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11232190 No.11232190 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11232192

Why are there so many threads about porn the last couple days
Who fucking cares

>> No.11232199


>> No.11232201

Winter break

>> No.11232206

I never understood people who want to ban porn.
If you do not want to see it then do not look at it.

>> No.11232208

Ice fag invasion.
basically this.

>> No.11232286

apply for gore and cp please

>> No.11232621

if one ever made a strawman argument ever, this would be the best example of one

>> No.11232671

Holidays + /pol/ = plague

>> No.11232678

Porn predates on teenagers who are neurologically too retarded to understand what they get into.
The real solution would be parents knowing how to actually implement and use a filter but that's utopia.

>> No.11232705

The real solution should have been to ban porn, I know it's extreme but porn has no benefit for the society and it hurts so many women and men.

>> No.11232709

the solution is both
p*rn can be hindered legally and reduced in prominence but parents still need to be raising their kids to not be cumbrained to the best of their abilities

>> No.11232837

I never understood people who want to ban slavery and murder.
If you don't like it just ignore it. Let other people be maaaan.

>> No.11232840

Except that porn doesn't harm anyone as opposed to those two.

>> No.11232847
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>Except that porn doesn't harm anyone

>> No.11232850


>> No.11232866

Liberal media has gone full sex conservative.

>> No.11232887
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>person watches porn
>doesn't study as much as he should
>becomes slightly worse at his job
>hurts all of a society
Excuse me? Just because the harm is not direct doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Now, I'm still not for banning porn, but that "as long as it does no harm!" argument is dumb, and I'm tired of seeing it.

>> No.11232998

>using the word "facts"
The correct term is, "correlations."

>> No.11233004

I enjoy how it makes commies seethe in the comments to hear their degeneracy is literally lobotomizing them.

>> No.11233005

>"why do you care about the state of society you will live in for the next 50 years?"
Are you retarded?

>> No.11233061
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I don't know whether I'm right or wrong.
Let's make an abbreviation for that - IDKWIROW.

IDKWIROW, here is an example that came to my mind.

- Cars are bad for the ecology, let's ban vehicles!

- Knifes are harmful, let's ban all the metals!
- But there are knifes that are not made from metal.
- Ok, let's ban all the materials!

>> No.11234045

we should ban cars desu
the porn problem will take care of itself if we make it fun to go outside again

>> No.11234088

I'm a commie and I want to kill pornographers.

>> No.11234090

Don’t watch porn if you don’t want to watch porn. No one cares god damn

>> No.11234132
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driving is fun though

>> No.11234314

>if you don't like x don't do x
holy shit someone write that down, this is big

>> No.11234318

I care about my child growing up in a shitty society where everything is overly sexualized and feminized to neurotic degrees

>> No.11234322

you could apply that logic to movies, teevee, vidya, rollerskating, and basically any entertainment or hobby

>> No.11234328

t.smoothbrained coomer

>> No.11234332

youre right, thats why some paeople are against TV, vidya, hobbies etc that are bad for society. What I don't get is you are somehow just now realizing this?

>> No.11234602
File: 139 KB, 887x887, 14701156_342127096134267_5414097226282565632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what used to make 4chan great. Normalfags would take in the catalog of /b/ and then be so shocked by the images and weird UI that they would just leave.

>> No.11234615

Can you comprehend the concept of keeping an inefficiency to gain real and meaningful benefits in another aspect? You can keep wasteful spending in the form of a sports team to bring people together or relieve general malaise.

Not everything is a straightforward calculation as to it's benefit/con ratio

>> No.11234620

>>"why do you care about the state of society you will live in for the next 50 years?"
You can fix that by finding a rope and learning some knots

>> No.11234640

i like anime girls who study hard

>> No.11234641

I assume you are a complete ancap then?

>> No.11234642

I don't necessarily agree with him, but this is unnecessary

>> No.11234652

Fact: porn usage would be greatly reduced if there was no hypergamy in society

>> No.11235342

have sex, incel