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11227683 No.11227683 [Reply] [Original]

There are discrete moments where charge must travel from neuron to neuron within your brain cells, but if consciousness were digital then there would be discrete moments in time where you are not alive. That is why consciousness is analogue, not digital.


>> No.11227685
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what is this hebrew nonsense i dont understand what does analogue mean what are you saying

>> No.11227688
File: 50 KB, 690x332, blueeyessumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VeDavid Yefe Einayim.

King David has beautiful eyes

Analogue is the opposite of digital, analogue is a continuous stream of one whole thing, while digital is broken up into individual indivisible units of something(perhaps something analogue!) The atoms in our universe are a digital concept. A stream of water may seem analogue, but water is made up of individual molecules, so a stream of water is digital not analogue.

>> No.11227693
File: 104 KB, 800x600, 1 Km98PgzRp9yRYfVZeSzwzQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i shit the prick dick fucking cunt?

>> No.11227706

can you schizos fuck off already, consciousness has no deeper meaning, you stupid faggots

>> No.11227707

maybe there are discrete moments in time where we are not alive, it doesn't change anything, consciousness is digital. consciousness run on a computer will have greater discrete moments in time where you are not alive, this is because processes are executed one by one

>> No.11227711

What about parallel computing?

>> No.11227712

schizo's need room to run their stoopid fukking mouths to try and figure shit out. i just dont understand why it's always worthless fucshit they liek to dribble on and on about.

>> No.11227714
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>> No.11227721

>but if consciousness were digital then there would be discrete moments in time where you are not alive

How do you know there aren’t?

>> No.11227734 [DELETED] 

Fuck off kike.

>> No.11227739

Go shit up your containment board.

>> No.11227772
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But anon...
The concept of self is intrinsically contradictory in nature. One experiences the world exclusively across intervals of time as all perception and response to stimuli requires mental processing and all processing requires some duration. However, at the same time, we as beings with a concept of self never truly exist at any more than one point in time. We experience the present and never anything else. Our memories, the fundamental basis of our self concept, exist in the physical realm as electrochemical signals and synaptic connections. All the memories you are capable of accessing in the now must also exist in at this moment. As the need to exist exclusively across an interval of time and need to only ever exist at only one point in time are incompatible, we must conclude that consciousness as we typically think of it does not exist. Instead we experience a very convincing illusion of continuity maintained through the existence of imperfect neural records.

>> No.11227773
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olo he got jannied. nice

>> No.11227775
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>> No.11227795


>> No.11227796 [DELETED] 

Shut up kike

>> No.11227832

It’s actually a combination between digital and analog. A neuron doesn’t fire past a certain stimulated threshold. However two fired neurons also aren’t completely identical. Digital and analog.

>> No.11228296

>then there would be discrete moments when you are not alive


That doesnt mean shit for your conscious experience. You could have 1 frame of consciousness processed once a year and youd just experience time very fucking quick. Tho also there likely is a quale which is "how this moment links to the next" which is actually what controls how long one frame of consciousness feels like it lasts for.

>> No.11228298


>> No.11230014

consciousness is digital, and the absence of consciousness is just sleep

>> No.11230033

It's all crazy

it's all false

it's all a dream

it's allright

>> No.11230830

Shit logic desu

>> No.11231025

Analog consciousness also has a side effect. With infinite fidelity you can have infinite data transfer. Consciousness can be expanded infinitely with enough fidelity. This is how weed expands consciousness except the human brain doesn’t have infinite fidelity so it creates tons of errors and you get fucked up

Point is, an artificial intelligence that’s analog may be able to get high, and digital can’t