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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 66 KB, 540x540, rollercoaster_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11231620 No.11231620 [Reply] [Original]

old >>11217677

>> No.11231664

If I was an astronaut I would demand that I get to ride the rollercoaster even in the case of non-emergency abort.

>> No.11231878

I don't know why but I really love the Ares I. Maybe it's the design or just the odd nature of it. IMO its a damn shame Ares I/Liberty never flew.

>> No.11232333

What kind of space motion or orbital control related book would /sfg/ recommend?

>> No.11232588
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They're picking out logos and insignia now

>> No.11232662

I like that one. Sauce?

>> No.11232675

if you were an astronaut, you'd have to ride it so much you'd get sick of it.
I like it too, because it's true to what the space force would be doing. Just looking at satellite traffic.

>> No.11232684

It's not open to the public

>> No.11232686


>> No.11232701
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Reminder to /sfg/ that Apollo 16 logged the most individual mission free-flight LM time (they had to fly formation for several hours and wait for a hack about alignment), while Gene Cernan logged the most individual LM flight time-the only person to fly the LM twice.

>> No.11232898

have drunken gopniks hammered a sensor the wrong way into the rocket again?

>> No.11232905

It’s just a software issue in the upper-stage apparently and this is the Euro-Soyuz, so no gopniks...

>> No.11233288

So who do we blame this time? Greeks? Belgians? Who?

>> No.11233307
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kek. Just try to unsee.

>> No.11233310
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It's time to implement the final solution. Failure is not an option.

>> No.11233533

The Airforce is going to get real salty about this, it's only a matter of time until the space force takes over everything they do over the karman line.

>> No.11233534
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which space force logo is the best

>> No.11233537

*ahem* don't you mean the McDowell line?

>> No.11233538

If they go with bottom middle they better change the branch name to starfleet.

>> No.11233544

They all kinda look like they're trying too hard to be serious. But if I had to pick it's the one on the bottom-most right with the top-most left one being a close second.

>> No.11233546

bottom right. star trek inspired logo for a military branch is very cringeworthy.

>> No.11233553

top left and bottom right corners, the rest are dumb

>> No.11233567

Nah, it should be my arbitrarily defined high at which a 0 inclination, 0 eccentricity 1 cubic meter cube will deorbit in a year.

>> No.11233571

>The Airforce is going to get real salty about this
They already were. Then two things happened: (1) Trump starting firing a bunch of top AF officials, and (2) Congress backed the AF, cucking the SF from the start. So while they started out hating the SF, the AF is currently cool with it.

>> No.11233578

>spacex launch
>space force
december is starting to pick up? i cant wait for cheops too. exoplanet science is based.

>> No.11233588

The big one I'm hoping makes it in this year is the max-Q Dragon abort. I want to see what happens to the Falcon when the front falls off.

>> No.11233602

>max-Q Dragon abort
no earlier than Jan. 4, 2020. Sorry anon.

>> No.11233603

Max-Q test is currently scheduled for 2020-01-04.

>> No.11233616

Bottom right > top left > bottom left > bottom middle > top right > middle right
They're all alright. All have the same feel as the Air Force logo, which is also meh. As long as there's a more formal insignia too I don't care.

>> No.11233661


The two main events for December are still to come: Boeing Starliner OFT and CZ-5 Y3

>> No.11233662

>the nato star trek logo is apparently the most popular choice
is the af full of plebs?

>> No.11233667

>CZ-5 Y3
Oh yeah that's important for China. They can't make progress on their space station or Moon operations without Long March 5 rocket.

>> No.11233670

According to my dad who was in the navy, yes. They're full of wussies.

>> No.11233673

At least Trump gets the Trekkie vote and the USSF won’t be short for recruits, with all the sci-fi fans queuing up to join...

>> No.11233675

What’s a wuss to a poofter?

>> No.11233696
File: 41 KB, 975x648, On-This-Day-Space-shuttle-Enterprise-debuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking blatant Starfleet logo.
There will be a real spaceship Enterprise within our lifetime lads, it's finally habbenin. Not an orbiter, not a shuttle, a real fucking spaceship.

>> No.11233724


"You are wrong. Shut the fuck up", he said.

>> No.11233728
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This works better:

>> No.11233769

Interesting...the OFT Starliner capsule will be reused for the second crewed mission/first certified mission.

>> No.11233773

i'm liking the re-use trend, but will it save NASA money?

>> No.11233806

NASA will continue to use Soyuz even though they have Starliner/Dragon 2, right? And cosmonauts will ride on the new American spacecraft, right?

>> No.11233810

The pricing behind commercial crew is very complicated, to the point that nobody but NASA itself really knows what their paying. But having a 4.5 month turnaround per reuse will be good for availability.

This is correct

>> No.11233815

>The Senate just passed the FY2020 NDAA by a vote of 86-8.
>Next (and last) stop: the President's desk.
when does Trump sign Space Force into law?

>> No.11233821

>This is correct
i thought so, i just havent seen many people bring it up

>> No.11233876

I thought NASA said that they will stop buying seats on Soyuz after CCDev goes live.
Soyuz MS-17 will be full Russian.

>> No.11233910

Giving russians access to latest SpaceX and Boeing technologies sounds like terrible idea.

>> No.11233934

I think giving them access to the latest Boeing technologies is a great idea, it'll set them back ten years at least.

>> No.11233976

I’m not really seeing how allowing the Russians to ride on American spacecraft is equivalent to a technology transfer or IP theft...

>> No.11233991

Surely Russia could buy seats for cosmonauts anyways considering these are private companies offering taxi services?

>> No.11233995
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Just imagine the blow to national pride when Comrade Cosmoski has to ride on Crew Dragon and sees how shiny and spacious it is compared to a Soyuz spam can.

>> No.11234000
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>> No.11234053
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>> No.11234058

Why not, since we have a rocket being built unironically called a star ship.

>> No.11234061

They are all Trek inspired.

>> No.11234170

what's the weight of the cube?
what's the solar activity level?

>> No.11234231

>star trek logo
>starship enterprise
>tfw we are in a trek universe
i wish we got halo instead

>> No.11234240

>Living in a universe where America is gone or at least wholly irrelevant
I don't think so, friend.

>> No.11234243
File: 980 KB, 720x720, HR_8799_Orbiting_Exoplanets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do I have to wait unil we get more like gif related? Any upcoming telescopes focusing on this? I don't care about shitty renderings of the Trappist system or whatever, I want ACTUAL FOOTAGE GIMME FOOTAGE NOW

>> No.11234246

what the fuck is this

>> No.11234268 [DELETED] 

Why? a russia-us alignment is better than the current situation. Won't happen though since Israel owns America and won't let go.

>> No.11234276

Timelapse of exoplanets orbiting the star HR8799. One of the rare examples of directly imaged exoplanets (most people don't even know that we've directly imaged exoplanets). I want more direct imaging because it's way cooler than the transit method.

>> No.11234289
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what are some good space albums

>> No.11234340

Lel you are mid collapse mate, take a look around.

>> No.11234348

Transit method sucks dwarf cock. It only picks up 1% of planets, so TESS is going to leave the general public with the impression that planets are rare
>wow we scanned every star out to like 300 light years and only 1% of them have planets? That's stupid, why are we wasting money on this

>> No.11234350

>Look at HDI increasing in almost every country we are doomed!!!!

Doomsayers are mentally ill misanthropes living a fantasy

>> No.11234355
File: 22 KB, 235x225, 1351642550650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw apparently america's been in mid-collapse for 20 years and is gonna break apart any day now
As a European this mentality has gotten pretty old

>> No.11234359


Lul you are fucking retarded

>Massive currency printing and huge inflation year on year, under reporting it grossly
>Political factions beating the shit out of each other on the street, both parties fucked and retarded, totally irreconcilable
>Endless wars only kept going to prop up military industrial complex
>Population getting dumber by the year
>Mass immigration overloading existing infrastructure, nothing being built to compensate

>> No.11234363

America at the very least 30-40 years worth of trundling along until she breaks down and even then I'm sure by then she'll find some way to recuperate

>> No.11234367

HDI is just another form of propaganda. Who determines it? How was this methodology decided upon? Who owns the corporation that publishes it? By the HDI measure apparently Adelaide is the best city in the world to live in and I can confirm that's definitely not the fucking case.

>> No.11234370

You do realise that empires take a while to break down? A century is not long.

>> No.11234373

The Soviet Union broke apart in 7 years

>> No.11234379

That was the final end. They'd really been breaking down since the war. That was a particularly fast case anyway, I was thinking of Rome or Ottoman Empire. Or HRE.

>> No.11234380

we cant let the US fail. it's the only hope we have for space colonization.

>> No.11234389

>Massive currency printing and huge inflation year on year, under reporting it grossly

This is a lie. Current inflation is unremarkable historically even within the last ten years.

Germany has a lower inflation rate and France is about the same, so you’re either lying, ignorant, or are talking about some less significant countries than the US, France, and Germany. Which ones would those be?

>Political factions beating the shit out of each other on the street

???? Where ???? On what scale?

> both parties fucked and retarded, totally irreconcilable

Can’t be proven. Just a value judgement.

>Endless wars only kept going to prop up military industrial complex

Conspiracy theory presented without evidence, and how are constant *VERY LOW INTENSITY* wars any real threat that could cause the US to collapse?

>Population getting dumber by the year

Prove it.

>Mass immigration overloading existing infrastructure, nothing being built to compensate

Prove it. I know of multiple apartment blocks being constructed in my city as well as other structures.

>> No.11234390

>the US expands into the Solar System
>becomes the British empire of Sol
>the collapse
>US becomes the next stagnant empire
>it's Jovian colony becomes the America of space

>> No.11234394

>That was a particularly fast case anyway,
But one that still remains as the only slightly relatable example of a gigantic world power breaking down. You can't apply the classical theory of empire devolution to our modernized globalized world

>> No.11234396

>HDI is just another form of propaganda

Prove it.

> Who determines it?


> How was this methodology decided upon?

Researchers decided upon it to measure human development by combining various factors into one metric.

> Who owns the corporation that publishes it?

No one, fucktard. HDI reports are from the UN.

> By the HDI measure apparently Adelaide is the best city in the world to live in and I can confirm that's definitely not the fucking case.

Worthless personal anecdote.

>> No.11234400

HDI focuses almost completely on cost of living, which contains inherent assumptions that the available ways of life are good and that only the cost matters.

>> No.11234408

>HDI focuses almost completely on cost of living

HDI is lifespan, education, and GNI.

>> No.11234414

From wiki:
>The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. A country scores a higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the gross national income GNI (PPP) per capita is higher. It was developed by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and was further used to measure a country's development by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)'s Human Development Report Office
Developed by Mahbub ul Haq, you say. Well let's have a look at Mahbub!
>Haq advocated capitalism as the economic base of the national economy and helped guide the government to apply free-market principles to boost the economy
Standard neo-lib point of view, no surprises there
Now the UNDP
>UNDP supports national democratic transitions by providing policy advice and technical support, improving institutional and individual capacity within countries, educating populations about and advocating for democratic reforms, promoting negotiation and dialogue, and sharing successful experiences from other countries and locations.
The UNDP is a vehicle for promoting neoliberal consensus throughout the world.

>> No.11234418

Sounds like “neoliberalism” makes the world a better place.

>> No.11234419
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>this entire thread
the HDI is not spaceflight

>> No.11234424

How do we improve the HDI on the moon?

>> No.11234425

put some humans on it first

>> No.11234449

>Consumer price index

Lmao imagine using this as an actual argument against inflation, an index where the massively increasing cost of necessities is balanced out by the decreasing cost of cheap electronic junk.

>> No.11234458

>World War 3 erupts
>No one outside Earth's sphere cares because it's just another terran conflict
>The war goes solar from the invasion of the United Martian Capitalist Republics, a bloody attack
>United States of Jovia stays neutral due to anti-war sentiments
>Isolationist turned nationalist Imperial Ceres pulls off a surprise attack at Spaceport Achilles to cripple the Jovian Navy and to scare off Jovia
>All it does is pisses off the USJ
>The UMCR finally returns to the offensive after a brave defense at Elongrad by sending massive waves of mass-produced battlebots
>The two team up to beat down any hostile elements on Earth
>The USJ ends the war by detonating the first anti-matter bombs on the cities Junina and Niman at Ceres
>Somewhere a well aged historian, his life unnaturally prolonged by the miracle of cybernetics, is having a mental breakdown as his asshole colleague's hypothesis of cyclical history was proven true

>> No.11234478

Starliner launch thread will be up at t-24hr. It’s been a while since the DM-1 launch, good to see more commercial crew progress from the other side! then in flight abort for spacex NET the 4th or something

>> No.11234512

>Lmao imagine using this as an actual argument against inflation

The current inflation rate in the US is not historically remarkable and is actually significantly lower than it has been in the last ten years, so what are you babbling about?

>> No.11234539

But does that historian have the recognizance to tell their great-great-grand-nephew about the potential investment opportunities this discovery uncovers?
>I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Foldtronics.

>> No.11234560

Wow you didn't even read my post and aren't even aware of what the cpi is which is in the fucking link you provided.lmao.

>> No.11234586
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has /sfg/ ever done any space related hobby projects? we have that one anon who is making their own rocket. i've been thinking of putting my programming skills to use, but idk what to work on.

>> No.11234593

Just off the top of my head, you could try and figure out a gravity tractor algorithm.
It all scales, and you could use any figures accounting for engine thrust effects based on commercial data.

>> No.11234604

I'm that anon who had his rocket engine project grind to a halt due to poor welds. Other than that, I've been working on a code to model of a small engine that's almost entirely cooled by film cooling. I've also done some small design-work here and there from gyro-jets to monster rockets. Just wish I could move on from designing stuff to actually making some of it.

>> No.11234610
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I'm more interested in by a group of Jovian soldiers going AWOL to rob a bank of highly valuable phosphorus on the moon behind enemy lines.

>> No.11234611

Are you aware of Inconel FDM filament?
I don't know if just any printer could extrude it, but once printed you just put it through a furnace based on their recipe.

>> No.11234616

There's no reason one can't recommend both. Short-term and long-term gains should all be acted upon.

>> No.11234619

>tfw live in the back-arse of nowhere where no-one cares about spaceflight
I met a guy at a party a couple weeks ago who was wearing a NASA branded jacket but when I tried ask him a basic question about spaceflight he had no idea what I was talking about

>> No.11234635
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>Are you aware of Inconel FDM filament?
I was not, but it looks fairly expensive. I'm somewhat limited in cash and I don't want to spend too much on a part that I might end up breaking during testing.

>I don't know if just any printer could extrude it, but once printed you just put it through a furnace based on their recipe.
You mean like make a cast copy of it?

>> No.11234655

It's expensive, but knowing about options isn't a bad thing. For one, they don't require you to have one of their printers to buy their filaments. If you hacked together something that could hold up and deal with the abrasion of the inconel grains, you could use it.

>> No.11234659

>You mean like make a cast copy of it?
No, their inconel filament is such that you take a print and put it directly into a furnace. Process it at the temps and times they say, and out pops a sintered inconel part.

>> No.11234665

Fair enough. I've been apprehensive to 3D printing for a small hobby, but at least I wouldn't have to worry about welds I guess. Thanks.

That makes more sense. Thank you.

>> No.11234666

>late Dec 2019 to Jul 1, 2021 - the Space Force must be established within this time frame
>Feb 1 - spending plan required
>Feb 1 - organizational structure and funding requirements report must be submitted
>Apr 1 - a force management plan must be submitted
>Jul 1 - plan to ensure quality of Space Force personnel (career path, pay and other compensation, training)
>Jul 1 - report on how US Space Command will effectively integrate with the NRO and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency for space operations
Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg spaceports will be operated by the Space Force (currently operated by AF Space Command). Get ready for Space Force Station Cape Canaveral.


>> No.11234760

Don't expect anything exciting from this, it will just be a rearrangement of existing space assets and maybe a few more launch contracts for spy sats and some other stuff.

>> No.11234767

What was the question you asked him?

>> No.11234802

>Oh hey NASA do you keep up with spaceflight?
>Yeah a little bit
>What do you think about SpaceX recently?
>I don't really know man
Something to that effect. We were all very drunk

>> No.11234821

Kek. Spacelets will never learn.

>> No.11234825


>> No.11234874

Make Airplanes Grit Again

>> No.11234897


>check back on comment hours later, expecting some idiotic response
>get a cogent suggestion for improvement instead

I value your response anon.

>> No.11234907

Space flight is a violation of Newton's laws of motion.

Newton's laws of motion work in a closed system, not the open, infinite vacuum of space.

>> No.11234917

I'm kinda amazed by how few people who aren't fans of spaceflight who don't know about SpaceX considering how public they are.

>> No.11235007

While I want every flight to succeed part of me wants the schadenfreude that would come from Starliner cato'ing days after 737 Max is dropped.

>> No.11235026

Me too senpai, fuck Boeing.

>> No.11235051

Actually that guy sounds exactly like a NASA employee.

>> No.11235177
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>> No.11235199
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27 minutes

>> No.11235212


>> No.11235238


>> No.11235430

Judging by my enormous kerbal experience this should flip.

>> No.11235436

Just make the rocket too big to flip lol

>> No.11235454
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>> No.11235466

This is hard. Top left, middle bottom, and bottom right are my picks and between those I like top left and bottom middle best.

>> No.11235577


Not sure but godspeed

>> No.11235582

With high enough gimbal limits it'll work but steering losses will be higher.

>> No.11235608


> apartment blocks

Certainly not the be-all end-all of infrastructure development. How many new schools and hospitals are being constructed to adjust to this new population? Are the roads big enough? Is there enough public transportation? Will these new tenants have meaningful jobs available within the metropolitan area?

>> No.11235669
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>> No.11235716
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>> No.11235731 [DELETED] 
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>cheops launched
>nobody said anything

>> No.11235768

Interesting...Boeing are currently only planning on building 3 Starliner capsules, each capsule will be reused 10 times and ISS crew rotations only require 2 commercial crew launches per year (1 Starliner, 1 Crew Dragon). The capsule for OFT will be reused for the second crewed flight, the capsules have a 4.5 month turnaround between reuses.

>> No.11235786

How bad a problem are micrometeors actually? Isn't anything we send up there going to get shredded?

>> No.11235787

>ISS crew rotations only require 2 commercial crew launches per year (1 Starliner, 1 Crew Dragon)
how many baseduzes? we need to up the amount of people in LEO.

>> No.11235795

space debris is one of the biggest concerns in spaceflight, especially with the number of satellites expected to grow by 20 times the current amount within the next 10 years. things aren't going to get shredded but it's still a problem (e.g. ISS has alot of wear on it because of debris). thankfully there are billions of dollars being spent trying to manage the issue.

>> No.11235808

wow, this is the first launch I've ever seen where they actually do the completely flat kerbal-style trajectory
they still don't have their thrust/weight up high enough on that second stage to avoid cosine losses on the upper stage burn, but jeez, look at that aggressive pitch-over

>> No.11235819

KSP does reactive stability to control, and is super slow about it so that it works for nearly all vehicles
ULA can tune their stability control to be much more aggressive for this specific launch vehicle and thus keep it oriented better without letting it tip over far enough.

>> No.11235841

Is it a 4 or a 5 if it doesn't have a fairing? And it's using the dual engine centaur, right?

>> No.11235842

I'm thinking about deeper space, like going to Mars, or setting up a colony on the Moon

>> No.11235849

oh probably not, should be good

>> No.11235859

It’s an Atlas N22, N for no fairing, 2 SRBs, 2 RL-10s on the Centaur.

>> No.11235860

thanks for the info, didn't know the N designation was a thing

>> No.11235872

It wasn’t a thing until this launch, it’s unique. The N22 even uses a different RL-10 variant for it’s Centaur, it uses 2 smaller RL-10A-4-2s whilst other Atlas 5 variants use a single, larger RL-10C-1.

>> No.11235881

weren't A-4-2s planned for every dual engine centaur stage, most notably as 552 configuration? It never flew before but the option has been floating around for years if I remember correctly

>> No.11235901

A-4-2s have flown before, just never on an Atlas 5. They were used to power the Atlas 3’s Centaur upper-stage. But your right about them being planned for the potential 552 configuration, but I doubt that’ll ever get used because of Vulcan’s imminent arrival.

>> No.11235903
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>nasa funding commercial companies wanting to send stuff to the moon
>air force announced that they are doing the same
what would /sfg/ create to get funding? i was thinking of a commercial navigation augmentation system but that's too much for me to handle on my own.

>> No.11235925
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spider rover
just with thinner and longer legs

>> No.11235932

Is anything being done with nuclear thermal rockets???

>> No.11235943

There's a big pit in the middle of a desert somewhere labelled "nuclear thermal propulsion" and Congress has recently resumed throwing money into it, yes. It's not going to lead to anything however.

>> No.11235953

Rovers are expensive. The funding won't be enough. You could probably get a small payload on a rover though. It's about $2 million dollars per kg for a payload on a rover.

>> No.11235971

>It's not going to lead to anything however.

How do you know? They’ve already been demonstrated to be excellent choices for carrying manned craft through space.

>> No.11235973

it won't lead to anything, wait until SpaceX have established a Mars colony and poached all the nuclear techs they need to nuke mars

>> No.11235978 [DELETED] 

Why is NASA hiding the flat earth truth?

>> No.11235992

Looks like the mods are trying to stir up controversy again.

>> No.11236001

Report and ignore.

>> No.11236072

they've moved the planned fireworks display (also known as the in-flight abort test) to January 11th

>> No.11236075


>> No.11236095
File: 2.48 MB, 4056x3040, EMFnpytU8AASe2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Lab's building a new pad at their New Zealand site

>> No.11236102

Looks neat. So is that three pads for Rocket Lab?

>> No.11236140

crane broke at Boca Chica wew

>> No.11236159

the crane didn't break, the rigging that they hung under the crane broke

>> No.11236164
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>starship blew up
>florida site forced to close
>crane broke in texas

>> No.11236177


>> No.11236185

you can make shitloads of money repeating what you read from a wiki article, but if you make something original, it's stolen before you can say "wh..."

>> No.11236199
File: 102 KB, 1440x956, Cheops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheops successfully put into orbit.


>Russian rocket successfully orbits European space telescope and four satellites

>> No.11236301

What so special about it? It rather tiny.

>> No.11236343

>.@NASA & @SpaceX are now targeting no earlier than Jan. 11, 2020 for an In-Flight Abort Test of the #CrewDragon spacecraft from Launch Complex 39A at @NASAKennedy.
>dragon delayed again
oh no no no

>> No.11236370

I think it has weapons applications, imagine being able to disable satellites and even space stations, and then just go on to the next one.

>> No.11236436
File: 1.93 MB, 3840x2560, EMAkuCpUEAEUlO9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen. O'Shaughnessy, CDR @NORADCommand & @USNorthernCmd, visited @SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA, Dec. 16. He toured facilities, watched a satellite launch and met with SpaceX leaders, including @ElonMusk, about our #HomelandDefense mission & possible future #partnerships with industry.

>> No.11236519

Buy some launches from SpaceX cunt

>> No.11236530

I don’t think NORAD has it’s own space assets, they do objects/debris monitoring and ballistic missile detection but use the USAF’s satellites.

>> No.11236552

Bottom center and bottom right are the best. I want bottom center the most though just because it'd be kinda crazy if Starfleet ever actually became a real thing.

>> No.11236562

So are we ever going to de-orbit satellites and shit? What about the ISS? Are we ever going to just blow all that shit up with lasers if it's ever too much of a problem?

>> No.11236569

not any time soon because nobody trusts anyone else to have those kinds of lasers.

>> No.11236582

If we de-orbit the ISS, we can just recycle, and retool some components of it for Lunar Gateway and/or Deep Space Missions right? I want them to try out that centrifugal force module the Japanese were building.

>> No.11236595

No the ISS is fully fucked and way past its sell by date, gas that piece of shit and gas gateway pork project delta v tollbooth too.

>> No.11236606

idk but the gateway is going to have it's own separate modules. japan is building a hab module jointly with the europeans, but im not aware of it having any artificial gravity experiment.

i think the moon base will become the next major research station after the iss. the gateway really isn't suited for that, plus the iss will probably eventually be deorbited or commercialized, so there needs to be a replacement. the thing is that the moon base will be alot bigger than the iss ever could've been, so there will be a bunch of research that can be done there. the only downside is that the moon is a gravity well, so we can't conduct microgravity or artificial gravity research there.

>> No.11236622

>No more microg experiments

Good, useless cunts have done enough Nickelodeon slime and flowers in space experiments for a fucking lifetime.

>> No.11236628

But we've only found out that roses grown in mirco-g in LEO smell the same as ones grown on Earth. What about grown in mirco-g in the sort-of-lunar-orbit-but-not-really-because-of-Obama? Or why not tulips, sunflowers, or daisies? Think of the possibilities! Think of the funding we can siphon! Actually doing anything of use is hard because space is hard.

>> No.11236663
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>> No.11236666
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>> No.11236670

Satan quads confirm RUD

>> No.11236673

>the only downside is that the moon is a gravity well, so we can't conduct microgravity or artificial gravity research there.
Lunar base is going to be awesome but it really is a shame how we're not pumping money into researching this shit. This could be pretty damn big for long-term space travel.

>> No.11236677

rip bob davis

>> No.11236729

I think the Gateway program showed how NASA can get projects done in the face of Congress continually changing their funding for NASA. The Gateway got a bunch of countries, politicians, and commercial interests behind it, which makes it unkillable. NASA could do something similar for other projects, including artificial gravity research.

>> No.11236804

Why don't we do more direct imaging?

>> No.11236813

>I think the Gateway program showed how NASA can get projects done in the face of Congress continually changing their funding for NASA. The Gateway got a bunch of countries, politicians, and commercial interests behind it, which makes it unkillable
Man, it's going to be awhile before we have actual Lunar bases and land on Mars but that's pretty freaking dope at least.

>NASA could do something similar for other projects, including artificial gravity research.
Who do we need to whine to to make this happen?

>> No.11236865
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>> No.11237125

I got it. Host a remote server on the Moon. It's simple and easier than other ideas. Sure there's 6 second round trip lag but that's hardly an issue. The real problem is keeping the hardware powered.

>> No.11237160

>For all your child porn and mass shooting video needs

>> No.11237165

>The real problem is keeping the hardware powered.
Polar location, which will be in perpetual sunlight. Have a circular ribbon of solar panels so the server doesn't have to worry about rotating panels perfectly.

>> No.11237199

hoping starliner launch gets delayed a day

>> No.11237211

>what is China?
don't you remember where the slang in Firefly came from?

>> No.11237214

China is going to take 50 years to get to where we are now.

>> No.11237336

fuck it I'll make the OFT thread in the morning, I'm too tired right now

>> No.11237596

Bottom center, and change the name to Starfleet

>> No.11237606
File: 25 KB, 300x300, Starfleet_command_emblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Every space agency wants to LARP as the proto- Federation of Planets' starfleet.

>> No.11237823

Make it tomorrow afternoon

>> No.11237826

I mean this afternoon

>> No.11237872

Are the real launches still going to use that retarded skirt or are they going to make a proper adapter for it?

>> No.11237873


That is unironically a good thing. Mythology informs aspiration. Watch Galaxy Quest sometime. Spoiler: the aliens were literally inspired to improve their situation and undertake spaceflight after intercepting transmissions of the titular Star Trek clone show.

>> No.11237874

Unless this one blows up and they blame it on the skirt, it won't change. If it does blow up and they blame it on the skirt, they won't have a launch vehicle, because Starliner as it exists now is already too heavy to be launched by an Atlas rocket at all and is deposited into a suborbital trajectory even after second stage burnout, and must be circularized by the spacecraft.

>> No.11237878

Jesus Christ. Imagine being the poor fuckers that have to ride in this thing when Boeing can't even make an airplane that flies properly.

>> No.11237883

the centaur is pathetically underpowered, even after they literally doubled up on the engines

>> No.11237893

IMAO you fucking autist, you can buy those jackets at your local shopping centre

>> No.11237903
File: 126 KB, 634x862, 4934592-6262465-Staying_close_The_25_year_old_songstress_and_the_SNL_star_24_are-a-50_1539215855049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he was commenting on the fact that normies who know nothing about spaceflight wear NASA branded clothing.

>> No.11238048
File: 2.07 MB, 2008x3000, 4B695443-A5B7-432A-8535-BB0164E5C93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are the real launches still going to use that retarded skirt or are they going to make a proper adapter for it?

You do no that “retarded skirt” is there for a reason, right? Starliner was originally designed with a “proper adaptor” (pic-related), but they redesigned it to include the aeroskirt because the aerodynamic shock attachment was asymmetrical and too high up Centaur leading to damage, the skirt alleviates this problem.

Looks kinda exciting desu and if your orbital manoeuvring thrusters fail you get an express trip to southern Australia.

>> No.11238055

>thirty minutes to southern australia from the space coast
truly a fate worse than death

>> No.11238062

Depends if you like sun, sea, barbecues and dangerous animals or not. You’ll find all these things in both Florida and Australia, so the astronauts will feel right at home...

>> No.11238065

no, they were shipped into Florida, they thought they'd be escaping on a column of fire but it only sent them to a place even worse

>> No.11238164

launch thread y'all

>> No.11238222

lol more rigging snapped in Boca

>> No.11238247
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>> No.11238252

Is the stainless steel just cutting through it? It looks like the strap shredded. That's rough.

>> No.11238269

This guy went from some youtuber to one of the biggest forces in space journalism. What are you doing with your life, /sfg/?

>> No.11238276

>What are you doing with your life, /sfg/?

Not being an estronaut everyday?

>> No.11238278

damn, he must suck a good dick

>> No.11238279

>What are you doing with your life, /sfg/?
Finding a job.

>> No.11238280

studying for a master's in mechanical engineering

>> No.11238303
File: 95 KB, 571x381, 1572097943760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese launch in about 12 hours, then the starliner launch a few hours later

elon is about to fly down there and beat the shit out of a bunch of mexicans

working, trying to start my own space business so i can help colonize space

>> No.11238327
File: 1.11 MB, 4096x2547, 1546558544187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will canada do something other than make robotic arms?

>> No.11238330

>Q-Impact of big cut to LEO cmrclztn in FY2020 budget? [Only got $15 M, not $150 M].
>Bridenstine: ISS can't last forever. Don't want gap. Need to create demand so ppl want to build cmrcl space stations [plural]. Private companies need to invest and NASA to be tenant customer.
SLS got a bunch of extra money while commercialization got cut to almost nothing? someone save us from this rock.

>> No.11238335
File: 2.93 MB, 1024x1820, canadarm_mecha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They should move on to robotic legs, and then attaching them to a robotic body with robotic arms.

>> No.11238339

This shit makes me feel better because I know if I'm ever too much of a brainlet to actually work in the space industry, at least I can write some good fiction that'll inspire people to go out into space and/or improve our space travel technology.

>> No.11238342

The Queen gave a speech earlier with some stuff about UK space
>increasing investment in ESA
>establish a cabinet-level National Space Council
>create a UK Space Strategy
>hopes to achieve a £40bn per year space economy by 2030

I suppose that it's better than nothing...

>> No.11238349

that chart makes no fucking sense

>> No.11238378
File: 466 KB, 1024x1024, everyday_astronaut_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true he's on SapceX's payroll?

>> No.11238380

How is it possible that America can't put a dude in space in 2019 almost 2020?

>> No.11238382

blame Congress

>> No.11238389

This. NASA was right, space is hard. Doing anything in space with that mess of an assembly messing with your every move would be incredibly challenging.

>> No.11238391

Also, blame NASA for not having an alternative prepared when the Space Shuttle was retired and blame SpaceX + Boeing for delay-inducing accidents. Everybody gets a slice of the blame here, no one party is exclusively at fault...

>> No.11238397

>NASA for not having an alternative prepared when the Space Shuttle was retired
They did, twice. Both got canned. One was because the project was started by a party that was different from the party that the president of the time belonged to and ended it to deny his opposition credit (despite the fact that no one in spaceflight cares about which party started what). The other was so badly managed it wouldn't have accomplished much anyways.

>> No.11238399

>my own space business
what are you working on anon?

>> No.11238404
File: 273 KB, 1932x1200, ELSgJn9U4AE4SRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still time

>> No.11238406
File: 250 KB, 1125x1288, F1FADCE8-51C6-41E9-A18F-9D55C648D45A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! That would be a groundless conspiracy theory!

>> No.11238407

>working, trying to start my own space business so i can help colonize space
I've thought about starting an asteroid mining company in preparation of that shit so I can become rich and help propagate and proliferate space colonization but then I don't know jack shit about actual mining not to mention I wouldn't have nearly enough funds to actually support such a project.

None of this is incorrect but we have multiple dudes in space right now so I don't get the initial question.

Also what were the two plans that got cancelled? One of them was Constellation, right?

>> No.11238409

My guess is, we don't have the technology for it yet.

>> No.11238413

>Also what were the two plans that got cancelled? One of them was Constellation, right?
Yes, and the other was the X-33.

>> No.11238418

but those were both horrible shitshows

>> No.11238431

Will these even be viable for the foreseeable future?

>> No.11238433

Also what was so bad about Constellation?

>> No.11238435

Ares I would never have worked
Ares V would have taken a similar or longer timetable to SLS

>> No.11238436

Oh, cool. So we didn't completely fuck up.

>> No.11238440

Is there any polling data about the public's sentiment towards space flight? I'm trying to correlate large space events of the 2000s to potential bumps in interest.

>> No.11238444

Elon likes to use rabid fanboys for promotion. Recall the time that him and the Wait But Why blogger were jerking each other off, with the blogger even appearing on a SpaceX webcast, before he eventually dropped off the earth.
The fact that people other than Elon are talking to Dodd though shows that either others have caught on to this strategy, or he's legit.

>> No.11238446

no, we completely fucked up, because commercial crew is happening in 2020 instead of 2017

>> No.11238473

>difference of 3 years
That's not so bad

>> No.11238531

I mean if SLS flies in 2021, it’ll have been delayed no more than commercial crew (3 years from it’s original projected launch date in 2018).

>> No.11238589



>> No.11238590

Nothing, just playing around with ideas, though nothing is sticking yet. I kind of like the server on the Moon idea though since I could add it as one of the servers that hosts my website. I could see that generating enough buzz and money for my site that I'd be willing to put money towards it, especially if the server is a part of a project that leads towards a Moonbase. I could see it being popular with lots of space focused websites too.

>> No.11238594

yeah but how are you going to deal with the 2700 ms ping time?

>> No.11238616

The current servers already run the site, so it's fine as is, but if I wanted to add a Moon server I could integrate it in different ways. Examples might be cold storage and backups, preloading content, or even a novelty version of the site such as moon.website.tld that is served mostly or directly from the Moon.

>> No.11238702

I think having a server that's pretty much untouchable would be a perk that's so good that the lag would be bearable.

>> No.11238728

Just a onions fanboy.

>> No.11239090

>>increasing investment in ESA

>> No.11239103
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>> No.11239268


>> No.11239533

never. our contribution to gateway is canadarm v3. at the very least we're building a launch facility in nova scotia but by the time it's built elon will be launching dozens of rockets weekly to anywhere for a tenth the cost

>> No.11239543

we have some contribution on large telescope arrays

>> No.11239549

there's also some contribution for the new mars rover, not sure to what degree however

>> No.11239666
File: 23 KB, 216x300, discussmegaroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could have lead the space industry by building ontop of successful Megaroc and Black Arrow designs
>now trying to take charge again with Skylon but even that looks to become outdated by the time of commercial launches
Just fuck my innovation up senpai...

>> No.11239683
File: 223 KB, 871x872, F_for_Black_Arrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible for GB to restart their rocket program? I know that Black Arrow is pretty much impossible to resurrect at this point, so a new design would be needed.

>> No.11239716
File: 251 KB, 768x995, orbex prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the only things space related being built are the Orbex Prime and Skylon.

Surprised the ESA didnt pay off the government to murder them like they did to black arrow though.

>> No.11239739

Looking interesting. The upper stage tank design is very interesting. I wonder if it can compete against Rocket Lab's Electron.

>> No.11239743

the co-axial tank-in-tank design for subcooled propane is the hottest shit, but I'm wondering how they'll do it

>> No.11239748

SpaceX just had their latest Starlink orbital configuration approved: this means they can split their constellation into more planes. This means it comes online quicker.

>> No.11239817

reminder that launch thread for Starliner is up. t-6hr

>> No.11239845
File: 12 KB, 252x318, talas3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Mars colonisation begin on-schedule, /sg/?

>> No.11239855

Whats wrong with that

>> No.11239867

no, Mars colonisation did not begin in the 1980s

>> No.11239991

I get paid for doing space related projects. Why would I do it as a hobby too?

>> No.11240098

theres no nee,d you can see the amount of money he makes by watching one live feed, people donate about 1000 dollars per minute... for about 1-2 hours, thats like 100 thousand dollars for an hour of doing NOTHING. His lowest paying patreon is 20 dollars. He has like 1000 patreons

and those are incomes he gets for FREe for do ing nothign

>> No.11240228

I really don't like the estronaut but I have to admit it was a pretty good interview with Peter Beck, guy seems like a cool dude too. Next rocketlab launch confirmed to have camera feed all the way down too so that's cool. Hopefully they progress to something bigger than Electron too but I guess we'll see, their reusability is going to be sick to watch regardless.

>> No.11240420

Next Starlink launch is ~Dec 30, then sometime in Jan, then late Jan. They're looking for 2 starlink launches per month in 2020.

>> No.11240896




>> No.11240903

Tesla sabotage

>> No.11240904

probably forgot to fuel it

>> No.11240912

rip ULA. this was one of the worst ones they could have fucked up too

>> No.11240921

ULA aced it, the problem was Boeing's capsule fucking up

>> No.11240937

Oh, my bad. That's even funnier

>> No.11240939
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found this on gay furry twitter

>> No.11241021
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>> No.11241024
File: 61 KB, 800x450, tom_cruise_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Most Powerful (American) Rocket
>Ignoring that it hasn't been fully assembled yet much less flying
>Ignoring the Falcon Heavy
>Ignoring that it's Boeing

>> No.11241039
File: 646 KB, 1366x2048, 9F9FE550-0EDE-43CA-9160-964821932057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the steampunk-ish aesthetic Atlas has to it

>> No.11241053
File: 100 KB, 1024x683, 6109E994-9EB9-4AA9-81DF-2A53EAC2A382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11241058

Falcon Heavy carries less weight than SLS. Try again muskrat.

>> No.11241066

Can we not have another argument about the SLS pls?

>> No.11241069

Except that FH is currently flying and has proven itself. The SLS hasn't.

>> No.11241073

How can the American taxpayer stomach financing an orbit full of Boeing's death rattles. Congress needs to wake up and realize the future is on a parfait-stained barge in the Atlantic.

>> No.11241080

Sure. I leave by pointing out the Core stage and EUS is made by Boeing, who today just demonstrated how much of a fuckup they are.

>> No.11241100

"Can't hear you over my $400k campaign contributions" - Congress

>> No.11241105
File: 72 KB, 620x740, 1518528166474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We are SOOO SORRRY about this. But because of Cost Plus funding, this just means you will buy another one and give us more money.

Defund NASA
Breakup ULA
Let Boeing die from this and "MAX 8 seconds flight time"

The future is stainless.

>> No.11241112
File: 138 KB, 1200x675, 1541281660965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full on star trek
It's like a dream come true.

>> No.11241169
File: 344 KB, 500x405, 1457689567597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It appears the capsule burnt too much fuel as it fired its engines, leaving an insufficient supply to complete its planned mission.
>Starliner will now come back to Earth.
>A landing is expected at New Mexico's White Sands testing range in about 48 hours.
>The Administrator then suggested that had astronauts been in the capsule, they could have fixed the fault and re-directed the craft to the space station.


>> No.11241173

Just wait until inevitably someone dies.

>> No.11241175

It's just like Shuttle...
>It worked on a cold day before, nothing to see here, launch along!

>> No.11241200


We star trek now

>> No.11241246
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>> No.11241256

>Surprised the ESA didnt pay off the government to murder them like they did to black arrow though.
Wut? ESA didn't exist in 1971. Most likely it was US "defence"/space contractors that corrupted UK officials using US govt.

>> No.11241257
File: 176 KB, 1200x793, 1556007757044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump will sign the Space Force bill into law tonight
>7:30PM EST (00:30 UTC), Andrews Air Force Base

Official stream

>> No.11241263

What's going on here

>> No.11241269

Based. MAGA!

>> No.11241285
File: 269 KB, 1280x975, 1528899485662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best star trek theme and was is it voyager's?

>> No.11241346

Nukes in space. Sure, feel safer already.

>> No.11241348

>what is MAD

>> No.11241350

Safety is worthless if you dont have liberty. You're free to move out to China if you wish to experience your dream right now.

>> No.11241352

not a new idea

>> No.11241360


>> No.11241410

i cant believe drompf is the first president to ever consider nukes in space. impeach 45

>> No.11241520

>Safety is worthless if you dont have liberty.
And you think you have liberty? XD
Thankfully since I'm an EU citizen I don't have to chose between two shits.

>> No.11241529

yeah, you get neither

>> No.11241540

My safety isn't reduced by everyday shootings, my liberty isn't limited to choosing between two corporate shills. What was your point?

>> No.11241576

No instead your safety is reduced by religious terrorists massacring people at holiday events and you are governed in the large part by wholly unaccountable and unelected beauracrats.

>> No.11241578

>Coming back from work
>Oh look, Boeing failed their test mission
>How unexpected
I kid you not, Boeing is gonna charge NASA that extra test mission.

>> No.11241582


Leave /sci/ and never return.

>> No.11241584
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>The Administrator then suggested that had astronauts been in the capsule, they could have fixed the fault and re-directed the craft to the space station
>Hold on bro just lemme top up the hydrazine tanks real quick

>> No.11241595

>completely misunderstands what the failure was

>> No.11241662


, 1975

>> No.11241837
File: 160 KB, 1107x927, 01990D67-213C-4E14-BD8A-07CFA3726DA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Starliner is doing fine post-anomaly. Also, there’s going to be another NASA/Boeing press conference tomorrow, where they’ll probably disclose the route cause of the issue etc.

>> No.11241884
File: 3.49 MB, 1776x2629, 8A39394B-8CA2-4BAB-B59E-B05A336AE31B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of construction progress at LC-36 recently

>> No.11241885

>Just woke up and heard the news



>> No.11241892

Not quite but pretty close.

>> No.11241903

Jeff Who is really going nuts on the ground over there, huh

>> No.11241921

They did not do the needful.

>> No.11241999

that has so many appropriate connotations

>> No.11242011

That’s why we use it

>> No.11242024
File: 149 KB, 960x1280, D9426E95-9132-4124-BFDD-2589FF55DCE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what you're gonna do now:

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'

>> No.11242059

it absolutely perfectly describes him

>> No.11242062

You think there aren't nukes in space? You think they haven't been there since the late 80s?

>> No.11242067

>Coaxial tank.
Hmmm, could you do this with LOX/Methane and LOX/Kerosine rockets?

>> No.11242083

Boiling point of Oxygen: -183°C
Freezing point of Kerosene: -73°C
Freezing point of Methane: -182°C
Freezing point of Propane: -188°C
of course, these can all differ by a bit by pressure

>> No.11242131
File: 231 KB, 1080x1440, DA1ADC1F-AC98-4490-B65D-AC85E2C9B51F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice photo of CZ-5 Y3 rolling out to the pad:

>> No.11242137

Rolling for dead dirt farmers

>> No.11242169

Sorry to ruin your dreams but the CZ-5 launches from Hainan Island over the ocean, so no crushed farmers.

>> No.11242263
File: 381 KB, 1000x1190, black-arrow-1971-launch-woomera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have been more specific. The French and European space groups like the ESRO that became the ESA 4 years later wanting to support the more expensive Ariane rockets with the help of NASA who made fake promises of free rides on their Delta rockets.

>> No.11242266
File: 3.36 MB, 5896x3849, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11242273

on a serious note what are they testing here exactly.
>no result
>error mismatch

>> No.11242275

by the will of Steins;gate
bananas are green

>> No.11242287
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>> No.11242301

>tfw got denied from the af for asthma last year
god damn it bros i just want to stare at a monitor who cares if i need an inhaler

>> No.11242314

For the time being, the Space Force isn't hiring.
They're shifting everyone from the Air Force space command over. But uniforms, ranks, etc. stay the same.
While the Space Force officially exists, they have an 18 month plan to truly make it come into its own.

>> No.11242326

New Mark Handley vid

>> No.11242333

I recommend a white steyr aug as the space force service weapon

>> No.11242347
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What about side arm?

>> No.11242349

based as usual

>> No.11242357

mark 23, but white frame
and titanium cased .45 super wadcutters

>> No.11242369

Why would you ever carry a sidearm with such a heavy, low energy round into space where mass is at a premium and a combination of density and speed are the most vital traits for rounds used in space warfare.

>> No.11242375

ok fine

>> No.11242380

>NASA who made fake promises of free rides on their Delta rockets
Anyone know why NASA backed out of that?

>> No.11242385
File: 3.65 MB, 5064x3884, DSC_5100 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexicans needed a refresher on how to read a vernier caliper
Shamefur dispray

>> No.11242387

I think it was actually scouts that were offered, not deltas but yeah it all seemed very suspicious how the deal ended once the black arrow test and construction sites were broken up.

>> No.11242397

You know. I had this small conspiracy theory bouncing around in the back of my head that the US was intentionally tying down every other national space agency they can influence. With the motivation to reduce the chances of one nation "upstaging" the US and thus start another space race that the US does not want to spend money on (Apollo was incredibly expensive for no real physical gain other than some technology). A source of suspicion for this (not really evidence) would be the ISS. A politically mandatory international cooperation that doesn't actually achieve anything noteworthy, but ties up enough work to prevent the others from aiming higher. This could be why NASA acted weirdly about the Scout rockets deal, and why China's latest progress towards the moon is getting so much attention from the US government.

Am I on to something?

>> No.11242401

malice blah blah incompetence blah blah
t. that one guy

>> No.11242406

Fair enough, I'll put away my foil.

>> No.11242416

I absolutely think you're correct on some level, but organizations aren't monolithic thinking beings, they're composed of thousands of shitheads and it's impossible to ascribe thought to a pile of ants.

>> No.11242419

context behind these images?

>> No.11242423

starship rings at Boca Chica, being welded by a robot. they're not uniform in size (diameter) it turns out

>> No.11242425

latest iteration of SpaceX Trashcan Mk 3 test rings

>> No.11242427

I didn't really think that, I felt that it would be more like a general unspoken policy among higher ups. Then again it could just be me rationalizing all of the could-have-been moments in spaceflight history.

>> No.11242430

yeah, cool shit got shafted

>> No.11242440
File: 541 KB, 2048x1539, kinoshuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11242442

there was also the quite explicit policy that space launch capability was equivalent to intercontinental ballistic missile tech and as such anybody who attempted to possess either must be dismantled

>> No.11242457

If only the US hadn't been antsy about a military space branch, the Shuttle wouldn't have been fucking ruined.

>> No.11242463

TBF, in a post-CMC Cold War its perfectly understandable to be wary of starting another arms race.

>> No.11242470

Perhaps the failure then was not letting NASA iterate beyond keeping onboard control systems up-to-date.

>> No.11242499


>> No.11242585

>t. that one guy
What guy?

>> No.11242849
File: 129 KB, 800x488, BA0E1471-6850-4E91-A921-BCB8708B6B87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some great, albeit cheesy footage of the Y3 being assembled:



>> No.11242869

Can't even admit to your coworker that you forgot how to read verniers without some nerd on the internet snapping a photo from half a mile away and humiliating you.

>> No.11243049


New starlink analysis.

>> No.11243180

Some guy from Boeing on NSF L2 is saying the issue with the MET, which caused Starliner to not fire it’s thrusters on time, was caused by a single line of code and is very simple to fix.

Just goes to show how the tiniest errors can snowball to a ridiculous level when it comes to spaceflight. I honestly feel sorry for the Boeing engineers...