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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11208003 No.11208003 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11208335


>> No.11208349

>climate change

>> No.11208380

A drought is good. Less mosquitoes.

>> No.11208383

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.11208786
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>> No.11208812
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Meanwhile...elderly couple gets trapped in snow and freezes to death.

In Arizona.


>> No.11208814

Lack of rainfall means that rivers, creeks and lakes stop flowing and dry up, leaving ponds and marshes ideal for mosquitos

>> No.11208815

why do you retards reply to obvious bait? just ignore him and they'll stop posting

>> No.11208819

This kind of stuff is literally what climate science has predicted. The faster warming in arctic regions is leading to destabilization of the jet-stream which causes waves of very cold air to come south.

>> No.11208825
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>> No.11208826
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Climate change must be the answer. Please ignore the extra couple of hundred million more Africans.
It MUST be Western made climate change!!!

>> No.11208830

once a century

so how many places is that happening on earth right now by odds?

>> No.11208835
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>science predicted
>posts something utter irrelevant and pretends he has an argument
kek, this is pretty low quality bait anon

>> No.11209040

probably irrigation

>> No.11209093
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Good, waterfalls are overrated anyway.

>> No.11209155
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>half a year later
>"Unprecedented flood at Victoria Falls kills millions"

>> No.11209175


>> No.11209219

>This kind of stuff is literally what climate science has predicted
Even a broken watch is right twice-- etc. etc.

>> No.11209225

>worst drought in a century

so there was a worse drought 100 years ago when climate change wasn't even considered

>> No.11209237

1st - China
2nd - USA
3rd - India

Those are the largest polluters, in order. Notice how all these are built to make shit for the fat consumers of USA. So really its the USA thats done all of this.

>> No.11209242

>implying getting rid of the USA would fix the India/China problem
it won't.

>> No.11209258

>Some random river is dry

Don’t care. We can build our own river.

>> No.11209265

I can't wait for everyone to fucking die

>> No.11209274

Never happening

>> No.11209277

Look up the fall of Rome.

>> No.11209288

People are still around today though

>> No.11209293

Lot's of Italians still in Rome.

>> No.11209306

italians =/= romans
they imported too many immigrants and fractured their society

>> No.11209464

>dry season is dry
In other news, "water is wet!"

>> No.11209473

I bet it has nothing to do with Africans being absolute shit tier when it comes to water management.

>> No.11209514
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>decline this dry season
well shit boys, time to raise the taxes, that will fix the problem

>> No.11209757

It looks like that every year during dry season, sad how gullible people are.

>> No.11211120

>climate change isn't real
>actually it is real but it's niggers
So? Whether America or China or Niggerland is fucking over climate stability, we need to fix it. It wouldn't be the first and won't be the last time white men save Africa from itself.

>> No.11211132

>in a century
So what happened 100 years ago?

>> No.11211572

For fuck's sake, look at all of you. This is not a fucking joke. This is not something to "kek" about. I hate my species, because almost all of its members are literally content with walking down a road that has multiple warning signs of death to come.

Go the other way. Drag the ones that do not want to with you.

>> No.11211579


>> No.11211641

climate science seems to be right down to the minute though.

>> No.11211661

What's the point in not having children in order to save the earth to make it habitable for my children? That makes no damn sense. Because that is the only way to stop the climate crisis, apart from suicide (and/or murdering as many as I can, and then suicide), all other means are nothing but pointless pats on the back.

The environmentalist agenda makes no sense. The world won't get saved by cutting down on eating meat, or by reducing flying, if everyone still gives birth to 2 children who themselves just cut down on eating meat, or by reducing flying. It's the insanely expansive birthrates in China and Africa are the real problem, as well as American overconsumptious capitalism and their constant need to sell their lifestyle to others in order to feed their own.

I'm innocent. "Everyone" is not responsible, because then no one is. I'm going to have children. Because of this, I'm already such a large climate criminal that it's not worth trying to do anything otherwise. I'll get rich though, ensure that my children are in a very advantageous situation when the eventual collapse occur.

>> No.11211673


You know mosquitoes thrive in stagnant water right?

>> No.11211700

We go to nuclear power. We begin travelling by bicycles, and for distances longer than a few kilometers, you hop onto an electric train that you stow your bike on. We use electric boats or sailboats. We use electric planes.

Cities become highly-populated centers that are dotted amongst untouched nature, aside from railways for transportation.

We stop using so much plastic. We go back to canvas bags that last you decades. We start focusing on repair, instead of replacement.


I get what you mean though. It seems as if none of us have the power to change anything, so why attempt to do so, when all you will get are odd looks and a less joyous life? What we need is to unite all at once and demand change. We could begin truly solving this problem tomorrow if we just did not go to work. Companies would listen. Governments would listen. We just need to convince militaries to carry out the wills of their peoples, rather than their governments.

>> No.11211909

You don’t know this but flagstaff has always been one of the snowiest places in the United States. Around 100 average inches of snowfall per year. Syracuse is the only “large” (>30k) town with more annual average snowfall. The only thing that beat those are the small towns near mountains claimed by snow resort companies and a few shithole ports in Alaska. It’s also at 7,000 feet elevation while Phoenix is at 1,000 feet. Oh, and it’s in the middle of a national forest. Not all of arizona is Phoenix/Tucson.

>> No.11211950

getting rid of the US would fix almost every problem

>> No.11211954

There literally is no water. Also most states have done well with water management.

>> No.11211960
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Because peepull still don't know how a lot of places have drastic peaks and valleys of water in the environment. Not saying claimed change doesn't exist but Lake Chad fluctuates a lot aad statistically it's reduction in size isn't due to human actions or CC.

>> No.11211970

>It's the insanely expansive birthrates in China and Africa
Rock bottom fertility rates for the former and the latter uses way less resources and declining fertility rates Stop trying to blame the yellows and blacks for your inabiltiy to make changes in yourself.

>> No.11211993


Ah, someone mentioned the elephant in the room. Well said, Sir.
The biggest fuckfest about all the hand wringing about climate change and extinction events is hardly anyone mentions population.

This may interest you, it contains some intelligent discussion about the issue, it's not the usual reddit liberal soccer mom circle jerk. Far from it.


>> No.11212029

>all other means are nothing but pointless pats on the back.
Why would come on here and spread such blatant misinformation? What is your agenda here?

>> No.11212062

This is why I'm a climate accelerationist. The Africans will die first. Northern Europeans will be the last to survive.

>> No.11212426

Incredibly based

>> No.11212437

*Less Africans

>> No.11212440

Northern Europe is full of africans anon

>> No.11212444

fuck africa

>> No.11212793


>> No.11212799

Based optimists.

>> No.11212805
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>> No.11212977

What about all the south afrcan white farmers running productive semi-arid farms with sophisticated irrigation systems getting raided and genocided?

>> No.11213010

what is your definition of genocide?

>> No.11213014
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>Not intentionally having many children to accelerate the collapse

>> No.11213065

the same as a male pigmentally challenged black lesbian sjw seeking a professorship

>> No.11213269


Yes the opinion of 4chan will surely sway the tide in climate change. What a fag lol.

>> No.11214154

Uncle Ted!
I wonder how he have it in prison ;_;
Should we try to get him out of the iron cage?

>> No.11214164

>This is not something to "kek" about. I hate my species, because almost all of its members are literally content with walking down a road that has multiple warning signs of death to come.
Kek, I hate this species that is why I am walking straight ahead towards the warning signs.
I want this species to die out so hard and fast that I will get a 50's car just to burn more carbon faster

>> No.11214171

We need less taxes.
India is having their industrial revolution and their carbon will increase, but when everyone get better living standards the carbon and amount of children will go down.

>> No.11214181
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Have fun with your fantasy world.

>> No.11215676

Does not need to be a fantasy.
>have fun with your imaginary cars *tilts hat and whips horse to begin a two week long journey*

>> No.11215680

looks like it already happened

>> No.11215688

>What about all the south afrcan white farmers running productive semi-arid farms with sophisticated irrigation systems getting raided and genocided?

The vast vass majority of people killed are not white and those white owned farms among all over farms in South Africa are struggling due to climate change and general shifts in the global market. worker abuse on those farms are pretty rampant.

>> No.11215716


Enjoy your crippled healthcare infrastructure and wildlife retard. Or did you fucking forget that Northern European countries warming up increases livable land for parasite populations/diseases such as ticks and lyme disease.

>> No.11215751

>ticks and lyme disease

not him but those are only issues if you area total tard.

>> No.11216764

Too hot? Climate Change! Too cold? Climate Change! Too dry? Climate Change! Too wet? Climate Change! No matter what happens, climate change is true.

>> No.11216777

>some random river
You mean the fucking Zambezi? Dr. Livingstone I presume? Ringing any bells dingleberry?

>> No.11216780

All the stuff between the cities can't be untouched because it's currently covered in the farmland that feeds the cities. Do you think food for seven billion people can grow on the roofs of skyscrapers?

>> No.11216818

Do you have more?

>> No.11216888

No, but in greenhouses. It is time we built vertical farms.

>> No.11217527

how unfortunate for life.

>> No.11217559


This turns out not to be the case.

Every year, during the dry season, parts of the falls "dry up," and that has happened again this year. And the rest of the falls continue falling, which is also what has happened this year.



Yeah, there's a drought going on there. No, the falls have not "dried up."

>> No.11217563

>Comparing dry and wet season pics...

>> No.11217565

The reasons for the fall of Rome are hugely complex, and more on topic for /his/, but saying any one thing was THE thing responsible indicates that you don't know enough about it to form a valid opinion.

>> No.11217566

We all klnow what happened to Africa's water sources, why how and by whom.

Pretending is a dry season issue is just malevolent.

>> No.11217663

>We'll keep them north of the Zambezi till that river's running dry

>> No.11218853

is this even true

>> No.11218872
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African countries emit a fraction of what developed countries do

>> No.11218878

at the moment

>> No.11218948

Developing countries don't work though the stages that developed countries do, they leapfrog to the newest/cheapest technology. There's no reason to believe their emissions will ever rival the US.

>> No.11219032

Fewer, not less.

>> No.11219053

lmao you're a fucking retard.

>> No.11219466

His point isn't about CO2 emissions, its about the possibility of tons of new Africans requiring more land and food so they divert more water from rivers for agricultural purposes.

>> No.11219707

But they don't though and many agricultural techniques they employ both modern and traditional don't really do that.

>> No.11219711


>> No.11219713

Based for making the retards seethe

>> No.11219715
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>Implying africans don't live in europe, us and australia
>implying 100s of million africans won't move to west in next few decades