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11218873 No.11218873 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do to prevent climate change?

>> No.11218876
File: 831 KB, 1063x597, how to reduce carbon emissions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reproducing

>> No.11218882

>What can I do to prevent climate change?
What have you tried?

>> No.11218884

No cop, no stop.

>> No.11218891

As an individual? Nothing. Unless you control a factory or something. Real change will need to come from policy.

>> No.11218904

Did you even look at my post dummy?>>11218884
More where that came from.

>> No.11218915
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post pics of ice

>> No.11218932

become a willing mouthpiece for the elite. open your noise-orfice and it'll be stuffed full of fiat in no time. with your newfound (((wealth))), you'll be able to convert that to actual wealth via silver and gold, thus, once the economy collapses, and no one gives a shit about global warming (excuse me I mean climate change) because they're all concerned with finding your next meal, you can create a small fiefdom with your acquired stash of barbarous relics and order your serfs to do what you want, i.e. no straws, no meat, etc., etc.

>> No.11218996

> Protest the police.
> Insist on lowering standards for anything so that people who can't afford to study can pass the qualifications.
> Demand free healthcare.

>> No.11219085

Ironically the elite will be the only ones not effected by climate change it's why they've done nothing but encourage invest in oil companies and buy right wing politicians over the past 50 years. You on the otherhand will never see a steak again after breadbaskets across the world collapse due to climate change. Purely because nothing was done in time. So have fun eating bugs idiot you played yourself because you're incapable of thinking beyond the propaganda you've been fed.

>> No.11219139

unironically? unless you are economically successful to the point your spare assets can be leveraged to offset your inherent footprint on the world, the best option is suicide.

>> No.11219308 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11219413

Sorry bitch I kill and grill my own food, I don’t vote, I don’t own a car, and could I care less about what talking points you’re trying to brainwash me with, which pretty much makes your entire argument moot. Cunt.

>> No.11219428

the US has a pretty low fertility rate already

really we'd need to sterilize the part of the world that has a high birth rate
which part is that again?

>> No.11219431

Protest Asian countries and their lax attitudes toward pollution, protest western nations for providing aid to Africa that is allowing their population to explode uncontrollably

>> No.11219435

No, we just wait for liberals to self select for not passing on their genes so we can stop getting shitty threads like these.

>> No.11219441

Are you two having a retarded contest?
Really? You got nothing?
You better get more retarded. You fall behind.
I like my seventy nine cent can openers.
I'm waiting.

>> No.11219448


>> No.11219450

>I like my seventy nine cent can openers
Yeah, fuck the planet lmao

>> No.11219455

Idk if I was being sarcastic or not but, I think that I speak for most people.

>> No.11219462 [DELETED] 

>You got nothing?
I sure didn't get any of that pussy they were squirting the scum from the drain in my sink into. And they call me an incel...

>> No.11219499

More like encourage your government to nuke Africa. Fertility rates are below replacement almost everywhere else on earth.

>> No.11219505
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recycle the jews instead of burning them

>> No.11219514


>> No.11219534
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>> No.11219574

Hold in all your farts all the time.

>> No.11220565

Why are you spreading this shit?

Babies don't put out 60 tons of CO2 per year. What kind of an idiot would think all your offspring's and their offspring's emissions should be calculated as your emissions?

Also, what kind of an idiot thinks emissions per capital will stay at current levels for hundreds of years?

My country has a plan to reach CO2 neutral status in less than 30 years. And the idiots here also keep bring up that stupid 60 tons per kid number when in fact the kid will most likely stop having emissions long before it dies, let alone have kids of it's own with emissions.

>> No.11220594

Read the asterix print you fucking idiot

>> No.11220605

construct pylons in the arctic water to assist in cultivating ice. establish fields of solar panels there to reflect light away. rebuild the ice and the world will cool.

>> No.11220612

climate change is a systemic issue and individual solutions mean nothing in the face of that
also, it's really too late to do anything about it, at best we can mitigate damage and determine who gets to survive

>> No.11220753

>for providing aid to Africa that is allowing their population to explode uncontrollably
>I don't know anything about Africa but I know I hate blacks so here goes nothing

>> No.11220798

Okay smartass, why is the population in africa outpacing every other continent?

>> No.11220804

The problem is that liberalism is a mind virus, noone is safe anon.

>> No.11220809

so first of all you should educate yourself about the problem. More specifically what causes the problems and what alternatives we have. Especially what will help and what won't help. For that reason i recommend the book sustainable energy without the hot air. It is important to understant what our options are and what approaches are good and how serious the problems we have to face are. To educate yourself is very difficult though, because there are many false infos on the internet so be ware and try to check statements before you believe them.

The next thing is to engage with society regarding this topic. Try to educate others or motivate them to do it themselves. Spread knowledge of these issues.

It is also very important to recognize, that society must be steered in the right way. if that happens, change will happen on its own(for example with subsidies or tax cuts for specific technologies like solar panels, people will install them on their own without you having to force anything). So vote for the right people (and not necessarily the ones, who cry about climate change the loudest. Often those have extremist views and don't have good approaches for solving the problems). Engage politically like calling your political representative or writing them e-mails and letters if important decisions are due. Go to demonstrations, just to show presence and that there is interest for change in the population.

The last thing is actually doing things on your own. But know that your personal actions will not help as much as changing the political course will do. still you can contribute.
most things you can do are based on long term decisions, like putting up solar panels on your roof if you build a house or choosing to propperly insulate your home if you renovate something. so essentially just make good long term decisions and don't waste too too much time on things that are insignificant like leaving your phone charger unplugged or something.

>> No.11220927


>> No.11220932

>assets can be leveraged to offset your inherent footprint
this is the currently preferred rationalization of scientifically illiterate bloated consumer

>> No.11220937

kill everyone on the planet

>> No.11220939

homeless people are doing (or rather not doing) infinitely more for humanity's chances of long term survival than you are

>> No.11220944

Build a climate controlled greenhouse on higher elevation and watch the world fall into chaos, in the rare case (((scientists))) aren't just making shit up to sell you bio-renewable-nano-solar-tech™.

>> No.11220971

>What kind of an idiot would think all your offspring's and their offspring's emissions should be calculated as your emissions?
Why not? You have the choice whether or not those emissions will be emitted or not.

>> No.11220976

well iam not a good person but i also never said that.

Also it sounded like you mean homless people are doing more against climate change than any other person because they dont actually consume much ressources ?
if thats right then sure. but my methods were meant to be things people can do without having to give up their luxury, because honestly no one wants to do that. only very few people actually want to live of few ressources. so being homeless is not really an option for most of us.

and some people who use just as many ressources and pollute the world like the rest of us, are still better than homless people because their brainpower and contribution to society may still neutralize more pollution than they caused in the first place.

>> No.11220982

well i see how this system would produce legal probelms. does your father have to pay for your emissions or do you have to do it yourself ?

>> No.11220994

The only thing that can be done is to reduce global standard of living by a factor of six, it won't happen, they taxed gas a little bit in France and they almost had a rebellion over it. Probably what will happen is that humanity will experience a collapse and it's population will be reduced by roughly a factor of six, and may never again reach previous levels.

>> No.11220999

>no one wants to give up their luxury, including having 9 children
this why humanity will not be an enduring species on this planet.
>their brainpower and contribution to society may still neutralize more pollution
you mean they will find a whole new source of non-renewable energy with a whole new set of harmful sideeffects to power humanity's exponential growth

you're as deluded and scientifically illiterate as any other denier

>> No.11221004

>this why humanity will not be an enduring species on this planet.

It’s actually the other way around. Our demand for luxury makes us unstoppable, as human history has demonstrated. Global warming isn’t even a problem to any degree.

>> No.11221005

Nice triples shitpost

>> No.11221013

Every single word in this post has the wretched stench of gluttony. I can smell it through the internet.

>> No.11221027
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>> No.11221031

You underestimate the gravity of the situation. The warming won't kill us. Ocean acidification, bug die-off, plankton die-off, heavy metals in the ground water, that's what will kill us.

>> No.11221056
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kek no it won't

>> No.11221071

youre like a meth head that believes in his own immortality

>> No.11221074

they are so desperate to make something out of her lol

>> No.11221077

>you mean they will find a whole new source of non-renewable energy with a whole new set of harmful sideeffects to power humanity's exponential growth
lmao no i was thinking more like he owns a waste burning facility and therefore he eliminates more waste than he creates. or he owns a biogas production site, taking more c02 out of the atmosphere than he produces

>this why humanity will not be an enduring species on this planet
i disagree. no species that doesn't use technology will endure on this planet forever, because they are alle subject to evolutionary pressures of an ever changing environment, meaning they will always change. Not so for humanity. Humanity uses technology to adapt its environment, not itself. This is why humanity is the only species that even remotely has the chance to last in this environment. but that is only possible with technology.

But being a technological civilization doesn't necessarily mean destroying all of the environment. If one of your processes destroys something, there is almost always an alternative, that achieves the same. Which ones you use depends entirely on what you want and what you value

>> No.11221083

thats a pretty pessimistic view and i would say it is not true that there is no option. there are other energy sources we could use and there are many ways of lowering our energy consumption without even lowering our standards.

>> No.11221095

lulz. well you are kind of the opposite to this guy >>11220994
im also convinced that we will solve this problem with conservative solutions but we still shouldn't take this issue lightly. i mean if we were to go at this problem like that then we would actually get to a "buisiness as usual" scenario for co2 production. and that would actually be really bad

>> No.11221101
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It's not so bad.

>> No.11221108

yet yes. but can we agree that if we were to brainlessly emit co2 untill the earth heats up 6 or 8 °C then it would be a catastrophe?
i know that we are far from doing that, im just saying, that if we don't pay attention to this issue at all that the outcome could be pretty bad

>> No.11221114

we could though. It depends on a lot of variables.

With the type of technological change we will experience in 50 years we might be survivable on barren earth to be honest.

>> No.11221117

yea we probably could, but wouldn't it be desirable to be able to walk through green forests out in the open air?

>> No.11221119

I'm against any Carbon solution which involves suffering of lower and middle classes in any way or of slowing the economy to do so.

Technology, progress in efficiency, sure.

>> No.11221120
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By destroying all the evolution and society has achieved so we can have a small elite that controls every aspect of the peoples' lives like what they eat, wear and do based on the guilt of "world end because of (You)" bullshit.

Which is coincidentally very fitting to the fags who got baited into believing it because they love getting stepped and spit on like the cucks they are.

>> No.11221122

Just an example

It's like saying no to industrialization because of the pollution and negatives. That's great for your society until some troops from the UK arrive at your shore.

Competition between nations still exists. Hobbling your country and every country that has a conscious and letting countries that don't have a huge advantage is not productive.

>> No.11221130

see now we are on the same page ^^
im absolutely with you there. but there are possibilities to slowly change the the world into a carbon free economy without slowing the economy. for example with regulations for new homes to have better insulation or with economic measures like subsidies for solar power -which by this point aren't even necessary anymore- which have led to economy growth in this sector and thereby have created a lot of value for society.

There are also things like a carbon tax, which might or might not influence the economy much. but if they only slow the economy slightly and in return spare us life on a deserted planet in habitats then im gonna take that

>> No.11221137

>That's great for your society until some troops from the UK arrive at your shore
lmao it's not even great before that. without industrialization you don't get anything. no clean water, no food, no clothing. no heating, hell not even homes. without industry you only get caves and stone tools

>> No.11221138

I had to stop at the beginning of your post

You do know the human being in a more insulated and advanced home uses the same energy as in a shitty one?

It's a very well known effect. It's why people that think like you are so ineffective.

With two energy sources—electricity and natural gas—and three empirical strategies, I generate six basic findings. For electricity, after controlling for building
and occupant characteristics, houses constructed after about 1990 are using 10 to
15 percent less electricity than those built before California’s building codes were
enacted in 1978. But that difference between newer and older houses is no different
in California than in other US states with less strict building codes, and the newer
houses in California do not increase their electricity use less when the weather is


Basically those house regulations do not work because it changes the activities of the home owner, aka they use more energy when seeing a lower energy bill.

>> No.11221144

"California’s original building energy codes aimed to reduce energy consumption
for new buildings by 80 percent, and multiple subsequent revisions of those codes
have projected further savings. The results here suggest that any energy savings due
to California’s new building codes fall significantly short of those projections. For
electricity, post-1978 houses in California may be using up to 15 percent less than
pre-1978 houses, but do not use less per degree-day when the weather gets hot, and
do not use relatively less than similar post-1978 houses in other states with less
strict building codes. "

>> No.11221147

well from what i understood here this just said that the regulations made no difference. but that could also be because building better insulation is a no brainer, because of a smaller heating bill meaning that people do it anyway.

now that does still not mean that they will necessarily use more energy afterwards. sure the smaller energy bill means they pay less attention to how much energy they consume meaning they could be heating there homes hotter or something which mitigates the advantage of being better insulated bat at latest when the energy bill rises back to the point it was before, people will start watching their consumption again. and at this point you get the capability to heat your home hotter for the same price which means essentially a rise in luxury without more consumption

>> No.11221148

Another good example

LED light efficiency led to governments (local/state/etc) to just use a lot more lights at night instead of save electricity or capital. Because it was governed by budget.

>> No.11221155

I'm just pointing out that it doesn't work like a nice math equation. If you change things to be more efficient or institute programs to stop climate change, they can easily exacerbate the problem due to unexpected human behavior you didn't account for.

Such as regulations leading to outsourcing to higher carbon emission factories outside of the country. That's a really good one. Or going green energy causing you to outsource to neighbor's coal plants, and dealing with peaking or energy storage problems.

Such as each additional % of solar causing much more problems with storage/demand issues.

>> No.11221165

That's great for your country. Warm fuzzy feels all round.
Developing nations don't give a fuck.

>> No.11221166

well what you say seems reasonable. but if the the problems with climate change become pressing enough than we will find solutions to provide all these things without producing too much co2. history has shown that we can change if the pressure is high enough. e.g. the ozone hole

>> No.11221171

Yes, but there are very bad "solutions" that countries can go for. Especially stupidity like trying to kill coal 2x faster in USA like Obama did which led to Clinton losing.

There should be an emphasis on technological progress rather than allocating capital in stupid ways.

>> No.11221175

go do a carbon tax and raise the price of gas, food, etc. So popular.

>> No.11221176

true. but take the coal thing for example. in germany coal is mainly used widely because there is a large coal lobby and apearently the coal industry wouldn't even be that profitable if it wasent for large subsidies which are somhow still provided because of lobbys. so there are also many decisions that are actually counterproductive, which could be avoided.

i just think there are enough solutions that actually help reducing our carbon foutprint and would be compatible with our current economic system and our attitude towords not wanting to give up our standards

>> No.11221182

how about carbon fee and dividend ? ever hear about that. i mean granted the rich would actually pay more but they actually should do so, because by producing more co2 and trash than the poor they essentially infringe on the other peoples right to clean air and nice environment

>> No.11221219
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>nuke the place that's producing less emissions than the US, China or India.

That's actually retarded.

>but muh hatred of niggers reeeeee!!!

No, fuck you retard. You think getting rid of them will fix the problem but all that does is give the US, China and India an excuse to increase all types of emissions even more by expanding that shit into Africa. The only way to fix the problem is reducing consumerism practices.

>> No.11221262

Present some peer-reviewed scientific literature or fuck off back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.11221572 [DELETED] 

Didn't say anything about the juice.

(You) did, though.

>> No.11221614

>apparently the coal industry wouldn't even be that profitable if it wasn't for large subsidies

its a jobs program, my dude. if you let the coal industry fail, you'll get a bunch of people (not just miners, but the whole industry) on welfare.

plus, its a good commodity for germany to trade (china needs coal).

>> No.11221622


the earth has gone through cycles of great heat, and ice ages before. Humans may be speeding it up, but its not something we can stop without being able to control the weather.

that being said, we need to cut down on pollution. Im not a fan of shithole countries in asia dumping industrial waste into the ocean. Im not a fan of sealife ingesting plastic. These are things we can change.

>> No.11221676

ya stupid people tend to do a fair bit of that
> he owns a waste burning facility and therefore he eliminates more waste than he creates

Doing so only produces a different kind of waste, and more of that different kind of waste (everything you do produces waste, no matter how "green" stupid people agree it is) and is therefore a net negative in the long run.

This kind of circular thinking is the currently preferred rationalization of the "environmentally conscious" bloated consumer.

>> No.11221750

Fight capitalism, dismantle the fossil fuel industry

>> No.11221826

Retarded and not even gay.

>> No.11221827

>we need to cut down on pollution
Countries like america first

>> No.11221843
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>t. commie turdposting from his iPhone

>> No.11221911


ban diesel and gas cars

oh. wait.. that will collapse fucking fuel economy.. so, lets all die for it

>> No.11221913
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And I'm not american

Half of you need to keep it inside your containment board. Your feelings of guilt and shame that turn you on aren't science.

>> No.11221945

I leave the polar bears to their earth saving duties, and don't get in their way.

>> No.11221949

i wonder what her dreams even are.
>le get married with chad and have nice house in countryside with garden
into the trash it should go.

>> No.11222018

Not Africans though, that would be racist.

>> No.11222026
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>> No.11222054


>> No.11222065


end the beef and dairy industry.

>> No.11222082


disingenuous nigger lover. those niggers are going to produce more carbon in the future and they will migrate to your europe

>> No.11222133

Build a giant plasma accelerator and accelerate charged CO2 particles out of the atmosphere into space that you have captured from the air. On private property of course

>> No.11222169
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>What can I do to prevent climate change?

It's to late to prevent, but we might be able to low it down and keep negative effects low.

Putting a solar panel on your roof might be a good start. It's good for the planet and can save you money.

>> No.11222192

well except it'is possible to get a circle going that has a net waste reduction effect. for example the other guy i mentioned has got a biogas plant and takes co2 out of the atmosphere. it contributes to reducing the emissions the waste burner produces. you could burn the biomass for energy but you could also use the organcic compounds to produce new plastics from it, essentially just closing the loop.
there is really no reason why full loops like that shouldn't be possible. The only thing that is really relevant is energy and if we can get that, then we don't have a problem

also im not environmentally concious and i honestly prefer this
over calling people this
>stupid people

>> No.11222287
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>> No.11222574

Which country has the highest per capita emissions in the world?
Which country outsources a ton of its manufacturing to China?

>> No.11222652

Nothing, sage

>> No.11222657

Cows can be carbon neutral depending on how you keep them & probably even carbon negative to some degree

>> No.11222845

So you are saying that if you pay me to produce stuff for you (because it's the cheapest for you) and I do so without regards to your climate beliefs, it is solely your fault for buying my service?

Blame the white parts of the world, because anything else is racist, and we aren't racist because that is worse than the devil.

There is a reason you are being called a cuck. Cucks like to see their partner get fucked by others - you like to see your people and yourself get fucked by others.
Stain on humanity, progress and western culture is what you are. Go on chinese forums and bitch about the enviroment, see how far that'll get you. Better yet, go there and speak your mind.

>> No.11222933

Now, my sink is actually clogged. I hope you are not behind this.

>> No.11222940

It's pretty simple

>Be american
>Vote Bernie Sanders


>Be human
>Vote for the Left
>Reject the Right


>> No.11223010

the bug die-off is monsanto's fault, which is why they pump so much money into saying it's global warming's fault.

>> No.11223013
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>> No.11223301

Donate condoms to Africa

>> No.11223309

Why would you want too? Shit is just getting interesting

>> No.11223360

Mail Cholera spores to India.

>> No.11223399
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Become an eco-fascist and support white supremacy. We need to conquer all shitskin countries and not let them make political decisions that effect white countries. Problem solved

>> No.11223446

Well considering were talking about the future, it would be stupid to think that only involves us. And if we're gonna talk about my offspring, we're gonna talk about where they start- me.

The real point tho is that you can go carbon neutral and all, but what happens when we add 1 billion more people polluting at that same lifestyle? We add more pollution. So we gotta give up another luxury to get back to neutral. Then we have another 1 billion babies, pollute, ration, babies, pollute, ration, etc.
Eventually there won't be enough arable land or resources to feed and sustain everyone. Famine and an ensuing war will greatly reduce our numbers.
Why wait til then? If we're fighting for a better future, why are we giving them this? Why not skip the distopian lifestyle, starvation and war and cut to the end where we start having fewer numbers while there's time to do it humanely- putting a condom on.

Why do you want more kids and people anyway? Do you like traffic and waiting in line?

>> No.11223495

Climate change will make them move out of Africa, you massive dickhead, along with those 90 milion Bangladeshi sitting on a land that's way below the Sea and the entirety of Oceania. But, like, almost all of them. Nowadays they just go somewhere nearer.

If the US can't stop a few thousand people from entering on their soil illegally and the EU Is buckling under a milion of people in threeyears, what makes you think they will cope any better if the numbers are ten times that.

>Inb4 "t-that's what the army is for!"
Yeah man, sure.

>> No.11223501

>Go on chinese forums and bitch about the enviroment, see how far that'll get you. Better yet, go there and speak your mind.
They'd be more receptive, because at least they acknowledge that losing the Himalayan Glacier would cause a famine. You on the other hand seem to think that Hurricane Sandy was perfectly normal because "muh freak accident".

>> No.11223504

>what makes you think they will cope any better if the numbers are ten times that.

execute the leftards and politicians promoting it first, then it won't be a problem

>> No.11223507

Given that in places like Eritrea, Somalia and Sierra Leone, the per capita emissions are almost less the optimal per capita...

>> No.11223519

>"It's da gonmies' fault immigrants get in illegally!
Sure thing. It's not like illegal immigrants haven't existed since the concept could exist, used various tactics to sneak in, and often aren't even spotted, even when oppressive regimes try.

That's why the Berlin Wall worked, and the Spanish exclaves in Morocco totally have never found themselves with way more unofficial population than offical population, rigt?

>> No.11223542

US and Europe could very easily remove millions of illegals within months if they had politicians willing to do it.
Also this "small" amount of illegals and unwanted migrants already moved many small right-wing parties in Europe from 2-4% of votes to up to 20-30% in less than a decade and this situation already made a huge portion of the population angry as fuck, what do you think will even more migrants do. Why do you think did they suddenly start spamming about all these climate issues everywhere out of nowhere distracting from this issue, they know exactly how much they fucked up.

>> No.11223548

>implying the Berlin wall and iron curtain didn't work

Anon how old are you?

>> No.11223577

This basic common sense argument will not change his thinking, and they do not respond to logic. It's because they need population growth for their businesses to remain viable.

>> No.11223733

Hurricanes didn't exist before cars, makes sense

>> No.11224086

>US and Europe could very easily remove millions of illegals within months if they had politicians willing to do it.
Yeah, politicians with a magic wand. I made the Spanish example for a reason, retard.

>Also this "small" amount of illegals and unwanted migrants already moved many small right-wing parties in Europe from 2-4% of votes to up to 20-30% in less than a decade and this situation already made a huge portion of the population angry as fuck, what do you think will even more migrants do?
Make them angry enough to start riots and grind everything to a halt, that's what's going to happen. My point was that it's better to get the Third World to develop enough so that the population stays put when disaster hits, instead of sitting there and having murderboners that will never go anywhere and will instead a racewar.

>Why do you think did they suddenly start spamming about all these climate issues everywhere out of nowhere distracting from this issue, they know exactly how much they fucked up.
You're disconnected from reality or have no memory nor capability to research simple topics: climate change has been a common topic ever since the Nineties, advertisers in bursts every-so-often and then forgotten for a while.

>> No.11224090

Hurriacanes up to New York were basically unheard of until recently.

But keep ignoring the part where I mention a specific Hurricane for a reason, I'm sure it'll go well.

>> No.11224194

But let in all those "refugees" instead! Cause you know.. you need people for jobs.
It's this kind of shit why climate change denial is so easy.

>> No.11224199

*exploding condoms

>> No.11224218

Eat beans and fart less.

>> No.11224223
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>What can I do to prevent climate change?
Go nuclear:


>> No.11224239

>exploding condoms
allah hu akbar

>> No.11224247


Not be a Grettard

>> No.11224254

remove China and India

>> No.11224272
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>> No.11224274

The fact that climate change threads attract all the riff-raff from /pol/ makes me not want to participate in them. More than that, it makes me wish the human race would just die, because the majority of it is so useless.

>> No.11224280

Definitely not having children. That's a big fucking meme.

>> No.11224287
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>> No.11224301
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Find high voltage power lines and transformer stations, apply liberal amounts of suppressed .300 BLK to the ceramic carriers and transformer cases, rinse and repeat until all the cities have gone dark.

>> No.11224304

climate has change long before we had engine or fire. Forrest fires and avalanches wore far worse before controlled pre-activation. the world changes. we need only stop producing relevant crap like packaging plastic and making single use items made of long life materials like glass that gets taken from beaches. if we use material like wicker and cloth for store/carry more and burned it in plants we'd get power from it and let trees take it in. cars can run on crap and be scrapped for recasting but batteries can be toxic. also here elements for batteries are harvested in places like afghanistan etc so electric car means more war. pc power only offers more cores now so don't waste material upgrading paying 100% cost for 10% gains and have children of your own race if you want people to exist in surposed future utopiaa or shit storm.

>> No.11224305 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11224309

>going to earthly

>> No.11224323

A white whore infested with STDs is enough

>> No.11224346
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Stop burning fossil fuels, Ride your bike to work, plant a garden, drive and electric car, power your home with solar panels, outlaw fossil Fuels, become an environmental activist, lower the voting age to 13, vote socialist.

>> No.11224445

What's the point if we're just going to keep immigration levels up beyond replacement point to maximize population and gdp growth? You're essentially just telling white people to stop having children while importing non-whites from countries with high fertility rates.

>> No.11224488

Terrible idea actually, they'll just get swapped out and fixed. You need to go after power generation infrastructure. Start with coal plants, as they're worst in terms of CO2 to power ratio. Do as much damage as possible, they're already on the brink of being unprofitable, so they'll be too expensive to actually repair. Once coal is gone move on to Natural gas etc. Your goal is basically to use domestic terrorism to drive the market in the right direction.

>> No.11224495

Fixing transformers and HV power lines isn't something that can be done quick and easy, not when you're taking out dozens of them over the course of a month or two - don't forget, you only need to disable a small proportion of the substations before the rest get overloaded. I imagine there's a lot less security around them than there is a power plant, too.

It's certainly worth messing with the power plants though, you're right about that, but you need more than just one or two guys with a rifle to really mess up a power plant.

>> No.11224546
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You forgot
>report deniers

Amazing stupidity. Champagne communist.

>> No.11224681

Start a war and kill a lot of people, then a refugee crisis that concentrates remaining populace in major cities increasing disease. Finally support anti vax effort so common diseases kill even more surviving people. Also don't have any kids and get rid of your car.

>> No.11224838

I agree. I used to go out of my way to debate with /pol/ tier retards about climate change because it was fun watching them squirm, but once I realized how many of them there are, I decided they deserve their suffering for willfully choosing to remain ignorant of reality at every turn and desperately trying to hold onto that ignorance at all costs.

>> No.11224847

I'm on the /pol/ spectrum and I really don't understand why there's so many climate change denialists. It's an excuse to prepare for the end of times, it's an excuse to rail against population grown of non-white countries, and it's a damn good excuse to give the middle finger to economic growth and consumerism - all things that /pol/ should logically hate.

Maybe I overestimate the intelligence of the average pollack.

>> No.11225187

Oh, almost forgot

>> No.11225309
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I got a plan.

>> No.11225314

Why do you want to prevent it?

>> No.11225359

>Maybe I overestimate the intelligence of the average pollack.
Half of them are shitposters, the other half are autists. I bet you fall in the latter half and don't realize half the people non /pol/ actually think you're an idiot.

>> No.11225414

Unironically depopulate California
California is enormous energy sink since the most populated areas of it are basically deserts that have to be artificially irrigated which costs power and money, basically nothing that California produces couldn't be produced elsewhere cheaper.
If we could evacuate the arid parts of California and move it's population elsewhere we could make a good deal of headway towards alleviating at least some of the USA's carbon footprint.

>> No.11225417


prevent women from consuming like the retarded cows that they are

>> No.11225930
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>> No.11226308

I mostly visit /pol/ for the shitshow when something big is happening, hardly anyone actually talks real politics there.

>> No.11226678

If you live in a democracy, begin pressuring your elected representatives as much as possible to take action.
If you do not live in a democracy, begin plotting a violent revolution.

>> No.11226687

Drugs. I cannot suggest them highly enough. Have everyone do tons of drugs.

>> No.11227905

what is it with this thunberg girl that makes everyone so butthurt

>> No.11228021
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Stop importing naggers

>> No.11228218
File: 53 KB, 560x960, tpmc1ezwows31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never ever vote for a retarded right wing politics

>Always vote for the Left. Even if they are not perfect, they are always better than the right (and of course than the far right).

>> No.11228222


>> No.11228302

Its too poisoned by propaganda...fusion might have a chance.

>> No.11228361
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honestly one of the best things you can do us take the bus/train whenever you can, unlike all the leftist vegan shit that costs you loads and makes you miserable the bus saves a little cash and isn't as bad as its made out to be. Even if you just try it once its still betta than nothing.

>> No.11228376
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Unfortunately we need a solution now, not in a 100 years.

>> No.11228378

And also, do nothing about our own emissions. That way, we can justify anti-immigration even more.

>> No.11228382

Don't reproduce

>> No.11229519

at least it wont be a slow boil