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File: 172 KB, 532x510, RMS_454_2390_figu01.jpg_i770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11230841 No.11230841 [Reply] [Original]

So does James Watson's comments on intellect and Africa make sense scientifically or not ? The guy discovered the double helix of the DNA so this has to have some explanations...

If any /sci/ anon has books recommandation, it would be great.

>> No.11230859

There's no scientific backing to the claim that the IQ difference is due to genetics. It's hopeful wishing on his part. Do the research yourself.

>> No.11230862

Watson is the new Galileo

>> No.11230875

>IQ is 70% genetic
>the differences in average IQ between populations that evolved separately for 50 000 years however have nothing to do with genetics
Whose hopeful wishing ?

>> No.11230884

>IQ is 70% genetic
Heritable doesn't mean hard-coded to genetics
>the differences in average IQ between populations that evolved separately for 50 000 years however have nothing to do with genetics
They may or may not. We have no evidence of it. It's pure speculation and confirmation bias.

>> No.11230895
File: 1002 KB, 1000x677, J9KeYkEZf4HHD5LRGf799N-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few things on DNA, Africa, and evolution:

Humans evolved from Lions.

1) DNA consumption is a driver of evolution. You are what you eat. Lions ate a lot of Apes.

2) DNA follows form, form follows function:
> We run; we don't swing
> Homologous structures do not imply a causative, evolutionary sequence
> Bipedal convergence yields DNA convergence (i.e. similar structures are coded for similarly)

3) Follow the hormones (sexual dimorphism)


>> No.11230899

sounds like a cool guy, can you link his published work on the subject, as well as relevant citations? Surely a respectable man of science wouldn't just run his mouth on a subject with nothing to back up his opinions.

>> No.11230907

Double-he-licks the pussy

>> No.11230908

>Heritable doesn't mean hard-coded to genetics
Yes it does.
>It's pure speculation
You wish.

>> No.11230919


>> No.11230933

is this bait or are you just that indoctrinated by marxist dogma?

>> No.11230934

Hope this helps.


>> No.11230953

Indoctrinated by logic and the scientific method. Help me :(

>> No.11230966

You're arguing that the only backing acceptable for a claim is complete proof.

>> No.11230982

Anything beyond a mere correlation would be a start. Like a degree of certainty, or a description of possible causal mechanisms. We have none of that.

>> No.11231030

The brain's development is determined by genes, like the other organs.
Arguing that there's no genetic component to its performances is the real outlandish claim here.

Especially since the main environmental explanations for the differences, wealth and education, have been shown not to account for the gap.

>> No.11231046

But, gravity lacks a description of possible causal mechanisms. You don't think that gravity is unscientific, do you?

So, the claim to "do the research yourself" isn't helpful. You take your biases into the research and generally only read that which confirms your own biases. This applies to you, too. I would not be surprised if most of the research that you've read comes from a few select authors, and some people who are not even experts in the field that they are opining in. A lot of opposition to IQ is the philosophical pronouncements of sociologists who throw baby out with the bathwater because IQ is so frequently used by racists to prove genetic superiority or inferiority. All of these people forget that the cockroach is a highly evolved creature.

>> No.11231049 [DELETED] 


>> No.11231074

watson is a druggie loser that takes LSD

>> No.11231079

there is more genetic variation between africans and other africans than with africans and whiteys. ethiopians genetically are more similarly to the finns than south africans (look up the out of africa hypothesis as an explanation)

>Especially since...
this has not been proven

>> No.11231085


I personally don't have a problem with IQ per-se as a concept. In addition, psychometrics seems to be the branch of psychology that can actually A) use math and statistics, B) generate reproducable results.

You have to take the results with a grain of salt. How useful is intelligence? It's about to tear "the West" apart. Your pseudo-religious views are driven by intelligence, and you believe in your mis-begotten intellectual views. I personally believe that our society should be able to provide useful work for people it considers "retarded". Many jobs that we have not mechanized don't need bright bulbs filling them.

But, at this point I am talking about religious views on how the world "ought" to be.

>> No.11231096

earrings are highly heritable, I don't think you know what heritability means

>> No.11231100

>Heritable doesn't mean hard-coded to genetics
It does

>> No.11231105

>this has not been proven
Sure they have. Rich blackies are still equally slow in the head.

>> No.11231107

you should read the bellcurve, it's a little dated but Hernstein was extremely rigorous in his methodology.

>> No.11231128

We have genomic prediction models that can estimate IQ range with modest accuracy?
IQ correlates more strongly to lifetime success than any other metric you care to mention, it exceeds parental SES.

>> No.11231129

you should read any of the hundreds of the bell curve rebuttals. they are very rigorous.

>> No.11231131


>> No.11231146

so it depends on the genes, but also on other genes and the environment, meaning it still depends on the genes.

>> No.11231147

>Arguing that there's no genetic component
I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing that zero evidence exists for a genetic component. These are very very different statements, especially if you're a scientist:
>it's possible there is a genetic component to the gap
>the gap is due to genetics
Watson claimed the latter

>> No.11231156

I've read everything. More than any race realist. I've read all of the sources listed in the propagandized infographics.

>> No.11231161

You really want to be on that mate? I've read a couple and found them lacking.
Though how far you can trust my unsupported opinion on a Hawaiian shirt sewing image board is anyone's guess...

>> No.11231165

>I'm arguing that zero evidence exists for a genetic component.
This seems like a blatant lie.

>> No.11231169
File: 26 KB, 226x471, actual_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's assume the BW gap in america is caused by genetics. Ok, fuck niggers, nobody cares.
But from a purely scientific perspective - Why is it then that the dumb retarded polnigger racists think every single IQ gap is caused by genetics when the Flynn effect exists and is accepted universally.

Pic related, nazi IQ corrected for flynn effect so they fit a modern population. That's 3 points per decade.

>> No.11231178

Everything depends on gene-environment interaction. If the environment changes, then observed variations can change completely. This is key to understanding heritability. Even if something is 100% heritable in a given environment, environment can be changed to change the variations.

Let me clear up what I'm referring to. There's obviously genetic components to intelligence. I'm talking about genetic factors contributing to the observed IQ gap. Just because the gap exists, and genes also happen to exist, doesn't mean the gap caused by genes.

>> No.11231185

I think you must have linked an incomplete list as there isn't anything even remotely related to intelligence or even Heritability of traits

>> No.11231191

Well the Flynn effect is mostly due better to diet, less disease and parasite loading and increased exposure to abstract reasoning tasks in daily life commonly tested as one component of an IQ test also known as a training effect

purer estimates of G show no such improvement.
Would you care to explain how any genomic estimates of IQ have the level of correlation to IQ scores that we observe?

>> No.11231200

>purer estimates of G show no such improvement.
Americans 50 years ago scored a standard deviation below what americans would score today on the SAME tests

>> No.11231204

Either there is a genetic component or there is not.
If you say that claiming there is one is unreasonable, that means you think it's more likely that there is none.
> I'm arguing that zero evidence exists
But that's wrong. The fact that IQ is mostly genetic and that controlling for wealth and familial background doesn't make the gap disappear is more than enough to point at a genetic component.
>Watson claimed
Can you quote him to me btw ?

>> No.11231205

>Would you care to explain how any genomic estimates of IQ have the level of correlation to IQ scores that we observe?
It's easy for genes to correlate purely from environmental factors.
>live under white supremacy
>shit environment if you're a darkie
>low IQ due to shit environment
>now darkie genes all correlate with low IQ
I'm not saying that explains everything, it's just an example.

>> No.11231209

brown hands typed this post

>> No.11231212

Have you looked at the words coming out of your mouth? you seem to be in denial of reality.

>> No.11231214

>The fact that IQ is mostly genetic
That's not important to explaining the gap. The gap could be caused by the small portion that is environmental. We've never completely controlled for environment, and nobody has ever claimed to.
>Can you quote him to me btw ?
The quote:
>And there’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites on I.Q. tests. I would say the difference is, it’s genetic.

>> No.11231219
File: 601 KB, 680x680, cost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holocaust didn't happen but it should happen again
>look at black IQ, ignore Asians, no soul
>climate change isn't real but it will kill niggers
>race is real look at these black skulls, ignore MENA skulls, skulls don't matter
>let's do eugenics, but kill 115 avg IQ Jews, it's all nepotism
>muh math and science, but forget Asian and Indians they cheat
>WE WUZ KAAANGZ N SHIEEET, but seriously egypt and persia were nordic
>confidently posts black albino, doesn't even google MENA albinos
>muh neanderthal DNA, forget asians have more of it
>muh Europe, but greeks aren't really white

You cannot, CANNOT argue with polfags, you can never pin them down.
It's hilarious, they use the exact same tactics, their perceived Jewish enemy uses.

>> No.11231223


>> No.11231226
File: 51 KB, 400x729, bg2548_table1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's easy to control that, because most genes are not exclusive to one population and just appear at different frequencies
So just
>check if the same genes in whites correlate with low IQ
>if yes stop blaming white supremacy
Did they do that ?

>> No.11231230

None of this seems relevant to the discussion on the relationship between genetics and intelligence and OP's ability to ignore reality.

>> No.11231234

>The gap could be caused by the small portion that is environmental.
Sure. It's just unlikely.

>> No.11231240
File: 64 KB, 546x430, gcse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of this is genetics
I suspect polfags will tell me immigrants from india are superior to their peers

>> No.11231250

You guys are worse than poltards in your denial of the relationship between genetics and behavioural traits like intelligence.

>> No.11231270

go back

>> No.11231272
File: 359 KB, 500x638, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11231274

Your omission implies you've only read the rebuttals and not the book itself...

>> No.11231280

avatarfagging is a bannable offence on many boards.

>> No.11231353


Yes its be proven scientifically and historically blacks are the lowest on intelligence and every other mesurable positive trait. Every culture thats encountered West Africans have described them in the same way cowardly,violent,myopic , stupid and physically weak.

As for the whole Africa has the most genetic diversity its very disingenuous and misleading on purpose. The study included all of Africans by regions not just West African bantus. They compared continent genetics to a countries genetics.

The other part is the methology used was inferior by only using Dominant alleles when there is entire subsets left out.

So its equivalent of trying to collect dirt only and using a shovel ending up with grass, twigs and bugs then looking at the dirt and only finding one type of dirt that is a representation of black genetics. Compared to use a trowel then sifting through it then going to a different region to collect other dirt that has different properties when inspected from color to texture and minerals that is non-black genetics.

This also why blacks have inferior immune systems, lower intelligence, less physical fitness and lower attractiveness blacks are working with less tools in their genetic pool.

American blacks are basically mixed dsygenic people, there introduction into sports is a small number of them in only a few sports and they benefited from European genetics which gave a few of them a chance to compete by muscle mass genetics from Europeans along with the constant affirmative action cuddling from society. The likely hood of passing on the European muscle mass is low from still lacking the subsets of the Dominant allels. With a higher chance of passing on genetic diseases carrying only a few European Dominant allels if they were to mix with a European.

Overall its disadvantegous genetically for non-blacks to mix with blacks and it has a small chance of benefitting blacks thats fleeting with in a generation.

>> No.11231358
File: 17 KB, 600x442, 448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligence is a behavioural trait

>> No.11231361

>So does James Watson's comments on intellect and Africa make sense scientifically
Strike one
>The guy discovered the double helix of the DNA
Strike two
>books recommandation
Strike three

You're >>>/OUT/, mister!

>> No.11231363
File: 378 KB, 552x543, eJwNyMsNwyAMANBdGACDMR9nG0QQiZQEBO6pyu7tO76v-sxLbeoQGWsD2M9V-tz1kj5zq7r13q6ax7l06TdkkVyOuz6yAA2nFKMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of typos and shit tier grammar makes this post high comedy, thank you

>> No.11231367

Ok that's interesting

>> No.11231379

OK so what causes women to have a different IQ curve compared to men as that's purely a genetic difference isn't it? and the difference is expressed only on one chromosome

>> No.11231383
File: 7 KB, 276x183, scholze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you did not was born a Nordic genius its over lol!

>> No.11231420
File: 585 KB, 549x769, 79922124_576033169898170_2583595511999102976_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11231448

Maybe they're all assholes.

>> No.11231619
File: 388 KB, 1066x8306, Black_Kindergarten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like how they NEVER mention WHY they are suspended.
A junior thug who beats their class mates, swears and cries continuously, who bites, completely incapable of sitting still for more than 12 seconds, unable to take turns, will not obey ANYONE.
80% of all teachers time is spent watching these 20% of the class people.

>> No.11231668

not that guy but
>yes it does
>you wish
amazing arguments dude lmao

>> No.11231675
File: 130 KB, 1058x1447, 157539290401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11231703

>get the motherfucking government off my back
Based anarcho-thugist mother. Fuck schools and FUCK white pipo.

>> No.11231708

Won't help you from having your entire race going excinct, ergo these genes, while useful on paper, are useless.

>> No.11231712

How big is your nose?

>> No.11231740
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>> No.11231805

And you're sure the genes listed for whites raise IQ and the ones for blacks lower IQ? Or maybe you just found any old gene you could find and make wild claims about them.

>> No.11232207

How small is your penis?
Posting antisemitic 4chan memes every day on 4channel won't exactly make the fate of a people with a certain nucleotide mutation sequence any less inevitable you impotent goytoy dunces. ;)

>> No.11232411

>when the mask falls off
WW3 is going to be so much more satisfying with people like you around.
Can't wait till israel gets nuked :^)

>> No.11232446

So do you always try to shut down people willing to learn ?

>> No.11232523

>israel gets nuked
I don't live in Israel so whatever gets your rocks off, big guy. ;:^^))

>> No.11232542

>when the mask falls off
Am I kawaii? Uguu. :;:^^^)))

>> No.11232625


>> No.11232630

Are you serious?

>> No.11232631
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>> No.11232649

Are you retarded? Try and read the whole thing, then come again.

>> No.11232858
File: 353 KB, 637x474, f283203036ba14c131fe9442edaa52dd-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11232865

>We have no evidence of it.

Persistent differences between ethnicities in both IQ and actual achievement is evidence. It may not be bulletproof evidence, but it is evidence nonetheless.

>> No.11232873
File: 135 KB, 789x885, 47F758CA-111D-439A-8A4B-6233EBC5D717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s prune Blindness to claim Otherwise, but the blaindness has a useful purpose.
It’s likely a good thing hardcore logic STEM autistics are not in charge of politics, they would usher in utilitarianism horrors beyond your comprehension.
It’s no different than saying pic related are all intellectually equal

>> No.11232920

Doesn't make sense how they would freak out so much over his personal opinion. Feels like religion to me.

I've asked someone who supported this, and they claimed "he was speaking irresponsibly about something he doesn't know about...." well that's the thing, it's his opinion. He's allowed to have these opinions, so long as he's not presenting them as scientific fact. There are scientists who express rather radical views about global warming which aren't supported by research either. That's their personal view.

I think what's going on here: humans evolved to be religious, in the absence of religion they just recreate it on different terms. So on the SJW left you have thought police, you have doctrines, you have moral certainty, you essentially have an Ecclesiarchy. Let the Nobel Laureate have his opinion for fuck's sake

>> No.11232923


>> No.11232933

No one in this thread said any of that, though. We stuck to this one argument that it's justified to expect the IQ gap to be genetic.

>> No.11232936

>115 avg IQ Jews
Thy has been debunked
>look at black IQ, ignore Asians,
This is fair. But remember Chinese numbers are inflated, becuase they only test the best schools/students, you have to look at Asian Americans,
>>muh neanderthal DNA, forget asians have more of it
Asians might actully be superior, but your point is a fallacy. ‘If some is good, more is better’. There might be a proper mix.
>muh math and science, but forget Asian and Indians they cheat
The cheating is well documented. But I dobealive China is surpassing us in science and the “they just copy” is a /pol/ cope.

>> No.11232943

>No one in this thread said any of that, though
Who said you did?
Who is we? Are you admitting that you're a crossboarding /pol/fag?

>> No.11232953

In science there is clear definition, it's like saying evolution is just a theory dummy.

>> No.11232971

>Who said you did?
The anon by posting that list implied that it was relevant.
Also one of the posts he linked was a reply to one of mine.

>Who is we
Me and the anons who defended Watson's opinion and who stand accused of being /pol/.

>> No.11232975

>So does James Watson's comments on intellect and Africa make sense scientifically or not ? The guy discovered the double helix of the DNA so this has to have some explanations...

He multilaterally tried passing off his opinion as fact. He'd get blown up for saying any other dumb shit.

>> No.11232983
File: 39 KB, 300x416, f342f28712eb4fae0b6ef1a3bb712f80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australoids were isolated from the rest of man for at least 70,000 years
>I'm supposed to believe that despite documented evidence of divergent evolution causing differing physiology such as eye size, lung capacity and predisposition to cancer, they have exactly the same intelligence as some nordfag

>> No.11232984

>It’s no different than saying pic related are all intellectually equal
Dog intelligence means how willing or compelled is a dog to acting out orders.
MANY dog breeds are very intelligent but aren't considered so because they are independent. You have to realise many dog breeds were intensely bred to serve humans at their every word. Domestication in general makes animals dumbers. You can have snakes th ta are 150IQ but if they refuse to partake in any tests or we fail to design tests around snakes we'll never know.

>> No.11232990

I don't think he would have been treated the same had he claimed that the IQ gap is NOT genetic.

His opposition arose because they thought his claim was dangerous, not because it was unsound.

>> No.11232991


>> No.11232993

Those lists don't mean anything. Especially since genes are way way more complicated then just mere SNP's. There's also the fact that if Africans or another different demographic were developed and Europeans weren't that list would be reversed.

Genes for many human traits come in many varieties so finding tall Dutch men and trying to find the exact genes that make them tall in Tall Dinka won't really work because they each have very different genetic and environmental factors

>> No.11232995

Nah anon he literally said shit about people then tried to use his reputation to make his opinion seem legitmate.

>> No.11232996

Australoids are further removed from Africans than coyotes are to wolves.

>> No.11233001

Nah teacher often call police on the slight chance any possible issue happen. American teachers just pass the buck to officers. There's also the really disturbing tenancy of teachers treating minorities unequally, they often ignore Asian students because they over-estimate them and with Black students they don't treat them like kids but adult.s that's how you get police being called down just because the teacher doesn't know how to deal with tantrums.

>> No.11233003

70k years is nothing in the scale of evolution

>> No.11233006

it's big enough

>> No.11233013

Most of them rely on feefees and "the datas isn't adhering 100% to my crazy high standards therefore the Bell Curve should be totally dismissed".
None of them have provided any material of equal or greater statistical weight than the BC.

>> No.11233021

No it's not. Especially since most Abo's have Europian ancestry.

>> No.11233022

>It says so, so it must be true!
The source says it correlates with educational attainment. That's not really saying anything....

>> No.11233023
File: 20 KB, 199x300, Wolf-Dog-199x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok retard

>> No.11233026

You can inherit your fathers money, or your grandfathers large plots of land, you also could be raised in an upper middle class home which is also a part of heritability since you inherit your parents status.

>> No.11233028

That's domestication anon. Completely different process.

>> No.11233030

Literal confirmation bias

>> No.11233036

Maybe for adding another bone or something, but not for making someone taller/shorter or the Marin cc a little bigger or faster

>> No.11233040

Based, this is painfully accurate

>> No.11233054

>missing the point totally
Evolution is not a slow continuous process but an explosive one.
A revolutionary trait can appear in a population and following that point drastically change the destiny of the species in a very short timeframe.

Once upon a time there was a wolf who was genetically so much more docile than the rest of its species (which was a competitor for the same ecological niche) it began to live symbiotically with humans.

The aboriginals would still be living like hunter gatherers today if noone found them and it would be unlikely to change for few more millenias.
The genetic trigger behind cognitive capacities potent enough to develop technogies enabling what we call civilization likely never happened.

>> No.11233059

Reminder that's the kind of trannies we are arguing with here:

>> No.11233062

Darkies try to immigrate by millions in white country every month because their homelands are complete shitholes and can't stand each others.
Imagine having such a cognitive dissonance.

The only white supremacy here is that whites build supremely better environment.

>> No.11233093

>The genetic trigger behind cognitive capacities potent enough to develop technogies enabling what we call civilization likely never happened.

That legit makes no sense.

>> No.11233098

The time it took dogs to even reach a take they could be even controlled and receptive to humans was long as fuck.

>> No.11233100

>you have to look at Asian Americans
they also do very well. Only ones that do poor are the ones form poor families.

>There might be a proper mix.
That's just Cope. You just don't want to admit Asians beat whites at something do you go "m-m-m-maybe it's a mix". Hell they have more other non- homosapian dna then neanderthal

>> No.11233101

It truly is a thinking mans drug

>> No.11233153
File: 541 KB, 3750x2813, Punctuated_Equilibrium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words are hard
Ok retard let me try it again for you: mutation = higher cognitive capacities = Neolithic technological boom = civilization

>The time it took dogs to even reach a take they could be even controlled and receptive to humans was long as fuck.
t. clueless who never heard about punctuated equilibrium, you're out of your depth, just stop posting.

>> No.11233154

Yet SES is still less statistically heritable than IQ

>> No.11233161

Anyone thats lived around blacks would notice how most of them are violent idiots, only people who live in whiteyvilles with barely any black dysfunctional population think blacks are fine.

>> No.11233163

Best way I've heard to describe punctuated evolution comes from the gaming world,
"The meta changed"
say one character type suddenly realises they can combine different attacks in a combo and obliterate the dominant playstyle.

>> No.11233175

Literally the opposite.

>> No.11233179

Oh so blacks are just upstanding decent people because of your experience with Steve Urkels in your Apartheid? Please, move to somewhere like Baltimore or Memphis before speaking about how blacks naturally behave in the US and thats like violent idiots btw.

>> No.11233187

Literally the worst and most neglected areas in history? Nah. I live in NYC though. My neighbors are black, my boss is black. They're good people. My neighborhood is about 30% black, and crime is low. Why would you suggest an area that's nearly 100% black? Obvious historical redlining was involved.

>> No.11233192

The same city where a black teenager gutted a white woman to death a few days ago. Also what neighborhood do you live in thats only 30% black?
>They're good people
No they are not, blacks are feral sociopaths who only care about gratifying their animal impulses in the moment they kill, rape and steal for the slightest reason and will crush anything that gets in the way of doing that as well. Baltimore was neglected? Wtf are you talking about? Baltimore was a beautiful city back in the 60s when its negro population was caged now its a hellhole because the blacks can roam allover the place.

>> No.11233209

>a black teenager gutted a white woman
Yep. In a city of 8.6 million. Crime is low in NYC, this is known. The vast majority of crime is black on black, in notoriously redlined neighborhoods (nearly 100% black), and are due to gang violence. Neighborhoods 30% black tend to be way better.

My neighborhood is small, not gonna doxx myself. Look at a neighborhood like Canarsie though. 81% black, low crime.

>> No.11233220

>Crime is low in NYC
>The vast majority of crime is black on black
Wow how shocking
>in notoriously redlined neighborhoods (nearly 100% black), and are due to gang violence.
>gang violence
Oh is this supposed to rationalize ridiculous black violent crime or something? Wheres the fucking white gang violence in America? There aint none so gang violence cant be used a handwave, its direct evidence something is mentally wrong with blacks that they mindlessly form savage bands that terrorize human life in places. As the black immigrants in Australia have this same mental dysfunction, the formation of violent criminal gangs that terrorize the human population of Melbourne more than operate like an actual criminal syndicate like a cartel for example.
>Neighborhoods 30% black tend to be way better.
So less blacks means less crime, thanks for agreeing with me idiot.

>> No.11233224

Ignored Canarsie. There's also southeast Queens. Rosedale, Laurelton, and Cambria Heights are all at least 80% black. All nice areas.

>> No.11233226

What do you mean by nice areas? There is a nonstop amount of black mugshots on google looking for criminal suspects in these areas.

>> No.11233231

>look up criminals
>get criminals
Shocking. Did I mention the area is 81% black? The crime there is pretty low.

>> No.11233234

>crime is low

Any shithole where black youths stab each other in school is a dangerous place. You are clearly an insane white liberal who cannot see how problematic black crime is.

>> No.11233236

Only in places where economic equality is very high and the only differences that really can distinguish people in that area is small variations in genetics.

>> No.11233237

>mutation = higher cognitive capacities

Hunter-gatherers actually have high cognitive capacities vs sedentary farming lifestyles.

>> No.11233238

1992? Seriously?

>> No.11233239

>a stabbing from 1992
Anon.... I think we're done here.

>> No.11233242


>> No.11233245


>> No.11233247


>> No.11233253

I'll save you the trouble:
>The precinct saw 5 murders, 19 rapes, 115 robberies, 267 felony assaults, 90 burglaries, 340 grand larcenies, and 449 grand larcenies auto in 2018.
Welcome to city living. This is considered decent crime rates for the population size and density. It's way better than Baltimore or Detroit.

>> No.11233260

Why the hell are you acting like that is fine? There are many areas in white dominated sections of our nation with monumentally lower crime stats than that. You can handwave this by claiming blacks being the majority makes this fine, no it makes it worse BECAUSE THERE ARE NO WHITE AREAS WITH CRIME ON PAR WITH BLACK AREAS ANYWHERE IN OUR COUNTRY BOTH NOW AND HISTORICALLY.

>> No.11233267

And those numbers in >>11233253 are pretty low. Especially since there's only 5 murders.

>> No.11233270

Like as a demographic Blacks are far form the level spergs like to doom and gloom about. More then average but that's typical for minorities in urban areas in any state with a history like theirs.

>> No.11233271

Murder is the least common violent black crime, its aggravated assault that is the most common crime they cause in any area.

>> No.11233273

Lol. Any similar white urban neighborhood that isn't super affluent will have the same crime rates as Canarsie. Look at Howard Beach, 77% white:
>In 2018, there were 6 murders, 16 rapes, 183 robberies, 246 felony assaults, 133 burglaries, 502 grand larcenies, and 97 grand larcenies auto recorded in the precinct.

Welcome to city living.

>> No.11233279

Oh FUCK. I legit thought Howard Beach was a similar size to Canarsie. I was completely wrong!
Canarsie population: 83,693
Howard Beach population: 26,148

Fuck, sorry!

>> No.11233283

This means nothing at all, Chicago is only 30% black but one of the most dangerous cities in the country.

>> No.11233286

Exactly. Because every place has its unique problems. If every urban area were like Canarsie, we would be doing great. 80% black doesn't matter, because simply having black people doesn't matter. It's other things.

>> No.11233289

There are no unique problems you idiot, the only problem is the brain of african people. Once again there is no white gang violence in this country.

>> No.11233290

By the way Howard Beach is a paltry 1.6% black and 1% Hispanic.

>> No.11233293

The only problem is you having literal breakdown when things don't fit your world view.

>Once again there is no white gang violence in this country.
Uhh biker gangs? Prison gangs? Mafia's?

>> No.11233294

>ignoring the fact theat the only reason crime in NY dropped in the past decadeswas is a no-tolerance policiy and the Mayor doing everything he could to crack down on crime
Either you are dishonest or just dumb cuck.

>> No.11233297

>Uh biker gangs?
Causing what shootings?
You cant be fucking serious right now
>crack down on crime
Yh like treating the psychos that killed that woman a few days ago like oppressed dindu nuffins rather than murderous predators.

>> No.11233300

Not anymore. Back when certain populations weren't white enough, we had Irish gangs, Italian gangs, Polish gangs, and Jewish gangs. And they were worse than the black gangs.

The Irish gang once waged war on the Polish gang while wearing blackface so that those two would fight each other and it worked. They were crazy fuckers.

>> No.11233301

>Yh like treating the psychos that killed that woman a few days ago like oppressed dindu nuffins rather than murderous predators.
Well its a dem shithole now so expect it to get worse.

>> No.11233303

>we had Irish gangs, Italian gangs, Polish gangs, and Jewish gangs
That still were not as violent as the black gangs. Most black violent crime is not even gang violence that just a smokescreen they use to handwave psychotic african behavior. Now most of the shootings are gang violence, but robberies, rape, aggravated assault, carjackings those are just random feral blacks. Black gangs are terrorist to any living thing around them you dont know shit you sheltered liberal cuck.

>> No.11233311

Democrats have nothing to do with black chaos in NYC, africans as I have said before are feral sociopaths they kill, rape and steal for the slighest reasons. Nothing you do will ever make blacks stop causing hellish violent crime wherever they exist enmass. Simply having a minority of blacks in a highschool puts non black children at risk of being stabbed, raped, or robbed on the campus. This leftist idiot cant think at all, there are no white schools nearly as dangerous as black public schools who have been the most dangerous areas to learn since the fucking 1960s .The usualy handwave is lack of funding yet simply hearing what the teachers say paints a different picture. The black children are wild animals who make noises, constantly threaten their teachers, and commit violent crime on the campus constantly. What could be the cause of blacks behaving like this? There is no other cause other than DNA because this same bullshit happens in West Indian public schools, Brazilian public schools and of course african black public schools too its their african brain that causes all of the issues associated with them, end of fucking story.

IQ test every black criminal and you will see the cause of black hypercriminality is genetic low intelligence not poverty it was never fucking poverty it was their prehistoric impulsive brains. They have always been hated by other races for their prehistoric impulsive behavior that leads to high violent crime in a human population, and until this brain is addressed nothing will ever change.

>> No.11233312

Not all black majority places are bad. Not all white majority places are good. Circumstances matter.

>> No.11233323

Almost all white majority places are utopias when it comes to violent crime compared to any black place. Whites are such a non violent race that shootings freak us out while for blacks that just Tuesday that shows how one race perceives criminal violence over the other. To make things worse there are no white poor areas as dangerous as black ones on this entire continent, dirt poor Appalachia is safer than modern developed high infrastructure Baltimore, Killadelphia, or New Orleans explain that fucking shit right now if poverty is supposed to cause ridiculous violent crime huh? Where is it? Where is the ridiculous white violent crime in poor areas in Europe? Why do you see a rise in violent crime in Europe after africans and arabs are imported into the country? You cant fucking think at all thats what. Where is the criminal white minority in non white nations? Why is there always a criminal black minority in non black nations?

>> No.11233328

>That still were not as violent as the black gangs.
Brah they were hardcore as fuck. Did a lot of crimes and fought a ton.

>> No.11233333

>There is no other cause other than DNA because this same bullshit happens in West Indian public schools
Poor public choos, middle class and rich ones are well off

>Brazilian public schools
Black popualtion in Brazil is small as fuck and most of the crime is down by Mixed folk. Blacks are less urban and live in less crime prone areas while still usually poor.

>african black public schools
Are extremely strict and teachers can beat kids use corporal punishments in many.

>> No.11233334

Can't tell if you're trolling or if you really are the most biased and delusional poster on /sci/. You'd probably believe in fairies if it suited your worldview

>> No.11233338

>Where is the criminal white minority in non white nations?

>> No.11233350

what are the nigerian mafia?

>> No.11233354

Nigerian's that are in crime are mostly just Nigerians working in Yakuza bars as bouncers or pressuring people to enter the establishment.

Nigerian mafia is more restricted because of earlier established groups.

>> No.11233361

The delusional one is you in denial of the inherent cognitive dysfunctions of African people.
And there the cuck goes again, rationalizing criminal african behavior rather than questioning why this breed of man cant seem to not be criminal in a non african lands.
Whites dont cause no violent crime in Japan try again.
>Poor public choos, middle class and rich ones are well off
What the fuck do you mean well off? Do you realize black public schools are the bulk of the black youth in America meaning how they perform tells us the actual genetic intelligence of the average black?
>Black popualtion in Brazil is small as fuck
More blacks in Brazil than in America.
>Blacks are less urban and live in less crime prone areas
>live in less crime prone areas
You are so fucking stupid my god
>Are extremely strict and teachers can beat kids use corporal punishments in many.
Yet have school stabbings, school gangrapes, and teachers being attacked by feral african youth.

>> No.11233364

>how they perform tells us the actual genetic intelligence of the average black
im not that guy but wew lad you are retarded

>> No.11233371

Im retarded? It is very simple if most black youth score in the F range then blacks are simply a dumb race. To make things worse there are no nigger countries with C- tier national average GPA, and not one black country has been in PISA top 10 or 20 either. Face the facts already they are a stupid race only a minority of them can even comprehend simple algebra.

>> No.11233384

>blacks are feral sociopaths who only care about gratifying their animal impulses in the moment they kill, rape and steal for the slightest reason and will crush anything that gets in the way of doing that as well.

I have to agree on that.

>> No.11233417

Ultimatively yes. No matter where on the planet, the more blacks the worse the living conditions.

>> No.11233420

>You are so fucking stupid my god
BR Blacks are mostly concentrated in the North East. The chronically under served part of Brazil?

>> No.11233423

>not one black country has been in PISA top 10 or 20 either.

Because they don't participate in it.

>> No.11233446

How about the white pedophiles in pretty much every small, poor, non-white country (SE asia, Indian ocean islands, etc.)

>> No.11233475

that's an issue and a worryingly high number of them are from a certain controversial ethnic subgroup.

>> No.11233480

But which is cause and which is effect?

Why not?

>> No.11233490


But thats nothing in terms of revolution

>> No.11233514

that's like saying the reason there aren't any great female chess players is because they don't participate

almost as if people tend to not be interested in things they have no aptitude for

>> No.11233515

>The guy discovered the double helix of the DNA so this has to have some explanations...
No, it doesn't necessarily. Holy shit, is this really a science board?

>> No.11233713

>white pedophiles in pretty much every small, poor, non-white country (SE asia, Indian ocean islands, etc.)
all memes you dumb cuckold

>> No.11233717
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Are you serious? There is plenty of evidence like this publication and many others:

And this one only treats haplogroups as a tracker of population groups so it's the tip of the iceberg!

>> No.11233721


>Scientific evidence doesn't mean anything because of magic unicorns

Dude please...

>> No.11233725


Domestication changes DNA, so it's a form of (directed) evolution.

>> No.11233932

Wait for real? what about epstein and all the jewish guys he was associated with?

>> No.11233942

though I guess paedophillic elites aren't exclusive to white groups.

>> No.11234094

wtf guys and I thought climate change was real?

>> No.11234634

I mean, pretty much.

>> No.11235320
File: 275 KB, 940x938, iq_hdi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's obviously a positive correlation between average IQ and wellbeing of the nation. pic related.

but IQ is not enough by itself. here are some examples where IQ doesn't explain the differences.

north korea / south korea
east germany / west germany
china / hong kong or taiwan

>> No.11235337

so high IQ + lack of socialism explains them

>> No.11235339

>lack of socialism
more generally, freedom

>> No.11235359

>He fell for the GCSEs meme.

>> No.11235360
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>> No.11235372

>watson is a loser.
That is why you cannot learn about biochemistry without hearing his name at least 100 times.

>> No.11235387

Show the generation numbers.

>> No.11236080

> IQ is linked to race
> Absolute truth
> Whites' smaller penis size and inability to please women in bed is linked to race
Seethe harder, whitebread.

>> No.11236084

we should breed high iq white women with big dick niggers to create master race.

>> No.11236144

Denying that niggers are retarded is all fun and games until they make up the majority of your population and you start to really feel their effect. I'll have a good laugh when Swedes and other cuck nations are minorities in their own countries, and their beloved social democracies start collapsing under nigger pressure.

>> No.11236156

Based James, triggering npcs left and right
>muh environment
>sociology is a science

>> No.11236163

Study biology, or anything, supernatural brain. Homologous does mean evolutionary sequence, analogous doesn’t.

>> No.11236245

>Another IQ thread

>> No.11236249

>and it's beautiful

>> No.11236255

or is there a positive correlation between welling of the nation and average IQ?

>> No.11236270

welling is not genetic, IQ is.

>> No.11236273

so you're claiming environmental factors have no effect on IQ?

>> No.11236359

>I'll have a good laugh when Swedes and other cuck nations are minorities in their own countries, and their beloved social democracies start collapsing under nigger pressure.

Literally impossible.

>> No.11236362

Because humans selected for that DNA. I an easilyget a random group of stray dogs in East Europe an d only using careful selection and criteria breed through several generations to obtain a dog that has the same body shape as a greyhound.

>> No.11236365

Post the ENTIRE study.

>> No.11236374

Post nose pic or GTFO

>> No.11236380
File: 74 KB, 684x397, obs_101115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/fags are disingenuous retards, meanwhile mit is 50% indian and 50% asian
it's always muh niggers x muh niggers y, muh abos

>> No.11236385

Are viking genes going to reassert themselves?

>> No.11236387
File: 9 KB, 510x265, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>african IQ is 60


Can any experts on genetics from /pol/ here explain what happens in pic related

>> No.11236391

Why can't retards save pictures of graphs with the title and axis labels?

>> No.11236394

>>race is real look at these black skulls, ignore MENA skulls, skulls don't matter
>>confidently posts black albino, doesn't even google MENA albinos

Ahh, the good old continuum fallacy. No proper race-denying argument is complete without it.
It's only missing a Lewontin.

>> No.11236395


>> No.11236406
File: 883 KB, 1692x4137, k_means.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's race denial to say arabs are white
It's not me saying it, it's literally every algorithm that clusters them with europe - it's a fact that the same ancestral populations gave rise to both

How about YOU tell me what the races are then

>> No.11236407

>>african IQ is 60
I don't know where yo have this number from but you're right, it's 70.

>> No.11236410

>It's not me saying it, it's literally every algorithm that clusters them with europe
Yes, every algorithm that doesn't use more than six clusters.

>> No.11236412
File: 56 KB, 496x530, literal_fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys are so retarded, this is why nobody in the actual scientific community takes you seriously

how about one of you experts that replied also explain the image i posted >>11236387 just to show you know a bit of genetics

>> No.11236414
File: 939 KB, 3741x3887, 1574189815708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna take many many more than 6 clusters to split them up properly. It can't really happen anyways since then you'd have Sardinians as a race. Just weird stuff start happening with more clusters.

Anyways how many races do you think exist? What's the /pol/ approved cluster number

>> No.11236415

Yeah bro, just keep insisting that African IQ is 80 that'll show us. After all, the higher African IQ is the harder racists will get pawned.

>> No.11236416

>it's gonna take many many more than 6 clusters to split them up properly.
What is "proper" splitting according to you? Because even at K=6 it can be seen that Europe is distinguishable from Middle East.

>> No.11236420

But an IQ of 80 does 'show you'
It just means half or more of your shit don't make sense.
In what world do Indians have a Lynn approved Iq of 82 while africans have an IQ of 80?

Many of those numbers in that lynn map just stop making sense, besides the point of the paper is to show lynn is a fraud, which he is. As much as it is to show the actual African average
Yeh and finland and russia is also distinguishable from europe due to trace Asian ancestry
Not to mention Sardinians

>> No.11236435

>In what world do Indians have a Lynn approved Iq of 82 while africans have an IQ of 80?
You are asking the wrong question. You should ask what sense does it make that American blacks (people with 25% european admixture) have an IQ of 85 while african blacks have 80, considering the fact that the former group lives in the first world country with higher living standards and income than any country in Africa.
Given such a great difference in their environments one would expect to be great difference in their IQ as well. Unless you would take genetic determinist position. That's the irony of all this. You are here claiming how high african IQ while not realizing you are shooting yourself in the foot with it.

>> No.11236438
File: 16 KB, 872x560, incomes-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah yes the indian IQ of 82 that based richard lynn proposed
>indians in the west - well it's just brahmin selection that's it guys haha
meanwhile even literal former low tier workers and slaves (strongly implies negative selection for intelligence) are catching up in south africa in the span of 30 years (1 generation)

>> No.11236446

who says africans are 60? I've only seen that for small populations like pygmies.
best estimates I've seen accounting for disease/parasite and nutrition levels and looking at american admixture put native sub saharan africans at around 80?

>> No.11236451

Well not all IQ group gaps are created equal.
I am quite sure the BW gap is genetic. However not all gaps are the same
The indian white gap (if it really exists) is 100% environment

>> No.11236452

>I am quite sure the BW gap is genetic.
>The indian white gap (if it really exists) is 100% environment
sure thing rajesh

>> No.11236455


Not him but your argument is poor. East Africans such as Ethopians have similar amounts of caucasian admixture as African Americans yet they have lower IQs. On top of that Nigerians have little if any caucasian admixture and have higher IQs than said East Africans.

When you talk about black Africans you need to remember you're talking about hundreds of millions of people divided in different regions. An average of 80 doesn't mean everyone has 80 IQ and just because you have outside admixture doesn't mean it will be a net gain.

>> No.11236456

>I am quite sure the BW gap is genetic
>The indian white gap (if it really exists) is 100% environment
This is very fascinating position to hold. Especially if you aren't Indian yourself. Please share with us how you came to this conclusion.

>> No.11236467

>East Africans such as Ethopians have similar amounts of caucasian admixture as African Americans
They don't though.

>> No.11236479

>Please share with us how you came to this conclusion.
Lmao ok, I will catalog the relevant posts and wipe your ass too
how about you look at these posts and put 2 and 2 together for once.
one more thing
>we haven't seen regression to the mean in Indian immigrants as predicted by race 'realist' experts.
It's a completely retarded prediction that (of course) never would have come about since a child does not regress to the mean of their race, but to the mean of their parents
Still it didn't come to pass

>> No.11236489

Afro americans have more north western european admixture.ethiopians would be MENA admixture surely?

>> No.11236493

How do you feel about the Aryan Invasion Hypothesis?

>> No.11236504


These charts don't prove that Indian-white IQ gap is environmental

You used this to claim that arabs are white for some reason, nothing to do with Indians

GCSEs are still a meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA0XGVjQtQM

>one more thing
>we haven't seen regression to the mean in Indian immigrants as predicted by race 'realist' experts.
Then it would be easy to post some evidence of that.

But the most important question, are you a pajeet?

>> No.11236535

Blacks have larger IQ capacity under ideal conditions. Europeans developed diminished brain power to save calories.

>> No.11236540

>These charts don't prove that Indian-white IQ gap is environmental
They do strongly indicate just that, especially the south african one, where it's the lowest caste represented.

On the regression to the mean, because it seems common to not understand what is meant here.
An IQ of any person is NOT a coin toss around a racial mean. Strictly speaking IQ is NOT racial in that way.

If a 100 IQ woman and a 100 IQ man had 100 kids, what would be the mean IQ of those 100 kids
It will simply be a 100. Because if IQ is genetic, it is inherited, from your parents. That is the whole idea behind selection and evolution and genetics in general

>> No.11236542

>But the most important question, are you a pajeet?
>the most important question
How is that the most important question? It just shows how you don't actually give a shit about the topic.
Let me tell, you if a random guy on /sci/ can btfo your shit into oblivion, and point out MASSIVE inconsistencies, contradictions and flat out errors in your entire belief system and 'science' you better be sure that actual academia, especially in America, that is filled to the brim with Indians and Asians, that can actually understand the image in >>11236387 will just destroy you. And maybe they already have destroyed you since you guys seem to be stuck writing blogs and making youtube videos.

>> No.11236547

>Let me tell, you if a random guy on /sci/ can btfo your shit into oblivion, and point out MASSIVE inconsistencies, contradictions and flat out errors in your entire belief system
You can start trying any time you want.

>> No.11236587
File: 55 KB, 1330x582, 1574104541374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well let me see

In this thread I have:
>shown ww2 nazis weren't actually high IQ
>shown arabs are the same race as europeans
>shown indian IQ is high
>shown lynn is a fraud
>shown sub saharan average IQ is 80
>explained why the 'they will regress to the mean argument' is a gross misunderstanding of evolution
>shown you guys have no qualifications to talk about genetics by posting >>11236387 and not getting an answer
>and generally exposed you as frauds

Your responses have been absent, sad, pathetic and predictable
As predicted in >>11231219

>> No.11236602

the son is expressing a possibly x linked recessive mutation

>> No.11236620

Not quite, but very close.
Why isn't the daughter ill too?

>> No.11236626

James Watson unironically has dementia, and /pol/acks use his delirious statements as evidence for why their racist bullshit is supposedly true.

Watson has shown up at conferences I've been to. He talks up random young scientists and says crazy bigoted shit and everyone then ignores him. It is tragically sad because he's clearly not right in the head anymore.

>> No.11236648
File: 40 KB, 698x770, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>shown ww2 nazis weren't actually high IQ
Just by looking at those "correction" the average IQ seems around 110 at least. That's the same as jews (and higher than pajeets)

>>shown arabs are the same race as europeans
*proclaimed that arabs are the same race as europeans

>>shown indian IQ is high
82 is high?

>>shown lynn is a fraud
Yes the filename says so but excluding studies with faulty methodology doesn't make you a fraud. Even if the results make brown people look bad.

>>shown sub saharan average IQ is 80
In a great victory for genetic determinists

>>explained why the 'they will regress to the mean argument' is a gross misunderstanding of evolution
No one says that IQ is a cointoss around your racial mean, that's no "misunderstanding " just strawman you made up.

Wew, so this is how it feels to get my shit btfo into oblivion?
This whole conversation with you reminds of that saying about playing a chess with pigeon.

>> No.11236665

You're just repeating yourself at this point as you guys always do.

I like how you ignored the part about the little genetics problem. Can you solve it or not? It's quite trivial and an expert like yourself should solve it.

>chess with pigeon
What's your chess elo, mine's 2000

>> No.11236679

>You're just repeating yourself at this point as you guys always do.
The only time I repeated myself was with the SS africa IQ. All the other points were made for the first time.

>I like how you ignored the part about the little genetics problem.
Yeah because I don't give a fuck. You can take it as a consolation prize. "at least those racists didn't solve my puzzle that means I basically won"

>> No.11236691

Why does the father only have one parenthesised number?

>> No.11236864

People like you is what gave academica it's current reputation of untrustworthy, cowardly cucks cruising on tenure and not rocking the boat.

>> No.11236892

reputation among who? the retards in your echo chamber? fundie christians and muzzies? electric universe schitzos?

>> No.11236893

The cowardly geneticists would give no comment. The ones with integrity would give my exact take.

>> No.11236898

Everyone in academia can at least spell well, double-digit IQ brainlet

>> No.11236904

Dumb SJW.

>> No.11236916

Oh no science says I'm an SJW. I don't like science anymore :(

>> No.11236950
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know more about the field of genetics and what genes do and don't do than the actual literal founder

>it is just a weird anomaly that somehow always repeats the same pattern when it comes to race and IQ


>> No.11236972


>> No.11236983

>I know more about the field of genetics and what genes do and don't do than the actual literal founder
appeal to authority, where his published work on the subject?

>it is just a weird anomaly that somehow always repeats the same pattern when it comes to race and IQ
perhaps you could provide a source for this which actually narrows it down to the single factor you're claiming.

>> No.11237008

Literal geneticists say he's wrong

>> No.11237016

It's worrying that some old guy can slap together two pieces of glass, put his eye to it, see something tiny and all of a sudden has the same scientific achievements as say Feynman.

how is biology even science goddamn

>> No.11237021

Science says you're a SJW. You don't like science.

>> No.11237028

>Hey /sci/ it's me your friendly neighbour
>Can we please discuss the science of HATING NIGGERS?
all fields

>> No.11237030

What will you do when science itself is a SJW?

>> No.11237045

SJW is an ideology. Science is a discovery mechanism. Thus, science says you're a SJW.

>> No.11237056
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People are emboldening them too much. Ever since Darwin, biologists feel like they can have a bigger say in the world stage to the point where they push their opinions on fields the have fuck all experience in like economics.

If Watson was a mathematician who actually dabbled in econ I'd be more willing to hear him out. But he's not and the idea that him and /pol/tards think economics is about IQ power level shit when really it's about appeasing the big boys while scheming under the table tactics "disguised" as legitimate trade deals is interesting.

I mean I'm real sure the reason why countries like North Korea can't be a first world nation is because they are low IQ smooth brains.

>> No.11237079

Science doesn't support racist claims unfortunately, so it's SJW

>> No.11237095

Science doesn’t support subjective terms like racist.
SJWs use this term.
SJWs are not scientific.
Simple modus tollens used to prove this a priori. QED

>> No.11237105

The reason people have a hard time accepting this is twofold:

1. People would surely try to use this information for evil, and certainly evil people are constantly trying to fool us all the time
2. Racism existed before any of this, so this is probably just racism disguised as science, hiding behind statistics.

>> No.11237109

You know what I meant
Racists claim X
Science says they're wrong
Thus science is a SJW

Everytime I appeal to science I get called a SJW. I wonder why.

>> No.11237132

You’ve yet to appeal to it.
Science says homosexuality is a mental illness. Meets all criteria for this. SJWs simply use social pressure to redefine this.
Gender was seen as an expression of sex. Again, this is distorted to confirm an ideological reality.
Race- same thing.
No one with a social justice outlook is scientific. Those types of normative values are anti science in and of themselves

>> No.11237140
File: 36 KB, 500x341, science_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad we finally made it to science denial. Thank you.

>> No.11237148


Why isn't the number one reason for people not accepting Watson's comment because he's a fucking geneticist trying to talk about economics?

For instance just because I do system engineering work doesn't mean my opinion on future agriculture planning in South America should hold any legitimate weight applied. Does winning a Nobel really afford people that much leeway where they can express opinions on matters with no first hand knowledge or experience?

>> No.11237152

but the racists have been claiming racial oppression and supremacy for decades the narrative harmful to the very people it claims to defend not to mention the monetary cost

>> No.11237153

Yes, as soon as you denied empirical reality you made it.

>> No.11237157

*racists like Sharpton and Jackson

>> No.11237161

I think if he can figure out the goddamn human genome he can figure out the LRAS and the Phillips Curve for fuck sake. Keynes couldn’t even do complex math and used absolutely none when developing his completely debunked ideas.

>> No.11237169

>you denied empirical reality
I guess science does too. Science is an SJW.

By the way, your "empirical reality" regarding racist claims doesn't exist.

>> No.11237173

By the way, it does. Show me the first world african nation? Oh, can’t? Good try though.
And no, science very firmly states everything I have listed. “Muh feels” is the only refutation.

>> No.11237192

>Show me the first world african nation? Oh, can’t? Good try though.
Science has spoken!

>> No.11237195

Didn't Keynes later come to reject his own ideas?

>> No.11237196

Actually can you name one? I'm kind of interested.

>> No.11237221

Before the 1950s there were zero Asian first world countries. Today there are maybe two? Asians looking pretty dumb by your criteria. Also, not all white countries are first world.

Also, is this how science works now?

>> No.11237740

Thing is we have seen every group when having access to good conditions and schooling generate skilled people. China has ton of people of different development and quality of Life that it's basically a continent within itself.

>> No.11237760

Except niggers, wherever they live

>> No.11237762

Yer we have niggers at all levels of society, in education, politics, fashion and more.

>> No.11237763

Sure thing, cuck.

>> No.11237764

No nigger has ever won a non meme nobel prize or a fields medal. Niggers are virtually absent from high IQ professions. But hey there's a nigger on TV in a fashion advertisement so I guess we're all equal :^)

>> No.11237765

I am sure this is because they are such a skilled group.

>> No.11237777

>No nigger has ever won a non meme nobel prize or a fields medal

You'd shift the goalposts if I did try listing Blacks. Either by bringing their ancestory into question or saying it doesn't count.

The Fields medal has an age restriction so many people who would get it don't. Nobel has a winner limit so if 10 people made a discovery s a group only 3 get listed. Not to mention what fields can get a Nobel or what gets it are narrow.

>> No.11237778

cope more

>> No.11237779

Yeah niggers are retarded

>> No.11237783

>if I posted people that aren't actually black
>if I subjected them to different standards than everyone else maybe...
>if we gave everyone a nobel prize
Wow anon...

>> No.11237816

>history never happened

>> No.11237911

History did happen, and history shows that while people north of the Sahara were building complex, advanced civilizations and cultures, the people south of the Sahara were squatting in their mudhuts eating lice from each other's hair.

>> No.11237915

Repeating your SJW propaganda doesn't make science.

SJW claim X
Science says you're wrong
Thus science is anti-SJW

>> No.11237921

How about a correlation of .96?

>> No.11237931

What does anything you said have to do with history, also you shouldn't blame black people for selling their own people for slavery or the jews for running the markets, that's just racist. Plus it happened to the Irish and they were able to bounce back fine.

>> No.11237936

>no scientific backing IQ is genetic
0/10 bait

>> No.11237952
File: 610 KB, 815x3993, race_IQ_sat_score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest strawmen in the world here.
>>holocaust didn't happen but it should happen again
No, the quote is "but I sure wish it did"
>>look at black IQ, ignore Asians, no soul
Asians have better reputations than darkies.
>>climate change isn't real but it will kill niggers
I never saw anyone say that. Only thing I saw closest to that was an ebola outbreak.
>>race is real look at these black skulls, ignore MENA skulls, skulls don't matter
What the fuck is a MENA skull? Also no, basic forensic anthropology disagrees with you.
>>let's do eugenics, but kill 115 avg IQ Jews, it's all nepotism
It is.
>>muh math and science, but forget Asian and Indians they cheat
>>WE WUZ KAAANGZ N SHIEEET, but seriously egypt and persia were nordic
Dafuq, no. They were more Roman looking, with darker skin to compensate for a hot sun. Doesn't mean they were nignogs.
>>confidently posts black albino, doesn't even google MENA albinos
WHAT THE FUCK IS MENA? Also I've seen black Albinos, most don't even actually look caucasian.
>>muh neanderthal DNA, forget asians have more of it
Huh? What are you implying?
>>muh Europe, but greeks aren't really white
Those are jewish divide and conquer shills. Yes, they go to /pol/ too. I bet you're one of them.
>You cannot, CANNOT argue with polfags, you can never pin them down.
Sometimes, it's because they're too dumb, sometimes its because you're the retard.

>> No.11237953

Also about the math and indians, India is fine, but China is known for lying. For everything. They're known as the jews of Asia.

>> No.11237970

0/10 reading comprehension

>> No.11237974

The Irish plotted to make everyone hate the blacks so much just so they could be considered white.

>> No.11238044

Nobel prize excludes s lot of fields. Geologists are excluded. If you invented something you won’t get it. If you are in agriculture you get nothing. Even if you made a strain of buckwheat that is the healthiest thing you can eat.

>> No.11238047

Because by reading history you can understand is why Louisiana doesnt generate as much notables as day New England.

>> No.11238056

Negroes are less intelligent they dont pass the mirror test up to about age of 6. Chimps and dogs do better.

>> No.11238077

you should lurk moar

>> No.11238096

Yes, but we don't want to be racist and get kicked out of academia.

>> No.11238117

Stop reading The Bell Curve /pol/

>> No.11238118

>since 3 of december
holy fuck I remember when this channel was small

>> No.11238124

They pass it. They see themselves but don’t react.

>> No.11238125

Anything shorter?

>> No.11238133

I don't know if /sci/ will find this helpful but if helpful but if you go to the video page click the three dots along the bottom right of the video beside save, and above subscribe, you can view a speech to text generated transcript.

which makes these diatribes a little easier to parse

>> No.11238140
File: 19 KB, 545x478, 9E25C056-9456-4512-A0CA-EFDC8D278460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11230953 (reddit emote)

>> No.11238174

He stole research so probably not a good source.

>> No.11238230

That is in fact what heritable means in this instance.

The consensus on the additive heredity of IQ is between about .5 and .6.

>> No.11238255

>in this instance
>when I need it to push my narrative

It's an established scientific concept (although badly named due to laymen interpretation of the word). Even with 100% heritability, a change in environment can completely change outcomes. Wrap your head around that.

>> No.11238392

Persia literally was European

t. Someone who actually studies and models population genetics and evolution

>> No.11238724
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 180E17C4-D90D-4134-92F2-D5C719660FDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is more genetic variation between africans and other africans than with africans and whiteys.

How much of a brainlet do you have to be to think this fact is actually relevant?

>> No.11238727

And where are they? Not in this post, it would seem.

>> No.11238731


>> No.11238742
File: 46 KB, 653x476, 00D4E0F6-64E6-4D69-AD0E-4200DEFC5274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally you

>> No.11238773
File: 191 KB, 106x106, 17A818BC-3EBD-44D7-B01D-D127211A8865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a people that needs to be told to not lie in the middle of the road is just as smart as a people responsible for a majority of the world’s electronics brands.


>> No.11238781
File: 35 KB, 377x600, 18123A4B-DF0E-4EDD-8065-1936D9ECCECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re right when you say Abos cannot be domesticated. Too bad the Australian government doesn’t understand this.

>> No.11238788

People do this all the time, just look at Bill Nye. He's a mechanical engineer that talks as if he's an expert in every field of science.

>> No.11239180

Shouldn't the correction increase their IQs?

>> No.11239246

No but taking off 3 points for every decade is retarded. That would make Einstein have a mediocre iq somewhere in the 130-140 range.

>> No.11239296

But I thought g isn't changing along with the scores, so it should have been more difficult to get higher scores in the past.

>> No.11239802
File: 262 KB, 1876x594, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
