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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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1121329 No.1121329 [Reply] [Original]

So yes, tonight's planned & priorly announced foray has been stopped due to torrential thunderstorms across large patches of the UK, including my part, which is a complete pain in the arse as this was one of the few days I have relatively free this week.

I've been using the time to sort, clean & pack; pic related. The scales seem to work perfectly... had a bit of a derp moment when wondering how I could measure out an exact quantity of water ... while sitting in a room containing just about every scientific measuring implement in use. I blame the weather.

If the rain clears up then the plan resumes tomorrow, but until then I'm stuck in. Apologies for any disappointment.

I'm probably only going to make a few more trips, almost everything left (other than a few things needing ID's) seems pretty broken, worthless (as far as I know...), or untransportable. I have almost all of the glasswork now, other than literally a bagload, maybe two.

This is my current to-aquire/to-look-for list:

Vacuum pump
Stirrer/hotplate (and stirrer rods if present)
Get ID/model numbers of a few misc bits of hardware, including what seems to be an older pair of scales, a calculator (some are apparently collectable), and some unknown thing that seems to involve testing gasses
Pipette bulbs & rubber hose
Microscope (I very much doubt I'll find one now, but I'll be really pleased if I can)
Check the as-yet uninvestigated buildings on the far side of the site
Look in the on-site doctor's office/surgery (I know it's there somewhere, but not where)
Look in the air raid shelter (location similarly unknown)
Take photographs of all reasonable-condition books to run past my book dealer friend.
And find a couple of good bottles of acetone to rescue.

Can anyone think of anything else I need to check for, in any of the labs?

Thanks again for your help and advice throughout this endeavour, I literally couldn't have done it without you, you've been beyond invaluable.

>> No.1121510

bumping for visibility

>> No.1121551

sage because Hornet is a faggot, who will go to jail soon. Enjoy the gay secks!

>> No.1121559

Finally, some good news. My weekend sucked, glad you made something out of it, even with rain.

The fact the scale works alone gives proof of the epicness of the raid on the lab, hope you didn't encounter any snorks or bloodsuckers, scary shit.

What I'd say would be a good idea is, if you can or know how, to take panoramic shots of the compound, both the labs and the main room. People here will probably appreciate the shots, and be able to point stuff out. Many cameras now have features to help with that, though your camera, from what I can tell, might not, due to quality reasons.

Did you ever check out the other buildings you mentioned?

>> No.1121554

did you repair the cover of the scales?

>> No.1121580

OP once you have all the stuff you need from the lab, will you be preforming experiments or something?

>> No.1121653
File: 4 KB, 160x134, ferengi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tremendous ebay profit opportunity!

>> No.1121677


What I've done is completely legal, I also have a plan to fully confirm it beyond all doubt when done, as I'll probably hit issues when selling some of this otherwise.


The scale doors slide open on two sides, they weren't broken, just open. There is apparently one piece missing from the scales, but it doesn't affect operation in any way... I'll check the cupboard where I found it in case it's around somewhere.


Allo again, did you manage to get into your bar/ballroom & waterpark?

I'll take the shots yes, the camera doesn't have anything that'll help, but I can stitch it myself. Where do you mean by 'main room', the main lab?

I've not been back yet, yesterday was taken up with social events, and today the heavens have opened. :(


Well, I'll be cleaning, testing and packing for a while yet, but yes, I plan to use this stuff. Two of the books you could see to the right of the scales are chemistry books from the lab, which should make for interesting reading. Proper chemistry courses are rather expensive ... but then, I suppose the sale of some of this could actually fund it. Hrm.

>> No.1121699

When you're done cleaning and sorting this stuff, be sure to do an experiment with the interactive participation of /sci/

>> No.1121718

OP does that scale really take measurements to micrograms!!!!?!?!?!

>> No.1121727


Heh yes, I'll have to use livestream or stickam or similar. :)

>> No.1121733


>> No.1121735

what's the back story of this?

>> No.1121738


It seems to, yes. It has two modes, 2dp and 5dp; 2dp goes up to 200 grams, 5dp to 42 grams. Insanely precise.

>> No.1121784


1) You trespassed on private property

2) You then took shit that doesnt belong to you

YOUR A FUCKING CRIMINAL FAGGOT! Any country in the world is gonna put you in jail for your faggotry.

I image they could arrest you now, but they want to see how far you get. They are trying to get you on as much shit as possible.

Once you start selling the shit, they will get you good. Or if you try an play it safe and call the whole thing off, they will wait like a month, then come and raid your place. EITHER WAY YOUR FUCKED FOOL!


ALSO, Childporn.....CP..CP...CP.(just making sure I get there attention for you)

>> No.1121786

Potted history: basically, I found an abandoned factory complex pending demolition, and got in to look around. It's a very large factory, it made metal products, and had a few labs for testing the metals made. Lab #3 is pathetic, and had next to nothing in it, except some random chemicals (including aqua regia), a vacuum oven ... and a spectrometer. Sadly, the spectrometer vanished between my noting it, and /sci/ telling me that it was still worth a lot despite the age.

Lab #2, had a lot of chemicals (some incredibly nasty), and a range of glassware. I now have everything from there that I'd like, with one possible exception, depends how the rest of this lark plays out really.

Lab #1, has no chemicals (other than enough acetone to blow the place halfway to Scotland), but a metric shitload of glass. There are a few other rooms nearby that have random old crap in them, including machinery (mechlab), books (the lib[rary]lab), paperwork/filing cabinets (office), and what can only be called an electronics lab (eleclab) (there's a whole panel with all sorts of power outlets on it, by a large workbench... never seen anything like it), another huge cabinet-type spectrometer (speclab), and the lab proper (lablab).

>> No.1121788 [DELETED] 


"w" + "q" - "q" + "w" + "g" - "g" + "w" + "r" - "r" + "." + "j" - "j" + "a" + "p" - "p" + "n" + "x" - "x" + "o" + "r" - "r" + "n" + "l" - "l" + "t" + "u" - "u" + "a" + "x" - "x" + "l" + "y" - "y" + "k" + "j" - "j" + "." + "g" - "g" + "s" + "a" - "a" + "e" + "x" - "x"

>> No.1121793


The factory is completely abandoned, gutted, and awaiting demolition; there is no breaking & entering going on, you can just walk in and out. No laws are being broken, etc etc. Abandoned property becomes the property of the finder, this is all legal; one reason I'm taking so many photographs is so I have proof of that fact later. Obviously it's also for your viewing pleasure, and to allow me to collect opinions.

There was no chemical spill / toxic leak / radiation incident / alien landing.

...and I am not building a meth lab.

>> No.1121805 [DELETED] 


"w" + "i" - "i" + "w" + "z" - "z" + "w" + "x" - "x" + "." + "g" - "g" + "a" + "c" - "c" + "n" + "s" - "s" + "o" + "f" - "f" + "n" + "c" - "c" + "t" + "g" - "g" + "a" + "j" - "j" + "l" + "v" - "v" + "k" + "c" - "c" + "." + "y" - "y" + "s" + "d" - "d" + "e" + "h" - "h"

>> No.1121825


Abandoned property is the property of the finder. This is very clearly abandoned. Trespass is a civil offence, not a criminal one.

You appear to be going off of the rails, so I bid you a good day sir.

>> No.1121841

Dude your back!

ohhh and you got the chemical balance
ohhhhhhhhhhh and its working

very nice find if you dont want to keep that you can sell it they are quite expensive from what i recall

>> No.1121894


>> No.1121968

Yeah, there's a small crane at the waterpark now, figure they are going to rip it apart soon, not too much interesting there.

By main room, I meant the huge warehouse you took a shot of, on the first floor, where they probably produced what it was they produced. Pan pics of labs too would be awesome.

Ah, if only we could see the other buildings, bet they used them for storage, maybe find more good stuff there.

And don't worry about the sagers and those saying it's illegal. Even if it was, they're reports mean nothing.

>> No.1121975

woops didnt mean to sage

>> No.1122022

Still enjoying your posts, OP. Ignore the naysayers.

>> No.1122057

But you didn't actually sage, so no problem to the OP's thread I guess.

>> No.1122064

OP, I guess you live relatively up north?
I'm in Hampshire and apart from some clouds at lunch, it's been lovely today.

>> No.1122069

lol moralfag.

>> No.1122090


I may do eventually, I might want to keep it though, could be very handy. I shall invent the perfect cake recipe! :D


Ah that. There's a few of them, but generally they're all gutted, full of pits and trenches where machines & copper wire once resided.

It isn't illegal, back in the day when those basic laws governing possession were made, they went along the lines of basic morality... basically as long as it's clearly abandoned, rather than lost, it belongs to the finder. I'll take professional legal advice before I sell anything, as that then falls under another set of laws, which I *may* be afoul of, it's all in legalese. Either way, this part of the proceedings is all above board.


Noted, glad you're having fun too. :) Next proper installment will be tomorrow, short of more rain.

I'll be afk for a bit, food's probably cooked by now.

>> No.1122097


Relatively, I used to live in Berkshire & Hampshire though, and still have the Berkshire accent. I'll move back one day I think.

>> No.1122107 [DELETED] 


"w" + "q" - "q" + "w" + "l" - "l" + "w" + "h" - "h" + "." + "x" - "x" + "a" + "q" - "q" + "n" + "s" - "s" + "o" + "i" - "i" + "n" + "c" - "c" + "t" + "t" - "t" + "a" + "g" - "g" + "l" + "a" - "a" + "k" + "q" - "q" + "." + "e" - "e" + "s" + "u" - "u" + "e" + "i" - "i"

>> No.1122117 [DELETED] 


"w" + "m" - "m" + "w" + "x" - "x" + "w" + "n" - "n" + "." + "s" - "s" + "a" + "x" - "x" + "n" + "v" - "v" + "o" + "p" - "p" + "n" + "m" - "m" + "t" + "o" - "o" + "a" + "l" - "l" + "l" + "h" - "h" + "k" + "y" - "y" + "." + "t" - "t" + "s" + "c" - "c" + "e" + "b" - "b"

>> No.1122193

Ah that's fair enough, I hope your raiding goes well.
My friend's dad, when he was a boy sneaked into some abandoned military building near Lark Hill, or so they thought. Some guard with a rifle told him and his friends to fuck off, which they promptly did.

>> No.1122201


Military is different, as is railroad property, and certain places like nuclear power plants - trespass there is a criminal offence, and quite a severe one too.

>> No.1122210

Even if it's really and clearly very abandoned?

>> No.1122216

Nice one Hornet, I've been following with interest.
Just an FYI to a small point of UK law, breaking and entering involves using force of any sort to enter property, and it can and has been argued in court that opening doors is breaking and entering as you are using force.

Good luck hope the rain clears up, has down here in the south.

>> No.1122224


Yes. I can't recall the exact details, but even completely abandoned stuff that's military-owned is still protected by the law. You can probably google the specifics up with a bit of time.

>> No.1122235

That's fair enough, thanks for not telling me to just "Fuck off and google it" as most people would.
I love finding things, even if they're completely useless, I still like to hoard stuff.
What you've collected would be heaven.

>> No.1122237


That's academic, the doors to the lab block are all open and in some cases completely shattered.


Yus, that kind of wordplay nonsense is what I hate about law. The obvious intention of the law is to stop 'breaking and entering', not 'applying a definition of force by the laws of physics'. They might as well arrest the breeze for blowing a door open.

>> No.1122238

As far as I know, military property is never considered legally abandoned, not matter how abandoned it actually is.

>> No.1122242

If you find a vacuum pump try to find an electron microscope too, one could be nearby...

>> No.1122256

Yeah, if only we had sites like in the former Soviet Union.
I've seen pics of abandoned tanks, planes even whole cities. Hell, there are pics of an abandoned lab where they worked on brains, and one huge lab that detected neutrinos.

I think englishrussia.com has most of them, for anyone interested.

>> No.1122281

hm, I'm interested in this, specially the books. Please share which ones you found/find :D I may buy, if you plan on selling.

>> No.1122282 [DELETED] 


"w" + "z" - "z" + "w" + "r" - "r" + "w" + "a" - "a" + "." + "d" - "d" + "a" + "x" - "x" + "n" + "t" - "t" + "o" + "z" - "z" + "n" + "s" - "s" + "t" + "x" - "x" + "a" + "r" - "r" + "l" + "c" - "c" + "k" + "p" - "p" + "." + "h" - "h" + "s" + "n" - "n" + "e" + "j" - "j"

>> No.1122293 [DELETED] 


"w" + "z" - "z" + "w" + "p" - "p" + "w" + "m" - "m" + "." + "z" - "z" + "a" + "v" - "v" + "n" + "h" - "h" + "o" + "j" - "j" + "n" + "e" - "e" + "t" + "x" - "x" + "a" + "q" - "q" + "l" + "v" - "v" + "k" + "u" - "u" + "." + "a" - "a" + "s" + "x" - "x" + "e" + "g" - "g"

>> No.1122298


The reason a vacuum pump is suspected is because of the equipment that the lab had ... I have a good idea of where the pump would be, too, there's an odd box on the outer wall of the lab. If there were something like an electron microscope it'd be in the speclab, that seems to be where their dry labwork was done.

Englishrussia is a great site, I've wasted several hours with the fantastic photos there.

>> No.1122306


Mostly metal-related ones. I don't think I can sell things yet, that comes under another part of law, and I may be afoul of that if I just sell straight away - I need to get proper legal advice, as that gets pretty gnarly.

>> No.1122345

So, probably a few things regarding materials science. Kinda my area of study.

Btw, if there was a spectrometer, search around for quartz cells. They are worth quite a lot.

>> No.1122389


Well, I'll grab anything I have room for & that looks interesting and intact.

Regarding quartz cells, I took one as a curiousity. Both lab's 1 & 2 had a couple kicking about, I wondered what they were... seemed very well packed for what looked like a glass case. Thing is, they may be worth a lot but that doesn't mean somebody would buy them, I can't imagine businesses with spectrometers/spectrographs buy those things from ebay or craigslist, etc.

>> No.1122402

In my university there might be a few who would to buy it (researchers with lower grant money). Would have to be in perfect condition tho.

>> No.1122407

That is an incredibly expensive scale. You're a very lucky man.

>> No.1122417

Yes english law is terrible, but I thought i'd let you know.
You making another trip tonight?

>> No.1122420


Hrm. The ones there were all opened, but seemed perfect otherwise. I could add them to my list though, certainly, they're pretty tiny. How much do they go for then - they're something I have no use for myself, so they'd be solely for reselling purposes.

>> No.1122424


I'd consider making a thread on Zoklet's Flasks and Beakers. They're smart guys, and they'd be pretty jealous of all that gear, especially the scale.

>> No.1122422 [DELETED] 


"w" + "j" - "j" + "w" + "u" - "u" + "w" + "d" - "d" + "." + "z" - "z" + "a" + "j" - "j" + "n" + "l" - "l" + "o" + "h" - "h" + "n" + "c" - "c" + "t" + "t" - "t" + "a" + "r" - "r" + "l" + "p" - "p" + "k" + "z" - "z" + "." + "s" - "s" + "s" + "p" - "p" + "e" + "l" - "l"

>> No.1122471

Noted, I'll consider it if I need some glass ID'd - there are a couple that have evaded names so far, including one from the very first thread.

>> No.1122546

Some friends of mine, interns that work with spectroscopy, said they are worth about R$1000 (about US$ 500). Prices may vary greatly tho, mainly because of shipping prices.

>> No.1122554 [DELETED] 


"w" + "g" - "g" + "w" + "v" - "v" + "w" + "n" - "n" + "." + "h" - "h" + "a" + "r" - "r" + "n" + "d" - "d" + "o" + "n" - "n" + "n" + "f" - "f" + "t" + "h" - "h" + "a" + "h" - "h" + "l" + "t" - "t" + "k" + "q" - "q" + "." + "z" - "z" + "s" + "p" - "p" + "e" + "v" - "v"

>> No.1122562
File: 14 KB, 191x234, 1275584240620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I need one like this

>> No.1122571

those storms were bad man.. we had them too. good luck with finishing this project though.

>> No.1122597

OP, wouldn't happen to be midlands now would you? we had so really heavy rain. road turned into a river for about half hour.

>> No.1122636


That's very surprising... why so costly? I can't imagine they're that hard to manufacture. I'd guess there's about 3 in each lab, from what I recall, but given that they both look like a bomb
went off, there may be more nearby. Do they still have to be sealed in their containers, or is just clean & undamaged enough?

>> No.1122665

Somewhere around there, yes, I'm not going to give my location out yet though. When the mission's concluded I'll give out a lot more detail on the specifics of everything.

>> No.1122686


they would not leave an electron microscope behind. those are incredibly expensive machines. also they require proprietary software to run.

also, they do not use "normal" vacuum pumps (like a large welch duo seal pump)

they use an Ion or oil diffusion pump, because they need ULTRA vacuum (like space) to function properly

they also typically need to be cooled with liquid nitrogen.

electron microscopes are rare, and vacuum pumps are not.

there is no reason a vacuum pump and electron microscope would be close to one another.

you would not even be able to recognize the vacuum pump hooked up to an EM, and many have them built in.

much more likely that a vacuum pump is in a wet chemistry lab, near a hood or near a glove box.

>> No.1122747

again, prices may vary :)

I believe the only requirement is to keep the optical pathway completely undamaged (aka the clean, flat sides, as opposed to the sides with "marks" where you can put your fingers on). My friends use only distilled water to clean it. Might be good if you could clean them with that or water with a higher grade of purity.

Might be a good idea to keep the box they came with (if you find it), and save any info you can from them (again, if you do find any record of their purchase).

>> No.1122779


I just called of my friends I mentioned.

It's R$100, not R$1000 :D. I apologize.

>> No.1122783


Yus, I don't expect to find one -- but they did leave a lot behind, cost doesn't seem to be a deciding factor. It's a weird situation here.

There's very little undamaged paperwork around, so I doubt that receipts will be among it, but I can keep an eye out for them. Would acetone be a better cleaner, as it evaporates?

>> No.1122788

Heh no worries, I did think it was a bit pie-in-the-sky. Why are they so costly though? :s

>> No.1122794


quartz cells are made out of super high purity quartz crystal and are designed to be invisible to varying forms of electromagnetic radiation (UV-Vis light).

they are used most often with UV-Vis spectrophotometer and/or fluorescence spectrophotometer.

I have said this before, but I will say it again:

commercial laboratories rarely own the instruments that are only used rarely.

thus, you will not find an NMR (for example) because an NMR experiment in a metal foundry is an extremely minimal necessity.

much more likely to find a GC/MS (these are very small, about 2'x2'x2' dimensions), a HPLC, some form of elemental analysis instrument, maybe a few other things.

unfortunately, those are the things most likely to be removed by the original owner.

glassware is incredibly expensive to transport safely. I know. My old research group moved from my university to UPenn and they had to move thousands of pieces of expensive glassware, and it cost shitloads of money due to the insurance.

chemicals are also expensive and only rarely will people move them (when the chemicals themselves are incredibly expensive)

simple stuff like stir plates, balances, vacuum pumps, etc are just repurchased (if it costs $100 to move a 60 lb vacuum pump, but $150 to buy a brand new one, they will buy the new one 100% of the time)

>> No.1122789


"w" + "r" - "r" + "w" + "q" - "q" + "w" + "o" - "o" + "." + "t" - "t" + "a" + "f" - "f" + "n" + "s" - "s" + "o" + "g" - "g" + "n" + "f" - "f" + "t" + "d" - "d" + "a" + "g" - "g" + "l" + "d" - "d" + "k" + "h" - "h" + "." + "x" - "x" + "s" + "r" - "r" + "e" + "d" - "d"

>> No.1122806


electron microscopes cost no less than $500,000

they did not leave one behind.

>> No.1122818

indeed, modern electron microscopes have INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS that cost >$100,000

my school just bought a brand new FEI TEM, for about at least $5 million.

the CCD camera itself costs $150,000
the 3 axis sample holder costs $100,000

>> No.1122861


That makes sense, thanks. There's definately not an HPLC, I think the general consensus was that the first spectro was a gas one, and lord knows for the second one.


Well, I've found two spectrometers so far, and they're not exactly disposable either. It's like they just walked out one day, and everything the pikeys haven't taken already has just been left here.

>> No.1122880

I don't doubt that they're expensive, but the lab is only a small part of the factory as a whole, going by some working photos I found, the machines they used in the rest of the place would have cost a lot more, and some of those seemed left too (pre-pikey, anyway).

>> No.1122878


"w" + "q" - "q" + "w" + "x" - "x" + "w" + "p" - "p" + "." + "b" - "b" + "a" + "o" - "o" + "n" + "e" - "e" + "o" + "n" - "n" + "n" + "n" - "n" + "t" + "c" - "c" + "a" + "x" - "x" + "l" + "m" - "m" + "k" + "x" - "x" + "." + "x" - "x" + "s" + "r" - "r" + "e" + "q" - "q"

>> No.1122951

Find a technician specialized in spectroscopy (usually working in research, obviously). They might be able to fix/tell you who can.

>> No.1123061

Hornet! You're back!

I just want to say that I've been intrigued.

I stayed up forever reading your first and second threads.

Keep posting, keep scavenging.

>> No.1123121


I'll probably see if a university wants it, I certainly have neither use nor space. :)


Allo, did you see threads 3 & 4? Things really took off in those; I'll repost some pics if you missed them. I think 3 was archived, unsure on 4. And yus, the ephemeral nature of 4chan is something of a curse when something interesting crops up, it pins you to the PC. Glad you enjoy the saga though, and I'll certainly keep updating as events progress (hence today's hiatus post).

>> No.1123777


Nope. I missed them. D=

I'll go check the third out now.

>> No.1124265

Brit bump

>> No.1124304

omg i want is there any way that can be arranged

>> No.1124395
File: 865 KB, 3600x2700, DSC00673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the fourth thread

>> No.1124405
File: 1.00 MB, 3600x2700, DSC00674-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again.


What what, a spectrograph? There's no way that's going to go through the post y'know :P

>> No.1124412

All I can think about is bong art.

>> No.1124424

Holy shit dude. Your stash is gonna make me cum.

>> No.1125932

bump lol