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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 350 KB, 947x1204, Screenshot_20191217-221718_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11235561 No.11235561 [Reply] [Original]

The Queendom classical IQ test seems to be the most accurate online IQ test (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242128579_Evaluating_the_Concurrent_Validity_of_Three_Web-Based_IQ_Tests_and_the_Reynolds_Intellectual_Assessment_Scales_RIAS)) as it is normalised and covers most of the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale sub-tests, unlike the mensa norway and denmark tests that only cover Raven's matrices.

Take the test here:

>> No.11235574
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11235585
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based first post

>> No.11235619


>> No.11235662

IQ is for rich boys and autists, know-how and know-do is for actual smarties.

>> No.11235697

These guys know what's up, OP. You should really listen to them and just stop doing this. And this isn't me being butt hurt, I have an IQ that's considered "genius/near genius" but that same IQ test said my processing speed is "below average" and I've always been good at processing intensive stuff, speed math, piano, typing (I was never even taught and I still have an above average WPM). Let go of the myth that intelligence can be accurately quantified with a simple, decades old test.

>> No.11235712

I have an IQ over 150.

>> No.11235719

why do you think anybody cares?

>> No.11235875


>> No.11235919

IQ:129, 96th Percentile

>> No.11235922


>> No.11235961
File: 436 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191219-014835_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11235967

What phone you got? Looks the same as mine

>> No.11236046
File: 45 KB, 1075x424, IQ queendom Dec 15 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

134 I rule the thread

>> No.11236053


>> No.11236060

>Still using chrome

>> No.11236062

>IQ isn't real cuz my teacher said so.
>Everyone is special in their ownnnn ways ^.^ :3 :-)

>> No.11236079
File: 79 KB, 860x740, IQ Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what I missed, I felt pretty confident on the problems...

>> No.11236086

Mama mia

>> No.11236092

What were your answers at the end concerning your age, gender, disabilities?

>> No.11236094

That's just a survey you know, it doesn't affect your score; they just want data.

>> No.11236113

It could be, but the questions concerning age and gender are known to influence the score of some IQ tests. Why won't you just answer so that I can rule that out?

>> No.11236118

I didn't answer them

I'm also not >>11236094, that's someone else responding.

>> No.11236125

i took a legit iq test and got 115 iq. i also have schizophrenia

>> No.11236162

That's still like 1 std above average

>> No.11236254
File: 68 KB, 705x776, iq queendom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I put don't know on the number sequences.

I hate number sequences.

how do you get better at number sequences? without plotting numbers don't mean anything to me.

>> No.11236260

however a fucking 99 percentile IQ test doesn't mean squat shit if I'm taking online IQ tests to procrastinate from doing my homework which is due in less than two hours.

>> No.11236269

The test is highly g-loaded and normed for the test takers

>> No.11236280

can you put that into terms that don't require googling?

>> No.11236288

It correlates well with other measures of intelligence and is thus a good measure of intelligence and your percentile position is based on the average score of other test takers

>> No.11236291

I meant to reply to >>11236280

>> No.11236326

I don't know how to answer that. The only way I can 'get' the number sequence answers is to say it out loud as I read it. For example, if IIRC from the test;

32, 36, 9, 12, 4, 6, X

X = 3 And to get that, just talk it out loud...
"36 is 4 more than 32, I know that 36 / 4 = 9, 12 is 3 more than 9, I know that 12 / 3 = 4, 6 is 2 more than 4...well it appears the sequence is just adding a number that reduces by 1 each time...then running that through the rest of the algorithm..."

>> No.11236342

that's just tedious

>> No.11236354

>t. a brainlet.
if this question took you more than 10 seconds you're retarded.

>> No.11236458

10 seconds can be tedious that's 1/6th of a whole minute, man.

>> No.11236779

why is nobody posting anymore? I wanna see some real results, not like those fakers up there

>> No.11236794
File: 79 KB, 761x769, random.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so I clicked randomly and according to https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/mental-retardation
I wouldn't even be mentally retarded.

>> No.11236826

Usually I try some basic arithmetic on the sequence to find the pattern, starting with "add x to all of them, add x-n to all of them" all sorts of combinations, then try fibonacci like sequences where you do arithmetic with multiple previous numbers to get the next numbers. At some point you will find the pattern, it's basically brute force search. It just tests your creativity in how many different patterns you could come up with and your arithmetic.

>> No.11236834

Nah they lowered the mental retardation cut off from 85 to 70 due to blacks being below 85 on average. An IQ of 80 means you can't hold any basic job in modern society, I don't even know what an IQ of 70 would mean.

>> No.11236836

Hm that's really biased.

>> No.11236840

That's the point, each group of questions tests different things in a biased way.

>> No.11236852
File: 101 KB, 789x655, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I waste my time doing this...

I cheated on the word definition ones btw, cause english is not my first language.
And I don't think knowing word definitions has a lot to do with IQ.

>> No.11236944
File: 74 KB, 1404x566, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was ok I guess, but on one hand I'm not a native english speaker, on the other hand I looked up the definition of a word so I guess I cheated on one question?
Either way it sort of agrees with other online tests, which ain't saying much but I guess there's some consistency there.
Anyone else had lots of trouble with the first 2 questions?

>> No.11236949

I think the word definition part is more about knowing how to do the comparison, so I guess I should've looked up all the definitions as well. I wasn't sure if it was fair though so I didn't.

>> No.11236963
File: 27 KB, 690x284, firefox_XY6vSlvxsS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahha im so smart :-)

>> No.11236989
File: 49 KB, 1031x562, Screenshot_2019-12-18 Classical IQ Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too smart, not too dum. Just right ;)

>> No.11237261
File: 86 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t know what a single word meant in the language part of it.

>> No.11237268

Is this a bot, collection of people, or a single person just waiting for someone to post something related to IQ so he can post this?

>> No.11237354
File: 44 KB, 688x515, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this actually seemed kinda legit but im really skeptical of online tests. id probably substract ~10 or 20 from everyones results

>> No.11237561

did you try or did you just click randomly?

>> No.11237705
File: 94 KB, 516x613, 12F56C5C-68E2-4693-8C30-804887338B55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record I took weschler when I was 7 and got 124

>> No.11237714

Got 138. Was tested in highschool and got a 128. Uni maths education and getting /fit/ probably provides a boost but 10 points is a lot

>> No.11237784


>> No.11237785

Le iq thread lmao

>> No.11237786

There is like two or three people running around here with 150+ IQ and one PARTICULARLY rediculus 170+ IQ monster running around /sci/

>> No.11237787

IQ is the most important attribute
See strenze 2015 for correlates

>> No.11237791

Holy shit

>> No.11237824

The JCTI is the only reliable online test

>> No.11237830

Garbage test. The research you posted mean shit, the correlation between RIAS and WAIS is less than 0.75, and those online tests are aspiring to be close to RIAS which even that they're doing bad.

Tri-52, JCTI, Old mensa norway and MensaDK are the only online tests who give a good estimation for your real IQ.

>> No.11237834

Mensa norway and dk are just raven's matrices, far inferior to the scientifically validated Queendom test

>> No.11237838

I still ended up getting the same score on mensa norway though

>> No.11237839
File: 39 KB, 1038x533, retardtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this test is good for anything other than detecting being a retard. They were all child IQ test tier problems, I literally think I had more difficult questions posed to me when I took an IQ test when I was 9. I don't know what I got wrong but it was likely because I was rushing and I'm pretty drunk and injected dilaudid while writing it because there wasn't a single question that actually took any problem solving, all no brainer kind of shit...

>> No.11237843

wtf... how did I get the highest score in the thread... ugh I hate this world. Really makes me continue not giving a fuck, I've been getting drunk/high every day for almost 13 years and am always the top of everything I do... at least the intoxication makes dealing with people manageable

>> No.11237848

Try mensa Sweden

>> No.11237849

Typical example of a high intelligence person assuming everyone else is like them. This is an unique bias of highly intelligent people. Back in the real world, average person IS a retard compared to you.

>> No.11237857

>far inferior to the scientifically validated Queendom test
>Scientifically validated

No. It's really bad test.


90% correlation with the WAIS-III, take this instead. Add 3-5 points for your final score, this version is deflated.


Time yourself for less than 50 minutes and subtract 10-15 (12.5) points from your final score

>> No.11237861

How is it bad?
What about mensa sweden?

>> No.11237870

went through it and clicked the button under the question list (ratta) on right and it reset without scoring. but there wasn't anything challenging on it so I doubt I'd have gotten anything wrong, what am I supposed to click for scoring? I need a cigarette but ill do it again after if this isn't a troll.. only wasted like 75 seconds of my time if it was so, no biggy..

>> No.11237871

You are high iq then

>> No.11237972
File: 34 KB, 684x487, negroiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at me, king of the negros!

>> No.11238193

j7 samsungg

>> No.11238216

Kek I got 139.5 there is no way an autist like me has an IQ that high

>> No.11238228

Do they track how much time you spent doing it? I got 124 but I did it over 2 hours, due to constant distractions from people in the room. Weird, I got 143 on the mensa thing and 140+ on many others yet this one puts me so low. I will chalk it up to it being a thrash anglo favoring test.

>> No.11238316

you paid for the assessment? jeez

>> No.11238340

>puts 'don't know' on the number sequences

And dropped. All of them were easy.

>> No.11238346
File: 53 KB, 657x580, lääkeapustaja32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11238353
File: 326 KB, 540x1349, Screenshot_20191219-170301_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried Mensa denmark:
I literally guessed like 3 and still got 138
I'm OP btw, i got 133 on Queendom

>> No.11238354

This is why Raven's only tests are bullshit, take like three raven's tests and you've already memorised the pattern
Too easy to prep for this, queendom is trickier in that regard

>> No.11238357

Also, if your responses are timed, then this again allows you to "cheat" as these tests all end up having very similar questions to which the answer can be memorised. I unironically think you need to be isolated from Raven's tests for at least a year before you don't 'memorise' them

>> No.11238358

is this site good?

>> No.11238362

I just got 79 by tapping the first option repeatedly

>> No.11238364

No, according to the study in the OP

>> No.11238367

the questions were basically the same

>> No.11238402
File: 470 KB, 539x2002, Screenshot_20191219-173858_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, OP again, i tried the mensa norway and got 133
I literally guessed the last 3. This is the same as my Queendom score.

The Queendom test was the first I had taken in about 8 months. At that point I took the mensa norway, i got 119 the first time but i think i quit at about 80% and i hadn't considered looking at the matrices vertically, then i took it again and got 133
8 months later i got 133 again

>> No.11238416

I wonder of it's valid to take a practice raven's test before a legit one?
How could they even stop you?

>> No.11238439
File: 64 KB, 512x384, 1576773266174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder that Taleb absolutely shredded IQ. You're discussing unscientific NONSENSE in this thread.

>> No.11238447

I'd unironically like an answer to this.
If repeating a test can boost your score by a standard deviation, how can societies like mensa or other IQ studies trust the scores from test takers?

So for example, a person who would get 115 IQ on a practice test, would suddenly get 130 in the legit mensa test and be accepted into mensa lol

>> No.11238451
File: 21 KB, 663x238, ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i'm retarded, guess I'll kill myself.

>> No.11238454

>97% of the population is utterly braindead
Don't sell yourself short

>> No.11238455

we are many

>> No.11238460



>> No.11238474

Perhaps the retest score is the most frequently used score as it's unrealistic to believe test takers have never practiced

>> No.11238488

The fact that you keep getting 133, even after holding off for 8 months leads me to conclude this is probably more accurate than 119

>> No.11238503

People who got accepted to mensa usually score less on the JCTI. So your score may be true.

>> No.11238512

Guess it's time to join mensa and claim my title of genius

>> No.11238524

Apparently repeating an IQ test just once can increase your score considerably. So I'd suggest not taking any form of practice IQ test for 8 years and then taking the mensa test fresh

>> No.11238538

Why the choice of 8 years?

>> No.11238556
File: 20 KB, 697x199, Screenshot_65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11238575

So you forget absolutely everything and get tested raw

>> No.11238582

Or just iqmaxx by taking as many tests as possible lol, mensa can do nothing about it
Mensa could literally be filled with 110 iqlets who took lots of online tests

>> No.11238647

This shit takes to fucking long and most of it isn't even IQ related but about how knowledgeable you are. STOP. SPAMMING. ONLINE. IQ. TESTS.

>> No.11238660

>how knowledgeable you are
When? There's like three questions that need you to know some words, this is generally part of the WAIS

>> No.11238706

you have to try harder

>> No.11238709

What so you say to >>11238447

>> No.11238813

Cleo, you mean?

>> No.11238897
File: 78 KB, 870x615, 1555711965673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive cringe test. English is my third language and I hardly even know any of the words on the language segment despite being a lawyer. My IQ is nowhere near 140. You should probably deduct AT LEAST 15 points, and that's being generous.

>> No.11238926

I always score differently on these tests, this time I got 112 which is meh, decent enough I won't complain. How do you know if this is the IQ test to end all IQ tests though? Also I haven't studied math in a long time and I've never had any good or inspiring math teachers and most of the school math I've learned I've forgotten and I'm pretty sure that will have at least a bit of an effect on the overall score. Must say I was pretty proud of myself for recognizing mathematical patterns so quickly though despite my lack of math skills.

>> No.11238946
File: 131 KB, 750x1334, 383D81BB-A8B9-45AC-8044-7C506F200E06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your safety is not as important as black peoples feelings.

>> No.11238960


>> No.11238972

Oh fuck, just realized I misread the instructions on some of the questions.. brb.

>> No.11238978

Too l8, retest effects will boost your IQ by a gorillion and it's fake

>> No.11238984

>on medium

>> No.11238988

tldr: all he says is that IQ doesn't correlate with wealth

nobody claimed that desu

>> No.11238999

There has been claims that IQ correlates with wealth but he also specifically said that he only doesn’t think IQ is useful for knowing who is smart only who is dumb.

>> No.11239009

Alright 123 now, that's a bit better. This was still very mind boggling as English isn't my first language and some of the more tricky stuff was written to boggle your mind. Like I said, I have no idea how accurate this really is.

>> No.11239014
File: 18 KB, 648x227, iqweqwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I'm fucking braindead

>> No.11239029

You're fucking cringe and you should feel ashamed of yourself. There's a reason a properly conducted IQ test tests like a dozen different skill. The mensa online tests are atrociously biased and give massive amounts of advantages to STEMrats who've been solving logic puzzles as a hobby. They can so easily be solved by mere practice it's ridiculous.

>> No.11239076

>give massive amounts of advantages to STEMrats who've been solving logic puzzles as a hobby


>> No.11239086

Wait.. isn't the point of doing IQ tests to train your brain at becoming good at them so you can automatically score above 130 and then cope by bragging about it on a Vietnamese steroid lab forum?

>> No.11239089
File: 40 KB, 647x659, 87f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11239890

Ironically, the only one I couldn't solve,not including the verbal ones, was the first question. I just assumed it was the Z shape, but didn't really see a pattern.

>> No.11239941

The first ones were shaped like letters of the alphabet KLMN - answer was O. What was the second one?

>> No.11239997

Why take an IQ test when I have intellectual accomplishments

>> No.11240013

It's a bot, either data mining or advertising his shit site.
Most of those screencaps are by the same person.
You'd have to have a sub-100 IQ to actually fall for this.

>> No.11240463


>> No.11240473

>Take this test, score 124
>Take another, score 125
>Take another, score 130
>Take another, score 120
>Take another, score 115
These IQ tests are entirely untrustworthy, and pseudoscientific. Just like anything else invented by psychologists.

>> No.11240511
File: 3.95 MB, 9729x8572, ayfhq-n0ldx (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um actually you're wrong, the science of IQ is settled, see the IQ part of this infographic

>> No.11240911

I didn't see anything about IQ TESTS on that pic.

>> No.11240918

Lmao I haven't studied math in almost 4 years and the last time I did a number's sequence must've been at least 6 years ago. I did pretty much exactly what you did and it still confounded me as I couldn't find any relation with the 6 and the numbers you could choose from

>> No.11240923

Math is a use it or lose it thing I guess.

>> No.11240926

the second one was also letters of the alphabet...
yall retarded

>> No.11241268

Yea, two Fs stuck together facing away from one another is the right answer

>> No.11241279
File: 54 KB, 500x616, 1524549107282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seems to be the most accurate because it's the one I scored in triple digits on

>> No.11241292


>> No.11241405

What does question 7 even mean?
What does it mean with holding a mirror to the right-hand side of the image? Like at a 90 degree angle to the image?

>> No.11241433

each question has like 5 different pattterns available and only one is considered correct despite holding up, why?

>> No.11241475


>> No.11241482

Same with the clock. The way that question is designed is overly pretentious and makes it more difficult for those of us who don't have english as a first language

>> No.11241577

This test is a fucking joke. Took it years ago and scored ~150. That's not too far off from how I've done on legit tests, but this one is too easy. If you want useful numbers, I made 164 on WISC-IV with extended norms as a kid and 148 on Raven's. I've also taken a few "high-range" tests, which aren't professional and should be taken with a heaping pile of salt but are at least less meme-tier than Queendom Scores on these ranged from 165 to 178 with a mean of 169. Personally I think my "real IQ" is somewhere between 140 and 165.

>> No.11241607

Very true. I can tell from personal experience.

>> No.11241674

I have taken this one before. Got 139 then but 124 now.

>> No.11243099

Me too man. When I was in school still I was pretty hood at math, a little bit above averag I'd say. Now that I don't study math anymore I suck at it.

>> No.11243105
File: 43 KB, 344x517, 1570393515771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very first question puts your at a disadvantage if your native language has a different alphabet

>> No.11243311

Legit IRL test gave 151, probably accurate as I'm killing myself with 40h of study a week

>> No.11243429
File: 337 KB, 1200x900, 975F6201-43FE-4DF6-854B-4418524A7DA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to study that much
>high IQ

>> No.11243440

Outside of those 40h of class I don't really study by myself though

>> No.11244236
File: 39 KB, 493x342, retard alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to class

>> No.11244708


>> No.11244988

Got 140. I'm prolly closer to low 130s. I didn't even ever pick up a pen.

>> No.11245256

inaccurate test, i'm black and i scored 143.

two possibilities:
1) i am elite nigger genius
2) the test is flawed

which is more likely?
obviously #2.

this is a good point, i made sure to tell it i was a white male so it wouldn't lower my score unfairly

>> No.11245264
File: 1.75 MB, 1440x508, based and redpilled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11245269

Fuck off dumb weeb

>> No.11245272

>decades old
Wow you should tell the scientists this, guess they forgot to check the calendar or something

>> No.11245281

>another >another IQ thread post

>> No.11245759
File: 90 KB, 751x637, score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys all retarded? Maybe some of the logic ones would have been slightly more difficult if they forbade the use of a pencil, but it was unreasonably easy as it stands. I'm also certain my real IQ isn't 150, probably in the 130's which is where I tested as a kid. Not sure which one I missed, so I guess I blundered one in haste or just got one of the pajeet-tier verbal ones wrong.

>> No.11245762

Like 138-142, it depends how high on stims I am and if I can ride productive hypomania for a long time that 4-6 hr window. It feels like it can drop all the way down to like 130 when im hungover or sick

>> No.11246317

I just took the official Wechsler test and my FSIQ is 130. Never posted on this board before, but I think I'm finally allowed to at least sweep the floors in this place.

>> No.11246331

>I don't think knowing word definitions has a lot to do with IQ.

>> No.11246332

It would be difficult to "become good at them"

>> No.11246343

IQ thread creators are attetion whores.

>> No.11247577
File: 17 KB, 848x378, explainpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain this one to me?

>> No.11247578

nvm just realised it's letters flipped 90 degrees

>> No.11248331

>IQ doesn't correlate with wealth
this smells like some grade a bullshit

>> No.11248349

>another>another >another IQ thread post

>> No.11248436
File: 122 KB, 973x781, low_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this really that bad?

>> No.11249242

It's irrelevant whether it correlates with income. What matters is whether it correlates with production of wealth, but this would be much more difficult to investigate.

>> No.11249245

what's the difference and why would it matter more?

>> No.11249279

A professor can easily lead to wealth generation indirectly and never get paid a dime.

>> No.11249622

does anyone have the answers? I want to know what I got wrong

>> No.11249958

the only accurate online IQ test is test.mensa.no

>> No.11250004


In that order. Do all of them and average your score. Your real spatial IQ should be within 5-+ points.

>> No.11250128

>get 127
>reread instructions
>You may use a calculator, a piece of paper and a pencil.
Dammit. I did the entire test in my head and spent way longer than I should have thinking about the logic and math problems.

Also what's with the vocabulary questions? How does knowing what an auger is relate to my IQ?

>> No.11250133

No, you have to wait 8 years between taking the tests to eliminate retest effects

>> No.11250436

>Not telling them you're a disabled jewish african man with every possible disability to get free 140+ score
never gonna make it

>> No.11250461

That doesn't affect your score

>> No.11250487


>> No.11250629
File: 124 KB, 720x732, 20191224_104308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain this one to me? I guessed on it and got it right, no fucking clue though.

>> No.11250839

looking at it vertically (columns), each tile either has a letter or a letter and a number, but each letter is in a different style. so in the 3rd column, you need to have a letter that isn't a capital nor is bold, leaving only answer E.

>> No.11251024

I don't remember this being in the test??

>> No.11251483

It's from this test: http://sacft.tripod.com/

Pretty good test, time yourself for less than 1 hour and subtract 10-15 points from your final score.

>> No.11251685
File: 87 KB, 500x850, 1577217080010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 144 - 12.5 = 131.

Does this mean I should quit my factory job and go to university?

>> No.11252608


>> No.11253188
File: 90 KB, 909x692, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time i did this ~2 days back i unironically got 155; didn't take a screenshot because i thought this was a dishonest score, no way i'd rate myself as someone with 155 iq. this time i just quickly filled in the answers from memory in like 5 minutes as opposed to doing it for 1.5 hours like last time. i think 2 factors had a role in my "real" score, the fact that there's no time limit (i'm terrible under limited time) and that there were barely any pattern completion problems, i'm usually not that good at them
that said, this is probably the single easiest IQ test i've done, i'm much better with the kind of questions here rather than with just pattern completion ones. overall, i think the scores here are inflated by ~30 points, i'd rate myself closer to 120-130 (i actually got 128 at that danish/swedish one that gets posted a lot here, but i took it while taking a dump and literally wiping my ass, so take that with a grain of salt)

>> No.11253276

it took you 1.5 hours?

>> No.11253322

well at least an hour, i don't remember how much exactly, because i take a lifetime to solve anything. i have a tendency to check and recheck the same thing ad infinitum instead of moving forward + maybe i'm just a slow thinker

>> No.11253375

IQ is utterly useless. Even in the hypothetic case that it measures intelligence somewhat accurately, it still doesn't fill any function. There's nothing useful you or anyone else can do with that number.

>> No.11253405

it's the best predictor for performance in jobs and education...

>> No.11253444

I put it badly: there's nothing that knowing your own IQ can do for you. It may be of value to employers, but they're gonna want to test you themselves, anyway.

>> No.11253446

My scores on this; mensa fi, no and dk are all pretty much the same

>> No.11253467

IQ tests can be a better predictor than the employers own tests.
Knowing your own score could maybe help someone better choose their education?

>> No.11253472

>In the office, Sam manages accounting and Louise manages inventory. They have three employees who work for the two managers during the 5-day work-week. Only one employee works for each manager everyday. All three employees work for both managers during the week. David is the only one who works 4 days a week. Cathy isn't in on Tuesday or Wednesday. Neil gets 4-day weekends. The only time David does accounting is Monday through Wednesday. If Sam wants work done on Friday, who should he ask?
ESL here, help me out here: "weekend" refers to the end of the week, correct? So "four day weekend" would be the four last days of the week, right? Not just four arbitrary days off work?

>> No.11253499

This isn't an an English language issue as this confuses me also (thursday friday or monday tuesday?), to be fair they're pretty vague on that

>> No.11253505

weekend means end of the week. if it'd be one day it would be sunday. two days, saturday/sunday, three days friday/saturday/sunday. can't be monday, because that's the start of the week, not the end. at least, that would make sense to me.

>> No.11253513

But in that case, they just straight-up say that two of three employees don't do accounting on Friday. Neil doesn't work Thursday to Sunday. David only does accounting Monday to Thursday. It becomes such an utterly trivial question right at the end of the test that I'm afraid I'm misinterpreting a much harder question.

>> No.11253525

I dunno, mate. take a look here: >>/sci/thread/9145938#p9147673

>> No.11253539

>Neil also has a 4-day weekend which implies consecutive days off leading up to or after Saturday and Sunday
If it can be Saturday to Tuesday as well, then I guess I gotta go back to thinking. Cheers.

>> No.11253545

the answer is there already though...
david does accounting on mon-wed, so someone else has to do inventory then. cathy isn't in on tue/wed, so that only leaves neil to do inventory on tue/wed.
if that's true, his weekend can't be sat-tue, because he does inventory on tue. so his weekend must be thu-sun.
sam manages accounting and wants (accounting) work done on friday, but neil has a thu-sun weekend and david only does accounting on mon-wed, leaving only cathy.

>> No.11253546

You gotta stop cheating bucko or I'll track your IP and send the mensa death squads around

>> No.11253562
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Didn't read the solution given in the post.
>mfw Mensa death squads

>> No.11253580
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Too bad I'm a useless NEET wizard high school dropout.

>> No.11253582

>Didn't read the solution given in the post.
on purpose?

>> No.11253597

Yeah. What's the point of cheating on a test that matters to literally nobody but me, and which can only matter to me in terms of how it affects my confidence in my intelligence? All that would do is prove to myself that I'm a chronic cheater even on matters that don't matter. I probably skimmed it by reflex, since it's a short post, but I calculated the problem on my own anyway. Whether I solved it or not is another question, of course. Maybe the test is now compromised anyway. Doesn't matter, since the test doesn't matter.

>> No.11253600

I didn't even think of cheating. I assumed you just wanted to understand the question/problem.

>> No.11253614

Nah, I was just unsure about the definition of "4-day weekends," if it strictly meant Thursday to Sunday, or if it could be Fri-Mon or Sat-Tues as well, or even any four random days. In my native language, the closest thing to "weekend" always refers to Sat-Sun.

>> No.11253651

>t. <130 iq brainlet
I bet you browse /pol/

>> No.11253674


>> No.11253679

/pol/ loves IQ, it lets them feel superior to blacks.

>> No.11253700
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>An IQ of 80 means you can't hold any basic job in modern society,

Can you at least use google before you say statements like that? Obviously you aren't going to do moderate or high level STEM work but you're still able to perform automotive mechanic/delivery, metalwork, agriculture, transportation, electrician work. All which are sectors relevant to modern society.

>I don't even know what an IQ of 70 would mean.

Depends, with an IQ of 70 you are still able to perform individual/ group hunting, tracking, trapping, communication and cooking. Sub-70 IQ is where things get sketchy as the ability to manipulate fire for practical applications is questionable. Two populations with IQ averages around 65 or lower, the Khoisan and Aboriginal Australians have little historical proof of blacksmithing/ metal work. So an IQ of 70 or lower seems accurate as populations with those averages aren't able to or at least consistently do metalwork and even possibly basic agriculture.

>> No.11253776

Doubt that math and physics major have only 111IQ on average. Link to the study?

>> No.11253812


Well to be fair it's including life sciences too, not just math and physics. But a 111IQ is roughly a standard deviation about most European country IQ averages.

Also you can just google "Meritocracy, cognitive ability, and the sources of occupational success." CDE Working Paper 98-07 (rev)." It should be the first result with a pdf download.

>> No.11254346

My GPA is 3.9 in mechanical engineering 3 years in.

i got a 107 on the mensa pattern test

fucking yikes

>> No.11254411

yo wtf this shit is untimed

ima get 100%

>> No.11254510

Where'd you take the test? Also, was it that difficult? It might also be that your university isn't very rigorous.

>> No.11254759
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>> No.11254764

btw was I suppose to use a calculator on some of the questions, I didn't and it was taking me quite awhile, don't know if its timed

>> No.11254767

>You may use a calculator, a piece of paper and a pencil
>This test is supposed to assess your intellectual potential, not your performance under stress. Therefore, there is no time limit. Nonetheless, this test is usually completed in less than one hour.
I wish I'd read it before doing the test myself, I didn't know you could use a calculator or pen and paper.

>> No.11254833

I used none, get on my level (OP)

>> No.11254838

We all do.

>> No.11254872

Well, I was, since I didn't bother to read the intro.

>> No.11254920

117 on professionally administered WAIS-IV
125-135 on Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (iqtest.dk, test.mensa.no, mensa.fi, etc)
150 on this test

It's bullshit. Sorry, brainlets.

>> No.11254921
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>> No.11255130


everyone in this thread delusional thinking they have 140 iq

>> No.11255244

I got consistent scores across all 4 of those tests, maybe you're a statistical anomaly

>> No.11255249

What scientists? Is psychology a science now? IQ tests have never had anything to do with science.

>> No.11255426
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>> No.11255636

Is 125 low? I'm pretty disappointed. Some of the verbal analogies could've been interpreted in a number of ways, and the absolutist nature of the logic games led me to believe that most of the true/false questions were false.

>> No.11255638

The only one that was difficult was rearranging the shapes to form an image? Wtf was that?

>> No.11255641

wait i got 97

>> No.11255661

It's untimed. Might as well just test your working memory and mental arithmetic skills.

>> No.11257257

Based, fuck >100 midwits

>> No.11257928
File: 87 KB, 1192x738, hiqi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am de retard