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File: 615 KB, 1082x581, SAFIRE - tungsten vaporized with 182.4W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11230323 No.11230323 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious as to why the scientific community is ignoring the possibility that the universe is governed by electromagnetic forces even though there has been experimental proof proving the case:
>The SAFIRE Project - 2017 - 2018 / www.safireproject.com

>> No.11230343

There is no evidence. All the "evidence" is just cargo cult idiots going "this picture looks like this other picture!". Come back when you have quantitative modeling and falsifiable predictions, aka never.

>> No.11230347

if only there was a video posted in the OP, oh shit, there is!

>> No.11230351

You know there’s something wrong already when the citation is a YouTube video and not a peer-reviewed paper from Nature or something like that/

>> No.11230356

Like I said the research is being ignored.
son, you can't just vaporize tungsten with 182 watts of power but they did with a functional experiment

>> No.11230362

I'm not going to watch shitty youtube videos. Write it out in a pdf and I'll read it.

>> No.11230366

try visiting the website provided in the OP

>> No.11230370

>son, you can't just vaporize tungsten with 182 watts of power but they did with a functional experiment

Cite the study published in a scientific journal in which this was documented and ideally independently replicated by other researchers unrelated to the first ones

>> No.11230379

there is only one functional experiment in existence, when more are built the same by the same methodology will their work be tested, yet there haven't been any interested parties.
I'll ask for the last time, why are they being ignored?

>> No.11230394

When I painted flames on my car my car went faster, I told General Motors to paint flames on their cars to verify that it makes them go faster. Why am I being ignored?

>> No.11230397

your attempt at trolling was meh at best, thanks for filling the thread though

>> No.11230427

Yeah, very curious why the scientific community would be ignoring an insular cult with no independent analysis and zero academic publications spearheaded by a guy who has repeatedly asserted how much he doesn't trust mathematics and how he doesn't consider it a part of physics, with $395 admission cost annual 'Electric Universe conferences' where cult members can get even further up their own ass and progressively more divorced from anything resembling peer reviewed science.

>> No.11230447

>I'm curious
No you're not. Which incidentally answers your "question." Every non-autist with working eyes and ears can immediately tell how dishonest and agenda driven your cult is. It's kind of sad when people like you pretend to be innocent seekers of truth like this because it's just so painfully obvious you're nothing of the sort.

>> No.11230452

They keep calling it "aether" instead of "Dark matter" "Quantum glue" is why.

>Come back when you have quantitative modeling and falsifiable predictions, aka never.

Never stopped the same retards from believing "dark matter" is real. Or "space"/"spacetime".

>> No.11230455

theoretical mathematics was his issue.
You believe in a gravitational model of the universe and you're wrong, it's as simple as that.

>> No.11230458

Gravitation models have experimental evidence. They aren't "theoretical math"

>> No.11230460

>They keep calling it "aether" instead of "Dark matter" "Quantum glue" is why.
Due to their adoption of only a gravitational model of the universe which is an incomplete view of all the forces in play.
Notice how the word "cultists" gets repeated?
That's the science equivalent of calling someone a conspiracy theorist

>> No.11230463

explain how a galaxy doesn't fly apart using the gravitational model and without any exotics like dark energy or dark matter.
go on, i dare you

>> No.11230465

share a direct link to a pdf and then we'll talk.

>> No.11230467

ok, thanks for posting, bye

>> No.11230468

the stars in the galaxy exert a force on each other called gravity.

explain how an apple falls to the ground without gravity
go on, I dare you

>> No.11230469

gravity follows an inverse square law meaning SagA* doesn't have enough mass to hold everything together, neither does the combined mass of all the stars in every spiral arm.
You failed

>> No.11230472

>gravity follows an inverse square law meaning SagA* doesn't have enough mass to hold everything together, neither does the combined mass of all the stars in every spiral arm.
Can you show this mathematically?

Electrical forces are inverse square laws as well, anon.

>> No.11230473

>Electrical forces are inverse square laws as well, anon.
Birkeland current says otherwise

>> No.11230485

>Birkeland current
Not a force. Btw, I can answer the OP now. Nobody takes you niggers seriously because you dont even know basic fucking electromaganetic phenomena. Culomb's force is absolutely proportional to the inverse square of distance. Fucking retard.

>> No.11230488

Imagine coming to a science board as a flat earther

Like how silly in the head do you have to be to write out a post like this, and defend a cult purely made to con and brainwash the idiotic?

>> No.11230490

Anyone with a brain want to answer?

>> No.11230500

Who would take the time out of their day to argue with a retard, about how retarded they are

>> No.11230502

this troll is boring, anyone else?

>> No.11230510
File: 102 KB, 1008x612, SAFIREproject2017-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The suns corona is hotter than the surface because double banded plasma traps ultraviolet light within it, this is strictly an electromagnetic phenomenon that the "standard" gravitational model completely fails to explain and it's not the only place it fails

>> No.11230525

Because they HAVE tried to model it using only electromagnetism and it doesn't work
We NEED another force (that we call gravity) to explain the phenomena.

>> No.11230528

Blatant pseudoscience.

>> No.11230534

Explain to me the motivation to deny all evidence in order to posit that the universe is electromagnetic and there is no such thing as gravity.

This is what I never understand about this stuff. WHY does there being more forces than electromagnetism cause people to get so angry?

>> No.11230535

Gravitational waves my dear

>> No.11230539

Velikovskian bullshit


>> No.11230540


This is what electric universe people actually believe

>> No.11230551

Nothing but puppets on this board, not surprised though since most of the intelligent people have left.
adios absolute retards

>> No.11230559
File: 12 KB, 440x520, a parting gift for you lifeless tranny's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11230583
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>> No.11230593

don't let the door hit you on the way out

>> No.11230663
File: 58 KB, 1141x275, 19Darkmatterlessgalaxies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there have been a handful of galaxies that do rotate exactly how gravitational models predict, while most of them have stars in the outer parts moving much faster than they should. There are also galaxies that seem to have an extra heavy helping of dark matter, creating a gravitational lensing effect much larger than the visible matter within them would suggest. This bolsters the dark matter hypothesis; it is easy to imagine a physical substance not being evenly distributed. Other models, be it modified gravity theories, or electric universe claims have a much harder time covering similar looking galaxies behaving so differently.

>> No.11230724
File: 37 KB, 480x476, i aint clicking that shit nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11230801

>Not a force.
Neither is Gravity you dip. It's an acceleration.

So gravity is an actual thing that waves? Waves of what?

>There are also galaxies that seem to have an extra heavy helping of dark matter, creating a gravitational lensing effect much larger than the visible matter within them would suggest.

Please test "Dark Matter" in an experiment before making stuff up. Thanks.

>Gravitation models have experimental evidence. They aren't "theoretical math".

How much gravity is there at the center of gravity? The center of mass that is, what allegedly causes gravity.

>explain how an apple falls to the ground without gravity
>go on, I dare you

>two weeks later the apple evaporates
>two years later it's not even an apple anymore, it is now a tree.

How about you explain your own bullshit? Explain what caused the apple, explain what causes things to rise and overcome this alleged force that's supposed to be "holding us down".

>> No.11230806

You are really, really dumb, berzerkerfag.

>> No.11230811


>You are really, really dumb
>and here's why

Oh right I forgot, you guys don't like to answer "why" questions.

>> No.11230819

>How much gravity is there at the center of gravity?
None. Newton derived this back in the 1600s. Look up "shell theorem"

>> No.11230827

>At the center of gravity there is no gravity

>The cause of gravity originates from no gravity

And morons say this exists, they even go so far as to call it a "force" that impels things.

>> No.11230839

Gravity doesn't "originate" from the center of mass, sweetheart.

>> No.11230904
File: 843 KB, 446x232, 1562009008968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravity doesn't "originate" from the center of mass, sweetheart.
What does it originate from?

>> No.11230905

>Never stopped the same retards from believing "dark matter" is real.
Except the dark matter hypothesis makes quantifiable and falsifiable predictions.

>> No.11230911

wherever there is mass

>> No.11230949

buddy, I am just done with my anti-gravity playlist on yt.

The one thing is, if it's actually a thing next month I won't have to bother with shitty coded sites looking like scam and some hacks in their amateur-vids.

>> No.11230995
File: 45 KB, 560x582, 1547954943825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? So the earth must be hollow then.


>Except the dark matter hypothesis makes quantifiable and falsifiable predictions.

And so does a broken clock, twice a day.

>> No.11231001

>Oh? So the earth must be hollow then.

>> No.11231028
File: 83 KB, 589x570, 4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If gravity is wherever mass is and there is no gravity at the center of a large mass then there must also be NO MASS. Or does that just explain itself too along with gravity? Illogical.

>> No.11231033

>If gravity is wherever mass is and there is no gravity at the center of a large mass then there must also be NO MASS
that doesn't make any sense. the gravitational field of each piece of mass that constitutes the earth sums to zero at the center of mass of the earth. this is the definition of center of mass.

>> No.11231051

>the gravitational field of each piece of mass that constitutes the earth sums to zero at the center of mass of the earth
>sums to zero at the center of mass of the earth
>zero at the center of mass of the earth

therefore ZERO mass. Mass causes gravity right? So if the gravity is ZERO then the mass is also ZERO. What am I not getting here?

>> No.11231069

>therefore ZERO mass
>What am I not getting here?
Draw a freebody diagram and integrate of newton's law of universal gravitation for a continuous body over the volume of the earth and find out why. you do know basic vector calculus, right? or else you wouldn't be arguing that physics is wrong, seeing as understanding the math is required to understand the physical concepts.

>> No.11231083

Jesus Christ this thread is embarrassing

>> No.11231092

Universe is discrete, you retard.

>> No.11231222

Well like, by your own logic your wrong. Unless you weren't this poster >>11230911. I don't know what else to tell you. No gravity, no mass. What would pull the mass there? If there is no gravity and it cancels itself out, then gravity apparently causes repulsion too. Oh wait that doesn't even sound right either. There's another logical flaw in the explanation of gravity.
>mass causes gravity
>gravity causes mass to attract
>Except for when it doesn't and repulses itself, essentially canceling itself from being defined.

>Draw a freebody diagram and integrate of newton's law of universal gravitation for a continuous body over the volume of the earth and find out why. you do know basic vector calculus, right? or else you wouldn't be arguing that physics is wrong, seeing as understanding the math is required to understand the physical concepts.

Do you think that all of that liberates you from answering me? You may as well be a catholic trying to explain the holy trinity to me. Everything you just stated relies on the universal constant of G, which we just debunked as being "universal". Unless of course gravity is in fact not "0" at the center of earth.

>> No.11231327
File: 65 KB, 680x383, disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, we're actually having a serious debate about Electric Universe.