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11223995 No.11223995 [Reply] [Original]

No joke I am faster and make better connections.
Don't have the well rested good feels but who the fuck cares.
I am better at mathematics and programming.

>> No.11223997

I don't mean specifically staying up late.
What I mean is waking up early and sleeping less than the recommended amount.
I did it with two hours of horrible sleep and while I had minor visual disturbances ad felt horrible the first hours, it went smooth after that and I had one of my most productive days and felt great after 23 h when it was time to sleep again.

>> No.11223998


you're not severely sleep deprived. did you get 5-6 hours last night? maybe 7 the night before? getting a little less sleep than normal gives you a dopamine boost and makes you slightly more productive, but that doesn't last more than a day or two before it catches up to you.

>> No.11224019

In some sense, the less I sleep the better.
For instance now it's 2 AM and I get a lot of ideas about projects I could work on.
Issue is that maybe I have less mental stamina to tackle mathematics' details in a systematic fashion i.e. write small proof for each statement that is not trivial.
But I am also less jumpy like less likely to get mad at what I am doing and move to something else.

>> No.11224018

>No joke I am faster and make better connections.
I also notice that after being awake for 24+ hours, I see the world a lot more vividly, on top of being more agitated and energetic. After I'm done with whatever required me to stay awake, I drop asleep instantly.

>> No.11224028

>I also notice that after being awake for 24+ hours, I see the world a lot more vividly, on top of being more agitated and energetic.
Do you notice more ideas coming up?

>> No.11224051

you're not smarter you just think you are

stop losing sleep

it's bad for you

there is literally no way, shape, or form where you getting less sleep is good for you at all

>> No.11224081

>there is literally no way, shape, or form where you getting less sleep is good for you at all
Sure about that?
If for instance I wake up at 2 AM I am doing mathematics from 3 AM until 12 PM taking a break for eating & shitposting and doing reading and programming for like another 6 hours before calling it a day.
I am getting better at both I wouldn't be able to do this on a normal sleep schedule.
Never been more productive like during this period.
Of course I feel amazing if I get back to a regular schedule but the studying is not as good.
So yes I am getting smarter on the long run.

>> No.11224095

This guy is right. Sleep deprivation impairs your judgment, making you think you're smarter. Stop posting and go to sleep.

>> No.11224129
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How about you try it yourself instead of parroting what other people say?
Literally wake up at 2 AM tomorrw, drink a coffee but absolutely do not eat breakfast and study/work until 12 PM.
Then have a breakfast not rich in carbs other than for fruits.
Take a break of a few hours and get back to work.
But you have to push through any sluggishness.
Wakefulness can come into waves until your circadian rhythm gets used to it.
If you feel horrible, anxious and having mild disturbances in your field of vision you have to push through it.
Of course you might not be able to do it not everyone has the same conditioning and mental stamina.

>> No.11224132

Usually related to the task at hand, not random ideas like I would have normally.

>> No.11224186

You just don't have the energy for critical thinking and is probably desperate to "code the new Facebook" or some shit like that.
Focus on something else - sober and away from the screen.

>> No.11224189 [DELETED] 

because you're hyperactive when well rested so being slightly sleep deprived helps you to focus

don't think it makes you any smarter tho, and it's not healthy

>> No.11224191

test object tracking, depth perception and motor skills you are not seeing it more vividly

>> No.11224192

Do you have anyone but yourself to evaluate your "work" and time spent on it?

>> No.11224195

because you're hyperactive when well rested so being slightly sleep deprived helps you to focus

also if you stay up late you probably have fewer distractions around you

i don't think it makes you any smarter tho, and it's not healthy. You're far better off just managing your hyperactivity and maintaining a healthy schedule.

>> No.11224214

i don't see how this is necessarily bad - if feeling smarter makes you study more, you actually get smarter than if you were well rested and less motivated. the sleep deprivation doesn't cause lasting brain damage

>> No.11224217
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Eat fly agarics.
They're GREAT!

>> No.11224356
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Here's the animated verson

>> No.11224391

Is this david

>> No.11224394

>because you're hyperactive when well rested so being slightly sleep deprived helps you to focus

>> No.11225133

Same, anon. Less sleep or less food (starving too) all make me a better thinker and a faster learner.

>> No.11225147

Don't project.
I'm not talking about grandiose ideas but reading docs and writing an API.
I'm trying to read a book cover to cover and solve part of the exercises.
So I'm not delusional I'm simply self learning.
Feedback is the various references & exercises.
High five.

>> No.11225176

You're experiencing the typical micromanic episode of sleep deprivation. You're not *actually* smarter, just far less judgmental of what is considered delusion and what is an intelligent thought. Yes, you might sit and write code or learn stuff successfully thanks to your increased energy levels and desire to do something productive, driven by your grandiose desire to be above others, but you will never come up with something novel under this state because not only are you not smarter than your usual self, but you're much more likely to go off on a delusional tangent just to satisfy your mania's desire for grandiosity, which is the reason why your subconsciousness delegated so much self-control and energy to you in the first place. As soon as you finally go to sleep, all of this will disappear, and if it doesn't that day then it surely will on the day when you finally get enough sleep.

>> No.11225214
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You're absolutely wrong.
The feedback will be the fact that I will finish the book and do a lot of exercises i.e. great productivity.
I can simply do a lot more stuff.
Dunno what's up with you guys and the grandiose manic garbage.

>> No.11225326

because u procrastinate less.
When your tired, your body want to realize task fasty to rest.

>> No.11225402

Higher dopamine, adrenaline, cortisol. Also why you can be “overtired” that is, so tired you have trouble sleeping, because of the aforementioned chemicals. I wouldn’t say i feel smarter per se, but getting a less than ideal amount of sleep tends to make me more creative via lowered inhibitions

>> No.11225405

That’s brain damage.

>> No.11225434

same thing happens to me
I just figured it was for the same reason a very specific amount of alcohol can make you more productive, it just weakens your inhibitions so more ideas make it out of your subconscious

>> No.11225517

Is this guy right? Is there a sleep loss epidemic going on? If so, then what's causing it? Screens? If it keeps getting worse, how much burn out is on the horizon?

>> No.11225534

Smarter? Depends, it's probably just your impression when you feel more active. But sleep deprivation is demonstrated to have very nice short term effects, especially if one suffers of depression-like symptoms.

>> No.11225551

Problem of that video is that those are generalizations.
If you kill yourself with sugar you're going to feel dead tired in the afternoon and have to drink coffee to perk yourself up and have shit sleep because of it.
Now add the fact that the average lazy person don't exercise.

>> No.11225585

>the sleep deprivation doesn't cause lasting brain damage
Current research suggests it does. I don't remember reading about even a single test subject for which this was not the case.

>> No.11225594

>Current research suggests it does.
[citation needed]

>> No.11225597

>current research suggests it does
reddit go back

>> No.11225600

Take ur meds u fucking schizo

>> No.11225603


>> No.11225604


>> No.11226360
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>> No.11226492

i think that mobile wikipedia viewed on desktop looks better than normal wikipedia.

>> No.11226525

I have experienced this before anon, it's something to do with waking up earlier than usual
one way you can test is by comparing game score averages at different periods of the day to test alertness and thought speed
find some little time limited game I used to use bejeweled blitz and compared my scoring history

>> No.11226552

I think judgement can be impaired, however I’ve experiences this effect Op’s talking about and think it can be attributed to adrenaline.

Sure, it can be difficult to make fair comparisons in the moment, but looking back it usually is from some focused cortisol powered sleep deprivation that probably only lasts through the first night/early morning, max... and is also probably pretty fucking horrible consistently doing, as others have pointed out.

If anything, OP should be evaluating why they’re sleep deprived when doing this math/programming... and chances are, I’d say would be stress. In comparison to perhaps a lazy sober state of mind.

>> No.11226570

Like when Kramer was doing those power naps, or whatever, to be more productive. He ended up tossed in the lake haha.

>> No.11228243


>> No.11228406

I'm pretty sure this correlates to some mental disorders in the DSM.