocratic

>> No.11241984

They do stuff other people do as well while feeling really exceptional doing it.

>> No.11242733
File: 446 KB, 1262x846, another iq thread2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11242757
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>> No.11242781

What do they like to talk about. I imagine it's essentially a circle jerk over how much superior they feel to normies (despite none of them utilisin their high IQ to attain real world valuables like a harem full of women or wealth).

>> No.11242819

>What do they like to talk about.
Read Lesswrong and you'll know

>> No.11242879

Why is it that high iq people can't seem to spell? I've known a good few very intelligent people (smarter than myself anyway) and it seems to be a fairly consistent failing amongst them. Has there ever been a study done on this?

>> No.11242881

I can spell.

>> No.11242896

Yea just shows their character that their miserable and far too serious can't even participate in a joke a comedian showed up in a knight suit guranteed he would of been the most entertaining thing to happen at their circle jerks.

Too much self back patting over solving kids puzzles but a ya few of the people are just looking for a friend.

>> No.11242903

It isn’t you’re just stupid and making connections where there are none.

>> No.11243066

>he doesn't know about metaMensa

>> No.11243247

Mensa is for people who couldn't get into Oxford/Cambridge/Harvard to flaunt a non-achievement and circlejerk.
Change my mind.

>> No.11243255

They care about the content more than the structure. All the really intelligent people i know have weird use of language, twisting words and sentences.

>> No.11243257

word play isn’t the same thing as not understanding language structure or spelling lol

>> No.11243271

my post is against iq tests retard

>> No.11243274
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pic related

>> No.11243892

All really highly intelligent people write close to perfectly.

>> No.11243904

Average IQ in those universities is half SD less than mensa cutoff.

>> No.11243951

kek no

>> No.11244002

I may not be in Mensa, but at least I'm not a retarded category theorist.

>> No.11244036
File: 154 KB, 1600x1279, IMG-20190820-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double kek yes

>> No.11244291

They probably simply care less. (Because why waste time in spelling?)
mensa cutoff is 2% or two standard derivation
>> (everyone sperging about how mensans are loosers)
it is mainly for people that don't have anyone around that they can have a fun conversation with. The difference between IQ 130 to 100 is similar to 100 to 70. At 70 it becomes questionable to be able to live alone. Being a 130 around only a bunch of 100s can be damn lonely.
This is probably the reason why I don't see many academics there. In academia, there are enogh smart people to belong

>> No.11244353

You're only off by an order of magnitude, which is close enough to work for a government.

>> No.11244358

Needs an axis for ambition. I score high on both the math and verbal metrics but am a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.11244367

>Mensa is easy to get into.
uhhh, the more people the more money???