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11222658 No.11222658 [Reply] [Original]

will we ever cure human biology?

>> No.11222679


No, but we will probably transform it to the point where there is no difference.

>> No.11222688
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Soon, brother...soon...

>> No.11222701

Yes. Automail systems are already there on rudimentary level. It will only get better as decades roll by.

>> No.11222728

You mean eukaryotic biology?
Who do you think you are to say that eukaryotes are not "higher organisms"?
Some smart ass probably.

>> No.11222739
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We have the technology for genetic augmentation, in 30 years cybernetics will be advanced enough to replace and enhance all human bodily functions, in 60 years nanomachines be advanced enough to repair the damage done by age and grant immortality and finally in 90 years the Moravec Mind Transfer .that maintains your Ego but can't transform you into a digital posthuman, will be invented. Further down a century Mind Outsourcing might provide a method to maintain ego while bcoming a true digital posthuman.

>> No.11222749
File: 78 KB, 1300x863, 75229621-angry-doctor-with-arrogant-attitude-rising-up-both-middle-fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAD WORD!!!! That will be $2,000.

>> No.11223629

god I wish that were me.

>> No.11223643

>Hyper intelligent machines
>Makes a copy of humans instead of the superior multilimbed combat centipede abominations

>> No.11223691
File: 129 KB, 580x350, matrix-centinela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multilimbed combat centipede abominations

>> No.11223712

Human biology will be cured when humanity is replaced with cyborgs that all connect to one central brain

>> No.11223742

What about speed-lag? Central Control is not very efficient or possible from Mercury to Neptune.

>> No.11223744

connect them through a worm hole

>> No.11223777

That's a plan, I do prefer a metastable panocracy over a single will, it's more adaptable.

>> No.11225684


>> No.11225795

you mean Cas-protein and sgRNA. the CRISPR-region isn't used in gene editing.

>> No.11225806

Nothing's been done with it, which tells me it isn't actually the magical cure-all that lebbit thinks it is.

>> No.11225820

works fine for messing with unicellular organisms, I did that at uni couple months ago

>> No.11225854

Local sub-minds can operate semi-independently.

>> No.11225861

>Nothing's been done with it

Yeah because it’s literally illegal. People still exist who think gene editing is Satanic.