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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 341x255, BRAINCELL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11198299 No.11198299 [Reply] [Original]

i know that aerobic exercise is a pretty effective one, what else?

>> No.11198319

Magnesium and copper.

>> No.11198355

Become left handed
pro tip: you can't

>> No.11198404

You have to take alphabrain daily

>> No.11198411

Choline supplements

>> No.11199787


>> No.11199788


>> No.11199811


>> No.11199816


>> No.11199820

Playing a musical instrument

>> No.11199849

Stop posting on 4chan.
Learn a new language.
Focus on studying the stuff you like. Study everyday even is just a little bit or not very well and make stead progress.
Ruminate on stuff you learn.

>> No.11199852

EDIT: Study everyday even if it's just a little bit or not very well and make steady progress.
God I'm retarded.

>> No.11200178

>Stop posting on 4chan

>> No.11200778


>> No.11200782

Meditation. Specifically vipassana (mindfulness) and samadhi (focus) meditation.
They actually increase the conscious load you can control by shedding off excess conscious load. You'll be more productive by learning to let go of unnecessary thoughts. It'll also increase your awareness in general that is to say you'll be able to see the bigger picture of things while also being able to greatly focus on the details.

>> No.11200910

fuck off pajeet

>> No.11200931

Train yourself to become ambidexterous.

>> No.11200936

Interesting. Thanks for describing what each kind of meditation actually is about instead of just dropping the sanskrit words. I feel just leaving it at that turns many people off the practice because they just associate them with new age bullshit or religious mumbo jumbo.

>> No.11200962


>> No.11201154


>> No.11201359


>> No.11201370


>> No.11201395


>> No.11203123


>> No.11203149

seems like cannabis and certain psychs may increase neurogenesis but maybe at the cost of increasing entropy?

>> No.11203153


>> No.11203561


>> No.11203846


>> No.11204026
File: 1.39 MB, 4958x4437, 1527855555263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i need cheat codes to enhance cognition
must've felt bad realizing you were born with an inferior mind, enjoy devoting yourself to a lifetime of servitude trying to demonstrate your value to society. if you get done with that and you done a good enough job then i might even let you help whitewash aunt polly's fence.

>> No.11204180


>> No.11204193

keep on striving to try and prove yourself, earn all that tax revenue for zog, buy those status symbols. maybe one day you'll be able to convince yourself that you aren't inferior to the neet master race

>> No.11204197

Keep learning new stuff, the hippocampus will grow eventually.

>> No.11204208

or you can be a drummer and reach a level of playing open handed naturally, as well as 4 limb independence. IE your "leading hand" doesn't exist, whatever patterns you can play such as RLLRRL you can effortlessly switch to LRRLLR. Same thinking applies to the feet as well but usually in double bass applications. Left foot timekeeping with the hi-hat is not so much leading with the left foot as it is muscle memory and playing multiple hits from different limbs in as close to unison as physically possible. Any phase in the waveform between the different drums/cymbals being hit that is not intended by the player is to be eliminated. An intended amount of phase between hits in unison is simply a flam.

>> No.11204354

medium imbecile checking in

>> No.11204393


take the modafinil meme

>> No.11204435

Based drum bro.

>> No.11204471

low IQ post

>> No.11204473

Find a high IQ mate and let your offspring do the thinking.

>> No.11204729

>You have to take alphabrain daily
>Become left handed
why does it increase cognition and how much?

>> No.11204752

>Playing a musical instrument
I a 29 years old.
Learning piano
Didn't notice a change in my IQ

>> No.11204763

>Meditation. Specifically vipassana (mindfulness) and samadhi (focus) meditation.

>> No.11204774

probably you have to start in teenage years at the latest and actually end up good

i noticed a change when learning polyphonic music like bach with heavy logical voice leading, feels like my brain is switching hemispheres when playing the inventions and sinfonias

>> No.11204776

>Interesting. Thanks for describing what each kind of meditation actually is about instead of just dropping the sanskrit words.
If you want an insight I have tried what is he sayng. I have been trying for a weec
I feel really another person.
And he described what it feels like
If you want a tipp I can say to you this:
meditation s the ''art'' of having ''0 toughts'' in your mind
It's about that.
It's simple and difficult at the same time.
When you get to the point to have really 0 toughts you'll experiment a state of bliss
I have tried mindfulness for the first time cause I am a severe obsessive compulsive disorder.

I can give you this tipp: Just focus on breath and notjhing else.
If a tought cames in to your mind observe it without judging it. And re-focuse on breath.
Don't force your breath.
You have to understand that the only moment that matters is here and now

>> No.11204934

you're low iq if you deny the cognitive enhancement one can receive from playing a musical instrument at a high level.

>> No.11204938

I agree with the other anon that replied to you.

4channel, and quite possibly the world, would be a slightly better place if you just offed yourself.

>> No.11204950

I believe Omega 3 fatty acids improve concentration somewhat

>> No.11204955

High grade imbecile reporting. You got any circuits for me to troubleshoot sir? I can repair your furnace too m'lord.

>> No.11205970

>meditation s the ''art'' of having ''0 toughts'' in your mind
well that will 100% make you dumber by lowering your brain's neuroplasticity

>> No.11206403


>> No.11206889

work out
-sleep well
-eat healthy
-do starvation days here and there
-learn to read faster by reading a lot
--learn to memorize faster and more volume by going over what you studied
-if you have suffer from bad mental health due to things that happened in past, go over them and seek peace with them through psychology

etc.. etc.. if you can understand heavier topics, you are smart enough to do them, the thing is you need to learn how to process and memorize them faster and for longer period of time

>> No.11206892

>hurr just do some generic /fit/ shit

>> No.11206895


>> No.11206899
File: 301 KB, 1062x942, 1562734888398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much works for majority of people and if you don't believe me, then just start smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy, sleeping 4 hours per day and consuming shit things on computer all day and see how you'll feel.

and then you can compare in which one of these two states you do cognitive work better and for longer period of time.

>> No.11206930


>> No.11207059 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (edited).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

•"Full fundamental nutrition".
>All essential vitamins and minerals.
>Lots of protein (examine.com suggests 1 g/lb. BW).
>Plenty of omega 3 (especially plant[s]-based).
>Proper antioxidants (Sangre de Grado; astaxanthin).
•Cellular Energy.
>Metabolites of glutathione, acetyl-CoA, and NAD.
•Neurochemical Metabolites.
>L-DOPA (for epinephrine and dopamine).
>5-HTP (for melatonin and serotonin).
>Caffeine (increased T, at a least near intense physical activity – of which not even amphetamine is documented).
>Ashwaghandha (reduced cortisol; increased T).
•Vitamin C, specifically (and some other information).
.. (>>>/fit/53388337)

This is fun.

>[Overpriced B6, L-Tyrosine {amongst proper protein amounts, a worse L-DOPA}, L-theanine, L-serine, Alpha GPC, and a few other things – each in really small amounts].
>[.. Niacin, {a few tea herbs}, L-trypotphan {which produces quinolic acid, an excitotoxin} ..].


*). "An exception is LSD."

>a new language
>[when I'm interested in having "an improved English" and girls worth sharing with].

"No resting places of the mind."

Fasting is surpassed by nutrient availability and (insulinogenic) timing.

>> No.11207061 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (edited).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

•"Full Fundamental Nutrition".
>All essential vitamins and minerals.
>Lots of protein (examine.com suggests 1 g/lb. BW).
>Plenty of omega 3 (especially plant[s]-based).
>Proper antioxidants (Sangre de Grado; astaxanthin).
•Cellular Energy.
>Metabolites of glutathione, acetyl-CoA, and NAD.
•Neurochemical Metabolites.
>L-DOPA (for epinephrine and dopamine).
>5-HTP (for melatonin and serotonin).
>Caffeine (increased T, at a least near intense physical activity – of which not even amphetamine is documented).
>Ashwaghandha (reduced cortisol; increased T).
•Vitamin C, Specifically (and Some Other Information).
.. (>>>/fit/53388337)

This is fun.

>[Overpriced B6, L-Tyrosine {amongst proper protein amounts, a worse L-DOPA}, L-theanine, L-serine, Alpha GPC, and a few other things – each in really small amounts].
>[.. Niacin, {a few tea herbs}, L-trypotphan {which produces quinolic acid, an excitotoxin} ..].


*). "An exception is LSD."

>a new language
>[when I'm interested in having "an improved English" and girls worth sharing with].

"No resting places of the mind."

Fasting is surpassed by nutrient availability and (insulinogenic) timing.

>> No.11208535


>> No.11208631

>stop posting on 4chins
So no hope huh

>> No.11208639

Erratic sleep schedule
Poor posture
Staying indoors
Spending half a day on 4chan
Increasingly depraved porn
Eating mostly junk food and having vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Being really angry

>> No.11208654
File: 346 KB, 877x620, 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must live microgravity, let your body adapt to your weightless environment. Over time, your muscles will loosen and your limbs will atrophy, a simple sacrifice for a bigger brain. Grow to become a massive floating space organism, floating freely in a sphere of oxygen and nitrogen gravitational bond thanks to advance gravitational manipulation caused by your big brain. Your brain is a biological computers, the more space it has, the more computations your brain can perform. At this point, your no longer a human but a new creature with advance knowledge of physics, not only are you able to bend them to your will, you can create new physics and change the universe.

bigger brain = higher cognition and consciousness

>> No.11208690

Nope. You it allows you to find new solutions to problems by coming in from a thought space not constrained by prior habits and preconceptions.

>> No.11208872

>I pretend to be a genius on 4chan

>> No.11208891

Motherfucking music theory, friend.

You'd think it's a bunch of bullshit: but honestly this subject will properly integrate you into the world of abstract thought.

>> No.11208895

use your non dominate hand more.

>> No.11209199
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (edited).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

•"Full Fundamental Nutrition".
>All essential vitamins and minerals.
>Lots of protein (examine.com suggests 1 g/lb. BW).
>Plenty of omega 3 (especially plant-based).
>Proper antioxidants (Sangre de Grado; astaxanthin).
•Cellular Energy.
>Metabolites of glutathione, acetyl-CoA, and NAD.
•Neurochemical Metabolites.
>L-DOPA (for epinephrine and dopamine).
>5-HTP (for melatonin and serotonin).
>Caffeine (increased T, at a least near intense physical activity – of which not even amphetamine is documented).
>Ashwaghandha (reduced cortisol; increased T).
•Vitamin C, Specifically (and Some Other Information).
.. (>>>/fit/53388337)

This is fun.

>[Overpriced B6, L-Tyrosine {amongst proper protein amounts, a worse L-DOPA}, L-theanine, L-serine, Alpha GPC, and a few other things – each in really small amounts].
>[.. Niacin, {a few tea herbs}, L-trypotphan {which produces quinolic acid, an excitotoxin} ..].


*). "An exception is LSD."

>a new language
>[when I'm interested in having "an improved English" and girls worth sharing with].

"No resting places of the mind."

Fasting is surpassed by nutrient availability and (insulinogenic) timing.