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11206225 No.11206225 [Reply] [Original]

Trump's FDA is approving breakthrough drugs ahead of schedule and pushing the advancement of medicine forward faster than Obama did.

This has led to warnings from liberals and harvard humanities professors about the risks of trying to cure things like fatal uncurable diseases and the side effects on the dying people.

Ethicists and humanities researchers wonder if their chance to emote and feel about what cures mean to greater society or abstract concepts like patriarchy will be squashed.

Should Trump be removed from Presidency, a liberal president would move to quickly install humanities and diverse FDA oversight to greatly slow medical approval and protect dying people from risky cures.



>> No.11206232
File: 31 KB, 403x509, trump off duty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under Obama the regulation timeframe was longer and more stringent.

Under Trump the FDA has become encouraging of progress and risk-taking.

A harvard professor warns about the risks of not taking abundant caution and the benefits of slowing medical progress.

"“There’s evidence that when drugs are approved on a faster time line, they are more likely to be associated with post-approval changes to their safety-related labeling,” said Kesselheim, the Harvard professor. Drugs that get an expedited approval are 48% more likely to subsequently get an update to their boxed warning -- the FDA’s most severe -- or contraindications that restrict their use than those that go the traditional route, according to one study that he helped conduct."

>> No.11206237

Should a Democrat win in 2020, the FDA is likely to face a sea-change to a diverse, humanities-based ethicists who will slow down medical progress and restore the tight reins on progress that we had under Obama.

While Trump has pushed for allowing dying patients to attempt "miracle cures" on experimental drugs. That will likely go away under democrats to protect society and dying people from harmful drugs.

>> No.11206245

An ethics council should discuss the impact of any drug on disparate groups and identities globally before approval. Does this drug or medical device exacerbate inequality or patriarchal oppression?

This expedited and quick approval based on metrics is simply western patriarchy run amok.

>> No.11206253

Amusing bait thread, but the FDA clearly can't be trusted, no matter who is in charge or what their "safety" standards are, in any capacity as they are a compromised organization. You see this on how their treatment of Monsanto and how their bureaucratic appointments are all former corporate shills.

>> No.11206254

Yes, FDA needs to be full of berkeley humanities grads who understand the impact on the congo and climate change of what they are approving.

>> No.11206259

yay, to becoming a guinea pig.
bet that will work just as well as saving the coal mines did.

>> No.11206282

I'm skeptical about taking any medicine that is less than 10 years old.
Too many times I've seen medicine X being advertised all over TV then a few years later I would see some law firm advertising a class action lawsuit against the makers of medicine X.

Sick people will always be effectively guinea-pigging themselves with the newest medicines regardless of where the FDA sets the bar.

The FDA can't test the safety of a given medicine with all combinations of medicines because it is a combinatorial nightmare.
The FDA can't test the safety of a given medicine with all types of genotypes because people are really diverse.
The FDA can't guarantee that you won't get some strange side-effect decades after taking a medicine because the time-scale of the testing is only a few years.

FDA approval is only a slightly better benchmark than the opinions of paid actors in snake-oil commercials.

>yay, to becoming a guinea pig.
It's sad if you thought people weren't already guinea-pigging themselves.
Wise up to reality.

>> No.11206305

Not really an argument for slowing down drug approval. More of an argument about the fundamental nature of medicine right now.

>> No.11206334
File: 379 KB, 948x533, 737max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also weakened all those stifling liberal FAA guidelines, allowing Boeing and others to certify the safety of its own innovations in aeronautics. Private industry, after all, is always more trustworthy and efficient than government.

Trump absolutely based and winning.

>> No.11206335

Trump is being impeached and will soon be sentenced to death and executed live on tv. it's the end for you trumpturds, you're next

>> No.11206337

And they lost 10 billion dollars and counting

>> No.11206353 [DELETED] 

do note: if it was up to me you'd execute those responsible in addition to damages.

>> No.11206394

>Trump absolutely based and winning.
Weren't these incestuous regulations and practices in place long before Donald? Regardless Boeing was one of the few companies, being composed of engineers, who regularly held themselves to a high level of standard and safety. Then in 2005 they got a new CEO who had 0 engineering or aviation experience whose background and education was in marketing and consulting. Surprise, surprise, this Harvard and Yale educated moron is the guy who greenlights the production of the 737 Max instead of buckling down and developing a new aircraft. These MBA parasites are all taught the same thing in business school-how to artificially juice a companies public numbers for a few years so that you can get yourself some fat bonuses before bailing and handing some other poor sop the bag. No pride in their work, no desire to create an actually innovative product, no real vision.

>> No.11206397

Bloomberg News is a political propaganda outlet. It is not objective and should not be treated as a reliable media source.

>> No.11206400

bloomberg is our next president
deal with it bigot
trump will get lethal injection on live tv soon for his crimes against humanity

>> No.11206402
File: 68 KB, 1505x744, 1476190210999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my new york billionaire is better than your new york billionare! haha go blue team! red team sucks!
this nigga got a room temperature IQ in celcuus

>> No.11206547

>crimes against humanity
if anyone has committed more crimes against humanity, its Mr. Bloom(((Berg))) but yeah both are nigger kikes anyway

>> No.11206555

How trump managed to make the alt-right believing he is anti kike while selling his daughter to the kikes as fuck meat and having kike grand kids i will never know. He is truly the greatest salesman ever lived, but his customers are clearly alt-right hicks

>> No.11206569

Utterly immoral anti-ethical and possibly destructive policies that could cause tremendous loss of precious human life.



>> No.11206573

>while selling his daughter to the kikes as fuck meat
female children aren't worth anything other than to be used for fucking, women are dumb and less capable than men at everything other than cumdumpstership. selling a daughter for cash or political gain is redpilled if you're unlucky enough to get one. another option with a daughter is start a back crossing program and really insure the passage of your dna to future generations.

>> No.11206589

sure keep telling yourself that. putting said kike as his advisor is no issue either, neither is all the supports he has sown to Israel since he took office. never mind that he has all the jews in his cabinet https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-donald-trump-administration.. also never mind that under his presidency jews hold of financial institutes, corporations, Hollywood has not diminished even a bit. If this i the best fuck you to to the jews you can mangae, then you better put on that kippah and lick some jews feet because thats what your god emperor does. Like I said, you are his only customers.

>> No.11206590

You are doing gods work bro, elect him for one more time and you will be back to exactly where you started.

>> No.11206596

if only Hillary had been elected so we could have bombed syria and provoked russia


"Assad has an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of these civilian deaths as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days," Clinton said in a speech at the "Women in the World" summit in New York City. "And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them."

>> No.11206606

yup you dodged a bullet there. Running with your tail between your legs for fucking turks is absolutely the right move. I have no love for obamas foreign policy. But trumps foreign policy has been same in most cases or worst in the very few cases it actually diverged. Also,
> quoting random speech from Hillary
You know damn well I can quote any tweet from trump i want, both supporting Asad or against it. He literally tweets everything.

>> No.11206615

running from what? Our kurd allies with a combined GDP of $20? Turkey is more important than whatever benefits the kurds offer us, maybe emotional support?

>> No.11206639

No sweetie, you will loose control of the rich kurdis oilfields, once Russia gets full control of Syria, they will start selling oil for anything other than dollar, once everyone stops selling their oil in dollar, everyone is going dump all the excess dollar back in USA. OR have you forgotten how your dollar is not backed up by gold anymore and is backed up by the sell of oil? Do you think past 20 republican AND democrat presidents were fighting in the middleast for the lulz? That turban wearing arab prince is your last hope (which is why your lord licks his ass sooo hard) but he cant win a war against fucking Yemen of all countries so I wont bet too much on him.

Also turkey is buying Russian missile defence. Its basically as much anti-american as it can be right now. You gave power to Turky (cockroaches)for literally nothing.

>> No.11206640

I'm sorry are you actually trying to make an argument that this is good or?
I can't understand idiots so you have to spell it out

>> No.11206655

Why can't you brush aside your bias and just see good for good? Obama did something good. I can't remember what it was but, it wasn't all bad.

>> No.11206680

no no no you are getting it all wrong, trump did something good, and i remember what it is, its to put sanction on Iran on isreals command. Obama only brought the country out of the last depression that the last republican caused. But even republicans hates there past presidents, so who cares.

>> No.11206746

Last year, Syria ranked 75th among oil producing countries, according to the US Energy Information Administration, with a daily output of 28,000 barrels -- a little less than the state of West Virginia.


>> No.11206750

Obama sure did a lot of work to do that. Did Trump mastermind the baghdadi raid too? It takes very high IQ to assign everything that happens in a country to the figurehead.

>> No.11206759

Yes lets forget the reserved oil, lest focus on how much oil they can produce in their their 8th year on war. That sure makes me smart.

>> No.11206761

(I actually like Obama far more than Bush and neocons, at least he was semi-skeptical of endless regime changes)

The simple way you think is amusing though. Almost like a person trying to navigate a curved path but only able to take long straight movements forward. That is what your thoughts are to me.

>> No.11206769

It was tiny shit before the civil war retard. How much $ is USA going to take from it? There is virtually no strategic goals that we have left in Syria.

Endlessly occupying a worthless desert to the chagrin of an actual powerful chess piece is really intelligent.

>> No.11206778

Good to see you have a escape route planned for when the economy inevitably crushes again. It wont be the fault of the feds(appointed by trump) for keeping the interest rate too low, it wont be the fault of trade war with china he is loosing spectacularly, it wont be because all your traditional allies hate your guts now wants to see your fail. It would be because I have low IQ. Sure, i mean it will take two terms of democrats to fix all that, BUT the good thing is after that you can go back to fight the windmills and elect the next guy billionaire that sells you snake oil.

>> No.11206783

>he must be the stereotypical republican strawman I have in my head

>> No.11206786

Do you even fucking know how us can just print money because OPEC agreed to sell their oil in dollar so there is always demand of dollar. Do you ever read history? google petrodollar and read some history kid. Do you know how much dollar is out there right now? do you know how much inflation you are going to face if all that dollar is dumped back to usa? Do you think the Iraq war was for WMD?

>> No.11206790

I can tell everything from who you voted to what you think about a certain Swedish teenager. You guys are predictable and boring. Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.

>> No.11206792

these dumb wars need a stop loss on them

>> No.11206795

America would be better off without Iraq War.

The petrodollar myth is cute.

>> No.11206802

You idiots voted for Bush, after trump the next republican will come and espouse anti-trump stuff and you will vote for him too. Today's republican policy is 10 year old democrat policy.

>> No.11207470

Make Airplanes Grit Again

>> No.11207534

Trump hasn't destroyed a country like Lybia the bloodthirsty "Peace Nobel prize winner" Obama who is directly responsible for the brutal deaths of millions of people and hundreds of thousands children.
Trump is the best and most peaceful american president since Reagan.

t. euro

>> No.11207719

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