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11200184 No.11200184 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think mainstream """scientist""" refused to allow for this to be called the aether?



>> No.11200406
File: 122 KB, 497x377, zymAc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Aether Was Real All Along
Of course it was

>> No.11200440

No. It became real once it was discovered.

>> No.11200458

the main problem with classical aether was lorentz invariance. if you claim there is some "aether"-like thing but it is lorentz invariant then you are misusing terminology

>> No.11200507

michelson morley didn't have sensitive enough equipment the experiment was redone


>> No.11200517


>> No.11200527

>muh michelson morley
you realize that every single particle physics experiment since the Bevatron also confirms special relativity right? and not only that, every collider like the Bevatron and the Tevatron and the LHC does many experiments per second so these things have been confirmed an astonishing number of times. for example the LHC in its last run performed collisions at a frequency of 40 MHz over the course of nearly a year, so special relativity was confirmed over 3 trillion times per day for the better part of a year (and the same thing happened each year for a few years before that)

>> No.11200534
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If it wasn't obvious to you all along that it was real, and you also thought your opinion on it was worth more than half a pile of moldy dog turds, then you are a mental midget.

>> No.11200535

They are doing it wrong or misunderstanding the results full stop bud, it ain't up for debate. The aether 100% provable fact in nearly every field of science.

I can provide you some sources if you want but I wont waste the time finding the links and posting if you aren't interested

>> No.11200540 [DELETED] 

Was it ~your~ birthday?

>> No.11200755

>Muh Lorentz
Seems the website anon posted covers that

>> No.11202306


Physics education was forked during the World Wars to ofuscate knowedge of atomic physics. Almost everything they teach in a Western physics class beyond Newtonian physics is complete and utter horseshit with the smallest grains of truth sprinkled in to maintain a venier credibility.

Yes of course aether is real. It's fucking dark matter. Thats why light passes right through dark matter, because dark matter fucking propogates light. Its literally lights fucking perfectfluid medium.

I could go on.

So sick of living in the fucking dark ages. Go learn about ancient Athenian society to understand how retarded our "modern" social structure is. All of our leaders are dumbass retards on purpose. We live in an oppressive slave serfdom that they try and sell to us as freedom.

All you have to do to know this is true is to try and talk about aether with anyone of "stature" in "Academia" - every last one of them is a fucking slavemaster's puppet, incapable of free thought - or better yet, speak openly about how American housing policy is literally slaved fuedalism, that will really get them riled up.

Imagine a world where land and food are rights, and not dangled in front of us by literal slavedrivers. Athens understood this was inhumane, and when they freed their people from the struggle of basic survival, and allowed them to speak freely about common fucking logic (the obviousness of aether theory for example), the Athenians went on to invent democracy, athletics, and REAL academics, not the fake bullshit that the slavemasters want you to learn, I'm talking about real learning, not the fake lies that you have to be drugged up on ADD meds just to sit through.

>> No.11202336

>and REAL academics, not the fake bullshit that the slavemasters want you to learn, I'm talking about real learning, not the fake lies that you have to be drugged up on ADD meds just to sit through.

If anyone wonders what I mean by real academics, as invented by Plato in Athens, versus the Christian Fascist Fundamentalist "Academics" that was perverted by our retard asshole slavedriving leaders, it's simple. Human beings love to learn, it's why you are on a science board right now and have to do it anonymously (big clue right there that we live in a fucking dark ages, fyi) so why does school in the West FUCKING SUCK to the point where half the students have to be on drugs just to prevent themselves from blowing their brains out? Is it because what is going on at school is not actually learning? Ding ding ding!!!! Public school is just an oppression device used on the slave class while the slavedrivers children are FREE to learn actual knowedge in their private schools. Key word is FREE in the sense that real academics gives students the FREEDOM to question and guide their own education. We do this naturally, but our fascist society has basically made questioning illegal so we can only do it on anonymous message boards now. It's fucked.

>> No.11202340
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isn't quantum field theory basically quantum ether

>> No.11202345


It is, 100%, but the lying fucking retards in power will never admit that.

>> No.11202363 [DELETED] 

>Planet X was real all along

NASA got so fucking butthurt over this discovery.
They decided not to let the conspiracy nuts have their day in the sun, so they downgraded Pluto from a planet, and thus Planet X became Planet 9, just so nobody could say "Planet X discovered"

>> No.11202571
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You fucking idiots still don't understand that Michelson-Morley only disproved static aether and argue about nothing at all.

>> No.11202626

What are some good legit independent sources to read then?

>> No.11202671

If you had ever taken a course that deals with atomic physics, or any physics for that matter, you would know that it’s not just “shut up and write down what I say goy”. In any field aside from purely theoretical physics you will do your own experiments to either verify or observe the theorems put forward.

>> No.11202696


We have unified physics, and yes from fake "academia" it is essentially "shut the fuck up".

>> No.11202701

>We have unified physics, and yes from fake "academia" it is essentially "shut the fuck up".

Because for them to admit that the greatest computational achievement in modern science was done by anon, using fucking home computers bought at fucking Walmart would be to admit that the billions poured into the brick and mortars is easily, and almost effortlessly defeated by the decentralized, singularity powered hivemind.

>> No.11202739

they would never admit anything, the academic establishment and the media establishment back each other up in their dishonest assertion that they are the only true sources of information. if you think someone with a grasp on power is going to just admit it when they're wrong about something and give up their authority because they were caught being dishonest then you might have autism. people who get into positions of power aren't honest like that, they'll lie and make excuses and fight back in any/every underhanded way they can think of rather than admitting that their academic bullshit is a very expensive fraudulent farce.

>> No.11202761

Cyber cuck.

>> No.11203039



>> No.11203111

of course it's real. they just didn't have the proper tools to measure it back in the day.

and also the 11th dimension is real, the quantum foam is real, and the planck field is real and you know what? they are all the same damn thing just from different theories.

>> No.11203328

>they just didn't have the proper tools to measure it back in the day
how do we measure it now?

>> No.11203656


By observing dark matter is one way, aka the way light is lensed through it at massive distance. Dark matter IS the aether, it's lights medium similar to how air is sounds medium.

>> No.11203671

The background electromagnetic field is the aether.

>> No.11203724

You'd think that someone would have devised an experiment that proves aether by now? How do the academics prevent this?

>> No.11203902


The Michaelson Morely experiment wasn't accurate enough to work ;)

>> No.11204241

What about Dark Energy?

>> No.11205268

No it's not. Again, if you had any real experience with academia you would know that. Universities make students do labs for a reason.

Welcome back Gary, we missed you.

>> No.11205309

>Why do you think mainstream """scientist""" refused to allow for this to be called the aether?

Because that would mean Einstein and particle physics would be completely negated thus ending the never ending quest and funding for the particularization of (insert new particular). But that's okay since every single one of their "discoveries" will always and forever be the result of something that is based in


Of which are conjugates and inseparable effects of "THE MEDIUM". You can call "the medium" whatever you like such as "quantum foam", "Dark matter", "aether". Words for the same thing, describing the same thing.

>Fifth Force

Aether=NO FORCE WHATSOEVER. "It is" or "it is not", all in ONE medium that doesn't "force" anything with the disparity that's inherent to it. One thing uncaused, not "forced" by anything whatsoever. It cannot logically be so.


Yet another device that runs on electrostatics and magnetism. Particularizer of a mediums effects. You could have done us all a favor and saved billions of dollars by just explaining to everyone what a "field" is. Oh wait that's right I forgot, you don't even know what you're looking for.

Re-described and renamed

Correct. It also yielded a NULL RESULT which technically dioesn't confirm anything at all.


It is incommensurable

>> No.11205800

please go on.

>> No.11205819

im interested anon

>> No.11205886


>> No.11205889


The long explanation(s)/proof(s)

the archive(s)

>> No.11205894



>> No.11206456

>NULL result
Sure, but it was refined and performed again some time ago.

>> No.11207567
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read this you dolt
>you won't though

>> No.11207683

exquisite bait

>> No.11207912
File: 247 KB, 976x905, 13D91654-9C8D-4D5A-83EE-44B07526B4A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the high complexity of physics the aether is an extremely loose term.

>> No.11207949

Dark matter is the aether with a different name to avoid embarrassing people. We still know little about it, but we know for sure it's there now.

>> No.11207999


Can we all just stop being brainlets for once for fuck sake,

there is not or 5 forces or whatever the fuck you star wards fan are talking about,

there is only ONE contant force of everything and the "4 or 5" forces gravity or whatever the fuck are all just amalmagations of the ONE only force, same thing as there are different kinds of dense materials but they are all the same shit in the end

and all the dark matter cucks, dark matter is just a placeholder for "WE DUNT KNUW REAL PHYSICS DUR" since they just " according to our calcualtions of the known "forces" that galaxy cant possibly look and move like that HUH UH UH UH, so lets just placehold with dark matter when in fact we are TOTALLY wrong on how physics actually works

>> No.11208860

Checked for truth on the one true force, but that doesn't mean dark matter isn't "real". It's exactly as real as protons, neutrons, electrons and photons. That's to say none of it is actually real, but just emergent behavior of the one force. They're all useful abstractions, and they won't stop being useful even after we figure shit out.

>> No.11209118

Okay, so what was the hypothesis this time around and which theory of the aether did it intend to disprove?

>> No.11209135


>> No.11209174


The fact that Ken has to come here and teach anonymously because modern "Academia" is fake should be a big clue to the dark ages we are in.

Human beings are naturally good, curious and productive, but our system tells us that we are evil and must be dictated to like slaves. That is provably bullshit!

Ken comes here and teaches for free, you all come here and learn for free, and it all must be done anonymously because of our fucked up and oppressive system that denegrates true learning less the slaves get too uppity.

Do yourselves a favor. Find a candidate who supports something called Universal Basic Income, and support that candidate, and that will be a step in the right direction.

The occupying forces are using food and shelter to control us against our good, natural and wholesome will. When humanity is freed from basic survival, it will experience a Golden Age the likes of which have not been seen for thousands of years.

>> No.11209179

>That's to say none of it is actually real, but just emergent behavior of the one force


>> No.11209183

So what is Dark Energy in your model?

>> No.11209224


You mean, what is the force driving the Universe's expansion? At the most fundamental levels the Universe is just, essentially, expansion and contraction along an infinite real number scale. Localized, interactive, simultaneous, infinite expansion and contraction. The Universe BREATHES. Everything else emerges from that, particles, you and me, everything. I am using this word "fundamental levels" loosely, because like Ken already said, The Medium of the Universe - its sole substance - is incommeasurable. It has no smallest unit. It has no "numbers". Numbers are just human tools that help us understand what the fuck this fucking brilliant thing we call The Universe is, but it is not truly measurable and never will be anymore than you can count to infinity. So why does the Universe expand? I can tell you the most fundamental equation, an equation that is irreducible, but I don't think I will ever be able to tell you WHY the equation is other than to appeal to some notion of perfect logic, elegance or beauty, but maybe that's enough.

>> No.11209281

I see, I only have an a-level knowledge of physics but I've always had an interest in the subject even if there were limits to my understanding.
What is driving so much resistance to this interpretation? politics or intentional disinformation?

>> No.11209313
File: 37 KB, 460x341, Ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has no "numbers".
Somewhere, right now, a mathematician is vomiting profusely into a bathroom stall...
>It has no "numbers".

It was me by the way.

>> No.11209315

>politics or intentional disinformation

Why not both.

Essentially its the same reason why religion is so slow to progress. That is the natural of social hierarchy. The guy at the top of the hierarchy has old thinking and chooses someone with old thinking to replace him after retirement. The young bucks know this, and so they adopt old thinking to win the bosses favor. Rinse, repeat.

>> No.11209319


Get back to me after you've unified physics and we can have a conv about it.

Gd damn I love that flex

>> No.11209350

Why'd you change the OK Boomer song, Gary? Being an absolute embarrassment has never stopped you before.

>> No.11209481

Still fixed aether. The first MM experiment wasn't well-designed. There still might a dynamic aether. As far as I know, no experiment falsified such a model.
Judging from theoretical work, assuming dynamic aether bears no advantage though it seems.

>> No.11209487

Plebs always get hung up on ontology, which sidetracks from physics. A wave function is a wave function. A quantum field is a quantum field. Spacetime is spacetime. These are new concepts of which the properties are well known and well defined. Asking "what is it really?" is a waste of time, since they are new concepts, and thus not reducible to older concepts. Get with the times and accept that reality does not owe it to you to conform to your preconceived notions.

>> No.11209497

Who gives a shit what it's called, aether and dark matter are both gay anyways.

>> No.11209510

In summary you described jewish cabals corrupting academics and media.

>> No.11209528
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>> No.11209535

Electric Universe fags need to get auto-banned.

>> No.11209786
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>the greatest computational achievement in modern science

Speak for yourself, Gary, but I think I've one-upped you with my own cellular automata!

>> No.11209816

Why is it that whenever someone talks about their aether theory it's always in really general terms? And why are these always bookended by treatises to open-mindedness?

>> No.11209952
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Yah that would be communism and is exactly what they want you dope because that gives them control of everything and Ken hasn't been coming here to teach you donkeys it has been me

The Occult History Of Communism

>> No.11210099

>The first MM experiment wasn't well-designed.

No, see the assumption that light "was something" to be "carried" by the medium and not directly resultant of the medium would have been the first thing they would have figured out before even making such a false hypothesis.

>As far as I know, no experiment falsified such a model.

"It is obvious from what has gone before that it would be hopeless to attempt to solve the question of the motion of the solar system by observations of optical phenomena at the surface of the earth."
—A. Michelson and E. Morley

The Lorentz aether theory shortly came after which was perfected by Henri Poincare and then re-described by Einstein (who never denied the aether and simply stated that no motion or substance could be attributed to it. That would include light since light is essentially motion.

>The fact that Ken has to come here

>Do yourselves a favor. Find a candidate who supports something called Universal Basic Income, and support that candidate, and that will be a step in the right direction.

"mother nature does not dish out a free lunch"- Ken Wheeler

>> No.11210143

>"mother nature does not dish out a free lunch"- Ken Wheeler

Who said UBI was a free lunch? It's provided for by our automatons.

>> No.11210147


Virtually none of the imaged points apply to the philosophy of UBI. It's far more "libertarian" than you might suspect.

>> No.11210176
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meh decent point, this is a very difficult thing to discuss in a forum type atmosphere. I mean anything can be done under the right circumstance and turn out bad or turn out good it all depends on the people at the top running it.

Our system is so corrupt and depraved and run by super predators it is very dangerous to attempt ANYTHING that gives up any kind of control and personal freedom at this time. Best to not depend on anyone or anything in the kali yuga lest you will end up disappointed and worse every time desu.

Hopefully you young little niggas will study this knowledge to move us forward and destroy the control mechanisms of the (((arch-wizards))) which is a normal part of the progression to the new golden age

t. empath

>> No.11210213

>Who said UBI was a free lunch?
"descriptions are not explanations"

>It's provided for by our automatons.
But explain who provides the automatons?

>> No.11210225

it depends how it's implemented
the libertarians prefer the idea that it not be a subsidy that disinsentivises you to get a job
I don't know what their current policy is but Friedman preferred the negative income tax model,

>> No.11210366
File: 2.96 MB, 800x800, ridiculously_based.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this BASED

>> No.11210684


Holy shit! Is that the original algorithm, or did you fork it?

>> No.11210907

I have no idea what you're trying to argue here. There was definitely criticism directed towards how MM worked and only fixed aether is rolled out.

>> No.11211703

You can use signal communication limits in a material, and then shoot matter at faster than reduced light velocity to create signal between a 2nd electron beam via cherenkov radiation, however the local at rest electrons will not be able to see the interaction happening due to faster than effective speeds. We can measure (energy) communication between two concentrated points of dark matter, but we can't see the actual transfer because it's faster than speed of light in a "vacuum"

>> No.11211910
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>We live in an oppressive slave serfdom that they try and sell to us as freedom.
>American housing policy is literally slaved fuedalism, that will really get them riled up.
I fucking wish

>> No.11211982



>> No.11212008
File: 1.42 MB, 500x500, g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I forgot how fun this thing was to play with

>> No.11212032

No "5th force" have been discovered.

Shit thread...

>> No.11212043

Based schizo is off his needs again

>> No.11212051

due to the wall of text and lack of religious references, I think it may be a bot

>> No.11212056

I was wondering how he got past the captcha. This explains it.

>> No.11212552
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100% buzzwords
0% equations

seems legit

>> No.11212563

>do my homework for me

>> No.11212582
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1485348036435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make claim
>get called out to formulate said claim in a scientific manner (i.e. equations and stuff)
>tell other person to kill themselves

really activates my almonds

>> No.11212814
File: 646 KB, 356x200, party.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why won't you do my homework for me sir please

>> No.11213021


If you leave it running long enough it gains sentience.

>> No.11213031

oh shit boys do I sense a new run of cellular automaton threads?

>> No.11213040


When you zoom in and switch to vector view you can watch the point particles attract to each other by the square of their distance. Quantum gravity. Complete fucking lunacy.

>> No.11213054
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>> No.11213068

I'm just pointing out that using the Michelson Morley Experiment to prove a point about the aether is as null as the experiment itself.

>> No.11213072


The vector fields always connect to an opposite, or if there is only 1 point particle, its field will loop around and connect to its opposit end, even if it has to go out through one side of the screen and in through the other. No monopoles. If we had this equation running in 3d I would bet the vector fields would look exactly like a classic electromagnetic field.

>> No.11213081

"Every generation makes extraordinary advancement that would seem like magic to the generation previous. The time between the first wood glider and the moonlanding was one lifetime. The question then is, what will you do with your life?"

>> No.11213731

Then what are you arguing against? I was agreeing with that statement.

>> No.11213760

Someone care to explain wtf im i looking at?

>> No.11213800


>> No.11213814

When you say "wasn't well designed" it implied that "it could have worked" which will never be the case because the premise of the experiment was flawed to begin with. It would have never "worked" and it never did.

>> No.11214336

Is this you Gary Lebby

>> No.11214483


>> No.11214499

>aether theories
>1905 + 114
There is literally, and I mean literally, no reason to believe in an aether. If you do, you're just a credulous retard.

>> No.11214506

Ah, I see. No, it did work regarding disproving aether wind. Movement of earth against a fixed aether has no influence in the speed of light.

>> No.11214507

>Dark matter is the aether with a different name
It absolutely is not. The aether was a hypothetical medium that allowed the propagation of light. Dark matter has no interaction with electromagnetism at all.

You either don't know what either of those two things are, or are using them to refer to different concepts.

>> No.11214515
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waa waaa WHAT!!!?!!!???


>> No.11214525
File: 22 KB, 500x480, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This photo is what the aether (background EMF) looks like when purturbations caused by electrons moving between valence shells of atoms, move through the background cosmic radiation left over from the big bang, we perceive these purturbations as light.

>> No.11214528

There is literally, and I mean literally, no reason to believe this reality is made of microscopic bb's rolling around banging into each other

>> No.11214530

go to bed Gerry

>> No.11214578

Oh gary


Im gonna insult you in the source code so you dont do this again

>> No.11214597
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>insulting Gary

>> No.11214601
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You do realise that the athenians owned slaves too, right? Actual slaves, not just wagies. I have no idea where this meme that they were the bastion of freedom and democracy came from.

>> No.11214604

Fuck off bean counter

>> No.11214605

Modern physics is a dead end, nobody knows shit, Einstein was wrong, there have been no advances to the understanding of the universe, and no practical application of any "knowledge" gained.

>> No.11214625


Please tell me this means you are going to model this in 3d using vectors

>> No.11215694


>> No.11216093


God damnit BG, explain this! Wtf have to done to create these eigenvalues, what do they represent, and have you figured out how to derive rotating bodies from the data?

>> No.11216914
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>> No.11217404

is there any data to disprove this. what scientific instrument is required to make such an observation.

>> No.11217860
File: 47 KB, 940x529, A-Hacker-attack-on-FSB-revealed-the-KGB-successor-wants-to-control-the-Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. now disprove it. with advanced technology.

>> No.11217925

That isn't homework, he's asking you what the theory actually is. That requires equations, in physics at least.

>> No.11218982

was it real all along?

>> No.11218990
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>> No.11219035

Yes there is man, that has the same validity as when cells were discovered and everyone thought it was a hoax, the proof you are made of particles is when you press on something and it presses back, just imagine particles as tiny little magnets.
Also Brownian motion is proof, when all the dust motes float, it's the atoms bouncing of them. Sortof anyway, I'm not too familiar with the "there is no particles at all" theory

>> No.11220312
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This thread has been visited by Aetherfag.

>> No.11220757

With all the evidence I have thought of, there is an increase in the amount of my thoughts that most are clueless about the aether. The truth behind many sciences is that there are many loose terms that could be applied or not. I am starting to believe that planck particles have mass but also do not. They appear under planck time, therefore radiated under planck mass under planck time. Therefore they do exist in a way, but also do not according to my half-theories half hypothesis. Planck particles fill up the aether, they are the aether. Time is a force, which could only exist under planck particles.

>> No.11222105

The earth is the centre of the universe and doesn't move.
Einstein's nutty theories were invented in an attempt to explain away the Michelson–Morley experiment. But redshift uniformity and Airy's Failure confirm earth is centre of the universe.

" In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1

>> No.11223212

naw nigga

>> No.11224454
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can confirm, i asked my astronomy professor what he thought about aether and the hermetic universe model and he just scoffed at me

>> No.11224820

Modern Science™ is cloud of buzzwords around the equations for models that have left off experimental support in favor of historical momentum. There used to be bitchfights and discussions about the nature of things not in a whoa #deep but in an electrical engineering way. Now it's a bunch of money-raking for grants and conferences. Academia got pozzed and only the engineers now know what's up.

>> No.11224833
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>Academia got pozzed and only the engineers now know what's up

Nigga please when I first started posting links to my work here the engineers were just as clueless and retarded as all the rest of the psued hacks here. Granted engineers are at least more grounded in actual real science than than quack mathematicians and theoretical physicists but the only people that haven't been pozzed are the Vedic occultists who always knew this shit since at the very least the time of Atlantis

>> No.11224840

Engineers who build stuff make their own versions of things instead of le maxwell 'axiomatic' approach. Obviously nobody here counts as an expert, mostly I was talking about the Tesla generation. Vedic occultists are more interested in geometry yes? Needs work before you have a power generator.

>> No.11224859
File: 1.64 MB, 300x300, 9code.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vedic occultists are more interested in geometry yes?

No they were interested in what makes this entire reality tick
What Is Reality? The Holofractal Universe

> Needs work before you have a power generator.
Nah they covered that looong ago my dude

Applications Of The Torus – Anti Gravity

Ancient Vimana

Randy Powell Explains The Vortex

Thule, Vril And The Black Sun

War Of The Ancient Aryans/Atlanteans As Described In The Vedas

Vedas are Scientific Encyclopedia || Astronomy; Quantum Physics; Biology

Tesla - Light, Sound, Sanskrit

>> No.11225862


>> No.11226362
File: 549 KB, 600x337, ezgif-4-32a16272f8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11226375

I like to slob on shlongs and receiving pounding anus

>> No.11226417

Woah dude trippy gif

Show me an actual application

>> No.11226424
File: 18 KB, 480x360, texan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three posts above him that was already done

This is the IQ of this board on full display

>> No.11226458

So this is how schizophrenia feels like.

>> No.11226482
File: 182 KB, 800x466, TeslaMotherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To double digit IQ kunckle draggers I imagine it does