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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11202351 No.11202351 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11202359


>> No.11202431


unconcious existential intelligent design

>> No.11202436


4chan cannot handle the biggest redpill in physics, that has already been seen here. People who witnessed it here know exactly what I am talking about. This fucking shit was unified here and it about gave academia an aneurism so they flooded into the boards to sabotage it.

>> No.11202557


>> No.11202577

Physics behaves as a neural net through randomness?

>> No.11202825

This makes sense

>> No.11202830

u got any links to good archived threads?

>> No.11202832

Literally everything tooker has said is true and it's everyone else who's crazy

>> No.11202950

that's not buzz, that's an impersonator. why are flerthtards so disingenuous?

>> No.11202957

I think he's talking about cellular automata and Gary.
That shit was hillarious.

>> No.11202959

this is Math Anon right? your proof had gaping holes in it dude. i checked it and you made a massive skip, which is exactly the kind of thing you'd need to do to prove the riemann hypothesis with only high-school math

anyhow the biggest /sci/ redpills of all time are special relativity and quantum mechanics. normies don't get them. but people who study physics should understand them by approximately their ~junior year of college. once you learn these things your worldview changes, not necessarily in a good or bad way, but coming to grips with reality is really what Mopheus was talking about in the oft-quoted scene. however in real life you don't just take a pill; instead you stare at equations and think a lot and then after a lot of effort it starts to dawn on you

>> No.11203117

>special relativity and quantum mechanic
that's GR and particle physics

>> No.11203711

Discussion of Optimum Theory itself is relegated to the initial threads and died out quickly once Gary decided all his critics were physicists or religious fundamentalists afraid of his ideas.
These two threads are probably him at his most schizophrenic

>> No.11203712

that biology is superior to physics

>> No.11203716
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>What's the biggest redpill in physics?
CERN doesn't report the spin of the Higgslike particle they found in 2012 because they know the spin-1 property means it's a Tooker boson and not Higgs boson.

>> No.11203718
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>> No.11203720
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30 Tooker Papers

>> No.11203740
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>I read Wikipedia articles on philosophy and theoretical physics, which lead me to the articles on time, eternalism, b-theory, relativity of simultaneity, the Rietdijk-Putnam argument, and special relativty. This lead my empirical mind to a belief in a block-time universe. Combined with the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, which I mostly became convinced of through reading the LessWrong articles on quantum mechanics and David Deutsch, I was lead to a horrible realization:

>Suffering is eternal and no local paradise engineering can change that.

>> No.11203754

Go to bed larry

>> No.11203758

Really felt like old 4chin, kind of a shame to see him go

>> No.11203764

Yeah I came to a similar conclusion recently. I think it's similar to what Everett and Nietzsche believed. It is actually impossible to die. Each one of us will live out the lives of each and every other person or living being that has ever lived or ever will live over and over again forever.

>> No.11203769

all particles have mass

>> No.11203772

>kind of a shame to see him go
He's back dude.

>> No.11203782

That Physics is just guessing

>> No.11203783
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thanks for the links

>> No.11203829

That we might have reached the end of what we can understand about the universe given our sensorial equipment and the way our brains work.

>> No.11203849

estimation on estimation on estimation... no progress in 50 years

>> No.11203856

Please more i just realized my intelligence a few years ago bro

>> No.11204616

Look little bro I can se you existential crisis and since I am mostly responsible for it by posting information on this board on QM and consciousness, aether etc. and making the NPC here question the paradigm of lies and bullshit they have been fed. I didn’t do it for malicious purposes, it is for altruistic purposes to move us into the new golden age, people have to understand this knowledge, smart people that can do things with it not just the love and light hippy fuck wits and/x/ tier schizos.

>> No.11204620

I will explain why solopism is bs first. Though your consciousness is merged with the “all consciousness” in a single medium (aether) your consciousness is unique it is not one thing, it is subdivided in fractals. The best way to model this reality is to always use computer science references so I will say think of your hard drive on your computer, it is a single hard drive yes but it has countless files it, are they all separate files or one file? Thry are both but magnetic fields separate them from the whole. The aether is the same way, yes the entire aether is one single consciousness but it isn’t your consciousness, you are not the “dreamer” so to speak, you are just one of the partitioned files (both figuratively and literally). You have a toroidal magnetic field that partitions your “you”, “self”, “I”, everything in this aether does. Think of it as an invisible liquid just like the sea, billions of creatures live in the sea and the sea could be considered one organism from one perspective but of course we know all of those objects in the sea are acting separately in their own self interest AND together in their ecosystem. The ocean is their medium, the aether ours. (Of course they are in the aether as well on top of a more dense aspect of it the water].
So each individual person is having their own experience, no you aren’t the “all”, it is orders above your tiny consciousness and processing capabilities, it can process the entire matrix from its perspective we as humans in these avatars can process very little. Most humans are ant consciousness on auto pilot, literal NPC.
You can also think about it as your graphics card on your PC for gaming. Is the graphics card and the main processor separate or one (we are subprocessors [graphics cards] under the main processor [motherboard processor])? Well it is both, the main processor sends all graphics info to that graphics card that it partitions out separate from what it

>> No.11204623

You can also think about it as your graphics card on your PC for gaming. Is the graphics card and the main processor separate or one (we are subprocessors [graphics cards] under the main processor [motherboard processor])? Well it is both, the main processor sends all graphics info to that graphics card that it partitions out separate from what it is processing and the graphics card further breaks it down to process that data separately from the main processor, you can even subdivide literal hard drive partitions with separate operating systems, virtual machines etc. Does this make sense?
We are in an eternal experience engine that has many levels of density (we are in a liquid remember, this is extremely important always remember everything is about density in this liquid the lower we are the more dense it is, the higher the less dense just like water behaves from our perspective in the 3rd dimension). We can move between levels of density when we reincarnate based on karma. What is karma? Literally just Newton’s cause and effect, I don’t know the mechanics beyond that, I just know in this experience engine we are in a closed system that is a liquid medium so every ripple does “something”, just like an ice shelf falling off in Antarctica can cause a tsunami in Singapore or think of it as pool balls on a table and you strike one, the energy of the action the “cause” stays within that system “the table”, it can’t go anywhere else because it can’t escape the boundaries of the system (magnetic fields).
It is perfectly natural to think about this in the beginning (solopism) and it shows you are smart and doing the logic to its possible conclusions and it is a trip at first, I know because I went through it obviously and I love that article you posted because it was like reading my own thoughts when I was trying work all this shit out but ultimately that guy is wrong.

>> No.11204659
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also testing guesses.

>> No.11204667

>Physics behaves as a neural net through randomness?
he means that apparently we live ou life as we were dominated by it. As we were only
as if we were pawns at the mercy of chance. But subconsciously we decided before being born what will be the pattern of our life with the possible branches based on our choices and as many lives on the basis of these branches. In this sense, life is both deterministic and indeterministic at the same time.
. And science also confirms it

>> No.11204717

Matter is effete Mind

>> No.11204751

i might not have a large red pill but i have got one that really stunned me when i started studying physics. Here it comes:

The speed of light is constant.

If you think about it, it is really quit weird. thats all im gonna say though. if you are really interested, go look it up yourself ;)

>> No.11204897

>CERN doesn't report the spin of the Higgslike particle they found in 2012
Stop lying schizo, and spin 1 has been excluded at 99.9% since 2014.

>> No.11204918

String Theory is actually correct.

>> No.11205180

Op is a faggot.

>> No.11205236

There is no way that we are made of randomly behaving particles that would somehow arrange themselves in such a configuration that would create conscious beings who would discover that they're re made of these particles

>> No.11205339

yeah I still remember that feeling when it clicked

>> No.11205346

when i learned x'(t) and v'(t)

>> No.11205367
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Wait just a goddamn fuck is that fucking Gary? Dude I'm literally LMAOing at your life! right now!

>> No.11205408

Lmao Gary is a mental case. I'm still surprised he's a free man. He'll chimp out and kill somebody someday.

>> No.11205464

Well you see Op, i have gone through this phase aswell, it started when i saw everything is one. How i see it is, imagine Consiousness before space and time, its the whole of everything, now imagine that the Consciousness has its “Will” which Wills things into Existence, that puts into motion “Karma” in any plane of Existence, its all one kind of Energy, just differing in degree, each is a fractal of The All, thats what Karma is, cause and effect, everything u see is ruled by that.

>> No.11205491
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Very Bluepilled

>> No.11205493
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Pic related.

Also modern conventional thermodynamics is a lie/ poorly understood by most physicists.

>> No.11205548



Black pill that generally stays in my subconscious but very rarely in my conscious. Thank you for reminding me. It just makes sense somehow, and I am glad others have reached the same ideea.

>> No.11205604

Same fag here from above, the science can only take you so far, this is where the religions come in and even just philosophy itself, interpreting the missing aspects you cant figure out from the science such as the guy in that article was doing with the diff sects of Buddhism. I have studied all the religions and found scientifically provable flaws in certain aspects of all their interpretations but this is why there are exoteric and esoteric interpretations, because you can only share the esoteric knowledge with the ones who can understand the science which is of course rare, very few people reading this will have any clue wtf either of us are talking about and the simpletons will post >>/x/ and "schizo" and shit because they aren't where you are at yet in their understanding and you are gonna deal with this for some time to work this shit out because you have to develop a new moral code based on your new understanding. I mean it is a real bitch at first, the price you pay for piercing the veil is not being able to show others what you see, but it will fade over time as you start to not give a fuck because you realize this is just the way it is little nigga nothing can change it, God is in the drivers seat you are just along for the ride.

I wrote these two articles on this specific topic:
What is Reality Part 2: Philosophical Interpretations

Is Dharma Fluid?

>> No.11205652

Wait until you figure out there are "wizards" in the matrix fucking with you

>> No.11205660
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GTFO pill-popping /pol/esmoker

>> No.11205675

>GR and particle physics
That's fiber bundles and conformal field theory

>> No.11205692


>> No.11205706


[math]0.999... = 1-\frac{1}{\widehat{\infty}}[/math]

>> No.11205721

Thats actually a nice starting equation for the introduction of limits.

>> No.11205731

blackholes don't exist
quantum mechanics is 99% bullshit
heath death and all currently accepted models depicting the final fate of the universe aren't even remotely close

>> No.11205754

why would a neutron star decay directly to an infinitely small black hole when the quarks which neutrons are composed of have their own degenerate pressure to support the structure of the degenerate quark matter which results from the supernova which occurs when the chandrasekhar limit is reached?
the black hole concept was invented in 1915 when neurons were still considered a fundamental particle and the idea was never revised after the discovery of quarks in the 1960s

>> No.11205764

Secondly the only way for a star to implode and form into a blackhole in the first place is if the star is a perfect 4/3pir^3. Otherwise it would be impossible or it to collapse to its center because it would be oblate spheroid or a prolate spheroid and have no true center.

>> No.11205780


>> No.11205781

>all currently accepted models depicting the final fate of the universe aren't even remotely close
what is it then

>> No.11205784

I thought we've observed blackholes in the LHC?

>> No.11206375


>> No.11206387

damn life is crazy, anyone into dat hologram paradigm shit? (yeah im a nigga)

>> No.11206697

yea :D. one of my favourite problems was that you could fit a car in a garage that is shorter than itself.

>> No.11206736

>modern conventional thermodynamics is a lie
False, I think. Can you be more specific?
>poorly understood by most physicists
True, sadly

>> No.11206961

I don't use pol NEET

>> No.11208803
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>MWI is correct, and what will be the longest-lived version of you is trapped in a unique, quasi-solipsistic timeline
>black holes are localized distortions in time/space, not fucking shortcuts to distant galaxies or silly shit like that
>no biological human will ever travel to another star
>now that Dark Energy is debunked, pic related is truer than ever

>> No.11208833

I know bro... I was able to like the four fundamental forces to a single physical anomaly. I never thought i'd get it either.

>> No.11208861

The Nietzche eternal return shit hits me hard. I don’t have a strong enough grasp on physics to say if it’s real or not but it seems like a real logical possibility to me

>> No.11209371

wow so you found an idiot on the internet

>> No.11209376

I thought he was talking about the wider context of why we haven't gone back to the moon in the full clip?

>> No.11209436
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Nothing is solid, or even "materialistic". it's all just forces between particle-waves making interaction possible.
We SEE solid objects because of of our eyes sensitivity to electromagnetic waves of a specific interval and we FEEL solid objects because of the force carrying fields in our hands and the object we touch.


This is the very foundation as of now. If scientists can build a quantum computer to simulate our own universe it could put the creation myths in a totally different light.

>> No.11209439

Mathematisation of physics is just applying a mental construct onto something physical

>> No.11209527

String theory is actually a crock of shit.

>> No.11209546
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String theory is literally nothing but a special catalog of jargon for quantum field theory. There's nothing in string theory that isn't already in QFT. The reason string theorists think everything is a string is because Hamiltonian mechanics requires that any trajectory between two events (points) in spacetime behaves like a string. In turn, this is because the harmonic oscillator is basically the only exactly solvable system in physics, and if something moves from "here" to "there," then the motion was a curve in spacetime: hence strings. So, it certainly is not that string the theory is a crock of shit; the crock of shit is that string theory is something besides quantum field theory.

>> No.11209552

brainlet detected

>> No.11209557

>There's nothing in string theory that isn't already in QFT

Yes, because ST is more constrained and predictive than QFT. Many (most?) QFTs are banned in ST. You dumby-dumb.

>> No.11209569

you're talking with Tooker
this dude is mental, man

>> No.11209912
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Wheels Within Wheels Samsara

Multi Dimensional Reality Described In The Vedas

>> No.11209918


The Electric Universe Theory.

Look up the Thunderbolts Project's channel on Youtube. David LaPoint has a similar three-part series he uploaded to Youtube which he called his Primer Fields theory, but he unfortunately uses a monotone voice throughout his hour-long videos so unless you're truly into the material you may find yourself bored by his presentation.

>> No.11210437
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>> No.11210452

there is no such thing as particles we are just too dumb to think of anything else

>> No.11210795

*Miles Mathis.

>> No.11211212

>Tooker boson