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11217173 No.11217173 [Reply] [Original]

the popularity of women by age on dating sites

most popular age is 18, but it would obviously be lower if under 18's were allowed

>> No.11217243

I never understood why. Young women are insufferable, vapid idiots.

>> No.11217259

They're hotter

>> No.11217291

I don't think man on this sites are representative.
Could it be simply that mostly young people use dating sites and therefore, go for girls with the same age?

>> No.11217316


it turned out that men of all ages preferentially go for the 18 year olds

>> No.11217319

Probably peaks at sixteen.

>> No.11217320

~16 is peak breeding, sure they are annoying and stupid but they are about as physically attractive as they'll ever be.
As for the best age to actually date personally I go for ~24, young enough to still be hot while being able to hold a conversation.
t. 36yo

>> No.11217350

>Young women are insufferable, vapid idiots.
This is true of all women on any age. Young women have slightly less mileage, a tighter bod, and less chance of bearing a malformed child. They also last longer.

>> No.11217354

scientific lmao

>> No.11218227

I can't go below 20 without feeling like a creep as a 25yo
it's at the point where zoomers just communicate in a total different way from what i'm used to

>> No.11218261

>They also last longer
do women last? what does that even mean? her hole becomes such that you can not continue penetrating it?

>> No.11218298

They peak at 13 not 18, then its a downward trend.

>> No.11218311 [DELETED] 

kek. Maybe he meant their looks/health last longer - being younger and all.

>> No.11219065 [DELETED] 

If you extrapolate this trend backwards, it becomes quite obvious that the fertilized zygote is the most attractive stage of a woman's life-cycle.

>> No.11219067

If you extrapolate this trend backwards, it becomes quite obvious that the zygote is the most attractive stage of a woman's life-cycle.

>> No.11219081

Single celled women = best women

>> No.11219156

>zoomers just communicate in a total different way from what i'm used to
How so?

>> No.11219681

This is something Islam got right as well (but this was common in Europe as well)

>> No.11219692

True, and the reason is simple. Animefags have discovered that 2d women > 3d women, since the zygote is so small that we can approximate that it's a point, the obvious consequence is that 0d > 2d >> 3d.

>> No.11220245

Why would one want to date someone under the age of 18, that's literally disgusting
She would literally be all hormones with no brains behind it and wouldn't even be able to hold an intelligent conversation for 5 minutes without giving you a blowie

>> No.11220250

Shelf life.
Further from expiration date

>> No.11220256

What is the appeal in someone who wants to give you a Lewinsky under the dinner table every time you take her out

>> No.11220264
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Because any physical metric goes to shit in humans past 23. Downwards slope.
People want fertile healthy partners.
And in women, physical outweighs material means to provide and social status.

Consider the age of models.
Consider the age of porn a actors.

Pregnancies are much more risky from 31yo on.

>I can't go below 20 without feeling like a creep as a 25yo
In the same sense in which you can't go out nakined in the summer - a social convention you've been raised into. It's arbitrary and you can decide whether it's relevant to you. Protip: The only reason not to fuck 18yo's with 36 is because fathers and older women don't like it. Get unspooked.

>> No.11220272

modern christianity and old christianity aren't very similar
I agree with some of islam on women

>> No.11220287

Based retard, all women on tinder are clearly looking for a meaningful relationship

>> No.11220397

Men tend to look better with age until late 40s or 50s as long as they take care of their weight

>> No.11220739

Imagine actually thinking a woman younger than 18 is not attractive

>> No.11220751

I don't think that's true. But sure, there's super sexy silver foxes.

Generally, guys with all their hair look better than those who lose it. Early twenty teen boys aren't so great, but otherwise I'd not count on being sexier with late 30 than before.

>> No.11220752
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>he wants to discuss with women
You're either masochistic or didn't have that many occasion to discuss with them (good for you!).

>> No.11221621

This anon is going places.

>> No.11221624

I can't go above 14 without feeling disgust for their aged bodies as a 60yo
>listening to females
uh, cringe?

>> No.11222198

People in developed worlds tend to look worse than young only because they don't take care of themselves.
>shitty food
>driving everywhere
>no walking
>no exercising
Men normally peak at around 30, and can stay in relatively good shape until late 50s
Women usually peak at 16, and with care can stay good looking through 30s, to early 40s

>> No.11222267

14's legal in half the EU. Too bad for Amerifats getting stuck with 16.

>> No.11223912

Nah, I will never look as good as I did when I was 25. I'm not a vain guy, I don't care about fashion, I get 2 hair cuts a year and despite this I got complements on my looks often between 22 and 28. That was a decade ago and I haven't had a random complement since despite not doing anything differently.

>> No.11223922

Does the term "silver fox" mean anything to you?

>> No.11223934
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Is this what you are telling me?

>> No.11225046

Islams entire view on women came from old christianity and latin culture that was present in the middle east already. The whole hair /face covering thing was a Christian thing muhammad copied in a effort to make islam popular the enslaving part he learned from jews in medina the peace upon brothers he took from buddhism. Nuns cover themselves in the same way. Up until the 20th bitches couldn't show ankles or arms in a proper Christian society.

Modern Christianity was corrupted by evagenicals started by a half jewish preacher which brought the whole jew worship which jews used to push degenerate behavoir into Christianity.

>> No.11225114

Has there been studies studying the attractiveness when the age is made secret and young girls are included? We need to find out when peak attractiveness is, pretty sure it's between 14 and 18.

>> No.11225116

>Modern Christianity was corrupted by evagenicals started by a half jewish preacher which brought the whole jew worship which jews used to push degenerate behavoir into Christianity.
Anywhere I could read more on this?

>> No.11225117

Depends, but could be. Young men are attractive because of their youthful looks and twink bodies, older men because of their gravitas, status, money and so forth. If your twink looks fade before you get your middle aged charisma then yes you might be in a trough of attractiveness.

>> No.11225955

>I can't go below 20 without feeling like a creep as a 25yo
Dude, the rule is Your Age divided by two and the result plus 7. So you're fine dating a 19-year-old

>> No.11225973

The EU isn't exactly a paragon of "doing things the right way".

>> No.11225975

and older women arent?

>> No.11225996

that's the point, moron

>> No.11226044
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>> No.11228064

pretty stark

>> No.11228075

That's not what the word means

But yeah, that's probably true. man are attracted to health and youngness primary.

>> No.11228080

They're attracted to signs of sexual maturity and fertility.

>> No.11228084

they should add data to this graph to include how reproductively developed the girls are.

>> No.11228087

yeah, that's true.