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11211354 No.11211354 [Reply] [Original]

What are the scientific Advantages and Disadvantages to having HFA (High functioning autism)

>> No.11211360

Disadvantages: being retarded


>> No.11212213

Advantages: Not being mentally ill
Disadvantages: Normies thinking you're retarded, because you're not making mentally ill conclusions.

>> No.11212573

Autists have a strong risk of gender dysphoria

>> No.11212673

If autistic people are so smart why can't they learn how to stop being autistic

>> No.11212676

>not making mentally ill conclusions
>can't into social behavior
>can't into facial expressions, context cues
sounds retarded lol

>> No.11212722
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we don't want to, your world sucks

>> No.11212766

Autism isn't really a single disorder; it's a constellation of different neurological disorders. Because it is primarily discussed in the realm of a non-science (psychology), it is grouped together solely because of overlapping symptoms, and not by any structural criteria.

Some genes associated with autism-like behaviours correlate with higher IQ. Most do not. It's just a very specific way of being retarded, essentially. Studies have shown that in some cases, it appears to be a failure for the brain to trim connections properly, and the resulting hyperconnectivity fucks with normal development and cognition. I've also seen another study that showed that other patients had excessively convoluted brains, which is to say that they had an abnormal number gyres, or folds.

>> No.11213044
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Cope autist

>> No.11213198

see, you suck. I don't want to be like you.
Maybe if you are more kind I will reconsider.

>> No.11213873

autist cope itt

>> No.11213892
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>Shut the fuck up retard. it's time for you to earn your neet bux. on your knees.
>My cock needs a good long suck.
autistic girls make great flesh lights.

>> No.11213903

Has autism ever even been proven to be real? Arent high functioning autistic people just socially inept people who are also intelligent? Do people actually believe that they are smart due to being autistic?

>> No.11213929

My dad just told me im just not socially normal and that I frequently behave abnormally in public places, namely because recently I got into a huge fight with my mother and we screamed at each other in public, he says that im simply too old for that.

He told me I wont get far in life as "Acing your university math courses is only one of the many steps you can take in the road to success".

He also says I have a really hard time greeting people when I arrive somewhere and saying goodbye when I leave, I dont see this a true but whatever.

I have a shit ton of friends, I've always had plenty of friends whom I hold very dear and whom I know hold me as very important in their life as well.

Within my school im sort of a social leader, as I've been the one to conceptualize and host all social meetings that have ever taken place and because of this everyone in the school has become friends.

I've also been the de facto leader of my group of close friends since forever.

I've partied a lot, I've never had trouble getting girls, I've never had trouble making friends.

I seriously dont see how I can be abnormal.

One thing I do notice is that the people that get to know me absolutely adore me but that there's also a substantial amount of people that despise me from the moment I meet them for seemingly no reason to me.

However, I do admit I can be rough around the edged as I have a big disregard for dumb social rules and as such I can be outright offensive to people with certain sensibilities, A way to put this is that I seriously dont care about being "politically correct" (not in the /pol/ sense, in the social sense) and I dont care if people dislike me for that.
I dont think all opinions are valid and I absolutely despise fruity, super uptight people that get easily offended by meaningless shit. I have also observed a very deep correlation between being very stupid and being uptight in the sense im describing.
Needless to say I just cant stand stupid people.

>> No.11213943

If my dad says something like that its because he's definitely seeing something Im not.
Im I an actual autist/non-neurotypical?

>> No.11213972

nice blog post faggot

>> No.11214011


>> No.11214030

Disadvantages: you are an inferior person in every sense
Advantages: ???

>> No.11214260
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NOOOOOOPE you're dad is jealous of your success.
Carry on, everything is normal. He is testing your confidence, don't let him. It's HARD learning to be confident guy, anon. Some men, never actually become confident.
You're solid, bro.
I'd say vast majority of smart people that diagnose social disorders are just young intellectuals in college. Most people don't say you are an adult until late 20's and living on your own truly independent/self-sustaining.

>> No.11214295

I'm the HFA poster and I don't think of myself as overly intelligent. Also I don't care about being a social person. Only when I have to be otherwise I'm content being alone or hanging out with the two friends I have. Also ama

>> No.11214611

Is he high-functioning? Looks like an extremely spoilt child who's too grown to get a belt, electric charge through his spoilt brains could teach this moron a lesson though.

>> No.11214713
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> high functioning
> inferior
inferior to who? definitely not to you

>> No.11214717


>> No.11214829

>High functioning

Yes. This only means they’re not total retards like most autistic people. All autists should be aborted so they don’t pollute our world and make furry diaper porn and waste taxpayer money by just existing

> inferior to who? definitely not to you

You are inferior to me and everyone else who isn’t autistic.