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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11239636 No.11239636 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I waste my intellect on science and math?
everything noteworthy has already been accomplished.

>> No.11239645

This might be bait, but its kinda true for some science. Physics for instance is dead. We lack the ability to test all these new physical theories like string theory, and thus they will stay theories for pretty much ever

>> No.11239649

Imagine you are a nomad wondering
>why should i waste my intellect trying to invent agriculture and the wheel, when everything noteworthy: hunting and gathering, has already been invented

>> No.11239650

Applied science is still doing well, and computing seems to be the only form of science that hasnt been slowing down.

>> No.11239651
File: 144 KB, 634x702, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agriculture did was the worst thing to ever happen to humanity though

>> No.11239652

First of all you're wrong. Secondly how else would you?

>> No.11239656

Science is about jerking yourself off about how smart you are. Become an engineer or a programmer. At least then you can actually create something that is useful to people and get the satisfaction of bringing your ideas to life instead of just doing problem sets all day long about what happens in an ideal universe with no air resistance.

>> No.11239660

Or maybe it's just cause experimentalists lack the drive or imagination to devise the experiments that will prove them out?

>> No.11239661

Statistically your chances of doing something worthwhile as a "scientist" are much lower than being an artist or a musician

>> No.11239665

Don't let a schizo poison your mind. Unread his unhinged screeds.

>> No.11239673

>doing something worthwhile in science is even more unlikely than doing something worthwhile in art, which is famous for the unlikelihood of most people being able to make a mark in that area
science is damn near impossible then for the average pleb

>> No.11239674

blaming the experiminetalists, thats pretty fucking low

>> No.11239682

I dont agree with this. You might not be known, but increasing the amount of knowledge however small is going to let someone stand tall enough to discover something new.

>> No.11239685

No, I agree with Ted. I think hes generally right about technology

>> No.11239692

Without pure science applied science would likely not even exist though, right?

>> No.11239698

Every school child "agrees with Ted" on technology today. You're not being original or edgy, like you like to think you are.

>> No.11239701

gotta love those ted enthusiast hipsters amirite

>> No.11239702

Pure science is just about infinite. Applied science is just the micro bits that are useful.

>> No.11239703

I just agree with him, I dont care about being edgy. If I wanted to be edgy Id be an anti nuke activist

>> No.11239704

Ok, but how could we find out what is useful without the pure scientists?

>> No.11239706

Yeah but I have discovered that, memes aside, it takes a very special kind of person to endure the torture of studying pure science, and I am not such a person.

>> No.11239708

Because sapiosexuality has a minima predicate of being able to delay gratification in one domain or field before transferring to another.

Most people don't get this listen so directly, which is why they view professions as education attempted to generate purely profit-based incentives of future gain.

>> No.11239712

trial and error

>> No.11239713

Be that as it may, it's not like we can uninvent all technology forever. The proles sure wouldn't let go of it.
I recommend you try to take joy in some of our modern conveniences and if things get too easy, you can fast.

>> No.11239714

Nice trollin...

>> No.11239715

The cardinal rule of life is: if at first you don't succeed, try and try again

>> No.11239720
File: 6 KB, 225x225, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the cardinal rule of a retard/autist/idiot/moron OR someone trying to get someone else to leave them the fuck alone with false confidence boosting. and no guiding/training/love.

>> No.11239723

You're not even trying...

>> No.11239729
File: 10 KB, 232x217, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...trying to...?

>> No.11239753

How would you know what to try? I feel like your line of reasoning is akin to saying 'we dont need theoretical physicists, us experimental physicists can just use trial and error to figure everything out.'

>> No.11239755

>how would you know
you don't
you just try
this is the foundation of our entire history as a species

>> No.11239758

So then you are saying that engineers and applied scientists would simply also be pure scientists so that they can find what can potentially be useful.

>> No.11239761

i am not discounting the uncountable wasted hours that theorists waste their lives on that occasionally result in useful results

go ahead and waste your lives for the good of the rest of us

your wasted efforts are appreciated

you are like kamikaze pilots

most won't accomplish anything

but one in a million will destroy pearl harbor

>> No.11239765

Well said

>> No.11239769

This makes me appreciate what I did during math math PhD. I focused on pure math but did a bunch of applied math research in machine learning

>> No.11239777

Biology, Math, and CS are all still developing quite well. Probably many other subjects too.

>> No.11239791

Imagine becoming a physicist in this age. What fucking fags

>> No.11239796

Physics is our last best hope. If physics is a dead-end, we're all dead.

>> No.11239798 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1166x1499, page_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

或者,你知道,分享與關懷一直是並將繼續是和那些做把他們的希望和夢想在別人的肩膀上應該喚醒他媽的起來,並開始聽無家可歸者,生病,年輕 微弱。


>> No.11239799

Well I guess it’s over then. Physics is dead. Read the link in the first post in this thread

>> No.11239804

That's not really true, but since everyone uses computers they're kinda semi-pointless problems now.

>> No.11239810
File: 102 KB, 938x579, final_5d5d85138d93a0001315c3ce_721204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like distributed problems because there isn't any arbitrary time barrier of 3 year degrees before anyone could even begin to believe that they could help out.

>t. narcotic language generator

>> No.11239813

You should read this post about random progression of technology.
They are called technological revolutions for a reason. And that reason is that they are not part of any kind of evolution. They come in fits and starts, with long dry spells and sudden, staggering jumps forward. We are entering a dry spell. And understandably everyone currently alive is disappointed. But we won't be for long, much as the people of the late 90s were so pleasantly surprised at the latest technological revolution happening right under their noses.

>> No.11239824

No. The reason for physics being dead is irrelevant to your post. It’s dead becuase we lack the capability to ever test the theories of physics that are currently being produced.

>> No.11239833

The inability to test theory is also automatically the inability to apply new theories in useful ways. It's perfectly relevant.

>> No.11239836

Quantum computers are enough to prove you wrong

>> No.11239837
File: 13 KB, 500x300, you-know-you-are-thinking-too-much-about-quantum-computing-29693130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quantum algorithm solves everything with the weather happening today.

Thanks, Earth's First Based Quantum Programmer!

>> No.11239838

same reason enyone else does
to jerk yourself off on how smarter you are than other people

>> No.11239844

I love to be proven wrong. Because all I want is for science to be applied. If you can cut out the middle man, as in your rare example, by all means all of it should work that way, if only it were possible.

>> No.11239847

If you're worried about theoretical stagnation go into applied sciences like engineering or surveying. There's a lot of technology already in existence to be utilized in improved ways

>> No.11239851

If science is just an infinite series of converging optimizations then why is there no course mandated by a University for each student to recognize themselves as an individual instead of just a number, and how powerful being 1 in 1,000,000 truly could be, if you stop trying to reach for fame and fortune and recognize life and learning as the rising crest and falling pivot of pleasure and positional truths?

>> No.11239859

Rephrase that so that a midlet like me can understand whatever the hell you're talking about

>> No.11239862

ECHS is a "god" made by /x/
as in, this guys a schizo from /x/

>> No.11239910

Maid and Seer are a pair

>> No.11239959


>> No.11239968

>and thus they will stay theories for pretty much ever
Ah so you're just a larping faggot who doesn't know what the scientific "theory" means.

>> No.11240000

Everything discovered? Nope. For example, bio still needs to discover lots of shit in order to reverse ageing.
Don't know about math, but still remains an essential tool to do many things.

Don't know why I even answer to an obvious troll.

>> No.11240141

you shouldn't. you will never accomplish anything noteworthy, homestuck trash. no matter what you pursue.