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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11227857 No.11227857 [Reply] [Original]


''The neuroscience department at the Université Laval in Canada has uncovered bad news for those with a porn addiction. The university's neuroscientific team has found that people who see pornography not only damage or damage a part of the brain: they actually erodes their brains seeing such lush entertainment.
Yes, porn erodes the prefrontal cortex, a region that only fully develops into adulthood. Rachel Anne Barr, PhD in Neuroscience and one of the researchers, said this area contributes to a person's learning and memory skills, for example, by compromising their ability to gain new knowledge and remember things.

As this area is never developed during adolescence, after being eroded it returns to a similar state of life, which ends up "infantilizing" the person's personality, who will less and less be able to cope with their emotions, compromising also the ability to make decisions and to relate.

In an interview, she said: "It is somewhat paradoxical to consider that what they call 'adult fun' causes the brain to become childish. And the biggest irony is that while pornography promises sexual satisfaction, it delivers just the opposite."

According to her, it is already quite clear that just watching pornography compromises a person's love life "at catastrophic levels." Depression and erectile dysfunction have already been proven to be effects of pornography, and now these are cited in that regard.

Someone's marriage can be compromised as well. The habit of viewing pornography damages the brain's dopamine distribution system. When a person wants, for example, to spend time with his partner, he will be driven, because of this damage, to see pornography instead, moving further and further away from him.

>> No.11227866

cumbrains on suiwatch

>> No.11227875
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>neuroscience department

>> No.11227880

Epic /pol/science, friend.

>> No.11227889
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>why won't chad pay any attention to me?
>must be that goddamned internet porn

>> No.11227890

So I should watch porn to stay young?

>> No.11227901

Not young but retarded like a kid.

>> No.11227918
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>> No.11227928

>compromising their ability to gain new knowledge and remember things.
That's the opposite of how children work, adults have trouble learning.

>> No.11227961

Explain Japan op.

>still maintains 105 IQ average
>lowest crime rates among the world
>treat their women better than most religous states
>capital of anime porn which can get real degenerate

I could buy porn causing high levels of depression and shit love life but prefrontal erosion and morality lowering is questionable.

>> No.11227967

goddamn /sci/

>> No.11227969


>> No.11227975

>>treat their women better than most religous states
hm, according to liberals, jap women are not sexual enough and jap women will be happy only when they have lots od sex with lots of foreign stranger

>> No.11227977

It's fine, I will go to Japan and make the Japanese women sexual enough.

>> No.11227983


>> No.11227995

you cannot be addicted to porn because sex is a basic human need and some people are incels, porn is used to fulfill basic human need

>> No.11228011

lmao Chad is watching as much porn and masturbating as much as he wants and still gets laid because he is actually not autistic and spends his time socialising and doing things, meanwhile /pol/tards and incels sit on their asses being nazis and assume that porn is the root of all their problems.

>> No.11228033

yeah chad lives a tutorial mode difficulty life.

>> No.11228035


The liberals could be telling the truth or be bullshiting on that point. All I'm saying is a woman in Japan doesn't have to worry about being treated nearly as badly as countries that rank higher on the religious scale. This despite the fact religion is supposed correlate with morality.

>> No.11228040

>sex is a basic human need
it's not. you don't need sex to survive.

>> No.11228047

what if we removed islam from the figures?

>> No.11228152

Soooo, porn=bad?

>> No.11228173

Japan is in decline, their birthrate is crashing and they had the wave of incels (Hikikomori) 10 years before the West.

They somewhat stay afloat because they don't import low IQ africans like in Europe. France has lost 4 IQ point in a decade.

Chad doesn't watch porn near as much because he can just call chat or fuck a tinder girl once he feels horny.

Sex is just a mean for reproduction, if you need it this means you are unable to cope in another way.

>> No.11228188

So, it keeps your brain in a more elastic version so you can learn new ideas better and retain information then solid brain adults?


>> No.11228201


Removing Islam probably would definitely help the figures, Christianity, Catholicism and Judaism has had their share of problems with treatment of women too but have gotten better in the past century. I would also say there is also issues with Hinduism concerning women but that maybe more a problem with the Indian population than the religion itself (which to be fair I guess could also apply to Islam too...maybe).


Even with Japan being in "decline" they still haven't become low morality degenerates that the study states porn users would be. They are definitely doing badly on the relationship side and the birth rates are indeed a problem.

Hell the U.S. I believe actually has a higher depression rate than Japan. But that also might be to more open reporting/ higher population, I also remember reading a few articles that stated Japan is still behind in open diagnosis of mental health.

>> No.11228212
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>Japan being in "decline" they still haven't become low morality degenerates

Are you serious? Are you new in this planet? Japan is literally the most degenerate country in the world right now. Men are afraid of women and live with their anime wife, the pedo lolli culture, even if married, they don't have baby, all the super degenerate hentai thing... I mean they are doomed.

>> No.11228224

humans in general need sex to survive, your body values your reproduction over the rest of your health

>> No.11228235

no one has died from lack of fornication ever. in fact castration may prolong a man's lifespan.

>> No.11228238

>share of problems with treatment of women too
they did a better job than secularists and i say that as an atheist. at least religion kept women in line instead of letting them run rampant as they do today.

>> No.11228281

the absolute state of incels/coomers.

i wish you god speed, anon, get better soon

>> No.11228284

I'm fucked :(

>> No.11228292

At least theres still time for me to stop, since the prefrontal cortex is still in development until the mid twenties

>> No.11228308

humans as a species, yes, individual humans? No.

>> No.11228314

have you ever visited our brother board 2chan?

>> No.11228332

>said this area contributes to a person's learning and memory skills, for example, by compromising their ability to gain new knowledge and remember things.

Children are vastly superior to adults in terms of learning. They literally learn whole languages just by listening. This “neuroscientist” is a retard LOL

>> No.11228335

>at least religion kept women in line instead of letting them run rampant as they do today.

Yikes. Incel spotted.

>> No.11228342


>> No.11228344
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anon...this is published in one of the biggest manga magazines Kodansha's "weekly Shounen Magazine" and is getting an anime
it's about "renting a girlfriend"
it's shit and Kazuya is a worthless piece of crap

>> No.11228375


>It may seem logical that those aged 18 to 25 are completely mature, the brain still is maturing – specifically the area known as the “prefrontal cortex.” Changes occurring between ages 18 and 25 are essentially a continued process of brain development that started during puberty. When you’re 18, you’re roughly halfway through the entire stage of development. The prefrontal cortex doesn’t have nearly the functional capacity at age 18 as it does at 25.
In other words, if you're under 25, if you can kick the habit for good, you should be able to undo most of the damage.

>> No.11228391

gonna go cum now be right back

>> No.11228428
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Philip Zimbardo, the guy from Stanford prison experiments, was right again. Porn is bad, because it's a romance simulator, which makes real romance less desirable, due to its greater level of difficulty. And games are bad, because they are achievement porn, making real achievement less desirable, due to its greater level of difficulty. Makes sense. With both reproduction and survival relegated to the virtual world, life in the real world is no longer possible, and our demise is assured. Modern technology will literally kill us.

>> No.11228433

Everybody watches porn though. How did they determine this? What was their control group?

>> No.11228447

And IQs are dropping across the board. Really makes you think.

>> No.11228456
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Domesticated animals all have smaller brains than their wild counterparts. It is because they do not have to struggle for their own survival, so they simply do not need as much intelligence in order to survive. Technology of every kind is infantilizing. It is because it helps to secure our survival better, or in essence automates our survival away, that it essentially domesticated humanity to an unprecedented degree, and will continue this trend unto the future.

>> No.11228458

>IQs are dropping

You mean normalizing. IQ is intelligence related to your peers.

>> No.11228459
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>after being eroded it returns to a similar state of life, which ends up "infantilizing" the person's personality, who will less and less be able to cope with their emotions, compromising also the ability to make decisions and to relate.
literally me

>> No.11228461

It's not that simple. See: >>11228456

>> No.11228470

>no GF because too depressed to search for one
>depressed because no GF
>watch porn
>get more depressed


>> No.11228485

Let's forget for a moment about a difference between seeing for real and seeing on the screen.

If porn is bad then it must mean that people should have sex in total darkness.

I think at some deep levels the brain doesn't distinguish sex from something that is not sex. There are just pleasant and unpleasant things. So what do we have now? Pleasant things are bad and harmful? That's partially true maybe.

>> No.11228511

Says the kid

>> No.11228513

no you dipshit
porn is not equal to sex
sex usually happens with a single female, one which looks normal, not like some plastic infused amazon sex-goddess
porn users generally do not only watch 'one porn' they consume images of multiple females doing unspeakable acts
none of which is natural at all
unless you're like alexander the great or whatever

>> No.11228526

>everyone who thinks women should be accountable is an incel
ok cumbrain

>> No.11228533

Found the incel

>> No.11228541

i don't think that word means what you think it means
look buddy, if you want to keep diddling yourself to images of other people fucking that's fine
it's only your sexuality that you're damaging
no need to feel guilty
just accept that you're retarded

>> No.11228567

Has anyone actually read the study or studies that are mentioned in the article? There is literally nothing. What even is pornography? Is my imagination pornography? When I jack off to my imagination, its pretty close to watching porn. I mean, your eyes simply send messages to be seen in the brain. Its not like seeing things with your eyes is really all that different from seeing things in your imagination. It all happens in your brain.

>> No.11228573
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I love how mentally unfit young white men are that they believe porn is killing their brains, but ingesting boomer-tier nazi facebook memes 24/7 is probably enlightening them.

>> No.11228584

>the amount of music that is now available through the internet has made it that no one needs to hear live music anymore, or even learn to play an instrument to hear music be played. The anonymity of music use through the internet has made it so that consumers are correlated to have less brain function.

>> No.11228586

>just accept that you're retarded
Coming from the guy who thinks the shit in porn doesn't represent real life lmao

>> No.11228601

>movies books and tv shows have made enjoying a story anonymous. Its not a natural way of enjoying a story be told. Now that its so easy to enjoy unnatural stories, people do not hear stories told by people in person anymore. When you watch a movie, you receive an unnatural amount of dopamine but when you hear a story told from someone in person, you receive just the right amount of chemicals

>> No.11228604

It's hilarious that every single man wannabe that pulls this anti-porn speech will shriek like a woman if you remove tits from video games.

>> No.11228619

>Its the SJWs that are making women ugly in muh games. Why cant we go back to having hot women in muh games.

>> No.11228624

no you dumbass
you can perform the same test on a population 10 years apart and compare those results

>> No.11228628

why are africans so dumb then?

>> No.11228643

This is such bullshit. Survival requires much more intelligence than simply building some huts and hunting for food like we did in the past. Now to have a good life you have to get a college degree in a demanding field, and then work in an intellectually demanding field.

>> No.11228901
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>neuroscience department

>> No.11228911
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Not him but we already know the problem and isn't porn.




It's consumerism habits involving chemical products. This explains the IQ drop across the board and it explains how IQ is lowering in even high IQ families. Exposure to chemicals at the prenatal stage of pregnancy is getting you. The question is whether or not you fools will stick your head out the sand long enough to acknowledged that this is the problem. But of course that would require regulations and we know how that shit will go down in this political climate that bitches about big government and slapping the hands of corporations.

>> No.11228955

But children have a much easier time learning new things?

>> No.11228967

They coom a lot.

>> No.11228987

All the more reason to suspect humanity will have to double down on technological progress to the point of transhumanism just to feel less detached from virtual life

>> No.11229019

OK coomer

>> No.11229021

It's true. I was normal then I stopped using pornography, now I'm a nazi

>> No.11229042

We're removing naked women from vidja now. You'll be okay with this, right?

>> No.11229044


>> No.11229048

No more unnatural-sized tits. No more fantasy bikin armor. All gone.

>> No.11229051

good. romance simulators are the lowest form of gaymen and such content should be weeded out from vidya.

>> No.11229053

small tits are way better

>> No.11229054

good, those jugs and that armor never made sense.

>> No.11229056
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>According to her
>porn bad
then sex is bad too

>> No.11229073

I am interested in this. If porn is bad, what counts as porn? Is my imagination porn? Are cartoon drawing porn? Are erotic fantasy novels porn. Is it porn if my wife and I have phone sex, since we arent actually in person touching each other?

>> No.11229081

>having sex keeps you young and fit

>> No.11229085

>still maintains 105 IQ average
>capital of anime porn which can get real degenerate

and literally no one has tried to refute this part so far, kek

>> No.11229091

These retards never explain how the body can possibly tell the difference between sex and masturbation with pornography.

>> No.11229174

But are you having kids as many kids as you can support?

>> No.11229183
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>brain is in a more juvenile state
>be optimistic about future
>have beliefs you’re passionate about and want to see realized
>be more impulsive and outgoing
>have more effervescent personality

Ah, thanks for the explanation. I always wondered where my superpowers came from.

>> No.11229196

>porno hurts muslims

>> No.11229199

>still believe you can change things for the better
>still think that your dreams can come true
>think that nothing can get better
>kill yourself due to lack of dopamine

>> No.11229269


>> No.11229281
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>juden peterstein

>> No.11229326

>there's nothing sexier than a werewolf
something you wanna tell us JB?

>> No.11229329

It's over for coomers

>> No.11229354

OK coomer

>> No.11229357

Incels are the worst, this study PROOVES it.

>> No.11229360

I have jerked off one or more times today. I honestly don't remember. I will jerk off probably a few more times. And in between all of that I'll be doing shit I'm interested in and not giving a fuck what pathetic manlets have to say on the internet.

>> No.11229362
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This is new news to reddit nofap redtards.
Chad semen retention /sci/entists have known this from the start. Imagine a few posts on /sci/ doing better research months or years ago.

>> No.11229366

Preemptively proven if you will.

>> No.11229372

Enjoy your ballsack cancer.

>> No.11229377

>i'm preventing cancer by fapping all day
coomer fairytales

>> No.11229382


>> No.11229387

>hurr durr abstinence causes prostate cancer
This meme has not only been refuted, but the total opposite has been proven for young men:

Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s
Not to mention, high frequencies of sexual activity, especially masturbation, are also associated with prostatitis, which creates a terrible cycle, as release relieves the pain but starts it anew. Masturbating excessively is one of the worst possible things you can do to your prostate actually.

>> No.11229390

>I'm being a big, strong nazi by acting like a weird puritanical cultist
Bougie fairytales. You're just another fat, virgin failson.

>> No.11229395

where/when did he said that? genuinely curious btw, I want to read about this.

>> No.11229397

i like jews tho, am unhealthily below my weight, lost my virginity at 16yrs, and top of my class.

>> No.11229414

Oh gee, I wonder who is behind this article lol.

>> No.11229424
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>unspeakable acts

Yeah, getting a dick in the butt is an “unspeakable act” Look at him and laugh.

>> No.11229425
File: 540 KB, 2000x800, BFB28081-8A88-49B8-9A2D-704B53B079C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look buddy

That’s when you know the poster looks like this.

>> No.11229429

that's a really funny animated gif

>> No.11229430

The virgin's last cope is that no-fapping will make him Chad.

>> No.11229433
File: 168 KB, 414x433, 96533E1C-FBC7-41B4-B785-F0C77D46A1F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been a coomer since 16
>don’t masturbate chronically but do jerk off most days in a week
>have schizophrenia preventing me from continuing my education for 10 years
>have definitely had my sexual preference warped by porn. (Started out being repulsed by anything with a man to having a tablet full if trap and twink pics)
>go back to school
>pulling a 96 percent in Precalc despite not doing any math beyond fractions in the past decade.

I don’t know. This all sounds like a bunch of sensationalist bullshit to me.

>> No.11229442

Cry moar, bitch

>> No.11229445

What are you talking about? I'm saying that the image in that post was funny!

>> No.11229449

Oh, sorry dude. I figured it was sarcasm, like you were saying “Oh yeah, Soijak, real original”

>> No.11229451

>muh annecdotal evidence

>> No.11229454
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>96 percent in Precalc means me smart

>> No.11229458

No of course not. Why would I be sarcastic about such a hilarious, well-crafted and original animated gif? And people say the left can't meme

>> No.11229466
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>nothing means anything

>> No.11229467

Sometimes annecdotal evidence is what we call a “counter-example”

>> No.11229468

A 96 percent in precalc is indeed nothing and could mean anything to a brainlet.

>> No.11229472

How is the brine at the bottom of that bucket, chum?

>> No.11229484

kek, he sure showed them wrong fren

>> No.11229489

>Conclusions and Relevance The negative association of self-reported pornography consumption with the right striatum (caudate) volume, left striatum (putamen) activation during cue reactivity, and lower functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex could reflect change in neural plasticity as a consequence of an intense stimulation of the reward system, together with a lower top-down modulation of prefrontal cortical areas. Alternatively, it could be a precondition that makes pornography consumption more rewarding.

>Alternatively, it could be a precondition that makes pornography consumption more rewarding.

Wow, it's fucking nothing

>> No.11229490
File: 271 KB, 1243x650, 94B920BA-60D0-4057-BD9B-BB7A0A9F9491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here’s some more then X>D

>> No.11229497
File: 382 KB, 499x516, 789D8380-8D23-49EB-B1DD-C07EDD0F04D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m acing all of the math related coursework I am taking and hadn’t touched in ten years and this is supposed to prove porn has rotted my brain and made me unable to assimilate new information, how?

>> No.11229499

I don’t know if you’d call someone like me, who believes sub-saharan Africans are genetically predisposed to have lower intelligence, a “leftist”.

>> No.11229535

im an arab and I fully support right wing nationalists. youll have to bait harder shlomo/white liberal cuckold

>> No.11229546




Also, fuck off Achmed, don’t you have some children you’re intending to violate? :^)

>> No.11229550

OK coomer

>> No.11229551
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> I know all the pornstars names, they're all burned into my brain, because I'm a fucking stupid coomer

>> No.11229554

can the damage be reverted? i'm scared l4ds

>> No.11229561

>being scared of popsci and /pol/ memes

Just think about it reasonably anon. They are talking like cooming is as bad as chemical addictions like alcoholism or smoking. I’m not pro-masturbation or anything but obviously this is being exaggerated as hell. Its like that stupid anti-sitting bullshit.

>> No.11229563

OK coomer

>> No.11229568

Yes anon, its just as bad to compress your spine on a regular basis as to inhale formaldehyde fumes multiple times a day. Genius, really.

>> No.11229571

unless you're doing it daily or multiple times a day you'll be fine. like every other vice doing it occasionally is fine.
>eating fast food, drinking, smoking, fapping, etc multiple times to every day = bad
>eating fast food, drinking, smoking, fapping, etc once a week to every other week = better but still not great
>eating fast food, drinking, smoking, fapping, etc once a month to every other month = great
>eating fast food, drinking, smoking, fapping, etc every few months to once a year or more = god status

>> No.11229574

OK coomer

>> No.11229580

The ironic thing is probably nobody in the thread actually doesn’t masturbate to porn regularly. Or maybe they quit a few years ago at best.

>> No.11229581

>Implying the entire history of humans up until last century were incels
Do you even know what the term means

>> No.11229586

I do it less than once a week so I wouldn't call it regular.

>> No.11229588
File: 83 KB, 947x1024, 1438CF10-A7F1-4799-AE9D-197B8BFDB5A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once a week isn’t “regular”

Based low verbal iq retard

>> No.11229597

less than once a week, intermittant, not a regular schedule. Besides the point anyway, that post clearly meant often, not regular and that's how I interpreted it.

>> No.11229603

I’m pretty sure these academics would call that frequent masturbation because literally all they want to do is turn porn into a bogeyman and eventually make “porn bad” a regular news item, just to get famous.

>> No.11229604

>once a week isn’t “regular”

It’s not regular. How low is your libido

>> No.11229606

well fuck them then. I doubt my 15 minutes of porn a week is more damaging than all the time the academic in the OP undoubtedly spends posting inane shit on whatever social media platform people use now.

>> No.11229627

>15 minutes

How the fuck do you manage that? Like do you literally just consider it “cleaning the pipes”?

>> No.11229628

>I don’t know if you’d call someone like me, who believes sub-saharan Africans are genetically predisposed to have lower intelligence, a “leftist”.
wow youre a radical for taking facts at face value. no youre nohting more than a retarded nigger kike

>> No.11229632

You need human trials to confirm this.

>> No.11229633

I should clarify that this is masturbating to porn not masturbation in general. Most of the time when I wank it's to my thoughts and I do it to clear my mind so I can sleep. But yeah I don't try to drag it out whether I'm watching porn or not, it's just to get it over and done with.

>> No.11229635

>According to her, it is already quite clear that just watching pornography compromises a person's love life "at catastrophic levels." Depression and erectile dysfunction have already been proven to be effects of pornography, and now these are cited in that regard.
I'm 26 years old, have been fapping to porn constantly since I was a teen, and this sounds pretty much exactly like me. lol

Nah, normally I'd agree but porn addiction really isn't all that healthy.

>> No.11229639
File: 5 KB, 224x197, A6EB34D8-22E4-44B8-AA9D-AB58440002A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that’s right anon, politics is just about how readily you use the no-no words. SAM HYDE FOR PRESIDENT!

>> No.11229681

You might have erectile dysfunction

>> No.11229687

No, I just edge and enjoy myself for an hour or two when I fap. Why get it out of the way so soon?

>> No.11229699 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11229707
File: 19 KB, 545x478, 7B711A7E-5476-42F7-B907-499CD996B193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, don’t be mad little fella

>> No.11229719

Nevermind, I've misread it, I thought you can't hold it for over 15 minutes or something

>> No.11229732

Porn has actually helped my memory skills.

>> No.11229735
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, 8BA60457-90FE-4FD7-90A7-754A0514D01F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the japanese men are full on blackpilled and focus on their work and consoomer
the woman practice eugenics and fuck white and black people
after the olympic games japan is going to be different culturally

>> No.11229740

How so?

>> No.11229747

How could you even make that correlation? But yeah, me too. Porn turned me into a search engine wizard. Like some guy wanted a video related to a screenshot somebody posted and then I got him the video and he was amazed I was able to find this obscure porn video just by entering the right information on the right website. At that moment I was like “Holy shit, my porn habit actually developed a useful skill”.

>> No.11229782

OK coomer

>> No.11229825

I haven't fapped in like 1.5 a month and I feel great. Ask me anything.

>> No.11229834

one paper ==oh wow so it must be.
go jerk to cuck porn noob

>> No.11229835

Do you like radicchio?

>> No.11229847

never heard of that

>> No.11229874

1.5 months, childs play. Try no-fap for 8 months.

>> No.11229902

>Exposure to chemicals
Lost me there, retard

>> No.11229946

Are you a nazi yet?

>> No.11230013

I don't know who a nazi is, the only thing I know about nazi is that it's somehow related to germans in WW2

>> No.11230049

Testosterone makes you bigger and stronger. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

>> No.11230075
File: 1.97 MB, 1056x1290, 1518904108029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which ends up "infantilizing" the person's personality, who will less and less be able to cope with their emotions, compromising also the ability to make decisions and to relate.

good, good

>> No.11230083
File: 513 KB, 850x529, 1560054146690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dont get any ideas now about what to do with the excess male population that doesnt have sex

>> No.11230140

The coomer cope

>> No.11230145


Cooming doesnt make you dumber. It just makes you a docile manchild.


>96 in precalc

LOL this coomer cope makes me crease

>> No.11230478

>picks the first country that I would point on a map if asked: "How can technology lead to the downfall of a civilisation"


>> No.11231489

so drinking cum will make me immortal?

>> No.11232255


>> No.11232407

>hurr I don't get why that makes you dumb
>too stupid to express himself without buzzwords, double posts and acronyms

>> No.11232656

Men went hundreds of thousands of years without pornography and only captive primates masturbate but OK coomer

>> No.11233025

The book’s called Man, Interrupted

>> No.11233027

>admits to taking dicks in his butt
>wants us to laugh at someone besides him

>> No.11233065

Pseudoscience masturbation with in your own head is far more stimulating then porn. No description of the methodology they used, what they used as control. How well were the porn users monitored and how often did they drink alcohol which been proven to retard the brain even in small amounts no matter the age.

Published on a no name "news website."

Consistent porn has shown to have a effect on hormones and wellbeing but, claiming it causes retardation is well only a gullible dimwit would believe.

>> No.11233227

porn is literally a jewish trick to prevent high IQ impulsive individuals from threatening their power.

>> No.11233235

You have a low IQ it's very obvious

>> No.11233241

Take your meds

>> No.11233261

Good argument you marxistic shit. All you can do is ridicule i shouldn't even be engaging in argumenting with you because you will result again into ad hominems.

Fuck off from my sight you pathetic cuckold.

>> No.11233282

I don't need to make arguments if the best thing you can come up with is a conspiracy, let alone one involving da juice

>> No.11234772

>erodes prefrontal cortex
>nah bro it doesn't make you dumber

>> No.11234976
File: 341 KB, 480x541, roastie-defined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gee I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.11234983

Does regularly having sex do the same thing to one’s brain? Are there different effects from watching porn vs having sex?

>> No.11234986

What proof is there that it retards the brain? It doesn’t kill neurons but thiamine deficiency does.

>> No.11234994

Well long-term effects are negative but obviously short term won’t have an impact

>> No.11235002

Yes but they don't want to go there because it will upset the masses.

>> No.11236106

>Another article, written by a woman that jumps to wild conclusions.
>One 2014 study made by Pajeets.
>Second study is from 2016 and uses shaming in the abstract.


>> No.11236274

this just means they should be better than that, this is their low state